George Zimmerman

Lmao. I think I struck a nerve. I do not support mischaracterizations of other posters. Nice try though.

Thank you for your concession. Because that's what the whole thing was about.

Thanks for making absolutely no sense at all. Because that's what you're all about.

GTFO my thread troll.

Embarrassed? Well you should be. You fucked up, so you claim confusion, go ogre, claim you "own" the thread. Well fuck that.

Supporting a mischaracterization is exactly what you did. See post 36 and the prior quotes.

But wait-- there's more. NOW how much would you pay...

Kormac -- where do you get this bizarre idea that once a beating takes place, all the "players" from the other "team" are required to check in with the requisite denunciation script? I mean, who the fuck is pro-beating by default?

That's some bizarre shit, man. Do you do this often?

You want an honest answer?

First, you denounce the killing of Trayvon, but you ignore the black on black killing in Chicago. When White folks die at the hands of black folks, yet again I hear nothing from you or yours. Including this beating. Now, you did not denounce or support this, you chose to troll me instead.

That is bizarre, and hypocritical. Is false outrage a hobby of yours?

That is an "honest" answer???

OK bullshit artist, gloves off.

QUOTE where I "denounced the killing of Trayvon". QUOTE where I commented in any way about Trayvon. QUOTE where I even posted any comment on this incident at all, in any thread, any time, on any site, ever.

When you're done failing at that because you made it up, QUOTE where I posted anything about violence in Chicago. Then explain in what way I'm required to.

Are you genuinely this stupid?

So again I return to the original ignored question:
HOW is anyone of the designated hate group in whatever comic book you see the world through, required to check in and comment on every incident, and HOW do you think you get to judge people who dare to ignore your silly fantasies? And then you think you decide who "qualifies" to comment here? :cuckoo:

Is this insanity? Or just a narcissism complex?
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No, I'm dead serious. There is a black reverend on O'Reilly calling on black people to boycott vacations in Florida.

More Breaking News: Every white person in America just scheduled a vacation to a Florida beach and Disneyland.

Fabulous! I already had mine planned!

Screw that. I'm heading north, into the hills where I belong. :D

Women up north LOVE the southern accent. It's a panty dropper!!!
I'll take a shot at your points....

First the invasion of Iraq was not only "legal" in terms of Congressional approval, but it also had UN approval...surely you haven't forgotten can quibble about the fine print but the invasion was legal.
Not only was that invasion illegal, George W. Bush has been declared a criminal by the World Court at The Hague and is subject to arrest and trial if they can lay hands on him (and I hope they do).

Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan
Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan | World news | The Guardian

The "torture at Abu Ghraib" was terror suspects being humilitated, not tortured. If you were schooled in UCMJ protocols, you'd know that a subject must suffer physical injury to be classified as a victim of torture.[...]

US torture: Illegal, immoral and ineffective US torture: Illegal, immoral and ineffective - Times-Standard Online

Your focus is on what the Bush government and its compliant corporatist media has to say about what we did to the nation of Iraq and what our military was urged and permitted to do at Abu Ghraib. But you watched the bombing of Baghdad in which innocent babies were fried in their cribs, and you saw the photos of the psychopathological criminality taking place at Abu Ghraib. So you need to shift your focus to what the world thinks of us now as the result of the Bush Administration's many crimes.

The Iraq invasion and the torturing at Abu Ghraib were illegal in the eyes of the world, which is what should concern you. These things were done in your name and mine and they are shameful. The fact that they are legal in accordance with our increasingly degenerate values is in itself a separate shame.

As to the Wall Street ripoffs....I agree completely...Certain bankers should have been perp-walked into paddy wagons. Certain mortgage giants and investment firms CEOs such as Goldman and Morgan Stanley should have been indicted and their companies closed. AIG should have been divided into 3 different companies. Why didn't Obama do anything to any of them? That's the question you have to ask yourself....he said he would, then after the big summit in the WH, they walked out laughing and gave him campaign funds. Is that what you voted for?

Although I did vote for Obama in 2008 I quickly came to regret it, for many reasons including those you've cited.
There are plenty of threads for theatrics and racism. Let us keep this thread clean and free from racial epithets. PLEASE!
The protests in LA looks just like scenes taken from Rise of Planet of the Apes. The way random people are being attacked and the body movements when they choose a car to jump on is right out of the ape movie.
BREAKING NEWS: A white jogger in Senatobia, Mississippi was brutally beaten by three black assailants on Sunday evening. They claim it was in retaliation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, on the night of February 26, 2012.

Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation |

Now I wonder if any liberal will speak out against this?

If I hadn't figured you out long ago you'd be a disappointment.
You constantly protest that you're above all the partisan bullshit and that you have no particular affiliation to either side and then you come out with this sort of crap.
Talk about outing oneself!

Yawn. Liberals amuse me. I bash them because they are constantly leaving the fold of reality. Does that make me a republican in your eyes? Ha. How innately childish.

Talk about shooting and missing.

You bash liberals because you're lazy.
The trouble for you is that you're not very good at this 'bashing' business - you don't have the smarts to have any subtlety, just 'bashing'...that's lazy and frankly boring.

Pogo asked if you're stupid or narcissistic...I'm betting the second option.

Oh well, you go back to professing to being amused by all around you.
Stand on your self-constructed high ground, look in the mirror one more time, sniff your own armpits and keep pounding that keyboard, all the while imagining the tears pouring out of the sad eyes of all the liberals that you're 'bashing'.

What a dick.
BREAKING NEWS: A white jogger in Senatobia, Mississippi was brutally beaten by three black assailants on Sunday evening. They claim it was in retaliation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, on the night of February 26, 2012.

Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation |

Now I wonder if any liberal will speak out against this?

I am liberal. Those are assholes. I am also black and they domt represent my entire race. Does asshole white republicans represent you?

These isolated incidents are not riots. They are incidences done by assholes.

They DO represent you and your race. They made that abundantly clear.

Do you claim Dahmer? Did he shame your entire race? Does Hitler represent Zimmerman's dad?

God damn your a hypocrite.
BREAKING NEWS: A white jogger in Senatobia, Mississippi was brutally beaten by three black assailants on Sunday evening. They claim it was in retaliation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, on the night of February 26, 2012.

Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation |

Now I wonder if any liberal will speak out against this?

I am liberal. Those are assholes. I am also black and they domt represent my entire race. Does asshole white republicans represent you?

These isolated incidents are not riots. They are incidences done by assholes.

But you support the outrage about treyvon?
I support them being able to legally gather, protest and speak on their fellings towards the verdict.

Of course he will. he has to stay in the media's eye.

During MSNBC's 11 am hour, above a chyron that read, "More Marches, Protests Planned in Coming Days, Weeks," MSNBC anchor Al Sharpton said that he and his National Action Network are "mobilizing" protests in 100 cities. Sharpton made clear that the protests were meant to pressure the Justice Department into taking legal action against George Zimmerman:
Well, I certainly think it is going to be on those that now feel that this verdict makes a lot of people vulnerable. The reason that people in the civil rights community, including [Sharpton's] National Action Network, is talking about these hundred cities that we're mobilizing this weekend, is not just questioning a verdict but, saying a precedent is now set where the Justice Department must come in[.]

NBC's Sharpton was one of the first people to turn the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin into a national news story back in March of last year. In the run up to the trial this year, Sharpton has used his primetime MSNBC program, "Politics Nation," to demand Zimmerman be convicted.

NBC's Sharpton Plans Protests In 100 Cities

Well, Holder already said he'll look into it. That isn't enough for him and his followers. They want revenge and don't care about what the law says.

They pressured police after their investigation didn't turn up any wrong doing. The police chief was fired.

They pressured the DA to prosecute despite not having a case.

They threatened during the whole trial that the judge and jury better convict or there would be trouble.

Now they aren't happy that the police, the FBI, the Florida prosecutors couldn't find evidence and the jury couldn't convict.

They want Holder to break laws or shred the bills of rights, if necessary, but they want Zimmerman's head on a platter. They don't care about the facts and due process.

Will Sharpton take responsibility for any violence or murders that take place because of his inciting these riots? I know they are calling them protests, but they way he tends to gin up anger, I have doubts that they will remain peaceful. Worse yet, I fear Holder will illegally prosecute Zimmerman just so he'll look like a hero. And I thought these people were against vigilante justice.

Just wait. I bet Sharpton and his ignorant followers threaten Holder as well. If by some chance, Holder actually respects the previous investigations, these groups will threaten - and deliver - more violence.
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If I hadn't figured you out long ago you'd be a disappointment.
You constantly protest that you're above all the partisan bullshit and that you have no particular affiliation to either side and then you come out with this sort of crap.
Talk about outing oneself!

Yawn. Liberals amuse me. I bash them because they are constantly leaving the fold of reality. Does that make me a republican in your eyes? Ha. How innately childish.

Talk about shooting and missing.

You bash liberals because you're lazy.
The trouble for you is that you're not very good at this 'bashing' business - you don't have the smarts to have any subtlety, just 'bashing'...that's lazy and frankly boring.

Pogo asked if you're stupid or narcissistic...I'm betting the second option.

Oh well, you go back to professing to being amused by all around you.
Stand on your self-constructed high ground, look in the mirror one more time, sniff your own armpits and keep pounding that keyboard, all the while imagining the tears pouring out of the sad eyes of all the liberals that you're 'bashing'.

What a dick.

To be fair, I didn't mean them to be mutually exclusive. :thup:
Of course he will. he has to stay in the media's eye.

During MSNBC's 11 am hour, above a chyron that read, "More Marches, Protests Planned in Coming Days, Weeks," MSNBC anchor Al Sharpton said that he and his National Action Network are "mobilizing" protests in 100 cities. Sharpton made clear that the protests were meant to pressure the Justice Department into taking legal action against George Zimmerman:
Well, I certainly think it is going to be on those that now feel that this verdict makes a lot of people vulnerable. The reason that people in the civil rights community, including [Sharpton's] National Action Network, is talking about these hundred cities that we're mobilizing this weekend, is not just questioning a verdict but, saying a precedent is now set where the Justice Department must come in[.]

NBC's Sharpton was one of the first people to turn the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin into a national news story back in March of last year. In the run up to the trial this year, Sharpton has used his primetime MSNBC program, "Politics Nation," to demand Zimmerman be convicted.

NBC's Sharpton Plans Protests In 100 Cities

he wont be happy until he whips the protesters into riots like after the rodeny king riots
Yawn. Liberals amuse me. I bash them because they are constantly leaving the fold of reality. Does that make me a republican in your eyes? Ha. How innately childish.

Talk about shooting and missing.

You bash liberals because you're lazy.
The trouble for you is that you're not very good at this 'bashing' business - you don't have the smarts to have any subtlety, just 'bashing'...that's lazy and frankly boring.

Pogo asked if you're stupid or narcissistic...I'm betting the second option.

Oh well, you go back to professing to being amused by all around you.
Stand on your self-constructed high ground, look in the mirror one more time, sniff your own armpits and keep pounding that keyboard, all the while imagining the tears pouring out of the sad eyes of all the liberals that you're 'bashing'.

What a dick.

To be fair, I didn't mean them to be mutually exclusive. :thup:'re hard!!
At least I was prepared to give him the benefit of some doubt!
BREAKING NEWS: A white jogger in Senatobia, Mississippi was brutally beaten by three black assailants on Sunday evening. They claim it was in retaliation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, on the night of February 26, 2012.

Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation |

Now I wonder if any liberal will speak out against this?

i hope they are caught and prosecuted for hate crimes civil rights violations.
[MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION]: [MENTION=20497]Zona[/MENTION]: [MENTION=27296]idb[/MENTION]: Get a room. You three are like old folks having a full on orgy in the middle of a freeway. Nobody wants to see that.

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The last thing these idiot want is legal action. They GOT legal action in Florida and didn't want it. They want a sacrifice.

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