George Zimmerman

Zimmerman’s head wounds are not consistent with his account and his head being “repeatedly banged” into the side walk. Wounds that appear to be “scratches” are too high up on the back of the head to come in contact with concrete. Wounds would have been lower and would have been “abrasions” instead of scratches. Consistent with head coming in contact with pebbles in grass, since Zimmerman’s back was wet or in contact with sprinkler in grass when Trayvon hit him and he fell hitting his head. Lay on the floor and feel where your head comes in contact with the floor. And if Trayvon held his head and banged it into the sidewalk wounds would have been even lower than higher. :confused:

Standing upright with my hoodie on it falls over two inches from my chest.

Zimmerman stalking the kid and after confronting Zimmerman with “why are you following me” and Zimmerman conscientiously responding with “what are you doing around here” instead of “I am a neighborhood watchmen” and then reaching into his pocket for his cell phone? Which Trayvon obvious was led to believe he was reaching for a weapon which led to Trayvon to “standing his ground” and fighting for his life.

Zimmerman account of the incident was not credible and consistent with racial hatred for Blacks that he had called 911 over 40 times and racial profiling of Trayvon as a criminal. Zimmerman had profiled a 7 years old black child when he call police and said he was acting suspicious. How much more evidence did the jury need? The 911 calls and Zimmerman’s inconsistency account of the incident should have been more than enough to convict him of, the least, manslaughter.

Prosecution deliberately threw this case. WHY??????? The verdict should be overturned on ground of “incompetent representation” and attorney negligence.

Never heard of a homicide not being investigated since 1900s hangings of blacks. :eek: Sanford police were acting as judge and jury.

There have been times that I wondered the same thing. They found him not guilty because the prosecution was very weak. Incompetence or political reasons, I can't decide yet.
Juror 37, who refused to have her image appear on Anerson Cooper's show, continually referred to Zimmerman as "George"

"I felt George was innocent the first day of the trial".

She is from Sanford, has 2 children, and her husband carries a gun.

"Race was not an issue, it's just that Trayvon Martin looked suspicious.

A jury of your peers.

God help us.


She should believe the defendant from the start, it's up to the prosecution team to prove he's lying.

Thank god everyone doesn't just convict on emotion.
Zimmerman’s head wounds are not consistent with his account and his head being “repeatedly banged” into the side walk. Wounds that appear to be “scratches” are too high up on the back of the head to come in contact with concrete. Wounds would have been lower and would have been “abrasions” instead of scratches. Consistent with head coming in contact with pebbles in grass, since Zimmerman’s back was wet or in contact with sprinkler in grass when Trayvon hit him and he fell hitting his head. Lay on the floor and feel where your head comes in contact with the floor. And if Trayvon held his head and banged it into the sidewalk wounds would have been even lower than higher. :confused:

Standing upright with my hoodie on it falls over two inches from my chest.

Zimmerman stalking the kid and after confronting Zimmerman with “why are you following me” and Zimmerman conscientiously responding with “what are you doing around here” instead of “I am a neighborhood watchmen” and then reaching into his pocket for his cell phone? Which Trayvon obvious was led to believe he was reaching for a weapon which led to Trayvon to “standing his ground” and fighting for his life.

Zimmerman account of the incident was not credible and consistent with racial hatred for Blacks that he had called 911 over 40 times and racial profiling of Trayvon as a criminal. Zimmerman had profiled a 7 years old black child when he call police and said he was acting suspicious. How much more evidence did the jury need? The 911 calls and Zimmerman’s inconsistency account of the incident should have been more than enough to convict him of, the least, manslaughter.

Prosecution deliberately threw this case. WHY??????? The verdict should be overturned on ground of “incompetent representation” and attorney negligence.

Never heard of a homicide not being investigated since 1900s hangings of blacks. :eek: Sanford police were acting as judge and jury.

There have been times that I wondered the same thing. They found him not guilty because the prosecution was very weak. Incompetence or political reasons, I can't decide yet.

Correction: The prosecutions CASE was very weak.

There I fixed it.
Juror 37, who refused to have her image appear on Anerson Cooper's show, continually referred to Zimmerman as "George"

"I felt George was innocent the first day of the trial".

She is from Sanford, has 2 children, and her husband carries a gun.

"Race was not an issue, it's just that Trayvon Martin looked suspicious.

A jury of your peers.

God help us.


How about some specificity? Can you use your grown up words and explain, using logic and reason why it's troubling that she referred to Mr Zimmerman by his first name? What bias does this expose exactly?

Similarly, why is it a problem that she is married, has kids, or that her husband has the means to defend his family as is the case with millions of fathers?

She felt Zimmerman was innocent on the first day. So did the police. So what? How is that an indictment of this juror?

Lastly, the prosecution said race was not an issue. The FBI found the same. Why are you denigrating this juror for coming to the same conclusion?

Lots of anger in your post, little logic. Want to try again?
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Someone be sure to start a thread when mobs of blacks of the sizes we're seeing now start voicing the same outrage over the ever-growing rates of black-on-black murders all across the country by the thousands every year. Oh, and while they're out there protesting and marching and whatnot ask them to also layer in the non-blacks they also kill every year. After all, it wouldn't be fair to discriminate against them, would it?
More of the same.
Night after night after night.

As soon as it dies down... the DOJ will ramp it up all over again.

I hope you're right. Trayvon's murder needs to become the rallying cry about the rampant racism in the US in the same way that the dead children in Newtown have for the rights of all Americans to be safe from assholes like GZ.

Protests for what? What more can be done? This can ONLY be to INCITE VIOLENCE.

It's called free speech. It's in the part of the Constitution you didn't read.

So is the right to a fair and speedy trial or did you forget that part moron? Ohhh that doesn't fit with the RACE HUSTLERS narrative, does it? Too damn bad..No one is going to sit around and take this BULLSHIT..If you librul bedwetting thugs think you're scaring anyone, you're dead wrong.. You're managing to piss off the majority of the country even more than they already are..

These thugs are going to hurt people who had nothing to do with this. In raising my own, I did such a good job of raising them to believe all people are the same that they will not see what is about to hit. Bottom line, I fear for my children. They are too idealistic. Those are the ones who always get killed by the thuggy mobs.
I am liberal. Those are assholes. I am also black and they domt represent my entire race. Does asshole white republicans represent you?

These isolated incidents are not riots. They are incidences done by assholes.

They DO represent you and your race. They made that abundantly clear.

LOL, that would be like saying that the skinheads and kkk represent the white race and all whites are responsible for the aforementioned group's actions! Thanks for the laugh!

For the record the violence in LA and this assault piss me off, I think that those criminals should be arrested, prosecuted, and sent to prison.

That's exactly what it would be like. Labelers. :cuckoo: I guess they're authoritarian types who want to not only control what everybody does but actually control everybody else's mind. Which is psycho.

Well, I remember the 60s well, and MLK's 'peaceful marches' ALWAYS turned violent.

Apparently you don't remember them so well. Perhaps the Orange Sunshine is what you remember. :cuckoo:

Btw all your post-neg PMs to me are being deleted unread so save your breath. The point is made, you're going for your neg magnet status today, have at it. I've already done my part. :coffee:
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They DO represent you and your race. They made that abundantly clear.

LOL, that would be like saying that the skinheads and kkk represent the white race and all whites are responsible for the aforementioned group's actions! Thanks for the laugh!

For the record the violence in LA and this assault piss me off, I think that those criminals should be arrested, prosecuted, and sent to prison.

That's exactly what it would be like. Labelers. :cuckoo: I guess they're authoritarian types who want to not only control what everybody does but actually control everybody else's mind. Which is psycho.

To little miss Dunceshine, all your post-neg PMs to me are being deleted unread so save your breath. The point is made, you're going for your neg magnet status today, have at it. I've already done my part. :coffee:

Your choice. But since I have only given you one after you negged me AND which you responded to via a nasty PM, you seem to be trying to declare some kind of war. Keep it up. I'll report you for harassment now that I have told you to stop. Oh AND take a long walk on a short dock.
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For every white or black person on this board claiming they know racism, go to Mississippi. Everybody literally hates everybody there. It truly is the 1950s. They don't even see it either. If you are an outsider you will notice it almost immediately.

I never have been to Mississippi, but some of the nicest people I met while staying in a campground in Florida were from Mississippi. This is coming from an interracial couple too (me and my wife), Louisianans were nice, Alabamans and Georgians were pretty standoffish for the most part. But this is coming from a survey of one.
They DO represent you and your race. They made that abundantly clear.

LOL, that would be like saying that the skinheads and kkk represent the white race and all whites are responsible for the aforementioned group's actions! Thanks for the laugh!

For the record the violence in LA and this assault piss me off, I think that those criminals should be arrested, prosecuted, and sent to prison.

That's exactly what it would be like. Labelers. :cuckoo: I guess they're authoritarian types who want to not only control what everybody does but actually control everybody else's mind. Which is psycho.

Well, I remember the 60s well, and MLK's 'peaceful marches' ALWAYS turned violent.

Apparently you don't remember them so well. Perhaps the Orange Sunshine is what you remember. :cuckoo:

Btw all your post-neg PMs to me are being deleted unread so save your breath. The point is made, you're going for your neg magnet status today, have at it. I've already done my part. :coffee:

I've posted links to some of the vids.

Your protests will be violent and more of you 'black chiles' will end up in prison over it. So go for it.
Luddly did you like jenteel's homophobic comment that she felt trayvon felt zim was a rapist?

She's finally decided to testify! Coming up with an entirely different story than the one she told on the stand is not going to be helpful.
For every white or black person on this board claiming they know racism, go to Mississippi. Everybody literally hates everybody there. It truly is the 1950s. They don't even see it either. If you are an outsider you will notice it almost immediately.

I never have been to Mississippi, but some of the nicest people I met while staying in a campground in Florida were from Mississippi. This is coming from an interracial couple too (me and my wife), Louisianans were nice, Alabamans and Georgians were pretty standoffish for the most part. But this is coming from a survey of one.

I've been going to Mississippi all my life (my mom was from there) and I don't see it that way either. Certainly there are pockets (see the Emmett Till story) or more correctly, used to be, but again .... labelers. They're a bunch of fuckin' losers wallowing in their own ignorance.
No, I'm dead serious. There is a black reverend on O'Reilly calling on black people to boycott vacations in Florida.

More Breaking News: Every white person in America just scheduled a vacation to a Florida beach and Disneyland.

Fabulous! I already had mine planned!

Screw that. I'm heading north, into the hills where I belong. :D

I headed there too pretty soon, in the Zell Miller hwy area..................

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