George Zimmerman

Juror 37, who refused to have her image appear on Anerson Cooper's show, continually referred to Zimmerman as "George"

"I felt George was innocent the first day of the trial".

She is from Sanford, has 2 children, and her husband carries a gun.

"Race was not an issue, it's just that Trayvon Martin looked suspicious.

A jury of your peers.

God help us.


This was obviously a very biased juror from the start. The State should appeal the verdict based on her clearly stated bias.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but the State can't appeal the verdict.

The term for that would be "double jeopardy".

But that's just a law---we have social engineers to get rid of those for us now.
I think that the people that keep saying that GZ got away with murder already beleive that some form of the law that I'm proposing is already on the books. I'm just trying to correct the system for them.
Based on what I am seeing here....

A white person can never have an altercation with a black person that is not racially motivated.

A white person is a racist if he assumes a black person is up to no good.

A white person ONLY argues with a black person if he/she is a racist.

Is that what you are saying nia588?

no. that's not what i am saying. but what was so suspicious about trayvon? he had ice and skittles in hand.

what he had in his hand is irrelevant. Zimmerman never even mentioned to the 911 officer that the suspicious individual was carrying something.

I have a question.....

A 6 foot tall man was walking through a closed neighborhood. The community night watchman did not recognize him as a resident.

What should the watchman do at that point?
There is only one way to correct the "injustice" done in the Zimmerman trial. Stop having trials in the first place. Or failing that, have trials and instruct the jury of the predetermined outcome. They only need one jury instruction "You are to come to a verdict of guilty." Then they will go have lunch, fill out their verdict forms and come back without wasting 16 hours on deliberation. In fact, we could do away with all the time spent on witnesses that way.
look i'm a type of person that tries my best not to talk about racism. but if trayvon was white Zimmerman wouldn't have thought he was suspicions. none of this would have happened.

I ask that you think about this......

Yours is assumption only....and certainly not supported by facts in any way at all.

Unless you are you saying that a community watchman would not have considered an individual walking in a closed community at night; not being a resident; as NOT being suspicious if he were white.

In other words...... are you saying that ALL white males walking through a closed community where they are not a resident, AT NIGHT are never deemed as suspicious by the assigned watchmen?

obviously I can't dig into Zimmerman's brain and prove he had racist thoughts when he pursued trayvon.

but young black men in this country are viewed as criminals and aggressive in this country. whether you want to accept that or not is another story.

but young black men in this country are viewed as criminals and aggressive in this country.

But that's outrageous! I'm sure the crime statistics would show that view is 100% incorrect.
Based on what I am seeing here....

A white person can never have an altercation with a black person that is not racially motivated.

A white person is a racist if he assumes a black person is up to no good.

A white person ONLY argues with a black person if he/she is a racist.

Is that what you are saying nia588?

no. that's not what i am saying. but what was so suspicious about trayvon? he had ice and skittles in hand.

I did not answer your question that I just bolded...I apologize...

What was suspicious about Trayvon Martin to the night watchman was the fact that he was an individual of about 6 feet tall (appearing to be a man and not a child) who was walking through a closed community while not being recognized as a resident of that community.

Are you aware that such a description is exactly what night watchmen are to look for? They are to look for adult looking individuals that are walking through their closed community while not being recognized as a resident.

What makes you think Zimmerman would not have called 911 if he were white?
Katzndogz, that certainly would of made Al and Jesse happy.

Actually, I take that back, Al and Jesse actually wanted a "not guilty" verdict so that they can contue stiring things up by playing the race card. With a verdict of "guilty" Al wouldn't get to organize those 100 demonstrations across the country that he is supposely organizing.
We're actually moving toward the Roman gladitorial model. The masses decide who lives and who dies with a thumbs up. Trial by media, justice by popular opinion. Vote on the internet.
This reminds me of the Boston Professor incident.

In that situation, a man was seen breaking into a home and the police were called.
It became a racial issue because the police asked for proof that the one breaking into the home was the owner of the home...and he was black.

Now...if a white man were seen by a neighbor breaking into a home, does anyone think the police would not have been called as well?

And would it have been unusual for the police to insist on a white man to prove that he was the owner of the home he was seen breaking into?

On that note.......lets say the black man breaking into the home was NOT the owner....but when the police arrived claimed he WAS the owner. And as opposed to insisting on ID, the police said to him.....sorry to bother you and left.

And in the meantime, the real owner of the home is tied up in a chair in the house being pistol whipped to death by the home breakers accomplice.....

And the next day the professors body is found.

Wouldn't the police have been deemed as "acting stupidly" for not insisting on ID from the man who claimed being the homeowner?
They never wanted GZ convicted. That's why they didn't introduce the witnesses who said it was Trayvon screaming with GZ on top of him. And, of course, skinhead GZ grew out his hair and the prosecution pretended he had no history of racism and violence. We've all read the evidence that was kept from the jury but here's some of it again -
He was found not guilty for the simple reason that he wasn't guilty.

The lefties look nfor any excuse to deny the truth, but it remains.

Why don't all you left wing nuts do the world a favor and hold your breath until GZ get's charged with anything. It shouldn't be hard, it's coming any minute now right?

I ask that you think about this......

Yours is assumption only....and certainly not supported by facts in any way at all.

Unless you are you saying that a community watchman would not have considered an individual walking in a closed community at night; not being a resident; as NOT being suspicious if he were white.

In other words...... are you saying that ALL white males walking through a closed community where they are not a resident, AT NIGHT are never deemed as suspicious by the assigned watchmen?

obviously I can't dig into Zimmerman's brain and prove he had racist thoughts when he pursued trayvon.

but young black men in this country are viewed as criminals and aggressive in this country. whether you want to accept that or not is another story.

Maybe by you but surely not by everyone. Where are your facts ? Are you just making this shit up ?
Probably got the facts from the MSM....:eusa_whistle:
She told Anderson Cooper: "Trayvon caused his own death"

This daughter of a redneck cracker was taught that black people must always back down when a white person smacks them.

Enter DOJ and Congress.

She told Anderson Cooper: "Trayvon caused his own death"

This daughter of a redneck cracker was taught that black people must always back down when a white person smacks them.

Enter DOJ and Congress.


4 jurors have signed a letter disavowing B37's statements.

Now it gets real good!

She told Anderson Cooper: "Trayvon caused his own death"

This daughter of a redneck cracker was taught that black people must always back down when a white person smacks them.

Enter DOJ and Congress.


4 jurors have signed a letter disavowing B37's statements.

Now it gets real good!


half truth---but it's a little better than you full blown bullshit.

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