George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

So the dispatcher had no authority over Zimmerman, but Zimmerman had the authority to act as the police. Smfh.

1. Walking along and reporting where a suspect is, is not "Acting as the police". I understand why you are lying. Because you know that your position on this issue is shit.

2. Correct. The dispatcher had no authority over Zimmerman.

3. And Zimmerman had every right to be there. That you need to be told this, is because your position on this is shit.

Didn't Trayvon have right to be there as well.

How do you know he was just walking along?

So was he following Trayvon or looking for street names?

It’s all in the 9/11 call. Any other state and Zimmerman would be up the river getting his shit pushed in.

so you say,,,,

Dare you to post the audio.
its already been posted,,,and there was no reason that TM had a right to strangle Z

but there was a good reason Z needed to shoot TM
Said the man that can't prove the Zimmerman initiated the physcial confrontation.

Zimmerman did. In any other state Zimmerman would be getting ass raped by the home boys every day. In no other state can people do murder like they can in Florida.

You know what would have really supported that statement and give it some real punch?

Supporting your claim that Zimmerman initiated the physical confrontation.

But you can't, So instead you throw out bullshit spin, like "ass raped by home boys" and "murder".

Cause bullshit is all you have.

There is no question Zimmerman did. He followed where he had no reason following. He was advised by 911 to stop following. Since 2012 I have had an opportunity to sit in on three CCW classes don’t at different places. To a “T” every single CCW instructor pointed out that boys like Zimmerman are the ones who threaten our rights to carry. In any other state, even here in Texas he would have been sent to prison.
he had every reason to follow,,,

No he didn't. He acted outside the law and the charter of the neighborhood watch he was in. But do the same thing your self. See what happens.

He acted outside the law

So how do you explain the fact that Trayvon had bruised knuckles? No other injuries except for the gunshot hole.

That lie has been debunked how many times, he had an abrasion on the side of his ring finger.

It seems reasonable to think if Zimmerman had attacked him first there would be some evidence of a punch or whatever Zimmerman is alleged to have hit him with?

How do you know he did attempt to grab him or missed when he punched.

Zimmerman's knuckles showed no indication he punched Trayvon, and Trayvon had no indications he was punched. (Trayvon's knuckles were bruised up, and Zimmerman showed signs of being beat on).

Trayvon's knuckles were NOT bruised up that is a lie.

All the physical evidence shows that Trayvon did all the punching, and zimmerman only shot him after the punching.

That is the story we were told.

WFTV has learned that the medical examiner found two injuries on Martin’s body: The fatal gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.

Why Did Trayvon Martin’s Funeral Director Lie ? More Lies and Agendas Exposed…
Following a suspected criminal so that you can tell the police where to find him, while obviously risky, is not legally nor morally wrong.

I won't even call it stupid. YOu balanced the risk to himself, ie getting attacked, with the potential gain to his community, ie getting a criminal off the streets.

Hey, anyone ever hear if those robberies continued or stopped after Martin died?
He was trained by police to not follow like he did.

And because he did, a teenager who had every right to be there, ended up dead. Martin made his own mistakes which contributed to his own death, but Zimmerman was the adult in that situation and Zimmerman was the one with formal training who abandoned everything he was taught.

its not being there that got him killed,,,it was him attacking a grown man with a gun that did that,,,

No it was a coward chasing a teenager with a gun that did it.

No, it wasn't. You can be followed for years and not die from it.

I thought he wasn't following him.

How can you follow someone you cannot see?
Martin matched the description that Zimmerman was given of the burglar preying on the community.

Bullshit, the kid responsible for the break ins was arrested 2 weeks earlier. Throw that lie out the window.

That you want to make this about race, is just because you are an asshole. FUCK YOU.

If we listen to dumbasses like you it's never about race. Fuck yourself, Fuck Boy.

Did Martin match the description of the burglar?

Was Zimmerman commissioned to enforce law in the state of Florida? Nope. Was Zimmerman advised to STOP pursuing Martin? Yup. Zimmerman has a history of being a failure in his quest to be a cop.

Funny how you read a question, and hit the reply button, but never addressed teh question.

That is because you know that Martin did match the description of the burglar and thus Zimmerman was completely justified in wanting to observe and report the suspects location to the police for questioning.

Also, good use of the word "advise", because the police dispatcher had no authority over Zimmerman, and Zimmerman was well within his rights to walk all over that community of which he was a resident.

So the dispatcher had no authority over Zimmerman, but Zimmerman had the authority to act as the police. Smfh.

There is nothing Z did that any citizen of the land is entitled to do.

Report a suspicious person....yep

Try and help locate the suspect...yep

Shoot the suspect when he attacks you and threatens your life...yep

Next? Hopefully someone a tad more intelligent.
Which you’ve been proven insane for asserting since you failed miserably to prove it.

Said the man that can't prove the Zimmerman initiated the physcial confrontation.

Zimmerman did. In any other state Zimmerman would be getting ass raped by the home boys every day. In no other state can people do murder like they can in Florida.

You know what would have really supported that statement and give it some real punch?

Supporting your claim that Zimmerman initiated the physical confrontation.

But you can't, So instead you throw out bullshit spin, like "ass raped by home boys" and "murder".

Cause bullshit is all you have.

There is no question Zimmerman did. He followed where he had no reason following. He was advised by 911 to stop following. Since 2012 I have had an opportunity to sit in on three CCW classes don’t at different places. To a “T” every single CCW instructor pointed out that boys like Zimmerman are the ones who threaten our rights to carry. In any other state, even here in Texas he would have been sent to prison.
he had every reason to follow,,,

Absolutely true...the only problem Trayvon had run out of his sight...thus since you cannot follow someone you cannot see....all Z could do was to attempt to follow and look about.
Said the man that can't prove the Zimmerman initiated the physcial confrontation.

Zimmerman did. In any other state Zimmerman would be getting ass raped by the home boys every day. In no other state can people do murder like they can in Florida.

You know what would have really supported that statement and give it some real punch?

Supporting your claim that Zimmerman initiated the physical confrontation.

But you can't, So instead you throw out bullshit spin, like "ass raped by home boys" and "murder".

Cause bullshit is all you have.

There is no question Zimmerman did. He followed where he had no reason following. He was advised by 911 to stop following. Since 2012 I have had an opportunity to sit in on three CCW classes don’t at different places. To a “T” every single CCW instructor pointed out that boys like Zimmerman are the ones who threaten our rights to carry. In any other state, even here in Texas he would have been sent to prison.
he had every reason to follow,,,

What was the reason?

Trayvon had exhibited suspicious behavior and then ran off like any guilty perp.

A good citizen will act to protect his community....Z was a great neighbor....willing to go the extra mile to protect his neighbors.
Was Zimmerman commissioned to enforce law in the state of Florida? Nope. Was Zimmerman advised to STOP pursuing Martin? Yup. Zimmerman has a history of being a failure in his quest to be a cop.

Funny how you read a question, and hit the reply button, but never addressed teh question.

That is because you know that Martin did match the description of the burglar and thus Zimmerman was completely justified in wanting to observe and report the suspects location to the police for questioning.

Also, good use of the word "advise", because the police dispatcher had no authority over Zimmerman, and Zimmerman was well within his rights to walk all over that community of which he was a resident.

So the dispatcher had no authority over Zimmerman, but Zimmerman had the authority to act as the police. Smfh.

1. Walking along and reporting where a suspect is, is not "Acting as the police". I understand why you are lying. Because you know that your position on this issue is shit.

2. Correct. The dispatcher had no authority over Zimmerman.

3. And Zimmerman had every right to be there. That you need to be told this, is because your position on this is shit.

Didn't Trayvon have right to be there as well.

How do you know he was just walking along?

So was he following Trayvon or looking for street names?

It’s all in the 9/11 call. Any other state and Zimmerman would be up the river getting his shit pushed in.

How did you get so coinfused? Oh my bad....I forgot you watch cnn

Wise up dumbass....most states have very similar if not the same law Florida has on self me a couple of states where Trayvon would be allowed to roam a neighborhood on a dark and rainy night peeping in windows and not be reported as suspicious and if apprehended ....questioned.
1. Walking along and reporting where a suspect is, is not "Acting as the police". I understand why you are lying. Because you know that your position on this issue is shit.

2. Correct. The dispatcher had no authority over Zimmerman.

3. And Zimmerman had every right to be there. That you need to be told this, is because your position on this is shit.

Didn't Trayvon have right to be there as well.

How do you know he was just walking along?

So was he following Trayvon or looking for street names?

It’s all in the 9/11 call. Any other state and Zimmerman would be up the river getting his shit pushed in.

so you say,,,,

Dare you to post the audio.
its already been posted,,,and there was no reason that TM had a right to strangle Z

but there was a good reason Z needed to shoot TM

Exactly and as more info has come has been revealed Trayvon was a menace to society....and if Z had not stopped him Trayvon would have gone on to kill someone and then been incarcerated and a burden on taxpayers....justice was served wid it. hehheh
Said the man that can't prove the Zimmerman initiated the physcial confrontation.

Zimmerman did. In any other state Zimmerman would be getting ass raped by the home boys every day. In no other state can people do murder like they can in Florida.

You know what would have really supported that statement and give it some real punch?

Supporting your claim that Zimmerman initiated the physical confrontation.

But you can't, So instead you throw out bullshit spin, like "ass raped by home boys" and "murder".

Cause bullshit is all you have.

There is no question Zimmerman did. He followed where he had no reason following. He was advised by 911 to stop following. Since 2012 I have had an opportunity to sit in on three CCW classes don’t at different places. To a “T” every single CCW instructor pointed out that boys like Zimmerman are the ones who threaten our rights to carry. In any other state, even here in Texas he would have been sent to prison.
he had every reason to follow,,,

Absolutely true...the only problem Trayvon had run out of his sight...thus since you cannot follow someone you cannot see....all Z could do was to attempt to follow and look about.

Or, do as the authorities said and not tried to be Paul Blart the mall cop. Again, Zimmerman was acting outside of the charter of the neighborhood watch that night. What would have been awesomely is if the rejection letters from the prince William PD were made public. But it was clear that Zimmerman wanted to be a sillier cop hero, found out fast that he didn't have what it took and shot him self out of the situation. Zimmerman May not be a coward, but he is definitely a weakling, a sheep playing at being a wolf.
Zimmerman did. In any other state Zimmerman would be getting ass raped by the home boys every day. In no other state can people do murder like they can in Florida.

You know what would have really supported that statement and give it some real punch?

Supporting your claim that Zimmerman initiated the physical confrontation.

But you can't, So instead you throw out bullshit spin, like "ass raped by home boys" and "murder".

Cause bullshit is all you have.

There is no question Zimmerman did. He followed where he had no reason following. He was advised by 911 to stop following. Since 2012 I have had an opportunity to sit in on three CCW classes don’t at different places. To a “T” every single CCW instructor pointed out that boys like Zimmerman are the ones who threaten our rights to carry. In any other state, even here in Texas he would have been sent to prison.
he had every reason to follow,,,

What was the reason?

Trayvon had exhibited suspicious behavior and then ran off like any guilty perp.

A good citizen will act to protect his community....Z was a great neighbor....willing to go the extra mile to protect his neighbors.

Zimmerman, a sheep who straps on his manhood and tried to play wolf. Say, where is the NRA commercial with MrZ extolling gun rights?
Zimmerman did. In any other state Zimmerman would be getting ass raped by the home boys every day. In no other state can people do murder like they can in Florida.

You know what would have really supported that statement and give it some real punch?

Supporting your claim that Zimmerman initiated the physical confrontation.

But you can't, So instead you throw out bullshit spin, like "ass raped by home boys" and "murder".

Cause bullshit is all you have.

There is no question Zimmerman did. He followed where he had no reason following. He was advised by 911 to stop following. Since 2012 I have had an opportunity to sit in on three CCW classes don’t at different places. To a “T” every single CCW instructor pointed out that boys like Zimmerman are the ones who threaten our rights to carry. In any other state, even here in Texas he would have been sent to prison.
he had every reason to follow,,,

Absolutely true...the only problem Trayvon had run out of his sight...thus since you cannot follow someone you cannot see....all Z could do was to attempt to follow and look about.

Or, do as the authorities said and not tried to be Paul Blart the mall cop. Again, Zimmerman was acting outside of the charter of the neighborhood watch that night. What would have been awesomely is if the rejection letters from the prince William PD were made public. But it was clear that Zimmerman wanted to be a sillier cop hero, found out fast that he didn't have what it took and shot him self out of the situation. Zimmerman May not be a coward, but he is definitely a weakling, a sheep playing at being a wolf.

Or, do as the authorities said and not tried to be Paul Blart the mall cop.

Meh. Not against the law.

Again, Zimmerman was acting outside of the charter

OMG! Outside of the charter.

he is definitely a weakling

But not dead, like the thug.
Funny how you read a question, and hit the reply button, but never addressed teh question.

That is because you know that Martin did match the description of the burglar and thus Zimmerman was completely justified in wanting to observe and report the suspects location to the police for questioning.

Also, good use of the word "advise", because the police dispatcher had no authority over Zimmerman, and Zimmerman was well within his rights to walk all over that community of which he was a resident.

So the dispatcher had no authority over Zimmerman, but Zimmerman had the authority to act as the police. Smfh.

1. Walking along and reporting where a suspect is, is not "Acting as the police". I understand why you are lying. Because you know that your position on this issue is shit.

2. Correct. The dispatcher had no authority over Zimmerman.

3. And Zimmerman had every right to be there. That you need to be told this, is because your position on this is shit.

Didn't Trayvon have right to be there as well.

How do you know he was just walking along?

So was he following Trayvon or looking for street names?

It’s all in the 9/11 call. Any other state and Zimmerman would be up the river getting his shit pushed in.

How did you get so coinfused? Oh my bad....I forgot you watch cnn

Wise up dumbass....most states have very similar if not the same law Florida has on self me a couple of states where Trayvon would be allowed to roam a neighborhood on a dark and rainy night peeping in windows and not be reported as suspicious and if apprehended ....questioned.

Yeah, CNN has planted 9/11 operators before dumbass picked a fight with a kid and got his ass beat. Again, find me one gun shop or any gun related endorsement by George Zimmerman. Bet you can’t.
You know what would have really supported that statement and give it some real punch?

Supporting your claim that Zimmerman initiated the physical confrontation.

But you can't, So instead you throw out bullshit spin, like "ass raped by home boys" and "murder".

Cause bullshit is all you have.

There is no question Zimmerman did. He followed where he had no reason following. He was advised by 911 to stop following. Since 2012 I have had an opportunity to sit in on three CCW classes don’t at different places. To a “T” every single CCW instructor pointed out that boys like Zimmerman are the ones who threaten our rights to carry. In any other state, even here in Texas he would have been sent to prison.
he had every reason to follow,,,

What was the reason?

Trayvon had exhibited suspicious behavior and then ran off like any guilty perp.

A good citizen will act to protect his community....Z was a great neighbor....willing to go the extra mile to protect his neighbors.

Zimmerman, a sheep who straps on his manhood and tried to play wolf. Say, where is the NRA commercial with MrZ extolling gun rights?

the only coward is those that think like you and wait for the government to take care of you,,,,

in fact youre right,,,Z was a sheep with a gun against the wolves who would harm him and his community,,,
Didn't Trayvon have right to be there as well.

How do you know he was just walking along?

So was he following Trayvon or looking for street names?

It’s all in the 9/11 call. Any other state and Zimmerman would be up the river getting his shit pushed in.

so you say,,,,

Dare you to post the audio.
its already been posted,,,and there was no reason that TM had a right to strangle Z

but there was a good reason Z needed to shoot TM

Exactly and as more info has come has been revealed Trayvon was a menace to society....and if Z had not stopped him Trayvon would have gone on to kill someone and then been incarcerated and a burden on taxpayers....justice was served wid it. hehheh

Except for the fact that the cop wannabe cop has had multiple run is with the law since he got beat up. Other then Sean a Hannity no one will or would touch Zimmerman. Even Hannity regrets supporting Zimmerman.
It’s all in the 9/11 call. Any other state and Zimmerman would be up the river getting his shit pushed in.

so you say,,,,

Dare you to post the audio.
its already been posted,,,and there was no reason that TM had a right to strangle Z

but there was a good reason Z needed to shoot TM

Exactly and as more info has come has been revealed Trayvon was a menace to society....and if Z had not stopped him Trayvon would have gone on to kill someone and then been incarcerated and a burden on taxpayers....justice was served wid it. hehheh

Except for the fact that the cop wannabe cop has had multiple run is with the law since he got beat up. Other then Sean a Hannity no one will or would touch Zimmerman. Even Hannity regrets supporting Zimmerman.

so,,,at least hes still alive and the thug isnt,,,

the world is a better place without TM in it
You know what would have really supported that statement and give it some real punch?

Supporting your claim that Zimmerman initiated the physical confrontation.

But you can't, So instead you throw out bullshit spin, like "ass raped by home boys" and "murder".

Cause bullshit is all you have.

There is no question Zimmerman did. He followed where he had no reason following. He was advised by 911 to stop following. Since 2012 I have had an opportunity to sit in on three CCW classes don’t at different places. To a “T” every single CCW instructor pointed out that boys like Zimmerman are the ones who threaten our rights to carry. In any other state, even here in Texas he would have been sent to prison.
he had every reason to follow,,,

Absolutely true...the only problem Trayvon had run out of his sight...thus since you cannot follow someone you cannot see....all Z could do was to attempt to follow and look about.

Or, do as the authorities said and not tried to be Paul Blart the mall cop. Again, Zimmerman was acting outside of the charter of the neighborhood watch that night. What would have been awesomely is if the rejection letters from the prince William PD were made public. But it was clear that Zimmerman wanted to be a sillier cop hero, found out fast that he didn't have what it took and shot him self out of the situation. Zimmerman May not be a coward, but he is definitely a weakling, a sheep playing at being a wolf.

Or, do as the authorities said and not tried to be Paul Blart the mall cop.

Meh. Not against the law.

Again, Zimmerman was acting outside of the charter

OMG! Outside of the charter.

he is definitely a weakling

But not dead, like the thug.

Yeah, he was looking for a kid. Follow the pattern of Zimmerman’s life. Always in trouble for picking on people weaker then him. Guess he forgot that young men are still men? That’s why Zimmerman sticks to beating women and pulling guns on his girl friends.
so you say,,,,

Dare you to post the audio.
its already been posted,,,and there was no reason that TM had a right to strangle Z

but there was a good reason Z needed to shoot TM

Exactly and as more info has come has been revealed Trayvon was a menace to society....and if Z had not stopped him Trayvon would have gone on to kill someone and then been incarcerated and a burden on taxpayers....justice was served wid it. hehheh

Except for the fact that the cop wannabe cop has had multiple run is with the law since he got beat up. Other then Sean a Hannity no one will or would touch Zimmerman. Even Hannity regrets supporting Zimmerman.

so,,,at least hes still alive and the thug isnt,,,

the world is a better place without TM in it

Spoken like a typical dumbass. Bet you are rubbing a Glock on your junk right now. Do you beat up and pull your piece on chicks to? I notice you ignored the 9/11 call.
I didnt igno
Dare you to post the audio.
its already been posted,,,and there was no reason that TM had a right to strangle Z

but there was a good reason Z needed to shoot TM

Exactly and as more info has come has been revealed Trayvon was a menace to society....and if Z had not stopped him Trayvon would have gone on to kill someone and then been incarcerated and a burden on taxpayers....justice was served wid it. hehheh

Except for the fact that the cop wannabe cop has had multiple run is with the law since he got beat up. Other then Sean a Hannity no one will or would touch Zimmerman. Even Hannity regrets supporting Zimmerman.

so,,,at least hes still alive and the thug isnt,,,

the world is a better place without TM in it

Spoken like a typical dumbass. Bet you are rubbing a Glock on your junk right now. Do you beat up and pull your piece on chicks to? I notice you ignored the 9/11 call.
I didnt ignore it,,,

I wonder where the 911 call from TM is???

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