George Zimmerman

She told Anderson Cooper: "Trayvon caused his own death"

This daughter of a redneck cracker was taught that black people must always back down when a white person smacks them.

Enter DOJ and Congress.


George is white? George smacked Trayvon? Link?

DriveBy wouldn't know the truth if it landed on his head and shit in his hair. He lies about everything.
From AP
Last Updated: 3:40 AM, July 17, 2013
Posted: 2:36 AM, July 17, 2013

Four of the jurors at the George Zimmerman trial distanced themselves last night from comments that another juror made in a televised interview.

They issued a joint statement disavowing the opinions expressed by “Juror B37” on CNN Monday night.

“The opinions of Juror B37 . . . were . . . not in any way representative of the jurors listed below,” said the statement, signed with their own numbers. “The death of a teenager weighed heavily on our hearts.”

Four Trayvon-case jurors distance themselves from colleague?s comments -
From AP
Last Updated: 3:40 AM, July 17, 2013
Posted: 2:36 AM, July 17, 2013

Four of the jurors at the George Zimmerman trial distanced themselves last night from comments that another juror made in a televised interview.

They issued a joint statement disavowing the opinions expressed by “Juror B37” on CNN Monday night.

“The opinions of Juror B37 . . . were . . . not in any way representative of the jurors listed below,” said the statement, signed with their own numbers. “The death of a teenager weighed heavily on our hearts.”

Four Trayvon-case jurors distance themselves from colleague?s comments -

You contradicted your own OP.
Zimmerman’s head wounds are not consistent with his account and his head being “repeatedly banged” into the side walk. Wounds that appear to be “scratches” are too high up on the back of the head to come in contact with concrete. Wounds would have been lower and would have been “abrasions” instead of scratches. Consistent with head coming in contact with pebbles in grass, since Zimmerman’s back was wet or in contact with sprinkler in grass when Trayvon hit him and he fell hitting his head. Lay on the floor and feel where your head comes in contact with the floor. And if Trayvon held his head and banged it into the sidewalk wounds would have been even lower than higher. :confused:

Standing upright with my hoodie on it falls over two inches from my chest.

Zimmerman stalking the kid and after confronting Zimmerman with “why are you following me” and Zimmerman conscientiously responding with “what are you doing around here” instead of “I am a neighborhood watchmen” and then reaching into his pocket for his cell phone? Which Trayvon obvious was led to believe he was reaching for a weapon which led to Trayvon to “standing his ground” and fighting for his life.

Zimmerman account of the incident was not credible and consistent with racial hatred for Blacks that he had called 911 over 40 times and racial profiling of Trayvon as a criminal. Zimmerman had profiled a 7 years old black child when he call police and said he was acting suspicious. How much more evidence did the jury need? The 911 calls and Zimmerman’s inconsistency account of the incident should have been more than enough to convict him of, the least, manslaughter.

Prosecution deliberately threw this case. WHY??????? The verdict should be overturned on ground of “incompetent representation” and attorney negligence.

Never heard of a homicide not being investigated since 1900s hangings of blacks. :eek: Sanford police were acting as judge and jury.

There have been times that I wondered the same thing. They found him not guilty because the prosecution was very weak. Incompetence or political reasons, I can't decide yet.

the prosecution was weak for one reason - there was nothing there for them to use!
They never wanted GZ convicted. That's why they didn't introduce the witnesses who said it was Trayvon screaming with GZ on top of him. And, of course, skinhead GZ grew out his hair and the prosecution pretended he had no history of racism and violence. We've all read the evidence that was kept from the jury but here's some of it again -

This special prosecutor has been trying for quite some time to get a big appointment, doing whatever she can, even if it is unethical. To think she would throw this case when her aspirations are what they are, is just disingenius.
Interesting. The black man wasn't thrown in jail right away in the same way that the Martin family bitched about.

As with the Martin case, I will wait for the trial to judge. I wasn't there so i don't know what happened.
Based on limited info I dont see how they dont convict the guy.
Unless he was being dragged out his car window,he could have driven away.

This case is nothing like GZ case.

Correct. Yelling isn't the same thing as banging someone's head into the concrete.
She told Anderson Cooper: "Trayvon caused his own death"

This daughter of a redneck cracker was taught that black people must always back down when a white person smacks them.

Enter DOJ and Congress.


George is white? George smacked Trayvon? Link?
Drivebymediocre won't answer because when he does, he will see the Zimmerman family tree, which I saved for such occasions:


  • $Zimmerman family tree.jpg
    $Zimmerman family tree.jpg
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