George W. Bush Paintings.

They look like caricatures.


No, caricatures take real talent. Seriously. The shrub's paintings are clumsy and heavy handed, very amateurish. If he were not the ex-prez, we would never see them, never know about them.

The terrible tragedy is that his name is Bush and bin Laden's money bought him the presidency. If he had just churned out his childish paintings, he would not now be a war criminal and the shame of our country.

Hitler was a good artist too.

Yeap, I clicked into the thread to see how long some asshole would equate Hitler and Booooosh and it was post number 2.

Of course, agreed and thanked by the new dumbest liberal poster, black label.

I still think they blame Booooosh for the economy crumbling under Booooosh even though the democrats took over the power in 2007. Cause until 2006, the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent.

Not that any of these morons like Black label would care. Then again I will bet a cookie to a doughnut that a moron like black label crowed when the left wing media BRAGGED that the unemployment "FELL" to 7.8 percent in October 2012. Yet, we all know that was a flat out lie.

Of course, the same media that harped on the high gas prices every single freaking day in 2006, did not say shit about the high gas prices in 2012, 2011, 2010 or 2009. Nope. Hardly a thing. In fact, interestingly enough, the media bragged that the high gas prices (under Obama of course) was a good thing for......THE ENVIRONMENT. The same media said it was crony capitalism under BOOOOSH in 2006.

Take a look everyone. Take a look.

Cause they will call me a liar. We already know they will not care.

Oh, thats right. I hijacked the thread, cause some asshole equated BOOOOSH to Hitler. That must be because of the "war in Iraq." Yet, the person they brag they will vote for in 2016 propagated the existence of WMDS before Booooosh took office, voted for the war, and said it was a good thing that Saddam is gone. I mean she would have to, considering her husband signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs.

Not that liberals care, cause they don't.

Poor brainwashed libs. They are funny.
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Art is in the eye of the beholder. You want to see liberals froth at the mouth, try an art show. You can smell the inequality fermenting.

George Bush likes to paint. His paintings are worth money. Liberals can't destroy that. They should all have a stroke.
Good for George! Well done.
Art is in the eye of the beholder. You want to see liberals froth at the mouth, try an art show. You can smell the inequality fermenting.

George Bush likes to paint. His paintings are worth money. Liberals can't destroy that. They should all have a stroke.

People will buy Bush's paintings because of who the painter is, not because of the quality of the art work -- same reason they pay money for a George Zimmerman painting.

It's not about art; it's about commerce.
Art is in the eye of the beholder. You want to see liberals froth at the mouth, try an art show. You can smell the inequality fermenting.

George Bush likes to paint. His paintings are worth money. Liberals can't destroy that. They should all have a stroke.

People will buy Bush's paintings because of who the painter is, not because of the quality of the art work -- same reason they pay money for a George Zimmerman painting.

It's not about art; it's about commerce.

All art is about commerce.
They look like caricatures.


Here's the fun thing, deany.

You can't separate your hatred of the man for his talent.

These aren't 'caricatures'.

This is expressionism.

Expressionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a very talented artist.
They are certainly not Expressionism.

He's an ordinary man of ordinary talents who should never have been a world leader: he was completely incompetent. Now he is an ordinary retired man who likes to paint. Nothing wrong with that, but his his talent is very ordinary too. They are nothing more than any other average retired person might paint, and about a step or two above paint by number.
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There are people who are paid to evaluate art. They are art critics. Their opinion is:

Art critic's take on former President George W. Bush's paintings ? The Lead with Jake Tapper - Blogs

(CNN) - Former President George W. Bush is proving to be a bona fide painter, gifting big time celebrities with portraits, and now garnering mixed praise - just like real artists! - from critics like New York Magazine's Jerry Saltz.

"I loved the kind of oddity of it, the eccentricity, the feeling that this guy was just trying to paint this very private world," Saltz said in an interview with CNN's "The Lead with Jake Tapper."

Saltz is not politically aligned with the former president, saying he "always thought of him as a gremlin on the wing of America."

But "then I went into shock, because I actually like some of these paintings," said Saltz.
Hitler was a good artist too.

So was John Wayne Gacy.

And Gacy didn't kill near as many people as Bush did. Gacy couldn't profit from his "art" and Bush can. Not that Bush needs the money since he and his family sacked the treasury of the United States. Not to mention the money they get from the bin Laden's.

The only place his paintings are hanging is in his own library. If he had not bought his own "gallery", they'd be stacked up in a spare room where they belong.
Art is in the eye of the beholder. You want to see liberals froth at the mouth, try an art show. You can smell the inequality fermenting.

George Bush likes to paint. His paintings are worth money. Liberals can't destroy that. They should all have a stroke.

People will buy Bush's paintings because of who the painter is, not because of the quality of the art work -- same reason they pay money for a George Zimmerman painting.

It's not about art; it's about commerce.

All art is about commerce.

Absolutely not. That is not true. People who know nothing about true artistic value might think so, but it is not true at all.
Hitler was a good artist too.

So was John Wayne Gacy.

And Gacy didn't kill near as many people as Bush did. Gacy couldn't profit from his "art" and Bush can. Not that Bush needs the money since he and his family sacked the treasury of the United States. Not to mention the money they get from the bin Laden's.

The only place his paintings are hanging is in his own library. If he had not bought his own "gallery", they'd be stacked up in a spare room where they belong.

Look everyone, an asshole liberal.

I think he still thinks Boooosh lied about WMDs.

He is liberal, therefore he is a moron.
Hitler was a good artist too.

So was John Wayne Gacy.

And Gacy didn't kill near as many people as Bush did. Gacy couldn't profit from his "art" and Bush can. Not that Bush needs the money since he and his family sacked the treasury of the United States. Not to mention the money they get from the bin Laden's.

The only place his paintings are hanging is in his own library. If he had not bought his own "gallery", they'd be stacked up in a spare room where they belong.

Sacked the Treasury? You mean like the 6 billion dollars Hillary stole?

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