George Zimmerman

There won't be another protest in Los Angeles. Charlie Beck said this morning that the protests are now over. After two nights, he's done. They are now unlawful assemblies and anyone who tries will be arrested.
I am clearly the last person capable of debating this with you.

What happened in your opinion?

How did GZ acquire lacerations to his head?

That's problematic to me--no other alternative was explained.

'GZ is a liar--look into your heart, etc'

That left me with reasonable doubt.

Seriously, where the fuck are you liberals?

Baby shot dead in stroller; 2 Georgia teens charged -

The shooters were arrested and charged. No problemo, dummy.
Zimmerman was arrested and charged and found not guilty so why more protest ass wipe
There won't be another protest in Los Angeles. Charlie Beck said this morning that the protests are now over. After two nights, he's done. They are now unlawful assemblies and anyone who tries will be arrested.

The Atlanta police chief:


Are we headed for the second burning of Atlanta?
NOW it's getting a little too close to home! Except for that IDBY!
[ame=]The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show: Gracie and the Elephant (2/3) - YouTube[/ame]


What? Skeerd what will happen to you when they riot? 'Course you are.

[ame=]All in the Family - Edith won't stop talking! - YouTube[/ame]

Sharpton should be organizing protests of the black on black murders in Chicago day after day, week after week, month after month. Something he doesn't give a damn about. Hypocrite. :evil:
obama cannot afford another loss. If obama and holder pursued this and lost the effects would be catastrophic. It would be the black eye to surpass all black eyes. obama would be perceived to be possessed of an out of control incompetence.

he already is an out of control incompetent, but who cares ? to me he is just another NIGGA..., per Jantel::

Jeantel explained to Morgan that “the whole world say it’s a racist word” but the version of the word that she testified Martin had used in reference to Zimmerman, spelled “n-i-g-g-a” doesn’t mean what most people think it means. It doesn’t mean a “black male” as Morgan assumed, she said, but rather any kind of man, including “Chinese” for example. Morgan helpfully pointed out that that’s the version rappers use in their music.

“But ******,” Jeantel said, stressing the “-er.,” is a “racist word.” She said “I’d advise you not to be by black people” when you say that word, Jeantel explained, “because they’re not going to have it like that.” And this is not just in her community as Morgan posited but in the entire “generation.”

i agree.., in part, i have said for many years, to ME, the word "******" comes in all colors of the human race.., got it now ??

I support them being able to legally gather, protest and speak on their fellings towards the verdict.


perhaps instead of protesting they should go to work?

and if white folks speak on their feelings you will call them racist.

yes, I mean you plural and singular.

They will not be peaceful. MLKs 'gatherings' all ended in riots. There will be violence and people on both sides will be killed and injured. UNLESS our government is prepared, and with 0 in office who thinks they will be prepared after he already jumped into the middle of it. He won't allow this country to prepare for riots. He, himself, has instigated the entire thing. He knew what he was doing. Just like he did when he instigate Arab spring. 0 is trying to bring this country to its knees from without OR from within.

You might want to study up on MLK and John Locke while you are on the subject of Non_violent Protest and Non-Violent Civil Disobedience.
Of course he will. he has to stay in the media's eye.

During MSNBC's 11 am hour, above a chyron that read, "More Marches, Protests Planned in Coming Days, Weeks," MSNBC anchor Al Sharpton said that he and his National Action Network are "mobilizing" protests in 100 cities. Sharpton made clear that the protests were meant to pressure the Justice Department into taking legal action against George Zimmerman:
Well, I certainly think it is going to be on those that now feel that this verdict makes a lot of people vulnerable. The reason that people in the civil rights community, including [Sharpton's] National Action Network, is talking about these hundred cities that we're mobilizing this weekend, is not just questioning a verdict but, saying a precedent is now set where the Justice Department must come in[.]

NBC's Sharpton was one of the first people to turn the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin into a national news story back in March of last year. In the run up to the trial this year, Sharpton has used his primetime MSNBC program, "Politics Nation," to demand Zimmerman be convicted.

NBC's Sharpton Plans Protests In 100 Cities

he wont be happy until he whips the protesters into riots like after the rodeny king riots

The police in the Rodney King beating were eventually, rightfully, convicted.
Protests for what? What more can be done? This can ONLY be to INCITE VIOLENCE.

It's called free speech. It's in the part of the Constitution you didn't read.

So is the right to a fair and speedy trial or did you forget that part moron? Ohhh that doesn't fit with the RACE HUSTLERS narrative, does it? Too damn bad..No one is going to sit around and take this BULLSHIT..If you librul bedwetting thugs think you're scaring anyone, you're dead wrong.. You're managing to piss off the majority of the country even more than they already are..
that is what is sad about this case. He has been found not guilty, and yet due to the threatened violence, he has to continue to fear for his life, as well as his family. This is not what the US is all about.

This ceased being America quite some time ago.

yaaa..., around 1961AD -62AD maybe sooner, this is the earliest incident of race riots i can find in America.

On July 27, 1919, an African-American teenager drowned in Lake Michigan after violating the unofficial segregation of Chicago's beaches and being stoned by a group of white youths. His death, and the police's refusal to arrest the white man whom eyewitnesses identified as causing it, sparked a week of rioting between gangs of black and white Chicagoans, concentrated on the South Side neighborhood surrounding the stockyards. When the riots ended on August 3, 15 whites and 23 blacks had been killed and more than 500 people injured; an additional 1,000 black families had lost their homes when they were torched by rioters. ? History Made Every Day ? American & World History
that is what is sad about this case. He has been found not guilty, and yet due to the threatened violence, he has to continue to fear for his life, as well as his family. This is not what the US is all about.

This ceased being America quite some time ago.

yaaa..., around 1961AD -62AD maybe sooner, this is the earliest incident of race riots i can find in America.

On July 27, 1919, an African-American teenager drowned in Lake Michigan after violating the unofficial segregation of Chicago's beaches and being stoned by a group of white youths. His death, and the police's refusal to arrest the white man whom eyewitnesses identified as causing it, sparked a week of rioting between gangs of black and white Chicagoans, concentrated on the South Side neighborhood surrounding the stockyards. When the riots ended on August 3, 15 whites and 23 blacks had been killed and more than 500 people injured; an additional 1,000 black families had lost their homes when they were torched by rioters. ? History Made Every Day ? American & World History

We don't have that anymore. We have this instead.

Baby shot dead in stroller; 2 Georgia teens charged -

Brunswick, Georgia (CNN) -- Two teen boys in this coastal city were charged with murder Friday, accused in the fatal shooting of a 13-month-old boy who was in a stroller being pushed by his mother

Chief Tobe Green identified the older suspect as De'Marquise Elkins, 17, and said he will be treated as an adult in criminal proceedings. The 14-year-old was not identified because of his age. Both have been charged with first-degree murder, police said.

Of course THIS crime should be legal, whereas what happened in 1919 should be considered like it just happened and someone has to be punished. Someone, maybe a 13 month old baby.
In speaking about his vigilante/murderer brother taking the law into his own hands, actually said -


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