George W Bush charged a charity $100,000 to guarantee his presence at fundraiser for military vets

So attack the messenger is all you guys got? I mean this must strike some outrage in your cold hearted souls to see a former president take money from wounded warriors?
ABC is reporting it today per the sourcing.
I'm sure they are. Do you suppose they'll cover the Clinton 400k appearances?

I won't hold my breath
I don't believe the Clinton's ever charged wounded soldiers. Do you have cites that they did?

Slick did charge a charity $250,000 to appear. His speaking fee accounted for most of the money they raised.
From the other thread's article:

former president Clinton, and his predecessor George H W Bush, both claim they have never charged a charity.
ABC is reporting it today per the sourcing.
I'm sure they are. Do you suppose they'll cover the Clinton 400k appearances?

I won't hold my breath
I don't believe the Clinton's ever charged wounded soldiers. Do you have cites that they did?

Slick did charge a charity $250,000 to appear. His speaking fee accounted for most of the money they raised.
So if the charity counted it as money raised they must have donated their fees. Big difference from what George and Laura did.
So attack the messenger is all you guys got? I mean this must strike some outrage in your cold hearted souls to see a former president take money from wounded warriors?

Hey, that's not fair. It's not all they've got --- they've got deflection too. "B-b-but but... Clinton!" Only trouble is, they don't have Clinton soaking vets that were wounded in a Clinton bullshit war. Details, details...

The other thread, having failed at that, is now actually floating the idea that it's OK for Bush to charge these charities (Laura charged another one 50k) because these charities have "received complaints".

No shit, Mudwhistle did that.
Well, since it's a charity event, it makes sense that the donors are the ones that paid the fee and that they were well aware of how much it was in advance.

It's not like Lance Corporal Peterson isn't going to get his new prosthetic leg over it, so stop with the guilt bullshit
So attack the messenger is all you guys got? I mean this must strike some outrage in your cold hearted souls to see a former president take money from wounded warriors?

Hey, that's not fair. It's not all they've got --- they've got deflection too. "B-b-but but... Clinton!" Only trouble is, they don't have Clinton soaking vets that were wounded in a Clinton bullshit war. Details, details...

The other thread, having failed at that, is now actually floating the idea that it's OK for Bush to charge these charities (Laura charged another one 50k) because these charities have "received complaints".

No shit, Mudwhistle did that.
If the story is true as it's being told here, Fuck George.
At the same time I understand your need to wig out over Bush & this gives you all that opportunity. Knock yourselves out
ABC is reporting it today per the sourcing.

He means a thread was started on the same thing minutes before yours. To him that's "old news", especially since it's news he wishes would go away.

This happened 3 years ago.
Bush raises hundreds of thousands of dollars for wounded vets.

He raised way more money than the fee he charged.
Great excuse! how many prosthetic arms and legs do you think his fees would have bought?
Taking $100,000 and another $20,000 for a private jet from soldiers who bled for you is despicable. A true American would have done this for free.

Former President George W. Bush charged $100,000 to speak at a charity fundraiser for U.S. military veterans severely wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan, and former First Lady Laura Bush collected $50,000 to appear a year earlier, officials of the Texas-based Helping a Hero charity confirmed to ABC News.

The former President was also provided with a private jet to travel to Houston at a cost of $20,000, the officials said.

The charity, which helps to provide specially-adapted homes for veterans who lost limbs and suffered other severe injuries in “the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan,” said the total $170,000 expenditure was justified because the former President and First Lady offered discounted fees and helped raise record amounts in contributions at galas held in 2011 and 2012.

“It was great because he reduced his normal fee of $250,000 down to $100,000,” said Meredith Iler, the former chairman of the charity.
However, a recent report by Politico said the former President’s fees typically ranged between $100,000 and $175,000 during those years.

One of the wounded vets who served on the charity’s board told ABC News he was outraged that his former commander in chief would charge any fee to speak on behalf of men and women he ordered into harm's way.

“For him to be paid to raise money for veterans that were wounded in combat under his orders, I don’t think that’s right,” said former Marine Eddie Wright, who lost both hands in a rocket attack in Fallujah, Iraq in 2004. To Help US Veterans Charity George W. Bush Charged 100 000 - ABC News
This was 3 years ago. And he didn't take anything from soldiers. It was a fundraiser. He raised money.
Funny thing is liberals spit on our soldiers & call them baby killers. Suddenly their offended lol


I've been involved in many a charity event, both as an organizer and participating talent, and I have yet to see anybody charge for their presence. Not a cent. Travel expenses at the most, that's it. "Reduced fees", my fucking ass. How arrogant is that?

The whole POINT of bringing a famous person or some kind of attraction is the presence of that focus attracts attention and therefore makes money. They DONATE their presence.

And this event was in Texas. You couldn't spend 100k on travel expenses if it had been in Antarctica.
ABC is reporting it today per the sourcing.

He means a thread was started on the same thing minutes before yours. To him that's "old news", especially since it's news he wishes would go away.

This happened 3 years ago.
Bush raises hundreds of thousands of dollars for wounded vets.

He raised way more money than the fee he charged.
Great excuse! how many prosthetic arms and legs do you think his fees would have bought?
Just quit with the fake outrage. You look ridiculous
ABC is reporting it today per the sourcing.
I'm sure they are. Do you suppose they'll cover the Clinton 400k appearances?

I won't hold my breath
I don't believe the Clinton's ever charged wounded soldiers. Do you have cites that they did?

Slick did charge a charity $250,000 to appear. His speaking fee accounted for most of the money they raised.
So if the charity counted it as money raised they must have donated their fees. Big difference from what George and Laura did.

You might want to look up those Clinton speaking fees.

Hillary Clinton s shameful charge to a children s charity New York Post

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