Georgetown to give preferential status in admissions to descendants of slaves


Irish slaves treated worse ??? Ummmm no!

Uhm yes, you're the very last imbecile to be taken serious on this forum, Ms Cat In The Hat, how juvenile

When were they slaves ? All you do is insult when your bullshit lies are called out .

The Irish "made it" because during the industrial revolution they took shit jobs as police and Fire departments . ( jobs blacks would never be allowed to have ) . Irish would change their names and then pass for "white". ( blacks can't hide their race )

They breed like rabbits and became a big voting block and took over all kinds of elected positions . And when they took control they were just as bad to blacks as the Anglos were to them.

There's your quick irish history "lass" .

Irish slaves treated worse ??? Ummmm no!

Uhm yes, you're the very last imbecile to be taken serious on this forum, Ms Cat In The Hat, how juvenile

When were they slaves ? All you do is insult when your bullshit lies are called out .

The Irish "made it" because during the industrial revolution they took shit jobs as police and Fire departments . ( jobs blacks would never be allowed to have ) . Irish would change their names and then pass for "white". ( blacks can't hide their race )

They breed like rabbits and became a big voting block and took over all kinds of elected positions . And when they took control they were just as bad to blacks as the Anglos were to them.

There's your quick irish history "lass" .

You lost when you asked when they were slaves, proving you don't have the first fucking clue what you're talking about....again. Get lost child
Read it Timmy, then you won't look like the clueless fucktard you are.



Were they slaves or indentured servants?
Did they agree to their servitude?
Was it for a set period or their whole lives and their children's lives?
Were they bought and sold?
Did they have a right to vote?
Could they legally marry?
Read it Timmy, then you won't look like the clueless fucktard you are.



Were they slaves or indentured servants?
Did they agree to their servitude?
Was it for a set period or their whole lives and their children's lives?
Were they bought and sold?
Did they have a right to vote?
Could they legally marry?

Read the book, lazy ass and cease asking others to educate yourself. You're as big a loser as your little friend "timmy"
Read it Timmy, then you won't look like the clueless fucktard you are.



Were they slaves or indentured servants?
Did they agree to their servitude?
Was it for a set period or their whole lives and their children's lives?
Were they bought and sold?
Did they have a right to vote?
Could they legally marry?
Well, the black muslims from africa already enslaved them and did that nearly 700 years before the Europeans got involved.
Read it Timmy, then you won't look like the clueless fucktard you are.



Were they slaves or indentured servants?
Did they agree to their servitude?
Was it for a set period or their whole lives and their children's lives?
Were they bought and sold?
Did they have a right to vote?
Could they legally marry?
Well, the black muslims from africa already enslaved them and did that nearly 700 years before the Europeans got involved.

I don't give two shits some black's ancestors were slaves 150 years ago.
Read it Timmy, then you won't look like the clueless fucktard you are.



Were they slaves or indentured servants?
Did they agree to their servitude?
Was it for a set period or their whole lives and their children's lives?
Were they bought and sold?
Did they have a right to vote?
Could they legally marry?

Read the book, lazy ass and cease asking others to educate yourself. You're as big a loser as your little friend "timmy"

They WERENT legal slaves in the same sense as black slavery in the US . Not even close .
Read it Timmy, then you won't look like the clueless fucktard you are.



Were they slaves or indentured servants?
Did they agree to their servitude?
Was it for a set period or their whole lives and their children's lives?
Were they bought and sold?
Did they have a right to vote?
Could they legally marry?
Well, the black muslims from africa already enslaved them and did that nearly 700 years before the Europeans got involved.

I don't give two shits some black's ancestors were slaves 150 years ago.

Of course YOU don't . If you were around 150 years ago, you wouldn't care then either .
Read it Timmy, then you won't look like the clueless fucktard you are.



Were they slaves or indentured servants?
Did they agree to their servitude?
Was it for a set period or their whole lives and their children's lives?
Were they bought and sold?
Did they have a right to vote?
Could they legally marry?

Read the book, lazy ass and cease asking others to educate yourself. You're as big a loser as your little friend "timmy"

Translation: She doesnt want to get into specifics because specifics would show its a shitty comparison.
Read it Timmy, then you won't look like the clueless fucktard you are.



Were they slaves or indentured servants?
Did they agree to their servitude?
Was it for a set period or their whole lives and their children's lives?
Were they bought and sold?
Did they have a right to vote?
Could they legally marry?

Read the book, lazy ass and cease asking others to educate yourself. You're as big a loser as your little friend "timmy"

SmellyIrishAss......I don't take homework assignments

If you have a point to make....make it

In the absence of an argument, I will assume you are passing off indentured servants as slaves

Ain't the same
“Georgetown to give preferential status in admissions to descendants of slaves”


Georgetown is a private university, at liberty to implement whatever admissions policy it so desires.

This is a non-issue.
Who was hurt by slavery? Was it whites or blacks?

The slaves were forced to work and watch the fruit of their labor be taken from them unfairly, but whites also suffered.

Not the Plantation owners, of course, but the white farmers that got put out of business because they could not compete with slave labor were hurt, and most of them left the South and migrated to the Midwest where they made damned sure that those states became and remained anti-slavery.

The South as a whole also suffered from the economic stupor of what slavery does to an economy. Since slaves are left with no discretionary income there was not a strong secondary economy developed and that suppressed industrial development in the South.

In 1860 when the Civil War started, there were an estimated 21,000 miles of railroad in the North, while the South had only around 8,000 and it was not even a standard gauge.


So, yes, while whites did not suffer nearly so much as black slaves did from slavery WE ALL SUFFERED, except for the plantation owners who got rich off everyone else.

Slavery was an evil and corrupt institution, but not nearly as evil as the current policies of the Democratic Party that corrupt morals of our young, demoralize their ambition and goals, and leave them feeling like they are wards of the state,and all this STILL impacts blacks much worse than whites.

But this time it is by their own choice when they could choose otherwise.

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