George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

to s
all he was doing was walking
That’s what political correctness is saying...
So..a teenager takes a pic of himself doing something if all other teenagers don't do the same thing....................excuse for stalking and killing him......

Guess it would have been ok to stalk and kill these kids too:
View attachment 258125 and.......View attachment 258126

Shoot them. Shoot them all.
why would you want to do that???

Look at those little bastards. Bad seeds all. Best to shoot them all now.
to say that you would need to have some behavior to back it up,,,and none of them have that that I've seen
What makes this so infuriating is that these motherfuckers know good and goddamn well that Trayvon probably jumped Zimmerman. They know good and goddamn well that Trayvon was not a little kid.

They KNOW it's not about race, but that all they have. They have nothing going for them but grievance and bitching.

THEN they accuse ME of being RACIST because I think Tray was the aggressor.

FUCK THIS SHIT. I am not getting baited into a bullshit narrative.

This BLACK THUG got shot because he wanted to be a gangster. Because BLACK PEOPLE think it's cool.

Eat shit and die if you don't like FACTS!!!!


Not a little kid for sure. The black kid, turd that he was was shot by a dude who thought he was a cop, even after the dude who wanted to be a cop was told by other cops he didn't have what it took. TM’s parents are as much to blame as Zimmerman. The fact that the NRA ran as far away from George Zimmerman says all I need to know. The fact that George Zimmerman can make news getting booted off a dating website says it all. No CCW instructor will endorse Zimmerman, that says it all. The fact that a court in Florida let him off says all I need to know. Zimmerman is a puts who uses this shooting to intimidate people. He tried to make money off it, but got no takers. He did murder. You live in Texas, you know for a fact they would have sent him to TDC had that shooting happened here.
the only coward is the one that would let a person beat them to death,,,

Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.
This whole deal cracks me up, both are/were minority’s And somehow the whole thing was a mutated into a race thing.

Right wing, racist like yourself flocked to Zimmerman because his daddy is white.

Trayvon Martin was just a punk ass gangbanger want to be, and Zimmerman is what he is.

There is nothing showing he was a member of a gang, that is just right wing propaganda to try and justify this coward killing a young black teenager.

There were no witnesses to the confrontation, and a punk ass gangbanger is taking a permanent dirt nap as a result.

How convenient.

The community is definitely better off that both are no longer there… Neither will be missed.

Yea in right wing, racist world.

This is how Trayvon Martin will be remembered…


I doubt if that is how his parents will remember him, but it is the narrative right wing, racist will post.
You do realize Obama was only half black?
Why do you call him black then?

He calls himself black, now run and tell that.
Zimmerman is Hispanic, but politically correct morons like yourself want to call him a white guy…
except the world is a better place without travon in it,,,, dare he walk thru his father's neighborhood with Skittles and a Snapple...and...WITH A HOODIE ON!
The little gang banger got his just deserves... He’s taking a dirt nap right now
all he was doing was walking
That’s what political correctness is saying...
So..a teenager takes a pic of himself doing something if all other teenagers don't do the same thing....................excuse for stalking and killing him......

Guess it would have been ok to stalk and kill these kids too:
View attachment 258125 and.......View attachment 258126
Trayvon Martin was a punk gangbanger want to be, Zimmerman took him out of the community… He will not be missed.
The community will not be missing neither one of them
Yea because 160lb teenagers beat 205lb grown men to death everyday. Only coward needs a gun for a160lb teenger.
This whole deal cracks me up, both are/were minority’s And somehow the whole thing was a mutated into a race thing.

Right wing, racist like yourself flocked to Zimmerman because his daddy is white.

Trayvon Martin was just a punk ass gangbanger want to be, and Zimmerman is what he is.

There is nothing showing he was a member of a gang, that is just right wing propaganda to try and justify this coward killing a young black teenager.

There were no witnesses to the confrontation, and a punk ass gangbanger is taking a permanent dirt nap as a result.

How convenient.

The community is definitely better off that both are no longer there… Neither will be missed.

Yea in right wing, racist world.

This is how Trayvon Martin will be remembered…


I doubt if that is how his parents will remember him, but it is the narrative right wing, racist will post.
You do realize Obama was only half black?
Why do you call him black then?

He calls himself black, now run and tell that.
Zimmerman is Hispanic, but politically correct morons like yourself want to call him a white guy…

His daddy is a white man, but dumbasses like you try to tell us differently. How many fucking Hispanic Zimmerman's have you met?
This whole deal cracks me up, both are/were minority’s And somehow the whole thing was a mutated into a race thing.

Right wing, racist like yourself flocked to Zimmerman because his daddy is white.

Trayvon Martin was just a punk ass gangbanger want to be, and Zimmerman is what he is.

There is nothing showing he was a member of a gang, that is just right wing propaganda to try and justify this coward killing a young black teenager.

There were no witnesses to the confrontation, and a punk ass gangbanger is taking a permanent dirt nap as a result.

How convenient.

The community is definitely better off that both are no longer there… Neither will be missed.

Yea in right wing, racist world.

This is how Trayvon Martin will be remembered…


I doubt if that is how his parents will remember him, but it is the narrative right wing, racist will post.
You do realize Obama was only half black?
Why do you call him black then?

He calls himself black, now run and tell that.
Zimmerman is Hispanic, but politically correct morons like yourself want to call him a white guy…

His daddy is a white man, but dumbasses like you try to tell us differently. How many fucking Hispanic Zimmerman's have you met?
...and Barry’s was a mom was a white woman, And his brother hates him, and his dad was a fucking deadbeat...
No doubt Zimmerman is a minority… You can tell by just looking at him
What makes this so infuriating is that these motherfuckers know good and goddamn well that Trayvon probably jumped Zimmerman. They know good and goddamn well that Trayvon was not a little kid.

They KNOW it's not about race, but that all they have. They have nothing going for them but grievance and bitching.

THEN they accuse ME of being RACIST because I think Tray was the aggressor.

FUCK THIS SHIT. I am not getting baited into a bullshit narrative.

This BLACK THUG got shot because he wanted to be a gangster. Because BLACK PEOPLE think it's cool.

Eat shit and die if you don't like FACTS!!!!


Not a little kid for sure. The black kid, turd that he was was shot by a dude who thought he was a cop, even after the dude who wanted to be a cop was told by other cops he didn't have what it took. TM’s parents are as much to blame as Zimmerman. The fact that the NRA ran as far away from George Zimmerman says all I need to know. The fact that George Zimmerman can make news getting booted off a dating website says it all. No CCW instructor will endorse Zimmerman, that says it all. The fact that a court in Florida let him off says all I need to know. Zimmerman is a puts who uses this shooting to intimidate people. He tried to make money off it, but got no takers. He did murder. You live in Texas, you know for a fact they would have sent him to TDC had that shooting happened here.
I know for a fact that in Texas (except in places like Harris or Dallas County) , they would have charged him appropriately, which would have greatly improved the likelihood of an APPROPRIATE conviction (if any).

The murder charge in this situation is borderline malpractice by the Florida prosecution. They almost certainly could have secured a plea had they acted like responsible prosecutors.

But, no.

The political pressure from all the ass hurt wannabe criminals who think being a criminal makes them cool )but who are quick yell "dindo nuffin" ) did not give a cocksucking shit about securing appropriate justice. They wanted race payback. They wanted white people to pay for their own situation.

Nothing less that a public lynching would do, because black people think all the world's problems are caused by white people. Forget glorifying criminality. Forget fatherless families. Forget education being a social stigma. Forget doing all the things necessary to be successful. It's all whitey's fault.

They wanted racial vengeance, not justice. And they got NEITHER.

Zimmerman is still legally qualified to carry and has served no time. The system did not fail. Black racism and deep rooted hatred cause an overplayed hand.

NOW, we have a bunch of bitching and crying because black people don't seem to understand or care about the concept of justice.

Somehow, I am racist because I don't think Zimmerman committed murder. somehow, I'm racist because I think the actions of Martin probably started the violence that killed him.

It can't be both in the minds are in eyes of black people.

It gets really old trying to defend your honor at every turn.

If I'm going to be called a racist no matter what I do, then FUCK THIS SHIT!! I'm gonna go put a fucking white hood on and be a fucking racist. I may as well. It doesn't seem to make a difference one way or another to these racist black motherfuckers up in this thread.

Do you see the problem with black people?

This whole deal cracks me up, both are/were minority’s And somehow the whole thing was a mutated into a race thing.

Right wing, racist like yourself flocked to Zimmerman because his daddy is white.

Trayvon Martin was just a punk ass gangbanger want to be, and Zimmerman is what he is.

There is nothing showing he was a member of a gang, that is just right wing propaganda to try and justify this coward killing a young black teenager.

There were no witnesses to the confrontation, and a punk ass gangbanger is taking a permanent dirt nap as a result.

How convenient.

The community is definitely better off that both are no longer there… Neither will be missed.

Yea in right wing, racist world.

This is how Trayvon Martin will be remembered…


I doubt if that is how his parents will remember him, but it is the narrative right wing, racist will post.
You do realize Obama was only half black?
Why do you call him black then?

He calls himself black, now run and tell that.
Zimmerman is Hispanic, but politically correct morons like yourself want to call him a white guy…

His daddy is a white man, but dumbasses like you try to tell us differently. How many fucking Hispanic Zimmerman's have you met?
Undeniably Hispanic...

Zimmerman is Hispanic trash… And he took the trash out… Trayvon Martin punk want to be gangbanger
What makes this so infuriating is that these motherfuckers know good and goddamn well that Trayvon probably jumped Zimmerman. They know good and goddamn well that Trayvon was not a little kid.

They KNOW it's not about race, but that all they have. They have nothing going for them but grievance and bitching.

THEN they accuse ME of being RACIST because I think Tray was the aggressor.

FUCK THIS SHIT. I am not getting baited into a bullshit narrative.

This BLACK THUG got shot because he wanted to be a gangster. Because BLACK PEOPLE think it's cool.

Eat shit and die if you don't like FACTS!!!!


Not a little kid for sure. The black kid, turd that he was was shot by a dude who thought he was a cop, even after the dude who wanted to be a cop was told by other cops he didn't have what it took. TM’s parents are as much to blame as Zimmerman. The fact that the NRA ran as far away from George Zimmerman says all I need to know. The fact that George Zimmerman can make news getting booted off a dating website says it all. No CCW instructor will endorse Zimmerman, that says it all. The fact that a court in Florida let him off says all I need to know. Zimmerman is a puts who uses this shooting to intimidate people. He tried to make money off it, but got no takers. He did murder. You live in Texas, you know for a fact they would have sent him to TDC had that shooting happened here.
I know for a fact that in Texas (except in places like Harris or Dallas County) , they would have charged him appropriately, which would have greatly improved the likelihood of an APPROPRIATE conviction (if any).

The murder charge in this situation is borderline malpractice by the Florida prosecution. They almost certainly could have secured a plea had they acted like responsible prosecutors.

But, no.

The political pressure from all the ass hurt wannabe criminals who think being a criminal makes them cool )but who are quick yell "dindo nuffin" ) did not give a cocksucking shit about securing appropriate justice. They wanted race payback. They wanted white people to pay for their own situation.

Nothing less that a public lynching would do, because black people think all the world's problems are caused by white people. Forget glorifying criminality. Forget fatherless families. Forget education being a social stigma. Forget doing all the things necessary to be successful. It's all whitey's fault.

They wanted racial vengeance, not justice. And they got NEITHER.

Zimmerman is still legally qualified to carry and has served no time. The system did not fail. Black racism and deep rooted hatred cause an overplayed hand.

NOW, we have a bunch of bitching and crying because black people don't seem to understand or care about the concept of justice.

Somehow, I am racist because I don't think Zimmerman committed murder. somehow, I'm racist because I think the actions of Martin probably started the violence that killed him.

It can't be both in the minds are in eyes of black people.

It gets really old trying to defend your honor at every turn.

If I'm going to be called a racist no matter what I do, then FUCK THIS SHIT!! I'm gonna go put a fucking white hood on and be a fucking racist. I may as well. It doesn't seem to make a difference one way or another to these racist black motherfuckers up in this thread.

Do you see the problem with black people?


I do see the problem with black people. Black men make to many babies and don’t support them.

Here is the thing. If I’m at a concert and a dudes fat head is in my way, I talk shit, get popped in the mouth then shoot him for popping me am I justified?
What makes this so infuriating is that these motherfuckers know good and goddamn well that Trayvon probably jumped Zimmerman. They know good and goddamn well that Trayvon was not a little kid.

They KNOW it's not about race, but that all they have. They have nothing going for them but grievance and bitching.

THEN they accuse ME of being RACIST because I think Tray was the aggressor.

FUCK THIS SHIT. I am not getting baited into a bullshit narrative.

This BLACK THUG got shot because he wanted to be a gangster. Because BLACK PEOPLE think it's cool.

Eat shit and die if you don't like FACTS!!!!


Not a little kid for sure. The black kid, turd that he was was shot by a dude who thought he was a cop, even after the dude who wanted to be a cop was told by other cops he didn't have what it took. TM’s parents are as much to blame as Zimmerman. The fact that the NRA ran as far away from George Zimmerman says all I need to know. The fact that George Zimmerman can make news getting booted off a dating website says it all. No CCW instructor will endorse Zimmerman, that says it all. The fact that a court in Florida let him off says all I need to know. Zimmerman is a puts who uses this shooting to intimidate people. He tried to make money off it, but got no takers. He did murder. You live in Texas, you know for a fact they would have sent him to TDC had that shooting happened here.
I know for a fact that in Texas (except in places like Harris or Dallas County) , they would have charged him appropriately, which would have greatly improved the likelihood of an APPROPRIATE conviction (if any).

The murder charge in this situation is borderline malpractice by the Florida prosecution. They almost certainly could have secured a plea had they acted like responsible prosecutors.

But, no.

The political pressure from all the ass hurt wannabe criminals who think being a criminal makes them cool )but who are quick yell "dindo nuffin" ) did not give a cocksucking shit about securing appropriate justice. They wanted race payback. They wanted white people to pay for their own situation.

Nothing less that a public lynching would do, because black people think all the world's problems are caused by white people. Forget glorifying criminality. Forget fatherless families. Forget education being a social stigma. Forget doing all the things necessary to be successful. It's all whitey's fault.

They wanted racial vengeance, not justice. And they got NEITHER.

Zimmerman is still legally qualified to carry and has served no time. The system did not fail. Black racism and deep rooted hatred cause an overplayed hand.

NOW, we have a bunch of bitching and crying because black people don't seem to understand or care about the concept of justice.

Somehow, I am racist because I don't think Zimmerman committed murder. somehow, I'm racist because I think the actions of Martin probably started the violence that killed him.

It can't be both in the minds are in eyes of black people.

It gets really old trying to defend your honor at every turn.

If I'm going to be called a racist no matter what I do, then FUCK THIS SHIT!! I'm gonna go put a fucking white hood on and be a fucking racist. I may as well. It doesn't seem to make a difference one way or another to these racist black motherfuckers up in this thread.

Do you see the problem with black people?


I do see the problem with black people. Black men make to many babies and don’t support them.

Here is the thing. If I’m at a concert and a dudes fat head is in my way, I talk shit, get popped in the mouth then shoot him for popping me am I justified?

of course not,,,but if hes on top of you pounding your head into the ground trying to kill you then yes you are,,,
Right wing, racist like yourself flocked to Zimmerman because his daddy is white.

There is nothing showing he was a member of a gang, that is just right wing propaganda to try and justify this coward killing a young black teenager.

How convenient.

Yea in right wing, racist world.

I doubt if that is how his parents will remember him, but it is the narrative right wing, racist will post.
You do realize Obama was only half black?
Why do you call him black then?

He calls himself black, now run and tell that.
Zimmerman is Hispanic, but politically correct morons like yourself want to call him a white guy…

His daddy is a white man, but dumbasses like you try to tell us differently. How many fucking Hispanic Zimmerman's have you met?
Undeniably Hispanic...


Undeniably WHITE.
You do realize Obama was only half black?
Why do you call him black then?

He calls himself black, now run and tell that.
Zimmerman is Hispanic, but politically correct morons like yourself want to call him a white guy…

His daddy is a white man, but dumbasses like you try to tell us differently. How many fucking Hispanic Zimmerman's have you met?
Undeniably Hispanic...


Undeniably WHITE.
wrong again,,,the father is clearly white,,,but not the mother

and why is everything about race to you>????

because youre a racist is why,,,
Look at those little bastards. Bad seeds all. Best to shoot them all now.
Black people think it is cool to be a criminal----FACT

More right wing, racist bullshit.
You’re one of those fools that look at everything through a race… It’s best if you stay in seclusion in your safe space snowflake

You kind of have to look at everything through race. Had Zimmerman shot a honky dressed in a rebel flag hoodie and a Copenhagen hat it never would have made the news.
He calls himself black, now run and tell that.
Zimmerman is Hispanic, but politically correct morons like yourself want to call him a white guy…

His daddy is a white man, but dumbasses like you try to tell us differently. How many fucking Hispanic Zimmerman's have you met?
Undeniably Hispanic...


Undeniably WHITE.
wrong again,,,the father is clearly white,,,but not the mother

and why is everything about race to you>????

because youre a racist is why,,,

I said the FATHER was white dumbass, I didn't say anything about his mom. So I am RIGHT as always.
Look at those little bastards. Bad seeds all. Best to shoot them all now.
Black people think it is cool to be a criminal----FACT

More right wing, racist bullshit.
You’re one of those fools that look at everything through a race… It’s best if you stay in seclusion in your safe space snowflake

You kind of have to look at everything through race. Had Zimmerman shot a honky dressed in a rebel flag hoodie and a Copenhagen hat it never would have made the news.

I agree because Zimmerman's ass would have went straight to jail and he would be doing 30 to Life.

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