George Will Tells Voters Against All Reps in Now!!

I see you've learned why no one listens to George Will anymore except Democrats and their "Republican" friends..
George Will will have clout with REPUBLICANS long after Trump and/or his many co-conspirators are tried, jailed and/or run out of town and AFTER THE TRUMP EMPIRE collapses.

Then maybe George will RE-JOIN "his" party.
George Will has always been a Neocon that loves big government. Piss on him. MAGA has made him and his kind irrelevant.

Republicans are always better than the Democrats but that is not saying much considering how bad the Democrats are.

It is like saying the Republicans are 1,000 times better than the Democrats. However, a thousand times zero is still zero, isn't it?
George F. Will :itsok:
Thank you. And that nonsense is why most conservatives reject him. He's part of the N.E. Establishment "conservatives" that the leftist media calls on when they "want" a "conservative" voice. Nobody else sees him as a Conservative leader.

I'm old enough to remember when WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY, and it's next generation, GEORGE WILL, WERE the face of the Conservative movement. A few sillyass posts by the toxic conservative right flank of today won't change it's history or it's future (assuming it has one).
George Will Tells Voters Against All Reps in Now

Take reps to mean representatives (the House) should all be expelled and we might have something.

"McCain was captured (with a broken leg and two broken arms) when North Vietnamese shot down his plane. He chose extra years of torture, refusing to leave when his torturers wanted to release him because he was an admiral's son. Trump says, however, that he, too, has been "very brave" by ignoring the danger of venereal disease during his sexual adventures: "It is a dangerous world out there — it's scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam, I feel like a great and very brave soldier." He was serious; irony is not in this narcissist's repertoire."

George F. Will: Republicans: Save your party, don't give to Trump
I actually did the opposite Will.

I wasn't going to vote for either party, then Trump ran with an R.

My vote was for Trump. Not the establishment.
I'm old enough to remember when WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY, and it's next generation, GEORGE WILL, WERE the face of the Conservative movement. A few sillyass posts by the toxic
What you remember is the "face' put out by the three left-wing networks. THEY don't chose who we call leaders. WE do.
And today trump's approval ratings have dropped back down to the usual dismal 40% approval and up to 52% or more disapproval, but that was before the kidnapped kids and family separation crisis and the news of Will and other longstanding and leading Republicans started publicly leaving the party and bad mouthing the lying Donald Trump.
george will and his ilk like bill kristol make me want to puke…

I have been a republican all of my life but they have been

exposed for what they are with the election of TRUMP…

We have all been fooled for years…

We have had one party masquerading as two……….

They have been playing good cop bad cop with all of us.

Only the fools among us don’t see it.

TRUMP is giving the good decent people that make

America work the results they want.
"Consider the melancholy example of House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (Wis.), who wagered his dignity on the patently false proposition that it is possible to have sustained transactions with today’s president, this Vesuvius of mendacities, without being degraded.

Ryan and many other Republicans have become the president’s poodles, not because James Madison’s system has failed but because today’s abject careerists have failed to be worthy of it."

Might be worth noting here: I've tried calling RYAN'S offices for over a month to give him my 2 or 3 cents. NO ANSWER or SOLID BUSY. DC #'s and his 2 or 3 of offices in WI. 2 ring solidly busy--can't even get to the recording.

I doubt people are calling to congratulate him on his fine Speaker stewardship.
"Consider the melancholy example of House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (Wis.), who wagered his dignity on the patently false proposition that it is possible to have sustained transactions with today’s president, this Vesuvius of mendacities, without being degraded.

Ryan and many other Republicans have become the president’s poodles, not because James Madison’s system has failed but because today’s abject careerists have failed to be worthy of it."

Might be worth noting here: I've tried calling RYAN'S offices for over a month to give him my 2 or 3 cents. NO ANSWER or SOLID BUSY. DC #'s and his 2 or 3 of offices in WI. 2 ring solidly busy--can't even get to the recording.

I doubt people are calling to congratulate him on his fine Speaker stewardship.
Hillary voters should not get thru. He's doing his job in this instance.
George Will has always been a Neocon that loves big government. Piss on him. MAGA has made him and his kind irrelevant.

Republicans are always better than the Democrats but that is not saying much considering how bad the Democrats are.

It is like saying the Republicans are 1,000 times better than the Democrats. However, a thousand times zero is still zero, isn't it?

Folks, this is called REVISIONIST HISTORY--and in real time.
WOW! WOW again.

Longtime conservative George Will publishes stunning call for Americans to ‘vote against the GOP this November’

22 JUN 2018 AT 20:17 ET

Conservative columnist George Will is hoping President Donald Trump’s horrifying zero-tolerance policy on the border that led to the separation of thousands of kids from their parents will be the last straw for many people planning to vote Republican in the 2018 midterms.

In a striking op-ed for the
Washington Post, Will made his point directly in the headline: “Vote against the GOP this November.”

“The congressional Republican caucuses must be substantially reduced. So substantially that their remnants, reduced to minorities, will be stripped of the Constitution’s Article I powers that they...

George who? Where was this "George" guy when obama was doing this, and handing kids to human traffickers claiming to be their parents?

Where was the asshat "George" when this was happening under obama?

Report: Minor Illegal Immigrant Detainees Brutally Abused, Beaten...Starting Under OBAMA

On Thursday, the Associated Press reported on federal court filings regarding the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center in Virginia. Those court filings allege that children “as young as 14” were subjected to near-tortuous conditions, including being “locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells.” It gets worse. Here’s one account, from a 15-year-old Honduran detainee:

Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me. Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move. ... They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.

The Associated Press corroborated stories of brutality with a former child-development specialist who worked in the facility, and said that she saw minor detainees with “bruises and broken bones they blamed on guards.” The AP continues:

Many of the children were sent there after U.S. immigration authorities accused them of belonging to violent gangs, including MS-13. President Donald Trump has repeatedly cited gang activity as justification for his crackdown on illegal immigration.

It takes until paragraph 19 of the story to learn that the allegations of abuse began during the Obama administration:
We have had one party masquerading as two……….

They have been playing good cop bad cop with all of us.

Only the fools among us don’t see it.

TRUMP is giving the good decent people that make

America work
the results they want.

"the results" have to remain constitutional no matter what the tyranny of the majority may want!

decent people recognize ALL American workers :eusa_clap:

only the fools don't see trump doing putin's bidding against the US State Department


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