George Zimmerman

More of the same.
Night after night after night.

As soon as it dies down... the DOJ will ramp it up all over again.

I hope you're right. Trayvon's murder needs to become the rallying cry about the rampant racism in the US in the same way that the dead children in Newtown have for the rights of all Americans to be safe from assholes like GZ.
Chief Tobe Green identified the older suspect as De'Marquise Elkins, 17, and said he will be treated as an adult in criminal proceedings. The 14-year-old was not identified because of his age. Both have been charged with first-degree murder

NIGGAS.......... ???

as Jantel defines the word !
Chief Tobe Green identified the older suspect as De'Marquise Elkins, 17, and said he will be treated as an adult in criminal proceedings. The 14-year-old was not identified because of his age. Both have been charged with first-degree murder

NIGGAS.......... ???

as Jantel defines the word !

A 17 year old treated as an adult! Don't they know that 17 is just a CHILD??????
perhaps instead of protesting they should go to work?

and if white folks speak on their feelings you will call them racist.

yes, I mean you plural and singular.

They will not be peaceful. MLKs 'gatherings' all ended in riots. There will be violence and people on both sides will be killed and injured. UNLESS our government is prepared, and with 0 in office who thinks they will be prepared after he already jumped into the middle of it. He won't allow this country to prepare for riots. He, himself, has instigated the entire thing. He knew what he was doing. Just like he did when he instigate Arab spring. 0 is trying to bring this country to its knees from without OR from within.

You might want to study up on MLK and John Locke while you are on the subject of Non_violent Protest and Non-Violent Civil Disobedience.

No need. I was there in the 1960s. MLKs protests were violent. John Locke was about tolerance, something MLK talked about but did not practice. There is no comparison between the two. Every single one of MLKs 'peaceful demonstrations' ended in violence.

Don't know what happened to my vid, but here is a partial playlist.
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They DO represent you and your race. They made that abundantly clear.

Do you claim Dahmer? Did he shame your entire race? Does Hitler represent Zimmerman's dad?

God damn your a hypocrite.


Of course they represent you. You exude and spout the same rhetoric. For all we know, you are right in the thick of it and planning your next polar bear hunt. You stamp your feet and want a man arrested. You get him arrested. You stamp your feet and want a trial. You get a trial. Now, you stamp your feet because the court in this country refused to become a kangaroo court and crucify him just because you stamped your feet. And now you are stamping your feet again. And rioting. Assaulting MORE innocent people.

"You don't have the right to disagree, because I'll tell you what your opinion is".

BREAKING NEWS: A white jogger in Senatobia, Mississippi was brutally beaten by three black assailants on Sunday evening. They claim it was in retaliation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, on the night of February 26, 2012.

Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation |

Now I wonder if any liberal will speak out against this?

i hope they are caught and prosecuted for hate crimes civil rights violations.

Me too, it kills me that they didn't get that Zimmerman is not even white.
In speaking about his vigilante/murderer brother taking the law into his own hands, actually said -


Asshole of the Day for June 14, 2013

outing yourself ......... ??
BREAKING NEWS: A white jogger in Senatobia, Mississippi was brutally beaten by three black assailants on Sunday evening. They claim it was in retaliation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, on the night of February 26, 2012.

Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation |

Now I wonder if any liberal will speak out against this?

i hope they are caught and prosecuted for hate crimes civil rights violations.

Me too, it kills me that they didn't get that Zimmerman is not even white.

Last night as I was watching the "march" on television, groups of black kids were randomly attacking OTHER BLACK people they found in the street for Trayvon retaliation. What's that all about? They were vandalizing black stores in Trayvon retaliation. These protesters were stopping the cars of other black people and destroying them. That's why Chief Beck said no more protests would be tolerated.

Zimmerman isn't white. So what, none of these other victims were white either.
In the OlBat's world this type of lunacy is everyday stuff.

Personally, I'm very thankful the jury did the right thing based on the only evidence and facts available to try to build a case around, which obviously fell short.

On another note though I kind of like how upset the morons who swallowed more lies and race baiting from Sharpton and others, believed doctored NBC audio clips, thought the victim was a little boy in a red sweatshirt, and all the other bullshit. As long as you imbeciles allow yourselves to be led around by the nose by the likes of Sharpton and his ilk, you're doomed.
BREAKING NEWS: A white jogger in Senatobia, Mississippi was brutally beaten by three black assailants on Sunday evening. They claim it was in retaliation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, on the night of February 26, 2012.

Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation |

Now I wonder if any liberal will speak out against this?

I am liberal. Those are assholes. I am also black and they domt represent my entire race. Does asshole white republicans represent you?

These isolated incidents are not riots. They are incidences done by assholes.

They DO represent you and your race. They made that abundantly clear.

LOL, that would be like saying that the skinheads and kkk represent the white race and all whites are responsible for the aforementioned group's actions! Thanks for the laugh!

For the record the violence in LA and this assault piss me off, I think that those criminals should be arrested, prosecuted, and sent to prison.
I just wish the 'lies' would be explained.

I gave this my best shot--gathered FYI from the sources available to me.

A miracle that I established some semblance of facts--it just doesn't work for me --panel after panel with members shouting over each other.

How people work in LE, law and related fields and do this day after day I don't know.

I am not much of a sports fan but that seems to be a better option at the moment.
Zimmerman’s head wounds are not consistent with his account and his head being “repeatedly banged” into the side walk. Wounds that appear to be “scratches” are too high up on the back of the head to come in contact with concrete. Wounds would have been lower and would have been “abrasions” instead of scratches. Consistent with head coming in contact with pebbles in grass, since Zimmerman’s back was wet or in contact with sprinkler in grass when Trayvon hit him and he fell hitting his head. Lay on the floor and feel where your head comes in contact with the floor. And if Trayvon held his head and banged it into the sidewalk wounds would have been even lower than higher. :confused:

Standing upright with my hoodie on it falls over two inches from my chest.

Zimmerman stalking the kid and after confronting Zimmerman with “why are you following me” and Zimmerman conscientiously responding with “what are you doing around here” instead of “I am a neighborhood watchmen” and then reaching into his pocket for his cell phone? Which Trayvon obvious was led to believe he was reaching for a weapon which led to Trayvon to “standing his ground” and fighting for his life.

Zimmerman account of the incident was not credible and consistent with racial hatred for Blacks that he had called 911 over 40 times and racial profiling of Trayvon as a criminal. Zimmerman had profiled a 7 years old black child when he call police and said he was acting suspicious. How much more evidence did the jury need? The 911 calls and Zimmerman’s inconsistency account of the incident should have been more than enough to convict him of, the least, manslaughter.

Prosecution deliberately threw this case. WHY??????? The verdict should be overturned on ground of “incompetent representation” and attorney negligence.

Never heard of a homicide not being investigated since 1900s hangings of blacks. :eek: Sanford police were acting as judge and jury.

Have you called the governor ?
Juror 37, who refused to have her image appear on Anerson Cooper's show, continually referred to Zimmerman as "George"

"I felt George was innocent the first day of the trial".

She is from Sanford, has 2 children, and her husband carries a gun.

"Race was not an issue, it's just that Trayvon Martin looked suspicious.

A jury of your peers.

God help us.

She knows what someone who looks suspicious does. Just like thousands if not millions of others.
I am liberal. Those are assholes. I am also black and they domt represent my entire race. Does asshole white republicans represent you?

These isolated incidents are not riots. They are incidences done by assholes.

They DO represent you and your race. They made that abundantly clear.

LOL, that would be like saying that the skinheads and kkk represent the white race and all whites are responsible for the aforementioned group's actions! Thanks for the laugh!

For the record the violence in LA and this assault piss me off, I think that those criminals should be arrested, prosecuted, and sent to prison.

Where have you been? That is exactly what is said all the time on this forum. The radical left accuses every Republican and/or gun owner on here of being in the KKK. Well, I remember the 60s well, and MLK's 'peaceful marches' ALWAYS turned violent. Sharpton is bucking to be the next MLK. You got what you wanted. Zimmerman was arrested and tried. But you and your black ilk will not accept the verdict. And before you even start your all white jury shit, the jury is supposed to be a jury of the DEFENDANT's peers, not that of his assailant.

Here is but one example
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did you see her racist comments? She also said george followed martin because it was raining. haha
Just putting Rachel Jeantel on the stand is evidence that the prosecution threw the case. Of course by claiming that they had a star, smoking gun, witness hurt them because they were then bound to produce that witness. They just came up with Jeantel.

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