George Zimmerman

BREAKING NEWS: A white jogger in Senatobia, Mississippi was brutally beaten by three black assailants on Sunday evening. They claim it was in retaliation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, on the night of February 26, 2012.

Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation |

Now I wonder if any liberal will speak out against this?

i hope they are caught and prosecuted for hate crimes civil rights violations.

Yes indeed, they need to be, politics and racism be damned.
Of course he will. he has to stay in the media's eye.

During MSNBC's 11 am hour, above a chyron that read, "More Marches, Protgests Planned in Coming Days, Weeks," MSNBC anchor Al Sharpton said that he and his National Action Network are "mobilizing" protests in 100 cities. Sharpton made clear that the protests were meant to pressure the Justice Department into taking legal action against George Zimmerman:
Well, I certainly think it is going to be on those that now feel that this verdict makes a lot of people vulnerable. The reason that people in the civil rights community, including [Sharpton's] National Action Network, is talking about these hundred cities that we're mobilizing this weekend, is not just questioning a verdict but, saying a precedent is now set where the Justice Department must come in[.]

NBC's Sharpton was one of the first people to turn the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin into a national news story back in March of last year. In the run up to the trial this year, Sharpton has used his primetime MSNBC program, "Politics Nation," to demand Zimmerman be convicted.

NBC's Sharpton Plans Protests In 100 Cities

he wont be happy until he whips the protesters into riots like after the rodeny king riots
It was Tom Bradley that whipped up the rodney king riots.
He got on television to do it.
If I hadn't figured you out long ago you'd be a disappointment.
You constantly protest that you're above all the partisan bullshit and that you have no particular affiliation to either side and then you come out with this sort of crap.
Talk about outing oneself!

Yawn. Liberals amuse me. I bash them because they are constantly leaving the fold of reality. Does that make me a republican in your eyes? Ha. How innately childish.

Talk about shooting and missing.

You bash liberals because you're lazy.

I bash liberals like you because you're stupid. You couldn't be paid to say something intelligent.
You bash liberals because you're lazy.
The trouble for you is that you're not very good at this 'bashing' business - you don't have the smarts to have any subtlety, just 'bashing'...that's lazy and frankly boring.

Pogo asked if you're stupid or narcissistic...I'm betting the second option.

Oh well, you go back to professing to being amused by all around you.
Stand on your self-constructed high ground, look in the mirror one more time, sniff your own armpits and keep pounding that keyboard, all the while imagining the tears pouring out of the sad eyes of all the liberals that you're 'bashing'.

What a dick.

To be fair, I didn't mean them to be mutually exclusive. :thup:'re hard!!
At least I was prepared to give him the benefit of some doubt!

Oh, me too. I give him a great deal of doubt (just look at that getup for a start).
It never gives him any benefit though. Still a loser posing in an armadillo flight suit.

Required topic content: I have an opinion on the beating of joggers. When somebody shows up who actually deserves to hear it rather than demanding it with an egomaniacal tantrum, maybe I'll air it. Then again maybe I won't. :eusa_whistle:
How ape shit will liberals go when Obama and Holder file no charges, and civil lawsuit by the Martin's is denied???????

The Martin family won't file anything. If they win, Zimmerman has nothing. If they lose Zimmerman will get the million dollar settlement they got from the HOA?

No matter what Holder says, if ill will couldn't be proved, how is he going to prove hate? It's ridiculous.
Yawn. Liberals amuse me. I bash them because they are constantly leaving the fold of reality. Does that make me a republican in your eyes? Ha. How innately childish.

Talk about shooting and missing.

You bash liberals because you're lazy.

I bash liberals like you because you're stupid. You couldn't be paid to say something intelligent.

Like I said...lazy and boring.
As a narcissist I'm sure that it's infuriating to be unable to convince everyone of your aloof brilliance but, honestly, you're just not that clever.
As I recall, you're a wannabe lawyer or something and you might be really smart, but you're just not as clever as you think you are.
Smart and clever aren't the same thing.

Have another go, swing your magic role-playing Weapon of Genius again and see if you connect this time.
You might pick up the Vial of Invincibility or something.
Perhaps you'd be better off finding the Cloak of Invisibility so you can slink off and hide for a little while while you use your Toolbox of Liberal-Bashing to construct another biting comeback.
Did Sharpton finally discover that life is not fair, or is he going to continue making an ass of himself?
Even his own subjects are smart enough to know life is unfair ........... if life was fair ............ he wouldn't be so stupid, and actually have a chance at the presidency.
BREAKING NEWS: A white jogger in Senatobia, Mississippi was brutally beaten by three black assailants on Sunday evening. They claim it was in retaliation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, on the night of February 26, 2012.

Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation |

Now I wonder if any liberal will speak out against this?

I am liberal. Those are assholes. I am also black and they domt represent my entire race. Does asshole white republicans represent you?

These isolated incidents are not riots. They are incidences done by assholes.

I love the liberal twisted logic. These are isolated incidents, and should be judged as such, but Trayvon Martin was much more than just an isolated incident. Trayvom Martin was a war against black people.
Zimmerman’s head wounds are not consistent with his account and his head being “repeatedly banged” into the side walk. Wounds that appear to be “scratches” are too high up on the back of the head to come in contact with concrete. Wounds would have been lower and would have been “abrasions” instead of scratches. Consistent with head coming in contact with pebbles in grass, since Zimmerman’s back was wet or in contact with sprinkler in grass when Trayvon hit him and he fell hitting his head. Lay on the floor and feel where your head comes in contact with the floor. And if Trayvon held his head and banged it into the sidewalk wounds would have been even lower than higher. :confused:

Standing upright with my hoodie on it falls over two inches from my chest.

Zimmerman stalking the kid and after confronting Zimmerman with “why are you following me” and Zimmerman conscientiously responding with “what are you doing around here” instead of “I am a neighborhood watchmen” and then reaching into his pocket for his cell phone? Which Trayvon obvious was led to believe he was reaching for a weapon which led to Trayvon to “standing his ground” and fighting for his life.

Zimmerman account of the incident was not credible and consistent with racial hatred for Blacks that he had called 911 over 40 times and racial profiling of Trayvon as a criminal. Zimmerman had profiled a 7 years old black child when he call police and said he was acting suspicious. How much more evidence did the jury need? The 911 calls and Zimmerman’s inconsistency account of the incident should have been more than enough to convict him of, the least, manslaughter.

Prosecution deliberately threw this case. WHY??????? The verdict should be overturned on ground of “incompetent representation” and attorney negligence.

Never heard of a homicide not being investigated since 1900s hangings of blacks. :eek: Sanford police were acting as judge and jury.
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To me, Zimmerman ain't no hero. At best the guy's a moron for being a wannbe cop in his 30's. At worst the guy is a murderer. I think in his case there was sufficent reasonable doubt that he did in fact act in self defense and the jury made the right move, but he's not a role model.
Why did he call the police? Racism. I refuse to believe anything else. There were many documented examples of Zimmerman calling the police whenever a black person was in the neighborhood committing acts of blatant walking while not being recognized by George Zimmerman, self-appointed hero.


You know good and well that he didn't profile blacks in his calls. IN 50 CALLS TO THE POLICE NO MORE THAN 10 WERE BLACK.


Yes, he has a long history of calling the police too often on non-criminal activity, including 10 blacks too many.


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