Georgia approves Confederate license plate,pisses NAACP off

Friend of mine has that tag on each car he owns, as I stated this earlier these tags have been around forever here. And this guy goes down town Atlanta and works with homeless shelters and has helped an African American family for many years now. Had them to his house over the Holidays for a week in Alpharetta which is a suburb of Atlanta.
Amazes me the dumb asses here that believe if you ban the tags then some presumed hate goes away.
If you are going to demand that race based plates be banned in Georgia, you better be for banning the plate for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. It's an all-black Sorority.

And the Kappa Alpha Psi plate.. It's an all black fra.

I would not categorize the Confederate plates as "race based" as I believe that most people want them to remember their ancestors who were used, manipulated and thrown to be slaughtered by the Confederacy ...

Like any other government that fights in a war.
Friend of mine has that tag on each car he owns, as I stated this earlier these tags have been around forever here. And this guy goes down town Atlanta and works with homeless shelters and has helped an African American family for many years now. Had them to his house over the Holidays for a week in Alpharetta which is a suburb of Atlanta.
Amazes me the dumb asses here that believe if you ban the tags then some presumed hate goes away.

The left has long tried to convince blacks that if you are not a leftwing nutball and hate everything Western civilization once stood for then then you are a racist and might cut them up and serve them for dinner.
The sad inconvenient truth is that the flag on the stern of slave ships for about a hundred years prior to the Civil War was the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes.

Slavers flew the Union Jack.

MYTH - The Confederate Battle Flag was flown on slave ships.

FACT - NONE of the flags of the Confederacy or Southern Nation ever flew over a slave ship. Nor did the South own or operate any slaves ships. The English, the Dutch and the Portugese brought slaves to this country, not the Southern Nation.
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Let's see, My Great Grandaddy, Thomas Dorsett Pvt. 16th Maine inf. Reg. at Gettysburg and other battles. Held back the Confederates and allowed the Union to regroup and hold the field.

My Great Grandaddy, Noah S. Chick, pvt. 16th Maine Inf. Reg. same service as above.

My Great Grandaddy, William J. Stewart, pvt. 5th Florida Inf. Reg. Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg, and other battles.

Great Grandaddy Robert May pvt. (Listed as Grocer) 5th Florida Inf.

The only person listed here who had family owning slaves was Robert May, (His Father was Asa May of Jefferson County Florida)

Now, how am I a loser with all my Great Grand fathers serving, two on each side and only one from a Slave owning family.

I am proud of my ancestors, my history, and my cultural history. I'm proud of my G.G. Grandfather, John Stewart, who fought Indians with Andrew Jackson and was the first of my Stewart ancestors to come to Wakulla, (Saint Marks) Florida.
You jealous because your ancestors gave you no history to be proud of?

And no, not the 'vast majority' that's selective picking, you must be counting the Mulattos as white, which would be fine with me as long as you count them as white today.
One of the largest slave plantations in Louisiana was owned by a black man.

You are a loser because of your joy in supporting a flag that represents the attempt to keep Black people enslaved. Good you are proud of your loser culture. I am extremely proud of mine as well.

Yes the vast majority even the mulattos made sure to protect the family members they could. You must be stupid if you think otherwise. :lol:

You're two brain cells bump together now and then and come up with this brilliant stuff? I don't think 'Slavery" when I see that flag. I think 'History'.

I've got no more time for your dumb ass.

Shit you think he has that many brain cells? Your estimation is mighty generous, bubba.
Georgia approves Confederate flag license plates ? RT USA

Damn I wish I still lived there! Better believe I would pay 80$ for it!

Why? What makes you proud of a heritage which fought to keep men, women and children in slavery? Why celebrate a region's dark history, a time when leaders who should of known better lead a younger generation of young men and even boys into battle, and to the greatest number of wartime casualties in our nation's history?
The statue of the first black that went to segregated school in Mississippi, was found with a noose around the neck and a confederate flag over the head. Those darn republicans are at it again.
The statue of the first black that went to segregated school in Mississippi, was found with a noose around the neck and a confederate flag over the head. Those darn republicans are at it again.

So let us ban the tags and all that goes away.
Most All southern Democrats opposed integration and filibustered the Senate.
Most All southern Republicans supported integration.
Same with the Civil Rights Act.
I know, I grew up here and saw it all. Played on the first integrated team at my high school and all went well, no problems.
But that is not what your tube told you.
The statue of the first black that went to segregated school in Mississippi, was found with a noose around the neck and a confederate flag over the head. Those darn republicans are at it again.

Sounds just like shit democrats have always done....... :thup:
A player put a small noose in the locker of one of my black teammates in high school 1969. The parents of the white kid went to the house of the black kid and apologized, made their son do so also. The black family invited them to church that next Sunday with them.
That Sunday October 1969 47 players, 9 of them African American, went to that church together. Some of the parents of the white players did not want them to go, BUT THEY DID.
We were a lousy team that year, because we had too many white players!, but we ended up winning 3 of the last 6 and my senior year we won 8.
Been there done that, did not get a T shirt but know this tag thing is all MEDIA HYPE.
That dumb asses buy hook, line and sinker.
If you are going to demand that race based plates be banned in Georgia, you better be for banning the plate for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. It's an all-black Sorority.

And the Kappa Alpha Psi plate.. It's an all black fra.

I would not categorize the Confederate plates as "race based" as I believe that most people want them to remember their ancestors who were used, manipulated and thrown to be slaughtered by the Confederacy which was run by wealthy plantation owners that never fought a day.
And to compare them to fraternities and sororities is not the same.

An interesting comment, one I'd never heard before. As one who has walked the killing fields of the civil war - in particular Gettysburg - I was moved by the number of teenaged grave markers from the Confederate Forces which mark the place of their demise.

Knowing that their parents and siblings lived on, never learning fate of their child who never returned home, left a hollow sense in the pit of my stomach.
If you are going to demand that race based plates be banned in Georgia, you better be for banning the plate for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. It's an all-black Sorority.

And the Kappa Alpha Psi plate.. It's an all black fra.

I would not categorize the Confederate plates as "race based" as I believe that most people want them to remember their ancestors who were used, manipulated and thrown to be slaughtered by the Confederacy which was run by wealthy plantation owners that never fought a day.
And to compare them to fraternities and sororities is not the same.

An interesting comment, one I'd never heard before. As one who has walked the killing fields of the civil war - in particular Gettysburg - I was moved by the number of teenaged grave markers from the Confederate Forces which mark the place of their demise.

Knowing that their parents and siblings lived on, never learning fate of their child who never returned home, left a hollow sense in the pit of my stomach.

Without a link that is plagiarism. LUV luv luv your academic dishonesty. :rolleyes:

In that day teenagers were middle aged. People did well to live to be 40. The 'teenager', as we think of the teenager today, is an invention of post WWII America.
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I would not categorize the Confederate plates as "race based" as I believe that most people want them to remember their ancestors who were used, manipulated and thrown to be slaughtered by the Confederacy which was run by wealthy plantation owners that never fought a day.
And to compare them to fraternities and sororities is not the same.

An interesting comment, one I'd never heard before. As one who has walked the killing fields of the civil war - in particular Gettysburg - I was moved by the number of teenaged grave markers from the Confederate Forces which mark the place of their demise.

Knowing that their parents and siblings lived on, never learning fate of their child who never returned home, left a hollow sense in the pit of my stomach.

Without a link that is plagiarism. LUV luv luv your academic dishonesty. :rolleyes:

In that day teenagers were middle aged. People did well to live to be 40. The 'teenager', as we think of the teenager today, is an invention of post WWII America.

Huh? You want a link to my experience? There are other grave markers at Gettysburg, those which mark where Union Soldiers died. We (I took both of my sons) didn't notice any markers which indicated where 14, 15 or 16 year old boys had fallen.

BTW, read this link in re life expectancy:

Passion for the Past: Average Lifespan Misinformation in History

"So why is this false information being passed around as fact? Because, technically, it is true - the average life span in 1862 may have been 39 years of age. The average lifespan. Now, take into account that, up until the mid 20th century, the infant mortality rate was pretty high. Er...I mean, very high. In some areas nearly one out of every two infants died before their first birthday. And then, from one year old to five years that percentage dropped. From five to 10 it dropped again. And so on and so forth. In other words, the older you got, the chances are you would probably see life into your 60's or 70's or even your 80's, just like today."
If you are going to demand that race based plates be banned in Georgia, you better be for banning the plate for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. It's an all-black Sorority.

And the Kappa Alpha Psi plate.. It's an all black fra.

I would not categorize the Confederate plates as "race based" as I believe that most people want them to remember their ancestors who were used, manipulated and thrown to be slaughtered by the Confederacy which was run by wealthy plantation owners that never fought a day.
And to compare them to fraternities and sororities is not the same.

It's about being offended.

I am offended by any organization that restricts it's membership based upon skin color.

You wouldn't be defending an All-White Frat or Sorority, so why defend an All-Black one?
I am offended by the people that get a disability/handicapped tag and there is nothing wrong with them whatsoever.
But the left gives them a free pass and encourages more to join their ranks.
Always wondered if you are disabled how are you able to load your truck parked in the handicapped zone full of plywood by yourself?
Handicapped should mean you can not lift anything.

I have a handicapped sticker. Why? Cause I can not stand for long periods of time nor walk long distances without difficulty. I can load my car just fine.

But I know where you are coming from I see people that seem perfectly healthy parking in handicapped spaces all the time. Then I remember I LOOK perfectly healthy.

I have the same problems with my back and standing/walking. I have not yet gone to the point where I have gone to a doctor and requested a handicapped sticker. But that is not what I am making this post to say. I used to work in Downtown Tampa, a place where parking is at a premium and every morning, you would see the same people in suits without any apparent injuries park, for free, taking up dozens of parking meters get out of there cars and head into work in the county buildings.

Talk about abuse of power!
I would not categorize the Confederate plates as "race based" as I believe that most people want them to remember their ancestors who were used, manipulated and thrown to be slaughtered by the Confederacy which was run by wealthy plantation owners that never fought a day.
And to compare them to fraternities and sororities is not the same.

An interesting comment, one I'd never heard before. As one who has walked the killing fields of the civil war - in particular Gettysburg - I was moved by the number of teenaged grave markers from the Confederate Forces which mark the place of their demise.

Knowing that their parents and siblings lived on, never learning fate of their child who never returned home, left a hollow sense in the pit of my stomach.

Without a link that is plagiarism. LUV luv luv your academic dishonesty. :rolleyes:

In that day teenagers were middle aged. People did well to live to be 40. The 'teenager', as we think of the teenager today, is an invention of post WWII America.

A teenager is a teenager.
Average "life span" then was 45 but that was because INFANT mortality rates were so high.
If one LIVED then the life span was nearly as long as today.
If you are going to demand that race based plates be banned in Georgia, you better be for banning the plate for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. It's an all-black Sorority.

And the Kappa Alpha Psi plate.. It's an all black fra.

I would not categorize the Confederate plates as "race based" as I believe that most people want them to remember their ancestors who were used, manipulated and thrown to be slaughtered by the Confederacy which was run by wealthy plantation owners that never fought a day.
And to compare them to fraternities and sororities is not the same.

It's about being offended.

I am offended by any organization that restricts it's membership based upon skin color.

You wouldn't be defending an All-White Frat or Sorority, so why defend an All-Black one?

How long is the line of white folks begging to join an all black Frat or Sorority?
Real world, please join us in it.
I would not categorize the Confederate plates as "race based" as I believe that most people want them to remember their ancestors who were used, manipulated and thrown to be slaughtered by the Confederacy which was run by wealthy plantation owners that never fought a day.
And to compare them to fraternities and sororities is not the same.

An interesting comment, one I'd never heard before. As one who has walked the killing fields of the civil war - in particular Gettysburg - I was moved by the number of teenaged grave markers from the Confederate Forces which mark the place of their demise.

Knowing that their parents and siblings lived on, never learning fate of their child who never returned home, left a hollow sense in the pit of my stomach.

Without a link that is plagiarism. LUV luv luv your academic dishonesty. :rolleyes:

In that day teenagers were middle aged. People did well to live to be 40. The 'teenager', as we think of the teenager today, is an invention of post WWII America.

It's always a good idea to check your facts before calling someone dishonest. When proven ignorant and wrong as you have been it would be good form to offer a mea culpa.
I would not categorize the Confederate plates as "race based" as I believe that most people want them to remember their ancestors who were used, manipulated and thrown to be slaughtered by the Confederacy which was run by wealthy plantation owners that never fought a day.
And to compare them to fraternities and sororities is not the same.

It's about being offended.

I am offended by any organization that restricts it's membership based upon skin color.

You wouldn't be defending an All-White Frat or Sorority, so why defend an All-Black one?

How long is the line of white folks begging to join an all black Frat or Sorority?
Real world, please join us in it.

I knew a guy who badly wanted to be in a fraternity and he applied for several his first freshman semester, but got turned down by all of them. So in the spring he tried again, just applying everywhere and got turned down by all but one.

Later he found out that a couple were black fraternities and one was actually a sorority, lol.

I have never been a joiner myself.

Never saw a real point
I guess we only have to be tolerant of certain cultures celebrating their history in the eyes of libs. no hypocrisy there

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