George Zimmerman sues Warren and Buttigieg for 265 million

Whatever the details of that may be, nobody was named in either of the tweets in question, which is the first and biggest most obvious reason he has no case.

My post above was to ask Ray if his analogy of the store burglar applies to the shooting event. From what I'm reading it would appear it does not.

No it was assault and battery with bodily injury. Zimmerman defended himself. It's just that simple.

Once again --- the question was put to Ray, who brought up the analogy.

Once again, thugs engaging in criminal activity are fully aware there decisions could cost them everything. Ray simply used one example, there are thousands of possible scenarios.


Once AGAIN --- THE QUESTION WAS FOR THE POSTER WHO MADE THE ANALOGY. YOU ARE NOT THAT POSTER AND YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR HIM. I've got three bigger fonts plus bold if that didn't get through.

Got it, you're only interested in playing a game of semantics, here's a clue for ya commie, semantics is the last bastion of a loser.

ONCE AGAIN -- the post CLEARLY responded to *Ray* and *NOT TO YOU*. It's right there in the fucking quote nest. There is nothing you can do to change that.

There has literally never been a moment when that was not the case.
In that tweet, they used Zimmerman as an example of gun violence

Did they mention Zimmerman at all, or just the teenager he killed with his gun.

Is he suing over his own guilty conscious?

They were posting their condolences to the family of Martin, and then made the statement about racism, gun violence, prejudice and so on. There is only one person they could have been talking about.

--- Because there is only one person guilty of racism, gun violence, prejudice and so on? Damn, he gets around.
In that tweet, they used Zimmerman as an example of gun violence

Did they mention Zimmerman at all, or just the teenager he killed with his gun.

Is he suing over his own guilty conscious?

They were posting their condolences to the family of Martin, and then made the statement about racism, gun violence, prejudice and so on. There is only one person they could have been talking about.

--- Because there is only one person guilty of racism, gun violence, prejudice and so on? Damn, he gets around.

Come on, you read what I said. I said that they wrote Zimmerman is the poster child for racism, prejudice, gun violence and so on.
In that tweet, they used Zimmerman as an example of gun violence

Did they mention Zimmerman at all, or just the teenager he killed with his gun.

Is he suing over his own guilty conscious?

They were posting their condolences to the family of Martin, and then made the statement about racism, gun violence, prejudice and so on. There is only one person they could have been talking about.

--- Because there is only one person guilty of racism, gun violence, prejudice and so on? Damn, he gets around.

Come on, you read what I said. I said that they wrote Zimmerman is the poster child for racism, prejudice, gun violence and so on.

While it may be true that he sees himself as that poster child, they never called him that.
In that tweet, they used Zimmerman as an example of gun violence

Did they mention Zimmerman at all, or just the teenager he killed with his gun.

Is he suing over his own guilty conscious?

They were posting their condolences to the family of Martin, and then made the statement about racism, gun violence, prejudice and so on. There is only one person they could have been talking about.

--- Because there is only one person guilty of racism, gun violence, prejudice and so on? Damn, he gets around.

Come on, you read what I said. I said that they wrote Zimmerman is the poster child for racism, prejudice, gun violence and so on.

While it may be true that he sees himself as that poster child, they never called him that.

You are getting back to "depends on what is is."

They were talking specifically about one person here--Trayvon Martin. In the same breath, they brought up racism, gun violence, prejudice and so on.

Seriously, if you experienced all the hell Zimmerman went through, all the death threats to him and his family, having to stay low key for a few years until people forgot about the situation, would you want these two clowns rehashing the story all over again? It's more than just bad taste, it's the possibility they may setoff some kook that might want to harm him for something that took place eight years ago simply so these two could use it to promote their hatred.
256 million?

Where did he pull that number from? There is no way he can show damages even close to that even if he had a case...
George Zimmerman, the onetime neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida, is suing Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg for $265 million, claiming both 2020 Democratic presidential candidates defamed him in an attempt to "garner votes in the black community."

The lawsuit filed in Polk County, Fla., Tuesday argues Warren and Buttigieg’s two separate tweets on Feb. 5, which would have been Martin’s 25th birthday, used the killing “as a pretext to demagogue and falsely brand Zimmerman as a white supremacist and racist to their millions of Twitter followers.”

Buttigieg tweeted to his 1.6 million followers. The message garnered 42,000 likes, 13,300 replies and 6,600 retweets in just three days, the lawsuit states.

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,” Warren tweeted to her 3.6 million followers on the same day, sharing four photos of Trayvon Martin as a small child, between the ages of 4 and 10. The message received 7,300 likes and 1,000 retweets in three days, in addition to national media coverage, the lawsuit states.

George Zimmerman sues Warren, Buttigieg for $265M, accuses them of attempting to garner black votes by defaming him

Any chance at him winning? Who knows. I'm sure he has a lawyer that made this decision, so I'm guessing he can.

There was nothing racial about the shooting of Martin. Zimmerman, a minority himself, lived in a very diverse gated housing complex. If I remember correctly, he attended his school prom with a black girlfriend. But because he was a white-Hispanic and not black himself, the lying MSM tried to make it a racial incident.

Have the Democrats finally crossed the line with using blacks to promote their hate? We'll see. Should be a very interesting election with this in the works.

I am hoping however Nick Sampson's case goes to trial and he wins at least a partial victory for the way those left wing asshole slobs treated him.

Sandman, and they settled out of court.
256 million?

Where did he pull that number from? There is no way he can show damages even close to that even if he had a case...

Punitive damage. I'm sure it's outrageous to make a point. After all, you never sue for the amount you really want. Settle out of court for a few million and you're set for life if it goes through.
256 million?

Where did he pull that number from? There is no way he can show damages even close to that even if he had a case...
To prove that he belonged in the neighborhood, that it was his home. To get a baseball bat?

If he made it home safely, why would he need a baseball bat?

The truth is he didn't live there. His mother got upset with this third suspension from school, so he went to live with his father and his fathers girlfriend. Trayvon actually lived an hour away from where he got shot.

If you clip someone with a bat they're not likely to shoot you.

Yore a comedian. He didn't live there but, he went there to live with his dad. So he was living there. That is where he belonged.

Yes, he was living there temporarily. But Zimmerman knew he was not a regular resident there.

So your claim here is that Trayvon would have gotten a bat, then went out to assault Zimmerman?

Martin was a regular resident, spending about half his time there.
But we know Martin never made it home, could not have gotten any weapon, and was cut off and prevented from reaching his home, by Zimmerman.

You are making that all up. If you and I are standing in the same place, and I start running, there is no possible way you could walk anywhere to cut me off. Zimmerman was walking and Martin was running. He played on the football team in school. Clearly his athleticism was an advantage against Zimmerman. never fails when these threads on Z start up the Negroes and liberal dumbasses who did not watch the trial have no clue as to all the evidence that was presented but let none of that prevent them from sounding off with their personal opinions based mainly on their imagination and stuff they may have heard down on the street corner waiting for a bus. hehheh so ridiculous

George Zimmerman prosecutors have proved his innocence, says lawyer

the bottom line is simply this....Trayvon caused his own death....he had sized up George(circled his truck) and thought he would be a easy victim and George would have been had he not been armed.

Had trayvon not been full of hatred(evidenced by a history of getting in fights) he would not have attacked George and would not have wound up like this>>>>>>>

Last edited:
256 million?

Where did he pull that number from? There is no way he can show damages even close to that even if he had a case...
If he made it home safely, why would he need a baseball bat?

The truth is he didn't live there. His mother got upset with this third suspension from school, so he went to live with his father and his fathers girlfriend. Trayvon actually lived an hour away from where he got shot.

If you clip someone with a bat they're not likely to shoot you.

Yore a comedian. He didn't live there but, he went there to live with his dad. So he was living there. That is where he belonged.

Yes, he was living there temporarily. But Zimmerman knew he was not a regular resident there.

So your claim here is that Trayvon would have gotten a bat, then went out to assault Zimmerman?

Martin was a regular resident, spending about half his time there.
But we know Martin never made it home, could not have gotten any weapon, and was cut off and prevented from reaching his home, by Zimmerman.

You are making that all up. If you and I are standing in the same place, and I start running, there is no possible way you could walk anywhere to cut me off. Zimmerman was walking and Martin was running. He played on the football team in school. Clearly his athleticism was an advantage against Zimmerman. never fails when these threads on Z start up the Negroes and liberal dumbasses who did not watch the trial have no clue as to all the evidence that was presented but let none of that prevent them from sounding off with their personal opinions based mainly on their imagination and stuff they may have heard down on the street corner waiting for a bus. hehheh so ridiculous

George Zimmerman prosecutors have proved his innocence, says lawyer

the bottom line is simply this....Trayvon caused his own death....he had sized up George(circled his truck) and thought he would be a easy victim and George would have been had he not been armed.

Had trayvon not been full of hatred(evidenced by a history of getting in fights) he would not have attacked George and would not have wound up like this>>>>>>>


What some people don't understand about this story is that if Zim didn't have a gun to defend himself with, and the police pulled up during the scuffle, Trayvon would have been arrested for felonious assault. More than likely, charged as an adult.

According to the creator of the movie Rest In Power, Trayvon was a good kid until the breakup of his parents. This is prevalent in the black community as a whole. Until that time, he was a good kid that stayed out of trouble; did well in school; very well liked by family, and neighbors alike. With the breakup of his parents, that's when he went off the deep end. He got involved with dope, he posted pictures of himself on social media holding guns, suspended from school several times which is why his mother shipped him off to his fathers girlfriends home, got in trouble with the law, and took a path of living life as a thug.

The loss of his life was not the fault of gun manufacturers, it was not because of Stand Your Ground laws. It was not even Trayvon's fault. It was the failure of his parents that caused his death, like the thousands of black kids deaths before and after him.
No it was assault and battery with bodily injury. Zimmerman defended himself. It's just that simple.

Once again --- the question was put to Ray, who brought up the analogy.

Once again, thugs engaging in criminal activity are fully aware there decisions could cost them everything. Ray simply used one example, there are thousands of possible scenarios.


Once AGAIN --- THE QUESTION WAS FOR THE POSTER WHO MADE THE ANALOGY. YOU ARE NOT THAT POSTER AND YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR HIM. I've got three bigger fonts plus bold if that didn't get through.

Got it, you're only interested in playing a game of semantics, here's a clue for ya commie, semantics is the last bastion of a loser.

ONCE AGAIN -- the post CLEARLY responded to *Ray* and *NOT TO YOU*. It's right there in the fucking quote nest. There is nothing you can do to change that.

There has literally never been a moment when that was not the case.

Poor little commie, this is an open forum, anyone can respond to any post. If you want to have private conversations try PMs. Otherwise stop your fucking crying and whining.

Did they mention Zimmerman at all, or just the teenager he killed with his gun.

Is he suing over his own guilty conscious?

They were posting their condolences to the family of Martin, and then made the statement about racism, gun violence, prejudice and so on. There is only one person they could have been talking about.

--- Because there is only one person guilty of racism, gun violence, prejudice and so on? Damn, he gets around.

Come on, you read what I said. I said that they wrote Zimmerman is the poster child for racism, prejudice, gun violence and so on.

While it may be true that he sees himself as that poster child, they never called him that.

You are getting back to "depends on what is is."

They were talking specifically about one person here--Trayvon Martin. In the same breath, they brought up racism, gun violence, prejudice and so on.

Seriously, if you experienced all the hell Zimmerman went through, all the death threats to him and his family, having to stay low key for a few years until people forgot about the situation, would you want these two clowns rehashing the story all over again? It's more than just bad taste, it's the possibility they may setoff some kook that might want to harm him for something that took place eight years ago simply so these two could use it to promote their hatred.

You still do not get it.
Zimmerman is the one who not only caused all the trouble, but is still doing so constantly.
He is taking money for public appearances by racist groups.
He has been arrested many times now for starting physical fights and domestic violence.

The Source |George Zimmerman Was Caught Using the N-Word As Police Questioned Him for Bar Disturbance
George Zimmerman Was Caught Using the N-Word As Police Questioned Him for Bar Disturbance
Kage Taylor
November 12, 2016

George Zimmerman is in trouble with the law once more. Years after being acquitted for fatally shooting Trayvon Martin and other run-ins, his latest incident involves the use of racially offensive language, according to local reports.

Police were called to a bar close to Sanford, Florida on Wednesday to investigate a reported battery, says WKMG. It was a female friend of Zimmerman’s said to be involved in what brought an official to Corona Cigar Company bar, not him. However, when the deputy was delving deeper into the battery incident, Zimmerman’s actions that followed caught her attention.
He, who is alleged in the incident report to have a track record at this one bar, reportedly got angry at a waitress and took back the credit card as she was seeking the bill. Given the history of incidents, the manager saw Zimmerman fit as a trespasser and was further banned. The report then claims Zimmerman said this to the manager, “I didn’t know you were a (racial expletive) lover.”
His comments did not stop there, according to the Orlando Sentinel. Zimmerman filed a complaint that earlier a fellow customer, a black AME pastor, hit him and that he would press charges—though the incident report says that the pastor only pat his arm. When the deputy looked into this issue using witnesses and surveillance footage, the officer concluded that there was no need for legal action. Added to Zimmerman’s complaint, he called the deputy “an incompetent officer under qualified [sic] to flip burgers.”

What is clear is that Zimmerman is not a nice guy, is a racists and violent.
You are defending the wrong person.
Zimmerman is clearly a jerk.

George Zimmerman sells gun for $250k and claims he made auction in Hillary Clinton protest | Daily Mail Online

George Zimmerman 'sells Trayvon Martin gun for $250,000 to a mother planning to give it to her son for his birthday' and claims he auctioned it off because he's sick of Hillary Clinton's anti-gun rhetoric
  • Zimmerman says he hopes to fight against Black Lives Matters activists
  • Will also use money to campaign against attorney who led his prosecution
  • Denny Honeycutt, a bar owner in Daytona Beach, Florida, agreed to pay $150,000 for the gun
  • Zimmerman backed out their agreement after he saw higher $250,000 bid
  • Honeycutt said the gun went to a mother for her son's birthday gift instead
By Jessica Chia For

Published: 17:10 EST, 24 May 2016 | Updated: 09:47 EST, 25 May 2016

George Zimmerman sold the gun he used to shoot dead Trayvon Martin for $250,000 to a mother planning to give it to her son for his birthday, according to reports.

Zimmerman said he put the pistol up for auction after hearing Hillary Clinton's 'anti-gun rhetoric' as he smoked a cigar during an interview with KTNV.

He also vowed to fight against the Black Lives Matter movement and end the career of Florida state attorney Angela Corey, who led Zimmerman's prosecution.

But he may have made yet another enemy after he snubbed Daytona Beach bar owner Denny Honeycutt, who Zimmerman initially agreed to sell the gun to for $150,000.
256 million?

Where did he pull that number from? There is no way he can show damages even close to that even if he had a case...
If he made it home safely, why would he need a baseball bat?

The truth is he didn't live there. His mother got upset with this third suspension from school, so he went to live with his father and his fathers girlfriend. Trayvon actually lived an hour away from where he got shot.

If you clip someone with a bat they're not likely to shoot you.

Yore a comedian. He didn't live there but, he went there to live with his dad. So he was living there. That is where he belonged.

Yes, he was living there temporarily. But Zimmerman knew he was not a regular resident there.

So your claim here is that Trayvon would have gotten a bat, then went out to assault Zimmerman?

Martin was a regular resident, spending about half his time there.
But we know Martin never made it home, could not have gotten any weapon, and was cut off and prevented from reaching his home, by Zimmerman.

You are making that all up. If you and I are standing in the same place, and I start running, there is no possible way you could walk anywhere to cut me off. Zimmerman was walking and Martin was running. He played on the football team in school. Clearly his athleticism was an advantage against Zimmerman. never fails when these threads on Z start up the Negroes and liberal dumbasses who did not watch the trial have no clue as to all the evidence that was presented but let none of that prevent them from sounding off with their personal opinions based mainly on their imagination and stuff they may have heard down on the street corner waiting for a bus. hehheh so ridiculous

George Zimmerman prosecutors have proved his innocence, says lawyer

the bottom line is simply this....Trayvon caused his own death....he had sized up George(circled his truck) and thought he would be a easy victim and George would have been had he not been armed.

Had trayvon not been full of hatred(evidenced by a history of getting in fights) he would not have attacked George and would not have wound up like this>>>>>>>


That is all just a lie.
Everyone has testified that Zimmerman was the one following Martin, as Martin came back from the store with a bad of food.
Martin was not sizing up Zimmerman's SUV or doing anything at all suspicious.
Zimmerman said Martin was looking in windows in the call, but recanted that after the actual path of Martin was tracked by police.
It was raining, so Martin has not diverted from a direct path home.
We know Zimmerman was the aggressor, did the following, used racial slurs, and was so extreme that even the Neighborhood Watch would not let him join.
To prove that he belonged in the neighborhood, that it was his home. To get a baseball bat?

If he made it home safely, why would he need a baseball bat?

The truth is he didn't live there. His mother got upset with this third suspension from school, so he went to live with his father and his fathers girlfriend. Trayvon actually lived an hour away from where he got shot.

If you clip someone with a bat they're not likely to shoot you.

Yore a comedian. He didn't live there but, he went there to live with his dad. So he was living there. That is where he belonged.

Yes, he was living there temporarily. But Zimmerman knew he was not a regular resident there.

So your claim here is that Trayvon would have gotten a bat, then went out to assault Zimmerman?

Martin was a regular resident, spending about half his time there.
But we know Martin never made it home, could not have gotten any weapon, and was cut off and prevented from reaching his home, by Zimmerman.

You are making that all up. If you and I are standing in the same place, and I start running, there is no possible way you could walk anywhere to cut me off. Zimmerman was walking and Martin was running. He played on the football team in school. Clearly his athleticism was an advantage against Zimmerman.

First of all, Martin was never running.
And in fact, once he got out of sight of Zimmerman, he stopped to make the cellphone call to his girl friend.
But we know Zimmerman was always running.
We heard the start of it on the cellphone call to the 9/11 dispatcher.
And we know that Zimmerman had to have kept running because of the huge distance between where his SUV was parked and the body was found. The only way that much distance could have been there is if Zimmerman continued running even after the dispatcher told him not to.
in contrast, Martin could not have been running, because he covered much less distance in the same time, since he did not have to go around the buildings like Zimmerman did, to cut off Martin.
We know Zimmerman continued running and did not return to his SUV because he ended up so far away from his SUV, long after the operator told him not to follow.
256 million?

Where did he pull that number from? There is no way he can show damages even close to that even if he had a case...
If you clip someone with a bat they're not likely to shoot you.

Yore a comedian. He didn't live there but, he went there to live with his dad. So he was living there. That is where he belonged.

Yes, he was living there temporarily. But Zimmerman knew he was not a regular resident there.

So your claim here is that Trayvon would have gotten a bat, then went out to assault Zimmerman?

Martin was a regular resident, spending about half his time there.
But we know Martin never made it home, could not have gotten any weapon, and was cut off and prevented from reaching his home, by Zimmerman.

You are making that all up. If you and I are standing in the same place, and I start running, there is no possible way you could walk anywhere to cut me off. Zimmerman was walking and Martin was running. He played on the football team in school. Clearly his athleticism was an advantage against Zimmerman. never fails when these threads on Z start up the Negroes and liberal dumbasses who did not watch the trial have no clue as to all the evidence that was presented but let none of that prevent them from sounding off with their personal opinions based mainly on their imagination and stuff they may have heard down on the street corner waiting for a bus. hehheh so ridiculous

George Zimmerman prosecutors have proved his innocence, says lawyer

the bottom line is simply this....Trayvon caused his own death....he had sized up George(circled his truck) and thought he would be a easy victim and George would have been had he not been armed.

Had trayvon not been full of hatred(evidenced by a history of getting in fights) he would not have attacked George and would not have wound up like this>>>>>>>


That is all just a lie.
Everyone has testified that Zimmerman was the one following Martin, as Martin came back from the store with a bad of food.
Martin was not sizing up Zimmerman's SUV or doing anything at all suspicious.
Zimmerman said Martin was looking in windows in the call, but recanted that after the actual path of Martin was tracked by police.
It was raining, so Martin has not diverted from a direct path home.
We know Zimmerman was the aggressor, did the following, used racial slurs, and was so extreme that even the Neighborhood Watch would not let him join.

It doesn't matter..........Zimmerman did not physically assault what you just posted doesn't matter. In the trial, the fake witness told the court that martin had lost Zimmerman among the condo units......he was free and clear...he went back and attacked Zimmerman....

It isn't against the law to follow someone, and zimmerman was returning to his car when martin violently attacked him......

This is all on martin....

You don't know what you are talking about.
Go home for what? He had a cell phone with him. Had he called the police, they would have explained the situation, and he could have met the officer on arrival to tell his side of the story.

To prove that he belonged in the neighborhood, that it was his home. To get a baseball bat?

If he made it home safely, why would he need a baseball bat?

The truth is he didn't live there. His mother got upset with this third suspension from school, so he went to live with his father and his fathers girlfriend. Trayvon actually lived an hour away from where he got shot.

If you clip someone with a bat they're not likely to shoot you.

Yore a comedian. He didn't live there but, he went there to live with his dad. So he was living there. That is where he belonged.

Yes, he was living there temporarily. But Zimmerman knew he was not a regular resident there.

So your claim here is that Trayvon would have gotten a bat, then went out to assault Zimmerman?

Martin was a regular resident, spending about half his time there.
But we know Martin never made it home, could not have gotten any weapon, and was cut off and prevented from reaching his home, by Zimmerman.

Wrong.......martin lost zimmerman in the buildings.....he was free and clear....zimmerman was returning to his car...

Did you follow the trial at all? The fake witness stated that martin said he lost the guy following him....then he used a homophobic slur against zimmerman......that isn't reported because they need to portray martin as the victim.
Yeah my commie neighborhood watch doesn't allow guns for the nightly patrols . Even an armed commie would feel embolden by the feel of that cold lethal steel at his finger tips. He might even put him self in greater danger than he would otherwise without a gun while chasing down those suspected criminal Capitalist. </sarcasm>

But hey, stay in your box.

Trevon should have gone home and called the real cops.

Trayvon did run home and after talking to his g/f decided to go back .....why? Perhaps to impress her?

No, anyone looking at a map can see that the confrontation happened blocks from Zimmerman's truck, so Zimmerman took a short cut, got in front of Martin, and cut him off. Martin did not go back or do anything at all to increase the confrontation. It was entirely Zimmerman who was at fault.

Martin never made it home, but that is where he was always headed.

How would Zimmerman know where Martin was? In the 911 call, he stated early on he lost Martin. And he quit running. Zimmerman continued his call for nearly a minute after he lost Martin. Martin, being very athletic could have ran round that place and been back at the starting point by the time Zimmerman got off the phone with police. But he stopped. Why???

The police and detectives checked out his story. Everything lines up.

It is still not known for sure where Trayvon ran off to....per his g/f she said he told her he was almost home....which was very close....if he were running he could have been home in less than a minute. So he probably did run home. As mentioned George had completely lost sight of him....had no idea where he was.

We have no idea what his girlfriend said or heard, because the pig that testified was not his girlfriend or the person he was talking to. The real girlfriend didn't want to get involved for some reason.

Where did you come up with that one?
Rachel Jeantel was Trayvon Martin's girl friend, was the one he called, and was the one who testified that the call from Martin got interrupted, most likely by Zimmerman attacking Martin.

Trayvon Martin case: How Rachel Jeantel went from star witness to 'train wreck'

While she was a terrible witness whom no one liked, it is clear from her testimony that Martin was not moving towards Zimmerman but away from him instead, and that it was Zimmerman who was doing all the running, and got infront of Martin, cutting him off from home.
Trayvon did run home and after talking to his g/f decided to go back .....why? Perhaps to impress her?

No, anyone looking at a map can see that the confrontation happened blocks from Zimmerman's truck, so Zimmerman took a short cut, got in front of Martin, and cut him off. Martin did not go back or do anything at all to increase the confrontation. It was entirely Zimmerman who was at fault.

Martin never made it home, but that is where he was always headed.

How would Zimmerman know where Martin was? In the 911 call, he stated early on he lost Martin. And he quit running. Zimmerman continued his call for nearly a minute after he lost Martin. Martin, being very athletic could have ran round that place and been back at the starting point by the time Zimmerman got off the phone with police. But he stopped. Why???

The police and detectives checked out his story. Everything lines up.

It is still not known for sure where Trayvon ran off to....per his g/f she said he told her he was almost home....which was very close....if he were running he could have been home in less than a minute. So he probably did run home. As mentioned George had completely lost sight of him....had no idea where he was.

We have no idea what his girlfriend said or heard, because the pig that testified was not his girlfriend or the person he was talking to. The real girlfriend didn't want to get involved for some reason.

Where did you come up with that one?
Rachel Jeantel was Trayvon Martin's girl friend, was the one he called, and was the one who testified that the call from Martin got interrupted, most likely by Zimmerman attacking Martin.

Trayvon Martin case: How Rachel Jeantel went from star witness to 'train wreck'

While she was a terrible witness whom no one liked, it is clear from her testimony that Martin was not moving towards Zimmerman but away from him instead, and that it was Zimmerman who was doing all the running, and got infront of Martin, cutting him off from home. need to be updated...apparently the girl who testified on the stand was not the girl who was on the phone with martin....she was the girl's sister...who took her place on the stand.....that alone is enough for zimmerman to sue.....

And from that testimony, martin stated he lost zimmerman.........he could have simply gone to his father's condo......he circled back to attack zimmerman...he was the attacker, not zimmerman.....

And again...zimmerman had called the police....he was waiting for the police to show up......martin initiated the violence, not zimmerman.
And just to throw this in......this case was not a Stand Your Ground case any left winger believes that lie too...

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