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George Will quits the Republican party

It was there, Bush's incubus in the M, growing to maturity.

Give us the compared casualty lists to Bush and Obama.
That's like saying NAZIism was there in 1917 because Hitler was around. Iraq was secure and stable in 2012. Just ask Obama.
Fallacy of false equivalents. ISIS existed before Bush left office, Hitler was in the trenches in 1917. Iraq fell apart because American troops had to leave because Bush could not get a SOFA. That is how it is taught in school.

He said ISIS was there, genius. No Democrat can skew history without Jake right behind them to validate it
Will won't be the last to leave.

Could be a good year for Libertarians. I'm really hoping Johnson is positioned, and willing, to take this race very seriously.

What a wasted opportunity. Such a great chance for the Libertarian Party to expose to fiscal conservative Republicans and Democrats sick of the Republican socon agenda and both parties' military agenda that smaller government is a real possibility someone is actually advocating, and they picked the worst possible messenger to deliver that. A horrible speaker who can't make up his mind what his positions are and isn't even an actual libertarian. Pathetic
(5) The DoD spent $500 million for planes for the Afghan Air Force that have never left the ground.

(6) Homeland Security spent $60 million for vehicles that have never been used.
Because our defense budget is out of control. Yet Republicans want to throw even more money at them.

You are still one dumb son-of-a-bitch. Americans don't give one Hoot in hell what the fucking republicans or you goddamn democrats do - WE WANT IT STOPPED!

When the fuck are you going to get that through your thick assed head!?!?

Our country is being LOOTED by both sides. The damnable politicians are nothing more than the Crips and the Bloods - stealing us (and our futures) blind.

But dumb asses like you, keep eating at the trough of propaganda - like YOU are getting something out of it. One more time, for the uneducated among you. POLITICIANS ARE LEGAL THUGS.

Jesus Christ! Wake the fuck up, will you!?!

Syndi is well aware that is happening, he's just in favor of it
It was there, Bush's incubus in the M, growing to maturity.

Give us the compared casualty lists to Bush and Obama.
That's like saying NAZIism was there in 1917 because Hitler was around. Iraq was secure and stable in 2012. Just ask Obama.
Fallacy of false equivalents. ISIS existed before Bush left office, Hitler was in the trenches in 1917. Iraq fell apart because American troops had to leave because Bush could not get a SOFA. That is how it is taught in school.
He said ISIS was there, genius. No Democrat can skew history without Jake right behind them to validate it
Yes, thank you for agreeing that ISIS was there in Bush's seventh year.
It was there, Bush's incubus in the M, growing to maturity.

Give us the compared casualty lists to Bush and Obama.
That's like saying NAZIism was there in 1917 because Hitler was around. Iraq was secure and stable in 2012. Just ask Obama.
Fallacy of false equivalents. ISIS existed before Bush left office, Hitler was in the trenches in 1917. Iraq fell apart because American troops had to leave because Bush could not get a SOFA. That is how it is taught in school.
He said ISIS was there, genius. No Democrat can skew history without Jake right behind them to validate it
Yes, thank you for agreeing that ISIS was there in Bush's seventh year.

No shit, you have a firm grasp of the obvious. What you don't have is any grasp of the point that was made
kaz, most libertarians are antisocial personalities with cognitive disabilities.

You are the libertarian poster person.
Sure I can.
Have you been assuming that they would give in and support Trump, then?

Even after they've been told they're the enemy?

Why would I assume that? They are the enemy and have been for a very long time.

Trump doesn't need the help of "lapdog" neocons like George Will...
Okay, then I'm a little confused.

Let's say Trump loses. Would you blame Will and those like him, because they didn't vote for Trump?

Why would I "blame" anyone?
Because that has been the meme with the Republicans for quite a while now.

"We lost because we ran a moderate like McCain"

"We lost because we ran a moderate like Romney"

That's part of the buildup to Trump, isn't it? You've had it with the party?

II can't speak for anyone else, but IMHO, those are all cheap excuses for bad candidates.

The reason any party wins or loses an election is entirely dependent upon the individual candidate. If Trump loses, it is his own fault and if he wins it is on his own merit.

As for the "Party", the GOP leadership are spineless wimps that do not know how to lead. They need to establish a legislative agenda, then get it done. Paul Ryan and Turkey Neck McConnell are afraid of their own shadows. They capitulate when they should fight and they fight when they should compromise.

Trump is putting a voice and a face to the frustration that a lot of conservatives have towards the GOP.
George Will is not a conservative, he's a NEOCONSERVATIVE. Neocons are the idiots that invaded Iraq and destabilized the entire middle east. Neocons are the arrogant jackasses that started the "PNAC" and promised a "new American Century" of peace and prosperity but instead delivered massive budget deficits, ever expanding government, and endless wars. .

Neocons are scum that destroyed the GOP.

Good riddance George.

I love how you guys seek to erase everyone's entire record with just a change of a label and declaration they are shit.

"He's not a Republican / Conservative he's a *insert anything different and pretend no one ever listened to him for years*"

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Everytime I hear about a conservative not risking his own seriousness to follow Don the Con Trump Im posting this

And so, from all this, we see reaffirmed the truth that, like apples, The Republican Party rots from the "core". But once you cut away the core you can make a really nice pie with an apple - and so with parties.
It's late morning so get out of your red jammies, old man.

The GOP core is solid. The grafts of neo-conservatism, social conservatism, and the far right wacks have been poisoning the healthy part of the tree Time to cut the grafts off.

James 15: 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

Isaiah 5:6 I will lay it waste; It will not be pruned or hoed, But briars and thorns will come up I will also charge the clouds to rain no rain on it.
One thing is for certain......the Democrat Party is rotten to the core. Nothing in it is worth saving.

Bet saying that really pisses you off.

No, it does not piss me off. I sadly shake my head and pity you, for in this short little idiot-gram ^^^ you provide more evidence that you're a sheep who echoes right wing childlike insults. The DemocratIC Party is just fine, still a party which debates issues with a membership who vote their conscience, unlike the Republican Party, currently in war with its presumed nominee and filled with elected officials who vote as as they are told by their owners. Of course for the time being the D's and R's are the only game in town, though most of the self proclaimed conservatives on this site still believe their is no difference between the two.
There's nothing Democratic about your fucking party.

Do you suggest the Democratic Party seeks to suppress voting rights? Opposed the Equal Rights Amendment effort? Denies some citizens the right to marry, or to adopt? Seeks to seek out families, break them apart by deporting some and not others? Does the Democratic Party tell everyone their tent is big and its members have the right to speak their mind without being labeled a DINO?

You seem to be more confused than is normal for you.

And BTW, you may have one thing correct, the Democratic Party allows people to fuck and not necessarily to procreate, making sexual activity which is mutual amongst adults none of its business.
George Will is not a conservative, he's a NEOCONSERVATIVE. Neocons are the idiots that invaded Iraq and destabilized the entire middle east. Neocons are the arrogant jackasses that started the "PNAC" and promised a "new American Century" of peace and prosperity but instead delivered massive budget deficits, ever expanding government, and endless wars. .

Neocons are scum that destroyed the GOP.

Good riddance George.
Yeah, the Middle East was such a bastion of peace and prosperity before neocons. The "endless war" I'm afraid is between you and the voices in your head.

It was not our mess before the neocons.
So then they didn't destabilize the Middle East. Tell that to the voices in your head and next time consult them before you post.

Try to read that post again, slowly, we toppled a democraticaly elected govt in Iran, been trouble ever since with them. Just like they would have had with us if they'd done the same to us.
I told you to hash it out with the voices in your head before you post. You might consult a history book or two as well. Sorry, I don't suffer idiots gladly

The history will tell you we toppled a democraticaly elected govt in Iran, been trouble ever since with them. If you ever get 'round to it.
It is the feelings of a child or adult with disabilities that is no fault of their own.

You show signs of being a sociopath; someone who cannot empathize with the pain of others.

Correl is a child with a disability?


Does Trump have a brother?

Actually he does...and a sister.

Oh yeah, the liberal judge sister who will be nominated to the Supreme Court...gotcha

That's the one, but I don't know that she would be nominated to anything. If you know something I'd like the link please.

You, and no one else, knows what Da Donald will do if he was elected. The man is a charlatan and a Demagogue. But you will vote for him, simply because he has a "R" beside his name. You are Clueless!
Will won't be the last to leave.

Could be a good year for Libertarians. I'm really hoping Johnson is positioned, and willing, to take this race very seriously.
Too bad he doesn't hold any Libertarian views......

Agreed. But he's honest and principled and has at least some respect for the concept of limited government.
He's Rino, grrrrr. Donald is going to take back America and make us great again with supply side tax cuts and more spending. grrrrr.
George Will, conservative intellect, columnist, has quit the Republican party because of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has taken the Republican party away from conservative values.

The new "Republicans" probably do not know who George Will or William F Buckley are.

The new "Republican" is an uneducated white person who has no idea about true conservatism.
George Will is a self-serving political hack who has no business in the GOP. He will not be missed.
George Will, conservative intellect, columnist, has quit the Republican party because of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has taken the Republican party away from conservative values.

The new "Republicans" probably do not know who George Will or William F Buckley are.

The new "Republican" is an uneducated white person who has no idea about true conservatism.
George Will is a self-serving political hack who has no business in the GOP. He will not be missed.

New York Times columnist Tom Friedman suggested in a recent column that the party’s problems were so intractable that it might as well disband and reconstitute itself as a “New Republican Party.”

“If a party could declare moral bankruptcy, today’s Republican Party would be in Chapter 11,” Tom Friedman wrote. “I know so many thoughtful conservatives who know it matters. One of them has got to start… a center-right party liberated from all the Trump birthers, the Sarah Palins, the Grover Norquists, the Sean Hannitys, the Rush Limbaughs, the gun lobby, the oil lobby and every other narrow-interest group, a party that redefines a principled conservatism.”

As Friedman suggests, the real problem here is that the GOP has sold off so many pieces of itself to niche constituencies, it is no longer a coherent party.

Last week’s failure by Senate Republicans to pass any limits on gun sales in the aftermath of the massacre in Orlando is a prime example.

According to a CNN/ORC poll last week, 90% of self-described Republicans favor preventing people on the terror “no fly” list from buying a gun. Yet the measure failed because of lack of support from GOP Senators.

Historians may soon write that Trump was less the cause of the GOP’s dysfunction than the man who finally pointed it out.

Juan Williams: GOP sounds the sirens over Trump

Donald does know a little about Chap 11
So, I finally, since no one else would looked up the actual piece.

George Will: Trump's judge comments prompted exit from GOP - CNNPolitics.com

"After Trump went after the 'Mexican' judge from northern Indiana then (House Speaker) Paul Ryan endorsed him, I decided that in fact this was not my party anymore," Will said on "Fox News Sunday."

What a load of shit.

George Will has accepted the left's rules of engagement where any mention of Race or Ethnicity by a Republican other than a Mea Culpa is racist.

He is being a fool.
Saying a Judge can't be fair because he's a latino is Racist. There are a few principled gopers left, but they are leaving.

At least until Donnie is gone.

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