George Zimmerman sues Warren and Buttigieg for 265 million

The fact is Zimmerman was on his way back to his truck when Martin doubled back and attacked him. But hey, feel free to keep spewing the commie talking points that bear no resemblance to reality.


Yeah my commie neighborhood watch doesn't allow guns for the nightly patrols . Even an armed commie would feel embolden by the feel of that cold lethal steel at his finger tips. He might even put him self in greater danger than he would otherwise without a gun while chasing down those suspected criminal Capitalist. </sarcasm>

But hey, stay in your box.

Trevon should have gone home and called the real cops.

Trayvon did run home and after talking to his g/f decided to go back .....why? Perhaps to impress her?

No, anyone looking at a map can see that the confrontation happened blocks from Zimmerman's truck, so Zimmerman took a short cut, got in front of Martin, and cut him off. Martin did not go back or do anything at all to increase the confrontation. It was entirely Zimmerman who was at fault.

Martin never made it home, but that is where he was always headed.

How would Zimmerman know where Martin was? In the 911 call, he stated early on he lost Martin. And he quit running. Zimmerman continued his call for nearly a minute after he lost Martin. Martin, being very athletic could have ran round that place and been back at the starting point by the time Zimmerman got off the phone with police. But he stopped. Why???

The police and detectives checked out his story. Everything lines up.

It is still not known for sure where Trayvon ran off to....per his g/f she said he told her he was almost home....which was very close....if he were running he could have been home in less than a minute. So he probably did run home. As mentioned George had completely lost sight of him....had no idea where he was.

We have no idea what his girlfriend said or heard, because the pig that testified was not his girlfriend or the person he was talking to. The real girlfriend didn't want to get involved for some reason.
Zimmerman was part of the neighborhood watch, but that had nothing to do with the shooting. Zimmerman was simply going to the store. After he got in his truck, he spotted Martin. Knowing most of the people there, he knew Martin was not part of that gated community, and given the rise of home break-ins, he suspected that Martin could be one of the people involved in the crimes.

Zimmerman did the right thing. He seen a suspicious character that fit the description of the people breaking into homes, and immediately called the police. That's what you're supposed to do.

Armed wannabe cop was not authorized to pursue what he considered suspects. Being armed embolden him, and that also played a part in the tragedy, by giving that warm gun feeling of superiority. When in fact a high school kid was able to get the better of him. But I understand that. When I was in High School I could have knocked the shit out of him too.

Perhaps, but when you were in school, citizens were defenseless from attackers. We didn't carry guns back then. Today we do. So if you have plans on attacking somebody, that has to be a consideration.

Now if Zimmerman caught up to Martin, perhaps prevented him from escape, then Zimmerman would have been locked up for murder. You can't trap somebody and then use your firearm if they react. Zimmerman chased Martin for a very short time. Martin was long gone when Zimmerman stopped running. Martin waited for Zimmerman in the dark, and attacked him after he got off the phone with the dispatcher.

Just because somebody followed you for 20 seconds does not give you the legal right to attack them later on. It's still felony assault.

Neither person acted wisely. Martin should have called the police on Zimmerman. But he was just a kid, and hindsight is 20/20. I just don't think he would have chased the kid if he didn't have a gun.

I didn't say what Zimmerman did was smart, but what he did wasn't illegal either . If I decide to walk to the store, and somebody is on the sidewalk in front of me, turns around, and attacks me, he's going to jail because there is no law against following anybody.

There are laws against following someone late at night, first slowly with your truck, then on foot, and finally cutting the person off on the trail through the housing backyards.

There was no store any any valid reason for Zimmerman to be doing what he did.
It clearly was deliberately intended to get Martin's attention, and to intimidate him.
Nor is there any evidence at all that Martin ever started any physical confrontation.
In fact he could not have, since he could not have known that Zimmerman was waiting in front of him.

The wet back and knees are irrelevant, because we are not talking about what happened before the actual shooting.
The angle of the shot does not at all indicate it happened while Martin was on top of Zimmerman.
In fact, it is absolutely impossible for the shot to have happened when Martin was on his knees, on top of Zimmerman.
Because if that were the case, then Martin would still have been on his knees, only laying back.
But his was not.
The body of Martin was laying back on the grass with his legs outstretched.
So he had to be standing when killed.
Okay, this is more like what I asked for but let's peruse the list.

First link simply says Smirk-boi responds -- it's quoting his take on it. The fact that Smirk-Boi responded is a true fact.

Second describes what's in a viral video. The video was viral, that's also true.

Third one is a blog. Note that when the writer apologizes, he directs it to the body of Covington students who he had mischaracterized initially, and NOT Smirk-Boi individually.

Fourth one, a writer for Vox, actually makes a declarative cause-and-effect statement:

President Donald Trump started off the week by mocking one of the worst Native American massacres in US history in order to score some political points. By Friday, a group of young white teenagers were following in his footsteps by taunting Native American elders at the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington, DC — on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, no less. (Vox)​

-- which could be characterized as describing the group's motives, although it remains a fact that they were taunting Philips additionally "the group" is a collective while Smirk-Boi is an individual; Same as previous link, whether it attributes a causation or not it's referring to the group.

Fifth link is, again, a recounting of a statement ("gives his side of the story");

And then the sixth one is the same as the third one, repeated.

And reviewing all of them I'm seeing wording of "a video appears to show" and also seeing more background on the Black Hebrew Israelites. What I'm not seeing is any direct declarative statement about "what Smirk-Boi personally was doing" or why.

Also only one of them is an actual news reporter (#2) and I'm not aware that CBS has been sued.

It's a lot of verbage, if you have something specific in there I may have missed, don't just plop links, go ahead and quote it specifically.

I could provide more, but you have proven you're not interested in the facts. The fact was no one taunted Phillips, Phillips is the one that approached the kids. He's the one that moved among them and then came back to Sandmann and got in his face. Sandmann did nothing but stand his ground and smile. Another fact is Sandmann was singled out in most of the reporting and that's why CNN settled the case.

New York (CNN Business)CNN has settled a lawsuit with a Kentucky high school student who was at the center of a viral video controversy, a spokesperson for the news network confirmed Tuesday.

CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann stemming from viral video controversy - CNN


All the rest of the students from Covington were yelling hate speech.
As more Covington students arrived, and in response to these taunts, the students performed school spirit sports chants, including their version of a Māori haka.[17][24][Notes 2] One of the Native Americans who was there for the March said that he felt "the students were mocking the dance."[25]

And anyone watching the video will get the impression Sandmann closed the distance to Phillips and moved when he moved, in order to block him.
None of the Covington students were there for a legitimate purpose, but were intent upon deliberately trying to harm other political causes.
Which was illegal because they were under age, during school hours, and being used by the school as political pawns.

God what a liar you are.

"For about ten minutes,[14] there was an overlap on the Plaza of a small group from the Indigenous Peoples March and a larger group of students from the all-male Covington Catholic High School in Park Hills, Kentucky, who were gathering at their appointed meeting place at the steps of the Plaza to wait for their buses to return home"

January 2019 Lincoln Memorial confrontation - Wikipedia

There is no question Covington school was illegally using underage students, during school hours, to push a violent, right wing, political agenda.
The Covington students were not there for a tour, but the March for Life, political event.
The March for Life is an annual rally and march protesting both the practice and legality of abortion, held in Washington, D.C. on or around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a decision issued in 1973 by the United States Supreme Court legalizing abortion nationwide. The march, whose stated mission is to "End abortion by uniting, educating, and mobilizing pro-life people in the public square", advocates for overturning Roe v. Wade.
Covington is a religious, right wing, private school for boys only.

Illegal? When I was in school, we had field trips all the time. I remember one time we went to Amish country to see a cheese factory. We went to a farm another time. Another event was at the Cleveland Playhouse theater to watch a play. Field trips are common for schools.

A field trip that is not political is fine, but it is illegal to use students as political fodder since they can not say no.
It not only violates their political rights, but is child abuse for wasting the time they are supposed to be in school.
They can learn from a field trip, but not from a Right to Life rally.
Armed wannabe cop was not authorized to pursue what he considered suspects. Being armed embolden him, and that also played a part in the tragedy, by giving that warm gun feeling of superiority. When in fact a high school kid was able to get the better of him. But I understand that. When I was in High School I could have knocked the shit out of him too.

The fact is Zimmerman was on his way back to his truck when Martin doubled back and attacked him. But hey, feel free to keep spewing the commie talking points that bear no resemblance to reality.


Yeah my commie neighborhood watch doesn't allow guns for the nightly patrols . Even an armed commie would feel embolden by the feel of that cold lethal steel at his finger tips. He might even put him self in greater danger than he would otherwise without a gun while chasing down those suspected criminal Capitalist. </sarcasm>

But hey, stay in your box.

Trevon should have gone home and called the real cops.

Go home for what? He had a cell phone with him. Had he called the police, they would have explained the situation, and he could have met the officer on arrival to tell his side of the story.

To prove that he belonged in the neighborhood, that it was his home. To get a baseball bat?

If he made it home safely, why would he need a baseball bat?

The truth is he didn't live there. His mother got upset with this third suspension from school, so he went to live with his father and his fathers girlfriend. Trayvon actually lived an hour away from where he got shot.

If you clip someone with a bat they're not likely to shoot you.

Yore a comedian. He didn't live there but, he went there to live with his dad. So he was living there. That is where he belonged.
In that tweet, they used Zimmerman as an example of gun violence

Did they mention Zimmerman at all, or just the teenager he killed with his gun.

Is he suing over his own guilty conscious?

They were posting their condolences to the family of Martin, and then made the statement about racism, gun violence, prejudice and so on. There is only one person they could have been talking about.
The fact is Zimmerman was on his way back to his truck when Martin doubled back and attacked him. But hey, feel free to keep spewing the commie talking points that bear no resemblance to reality.


Yeah my commie neighborhood watch doesn't allow guns for the nightly patrols . Even an armed commie would feel embolden by the feel of that cold lethal steel at his finger tips. He might even put him self in greater danger than he would otherwise without a gun while chasing down those suspected criminal Capitalist. </sarcasm>

But hey, stay in your box.

Trevon should have gone home and called the real cops.

Go home for what? He had a cell phone with him. Had he called the police, they would have explained the situation, and he could have met the officer on arrival to tell his side of the story.

To prove that he belonged in the neighborhood, that it was his home. To get a baseball bat?

If he made it home safely, why would he need a baseball bat?

The truth is he didn't live there. His mother got upset with this third suspension from school, so he went to live with his father and his fathers girlfriend. Trayvon actually lived an hour away from where he got shot.

If you clip someone with a bat they're not likely to shoot you.

Yore a comedian. He didn't live there but, he went there to live with his dad. So he was living there. That is where he belonged.

Yes, he was living there temporarily. But Zimmerman knew he was not a regular resident there.

So your claim here is that Trayvon would have gotten a bat, then went out to assault Zimmerman?
No, the audio of the 9/11 operator clearly contains Zimmerman using the 'N' word.
Zimmerman was racist, and FL Hispanics are notorious for being ultra racist.

Also Zimmerman was NOT at all a member of Neighborhood Watch.
He went to one meeting, but was rejected because he would not follow the rules.
And the rules would have prevented the situation that he caused by his criminal actions.
Neighborhood Watch never allows any of its member to patrol while armed or alone.
By violating those simple and obvious rules, and a few more, Zimmerman caused the whole scenario to occur.
It was all his fault, even if it did not necessarily prove an intent to commit 2nd degree murder.

We also now know Zimmerman is not a good guy because of all the additional violence he has been convicted of, such as domestic violence.

Zimmerman was part of the neighborhood watch, but that had nothing to do with the shooting. Zimmerman was simply going to the store. After he got in his truck, he spotted Martin. Knowing most of the people there, he knew Martin was not part of that gated community, and given the rise of home break-ins, he suspected that Martin could be one of the people involved in the crimes.

Zimmerman did the right thing. He seen a suspicious character that fit the description of the people breaking into homes, and immediately called the police. That's what you're supposed to do.

Armed wannabe cop was not authorized to pursue what he considered suspects. Being armed embolden him, and that also played a part in the tragedy, by giving that warm gun feeling of superiority. When in fact a high school kid was able to get the better of him. But I understand that. When I was in High School I could have knocked the shit out of him too.

So was Michael Brown wrongly shot too?

He was not shot by a wannabe cop who was stalking him on his way home. That cop was on the job when the confrontation happened.

Imagine that another liar.

Have another shot of stupid, zippy!
Armed wannabe cop was not authorized to pursue what he considered suspects. Being armed embolden him, and that also played a part in the tragedy, by giving that warm gun feeling of superiority. When in fact a high school kid was able to get the better of him. But I understand that. When I was in High School I could have knocked the shit out of him too.

Perhaps, but when you were in school, citizens were defenseless from attackers. We didn't carry guns back then. Today we do. So if you have plans on attacking somebody, that has to be a consideration.

Now if Zimmerman caught up to Martin, perhaps prevented him from escape, then Zimmerman would have been locked up for murder. You can't trap somebody and then use your firearm if they react. Zimmerman chased Martin for a very short time. Martin was long gone when Zimmerman stopped running. Martin waited for Zimmerman in the dark, and attacked him after he got off the phone with the dispatcher.

Just because somebody followed you for 20 seconds does not give you the legal right to attack them later on. It's still felony assault.

Neither person acted wisely. Martin should have called the police on Zimmerman. But he was just a kid, and hindsight is 20/20. I just don't think he would have chased the kid if he didn't have a gun.

I didn't say what Zimmerman did was smart, but what he did wasn't illegal either . If I decide to walk to the store, and somebody is on the sidewalk in front of me, turns around, and attacks me, he's going to jail because there is no law against following anybody.

There are laws against following someone late at night, first slowly with your truck, then on foot, and finally cutting the person off on the trail through the housing backyards.

There was no store any any valid reason for Zimmerman to be doing what he did.
It clearly was deliberately intended to get Martin's attention, and to intimidate him.
Nor is there any evidence at all that Martin ever started any physical confrontation.
In fact he could not have, since he could not have known that Zimmerman was waiting in front of him.

You still haven't explained how he got in front of him when Martin was running and Zimmerman stopped for nearly a minute. Show me this law that you are not allowed to follow anybody day or night. I want to see somebody get a citation to court for following somebody.

So how is it Martin didn't start any physical confrontation, but he's the only one that had physical cuts on his knuckles? If George got in the first punch, he would have had some kind of an abrasion or blood on his hands. He had nothing but injuries sustained from an attack.

You have this totally backwards.
Martin was never running, and in fact stopped to make the call to his girl friend.
It was only Zimmerman who not only was running, but ALWAYS running.
And he was running more than enough to get in front of Martin, in the 2 blocks to get where the body was found.

Punches normally leave no scratches or any sign on one's hands.
The only way Martin could have scratches on his hands it not from punching someone, but from being scrapped on the sidewalk.
And no, Zimmerman had no significant injuries, such as ones would expect from taking a beating as he claimed.
A scratch on the back of the head means rolling around on the ground, not having a head smashed on concrete as claimed.
He clearly was lying.
So your claim here is that Trayvon would have gotten a bat, then went out to assault Zimmerman?

Actually there was a ? at the end of that sentence. If you were going back out to violently confront someone would you take a weapon?

Claim? That's ffunny
The fact is Zimmerman was on his way back to his truck when Martin doubled back and attacked him. But hey, feel free to keep spewing the commie talking points that bear no resemblance to reality.


Yeah my commie neighborhood watch doesn't allow guns for the nightly patrols . Even an armed commie would feel embolden by the feel of that cold lethal steel at his finger tips. He might even put him self in greater danger than he would otherwise without a gun while chasing down those suspected criminal Capitalist. </sarcasm>

But hey, stay in your box.

Trevon should have gone home and called the real cops.

Trayvon did run home and after talking to his g/f decided to go back .....why? Perhaps to impress her?

No, anyone looking at a map can see that the confrontation happened blocks from Zimmerman's truck, so Zimmerman took a short cut, got in front of Martin, and cut him off. Martin did not go back or do anything at all to increase the confrontation. It was entirely Zimmerman who was at fault.

Martin never made it home, but that is where he was always headed.

How would Zimmerman know where Martin was? In the 911 call, he stated early on he lost Martin. And he quit running. Zimmerman continued his call for nearly a minute after he lost Martin. Martin, being very athletic could have ran round that place and been back at the starting point by the time Zimmerman got off the phone with police. But he stopped. Why???

The police and detectives checked out his story. Everything lines up.

It is still not known for sure where Trayvon ran off to....per his g/f she said he told her he was almost home....which was very close....if he were running he could have been home in less than a minute. So he probably did run home. As mentioned George had completely lost sight of him....had no idea where he was.

We know for sure that Martin ran off to the east, stopped once out of sight, and made the cellphone call to his girlfriend.
But Zimmerman knew the walk Martin went down was near the east wall so had to turn south. Zimmerman then cut a diagonal on the street side of the house, so he got infront of Martin and cut him off.
Zimmerman did not have to keep sight of Martin to know that he had to soon turn south, following the walkway.
The wet back and knees are irrelevant, because we are not talking about what happened before the actual shooting.
The angle of the shot does not at all indicate it happened while Martin was on top of Zimmerman.
In fact, it is absolutely impossible for the shot to have happened when Martin was on his knees, on top of Zimmerman.
Because if that were the case, then Martin would still have been on his knees, only laying back.
But his was not.
The body of Martin was laying back on the grass with his legs outstretched.
So he had to be standing when killed.

No, his body landed on Zimmerman. He was face down. I forget now if he slid from underneath or he pushed Martin off of him.

A field trip that is not political is fine, but it is illegal to use students as political fodder since they can not say no.
It not only violates their political rights, but is child abuse for wasting the time they are supposed to be in school.
They can learn from a field trip, but not from a Right to Life rally.

All field trips have to have a signed permission from the parent(s) to go on field trips.
Yeah my commie neighborhood watch doesn't allow guns for the nightly patrols . Even an armed commie would feel embolden by the feel of that cold lethal steel at his finger tips. He might even put him self in greater danger than he would otherwise without a gun while chasing down those suspected criminal Capitalist. </sarcasm>

But hey, stay in your box.

Trevon should have gone home and called the real cops.

Go home for what? He had a cell phone with him. Had he called the police, they would have explained the situation, and he could have met the officer on arrival to tell his side of the story.

To prove that he belonged in the neighborhood, that it was his home. To get a baseball bat?

If he made it home safely, why would he need a baseball bat?

The truth is he didn't live there. His mother got upset with this third suspension from school, so he went to live with his father and his fathers girlfriend. Trayvon actually lived an hour away from where he got shot.

If you clip someone with a bat they're not likely to shoot you.

Yore a comedian. He didn't live there but, he went there to live with his dad. So he was living there. That is where he belonged.

Yes, he was living there temporarily. But Zimmerman knew he was not a regular resident there.

So your claim here is that Trayvon would have gotten a bat, then went out to assault Zimmerman?

Martin was a regular resident, spending about half his time there.
But we know Martin never made it home, could not have gotten any weapon, and was cut off and prevented from reaching his home, by Zimmerman.
So your claim here is that Trayvon would have gotten a bat, then went out to assault Zimmerman?

Actually there was a ? at the end of that sentence. If you were going back out to violently confront someone would you take a weapon?

Claim? That's ffunny

Well if he did that, he would have also broken the law. If you are in fear of somebody (and clearly Martin wasn't) then once you reach safety, that ends the confrontation. If you go back out to challenge somebody with a deadly weapon, that makes you the criminal.
The wet back and knees are irrelevant, because we are not talking about what happened before the actual shooting.
The angle of the shot does not at all indicate it happened while Martin was on top of Zimmerman.
In fact, it is absolutely impossible for the shot to have happened when Martin was on his knees, on top of Zimmerman.
Because if that were the case, then Martin would still have been on his knees, only laying back.
But his was not.
The body of Martin was laying back on the grass with his legs outstretched.
So he had to be standing when killed.

No, his body landed on Zimmerman. He was face down. I forget now if he slid from underneath or he pushed Martin off of him.

A field trip that is not political is fine, but it is illegal to use students as political fodder since they can not say no.
It not only violates their political rights, but is child abuse for wasting the time they are supposed to be in school.
They can learn from a field trip, but not from a Right to Life rally.

All field trips have to have a signed permission from the parent(s) to go on field trips.

Impossible, if Martin had been above Zimmerman when shot, and then fell on him, then Zimmerman would have been covered in Martin's blood.
And NO, Martin was not face down, but face up, and had clearly fallen backward.


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Go home for what? He had a cell phone with him. Had he called the police, they would have explained the situation, and he could have met the officer on arrival to tell his side of the story.

To prove that he belonged in the neighborhood, that it was his home. To get a baseball bat?

If he made it home safely, why would he need a baseball bat?

The truth is he didn't live there. His mother got upset with this third suspension from school, so he went to live with his father and his fathers girlfriend. Trayvon actually lived an hour away from where he got shot.

If you clip someone with a bat they're not likely to shoot you.

Yore a comedian. He didn't live there but, he went there to live with his dad. So he was living there. That is where he belonged.

Yes, he was living there temporarily. But Zimmerman knew he was not a regular resident there.

So your claim here is that Trayvon would have gotten a bat, then went out to assault Zimmerman?

Martin was a regular resident, spending about half his time there.
But we know Martin never made it home, could not have gotten any weapon, and was cut off and prevented from reaching his home, by Zimmerman.

You are making that all up. If you and I are standing in the same place, and I start running, there is no possible way you could walk anywhere to cut me off. Zimmerman was walking and Martin was running. He played on the football team in school. Clearly his athleticism was an advantage against Zimmerman.
The wet back and knees are irrelevant, because we are not talking about what happened before the actual shooting.
The angle of the shot does not at all indicate it happened while Martin was on top of Zimmerman.
In fact, it is absolutely impossible for the shot to have happened when Martin was on his knees, on top of Zimmerman.
Because if that were the case, then Martin would still have been on his knees, only laying back.
But his was not.
The body of Martin was laying back on the grass with his legs outstretched.
So he had to be standing when killed.

No, his body landed on Zimmerman. He was face down. I forget now if he slid from underneath or he pushed Martin off of him.

A field trip that is not political is fine, but it is illegal to use students as political fodder since they can not say no.
It not only violates their political rights, but is child abuse for wasting the time they are supposed to be in school.
They can learn from a field trip, but not from a Right to Life rally.

All field trips have to have a signed permission from the parent(s) to go on field trips.

Impossible, if Martin had been above Zimmerman when shot, and then fell on him, then Zimmerman would have been covered in Martin's blood.
And NO, Martin was not face down, but face up, and had clearly fallen backward.

Well then you better tell Florida they need new forensic scientists, because you have the answers. Yes, there was Martin's blood on George's clothing.
So your claim here is that Trayvon would have gotten a bat, then went out to assault Zimmerman?

Actually there was a ? at the end of that sentence. If you were going back out to violently confront someone would you take a weapon?

Claim? That's ffunny

Well if he did that, he would have also broken the law. If you are in fear of somebody (and clearly Martin wasn't) then once you reach safety, that ends the confrontation. If you go back out to challenge somebody with a deadly weapon, that makes you the criminal.

Well, in the heat of the moment people do irrational things. Like go back out, looking for a fight, or killing a kid who's beating your ass with his fists.
The wet back and knees are irrelevant, because we are not talking about what happened before the actual shooting.
The angle of the shot does not at all indicate it happened while Martin was on top of Zimmerman.
In fact, it is absolutely impossible for the shot to have happened when Martin was on his knees, on top of Zimmerman.
Because if that were the case, then Martin would still have been on his knees, only laying back.
But his was not.
The body of Martin was laying back on the grass with his legs outstretched.
So he had to be standing when killed.

No, his body landed on Zimmerman. He was face down. I forget now if he slid from underneath or he pushed Martin off of him.

A field trip that is not political is fine, but it is illegal to use students as political fodder since they can not say no.
It not only violates their political rights, but is child abuse for wasting the time they are supposed to be in school.
They can learn from a field trip, but not from a Right to Life rally.

All field trips have to have a signed permission from the parent(s) to go on field trips.

Impossible, if Martin had been above Zimmerman when shot, and then fell on him, then Zimmerman would have been covered in Martin's blood.
And NO, Martin was not face down, but face up, and had clearly fallen backward.

Vincent Di Maio, a former chief medical examiner from Texas, told the jury that the evidence was consistent with Zimmerman's account. The powder burns found on Martin's shirt show that the shirt was two to four inches from his body, indicating he was leaning over Zimmerman when he was shot, Di Maio said.

"If you are lying on your back your clothing is going to be against your chest," Di Maio said, according to ABC News. "The clothing is consistent with someone leaning over the person doing the shooting."
So your claim here is that Trayvon would have gotten a bat, then went out to assault Zimmerman?

Actually there was a ? at the end of that sentence. If you were going back out to violently confront someone would you take a weapon?

Claim? That's ffunny

Well if he did that, he would have also broken the law. If you are in fear of somebody (and clearly Martin wasn't) then once you reach safety, that ends the confrontation. If you go back out to challenge somebody with a deadly weapon, that makes you the criminal.

Well, in the heat of the moment people do irrational things. Like go back out, looking for a fight, or killing a kid who's beating your ass with his fists.

And that's apparently what happened in this case. Clearly Martin was long gone. He came back out of shame that he ran in the first place, and wanted to even the score.
Yeah my commie neighborhood watch doesn't allow guns for the nightly patrols . Even an armed commie would feel embolden by the feel of that cold lethal steel at his finger tips. He might even put him self in greater danger than he would otherwise without a gun while chasing down those suspected criminal Capitalist. </sarcasm>

But hey, stay in your box.

Trevon should have gone home and called the real cops.

Trayvon did run home and after talking to his g/f decided to go back .....why? Perhaps to impress her?

No, anyone looking at a map can see that the confrontation happened blocks from Zimmerman's truck, so Zimmerman took a short cut, got in front of Martin, and cut him off. Martin did not go back or do anything at all to increase the confrontation. It was entirely Zimmerman who was at fault.

Martin never made it home, but that is where he was always headed.

How would Zimmerman know where Martin was? In the 911 call, he stated early on he lost Martin. And he quit running. Zimmerman continued his call for nearly a minute after he lost Martin. Martin, being very athletic could have ran round that place and been back at the starting point by the time Zimmerman got off the phone with police. But he stopped. Why???

The police and detectives checked out his story. Everything lines up.

It is still not known for sure where Trayvon ran off to....per his g/f she said he told her he was almost home....which was very close....if he were running he could have been home in less than a minute. So he probably did run home. As mentioned George had completely lost sight of him....had no idea where he was.

We know for sure that Martin ran off to the east, stopped once out of sight, and made the cellphone call to his girlfriend.
But Zimmerman knew the walk Martin went down was near the east wall so had to turn south. Zimmerman then cut a diagonal on the street side of the house, so he got infront of Martin and cut him off.
Zimmerman did not have to keep sight of Martin to know that he had to soon turn south, following the walkway.

Actually, Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend when Zimmerman first spotted him.

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