George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

I LOL'd out loud on that one!!! But yea, Zimmerman was playing cop and got in over his head and started getting his ass kicked in a fight that HE initiated through one poor decision after another.
All likely true.

So he decides to end it and pulls the gun.
After being pinned and beat, yes. It was the correct decision.

I would too. Justified homicide.


Well, that is the crux of the debate. Was Zimmerman's life in imminent danger? Did Zimmerman do enough to cause the situation he's in because maybe Martin thought his life was in danger? Certainly not 2nd degree murder. Manslaughter? I think so. IMO both caused the outcome. But Zimmerman started the whole sequence of events with one poor decision after another.

Manslaughter in Florida can be defined in 3 ways, this is what I think Zimmerman was guilty of:
Manslaughter by Culpable Negligence (Involuntary Manslaughter): Engaging in “Culpably Negligent” conduct that resulted in the death of another person.

Culpable negligence means recklessly acting without reasonable caution and putting another person at risk of injury or death (or failing to do something with the same consequences).

It is the omission to do something which a reasonable, prudent and honest man would do, or the doing something which such a man would not do under all the circumstances surrounding each particular case.
DUI is usually the example given here. But as I read the words, IMO this describes Zimmerman on that night.

Not a good analysis for several reasons which I will now explain.......There is absolutely no question Z's life was in danger....he was sucker punched whilst trying to call dispatch back again....then in his dazed state Trayvon jumped on top of him and began to beat him martial arts style...Trayvon was an experienced fighter and enjoyed fighting and bragging about his exploits....the police were very close but neither one of them knew that...Z did know the police were on the way...but sometimes that can take a long time...especially when you need them....anyhow.............Z did absolutely nothing illegal all he did was what any good citizen should do and most especially a Watchman though he was not on duty at the fact he was on the way to target to get some groceries...but that is irrelevant.....what is relevant that Z spotted a suspicious person...namely Trayvon...was Trayvon doing anything illegal at that time? No...but the fact that on a rainy night he was lollgagging about instead of hurrying home to get out of the rain......aroused Z's suspicion and Z was street smart...he knew how to spot them as he had done many times previously.

The community though gated was little better than a ghetto area due to the fact many negroes lived in that area and it was a high crime area...drugs, burglaries, and home invasions. Which had motivated Z to get involved with the community and try to help improve the situation. He also mentored black children.

So You Think You Know The Truth About George Zimmerman? - Freedom Outpost

Was it possible that Trayvon felt he was in danger...possibly before he ran he did not know who George was .....but instead of staying at home where he was safe...he decided to back track and confront George.

In a nutshell it was a very simple case of Self-Defense....the local authorities did a excellent job of investigating it and exonerated George.

That should have ended it but unfortunately involved.....and with the help of the media persuaded the Feds to put pressure on Rick Scott the governor of Florida to indict George and have a trial...and so it was done.

In reality it was nothing more than a political show trial arranged by the feds to try and convict a innocent man to further the politics of black victimhood.

It was not a problem of the State over-charging .....there should have been no charges at all....the case had been investigated and determined to be justifiable use of force in self defense.
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Reminds me of someone who posts here on U.S. Message Board

MIAMI (AP) — The ex-neighborhood watch volunteer who killed an unarmed black teen in Florida in 2012 has been banned from the dating app Tinder.

An emailed statement from Tinder cited users' safety as a reason for removing George Zimmerman's profile.​

George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

I thought he was banned because he attempted to use an alias to hide his true identity.
He was banned because he’s a danger to society and certainly to women

Or don’t you remember that he’s an abuser?

He was banned for creating an alias. But George is no danger to me. I'm not the slightest one bit worried about the guy. But maybe he's a danger to stupid little lying shitstains like you.

Tinder may ban users for using the name of a celebrity or creating multiple accounts, but creating one account with an alias does not violate their TOS...

Tinder - meet interesting people nearby.

He was banned because for “user safety” reasons.

“At Tinder, we take our users' safety very seriously and our team has removed this profile from our platform.” ~ Tinder

Try again, lying little bitch,

An article by Tampa, Florida, weekly Creative Loafing says Zimmerman used a fake name on the dating app.

George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

Where did I say he didn’t use a fake name? IlliterateBoobFreak, it says he was banned for “user safety” reasons, not for using an alias. Your own link says that. Dayum, I even showed you their rules of conduct which don’t disallow aliases unless it’s someone trying to pose as someone else.

How much fun is this? I bitch-slapped you with your own link. :lmao:

Yeah, ya flaming nut..... where does it say he “stole” the jewelry......
Does it need to spell it out for you?


So, because he was found with jewelry for women and a tool one might use for burglary, you're saying that there is no evidence that he stole that jewelry for women?

Who is the fucking nut case here?

I am not saying that he could be convicted of it, but COME ON!!!

If my dog has white powder all over his face and the power donuts on the table are gone, you're saying I have no evidence that my dog ate them?


Jesus. Now you're just trying to save face.

So I will let you.

Yes, it does need to spell out what you falsely claimed it says. Nowhere does it say he stole any jewelry.

Face reality, you want it to say that because you want to b’lieve Trayvon was a thug.

And by thug, we’re talking about a kid who walked to a nearby convenience store to by himself a soft drink and a bag of candy for his 14 year old friend; for them to sit at home and watch a basketball game.


bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa can anyone say Naive? to the extreme

New Evidence Shows Trayvon's Life Unraveling
Yes, it does need to spell out what you falsely claimed it says. Nowhere does it say he stole any jewelry.

Face reality, you want it to say that because you want to b’lieve Trayvon was a thug.
He was a thug because it took a bullet to get him to stop beating GZ.

You need stuff spelled out for you. I understand.

We don't.

Agree to disagree.

And by thug, we’re talking about a kid who walked to a nearby convenience store to by himself a soft drink and a bag of candy for his 14 year old friend; for them to sit at home and watch a basketball game.
So, why did this innocent little angel feel he needed to pin GZ to the ground and beat on his face?


We’ll never know since he’s dead. Could be he started the fight. Could be Zimmerman started the fight. There were no other eye witnesses to who started it, so we’ll never know.

Not that that stops you from making bullshit assertions.
except the world is a better place without travon in it,,,,

Why? Because some mall cop wannabe wanted to flash his little pop gun and got his clock cleaned by a kid?

No, because the "kid" was the type of person to jump an adult and beat the shit out of him for no good reason.
You don't know that to be true.

If Crixus can just assume shit, then so can I.
Well at least you admit you’re full of shit. Good for you.

So, I made a point, and instead of seriously addressing it, you went for the moronic gotcha moment.

To be expected of a piece of shit like you.
1. Being followed is not a justification for violence.

2. That the neighborhood watch guy was not a match for the teenage football player, is not something for him ashamed of.

3. YOur homophobic slur is noted and held against you.

4. That you vile libs are targeting him for no reason, makes you all assholes.

1. No justification to follow. Broke first rule of CCW. Don’t go where trouble is.

2. Don’t start none won’t be none. Especially when you are advised by a 911 operator to stop following.

3. Blah, blah, blah. Stop being gay.

4. I love being called a vile lib. Dude should have went to prison for murder. That said, all Zimmerman’s troubles were brought on himself l, by him self. No one did it to him.

1. Unknown person matching a criminal's description in a gated community? Plenty of justification to follow and report.

2. Zimmerman was reckless. That is not a legally nor morally wrong, and does not justify violence.

3. According to lib theory, your homophobia means YOU are the gay one.

4. You support punishing a man who committed the "crime" of defending himself, and you are a liberal.
"Plenty of justification to follow and report."

As a member of the neighborhood watch, there was no justification to follow as members are instructed to observe and report only; not put themselves into harm's way.

IN point two, I agreed that Zimmerman was reckless, and then went on to point out that that was not legally or morally wrong and did not justify violence.

Zimmerman's recklessness, was not a crime, nor a justification for violent "self defense".
Good for you — there was still no justification to follow Martin. Police train Neighborhood Watch members to not do that. That’s why the 911 dispatcher tried to get Zimmerman to stop following Martin.

"Justification"? Sure there was. He was a stranger in a gated community and matched the description of a robbery suspect.

You know that. Why are you lying?
Why? Because some mall cop wannabe wanted to flash his little pop gun and got his clock cleaned by a kid?

No, because the "kid" was the type of person to jump an adult and beat the shit out of him for no good reason.
You don't know that to be true.

If Crixus can just assume shit, then so can I.
Well at least you admit you’re full of shit. Good for you.

So, I made a point, and instead of seriously addressing it, you went for the moronic gotcha moment.

To be expected of a piece of shit like you.
At least it seems we agree you’re full of shit and you know it.
AHHH yes we do, because thats what he did,,,
No, you don't know that's what he did. All you know is what Zimmerman claimed as there were no other witnesses to the initial altercation.

Lookie here chump...if ya gonna come on here and make comments try and keep up.

This has already been presented.............2 Witnesses Say Zimmerman Was Beaten
Dumbfuck .... that was not the initial altercation. That was the result of them fighting. We'll never know who initiated the violence.

It is strange that I don't recall you making that point, when your lib buddies make the claim that Zimmerman started the violence.
I leave the job to challenge my “Lib buddies” to folks like you. My hands are full enough just correcting you and your ilk.

Would only take a moment. Seems more like a partisan move on your part. Only speaking the truth, when it serves your purpose.

Otherwise, lying your lib ass off.
1. No justification to follow. Broke first rule of CCW. Don’t go where trouble is.

2. Don’t start none won’t be none. Especially when you are advised by a 911 operator to stop following.

3. Blah, blah, blah. Stop being gay.

4. I love being called a vile lib. Dude should have went to prison for murder. That said, all Zimmerman’s troubles were brought on himself l, by him self. No one did it to him.

1. Unknown person matching a criminal's description in a gated community? Plenty of justification to follow and report.

2. Zimmerman was reckless. That is not a legally nor morally wrong, and does not justify violence.

3. According to lib theory, your homophobia means YOU are the gay one.

4. You support punishing a man who committed the "crime" of defending himself, and you are a liberal.
"Plenty of justification to follow and report."

As a member of the neighborhood watch, there was no justification to follow as members are instructed to observe and report only; not put themselves into harm's way.

IN point two, I agreed that Zimmerman was reckless, and then went on to point out that that was not legally or morally wrong and did not justify violence.

Zimmerman's recklessness, was not a crime, nor a justification for violent "self defense".
Good for you — there was still no justification to follow Martin. Police train Neighborhood Watch members to not do that. That’s why the 911 dispatcher tried to get Zimmerman to stop following Martin.

"Justification"? Sure there was. He was a stranger in a gated community and matched the description of a robbery suspect.

You know that. Why are you lying?
That was not justification to trail him. He was trained by police to call them when he sees something suspicious and to stay out of harm’s way. Not follow potential danger into a dark area.
How much fun is this? I bitch-slapped you with your own link. :lmao:


Nah, not at all, pogo-breath. That's your own head you are smacking there in that fat purple belly. George was banned for using a fake name like I originally said because had he used his real name:

A). They never would have even created the account in the first place because they are little chickshit commies like you.

B). George was forced to do so because he knew using his real name would subject him to more threats, intimidation and attacks from all the little chickenshit fuchs like you who won't let the guy live in peace for removing a useless POS from our society.
Yeah, so?
and beating on one's face could be fatal.
So could shoving someone. So? Someone shoves you, you think you have the right to kill them?
how in the hell can shoving some one kill them???
You really have no fucking clue about anything.

Man dies after being shoved outside Sixth St. bar; suspect charged

So it’s ok to kill someone if they shove you, right? That’s your argument.
1. Unknown person matching a criminal's description in a gated community? Plenty of justification to follow and report.

2. Zimmerman was reckless. That is not a legally nor morally wrong, and does not justify violence.

3. According to lib theory, your homophobia means YOU are the gay one.

4. You support punishing a man who committed the "crime" of defending himself, and you are a liberal.
"Plenty of justification to follow and report."

As a member of the neighborhood watch, there was no justification to follow as members are instructed to observe and report only; not put themselves into harm's way.

IN point two, I agreed that Zimmerman was reckless, and then went on to point out that that was not legally or morally wrong and did not justify violence.

Zimmerman's recklessness, was not a crime, nor a justification for violent "self defense".
Good for you — there was still no justification to follow Martin. Police train Neighborhood Watch members to not do that. That’s why the 911 dispatcher tried to get Zimmerman to stop following Martin.

"Justification"? Sure there was. He was a stranger in a gated community and matched the description of a robbery suspect.

You know that. Why are you lying?
That was not justification to trail him. He was trained by police to call them when he sees something suspicious and to stay out of harm’s way. Not follow potential danger into a dark area.
what dark area???
Yeah, so?
and beating on one's face could be fatal.
So could shoving someone. So? Someone shoves you, you think you have the right to kill them?
how in the hell can shoving some one kill them???
You really have no fucking clue about anything.

Man dies after being shoved outside Sixth St. bar; suspect charged

So it’s ok to kill someone if they shove you, right? That’s your argument.
but TM skipped the shoving part and went straight to banging his head against the ground,,,and that is a reason to kill them before they kill you,,,
How much fun is this? I bitch-slapped you with your own link. :lmao:


Nah, not at all, pogo-breath. That's your own head you are smacking there in that fat purple belly. George was banned for using a fake name like I originally said because had he used his real name:

A). They never would have even created the account in the first place because they are little chickshit commies like you.

B). George was forced to do so because he knew using his real name would subject him to more threats, intimidation and attacks from all the little chickenshit fuchs like you who won't let the guy live in peace for removing a useless POS from our society.
Your own link calls you an illiterateboobfreak as it doesn’t say he was banned for creating a fake name. It says he was banned for “user safety” reasons.

Your own link! :lmao:

Yeah, so?
and beating on one's face could be fatal.
So could shoving someone. So? Someone shoves you, you think you have the right to kill them?
how in the hell can shoving some one kill them???
You really have no fucking clue about anything.

Man dies after being shoved outside Sixth St. bar; suspect charged

So it’s ok to kill someone if they shove you, right? That’s your argument.
and there is a big difference between being shoved and shoved to the ground,,,
"Plenty of justification to follow and report."

As a member of the neighborhood watch, there was no justification to follow as members are instructed to observe and report only; not put themselves into harm's way.

IN point two, I agreed that Zimmerman was reckless, and then went on to point out that that was not legally or morally wrong and did not justify violence.

Zimmerman's recklessness, was not a crime, nor a justification for violent "self defense".
Good for you — there was still no justification to follow Martin. Police train Neighborhood Watch members to not do that. That’s why the 911 dispatcher tried to get Zimmerman to stop following Martin.

"Justification"? Sure there was. He was a stranger in a gated community and matched the description of a robbery suspect.

You know that. Why are you lying?
That was not justification to trail him. He was trained by police to call them when he sees something suspicious and to stay out of harm’s way. Not follow potential danger into a dark area.
what dark area???

The dark area between your ears. Seriously, I already gave you a quote from one of the eye witnesses who said it was too dark to see who was fighting. You’ve already lost hold of that information?

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