Georgia approves Confederate license plate,pisses NAACP off

A player put a small noose in the locker of one of my black teammates in high school 1969. The parents of the white kid went to the house of the black kid and apologized, made their son do so also. The black family invited them to church that next Sunday with them.
That Sunday October 1969 47 players, 9 of them African American, went to that church together. Some of the parents of the white players did not want them to go, BUT THEY DID.
We were a lousy team that year, because we had too many white players!, but we ended up winning 3 of the last 6 and my senior year we won 8.
Been there done that, did not get a T shirt but know this tag thing is all MEDIA HYPE.
That dumb asses buy hook, line and sinker.

Sometimes people do the right thing. Sometimes they do not.
An interesting comment, one I'd never heard before. As one who has walked the killing fields of the civil war - in particular Gettysburg - I was moved by the number of teenaged grave markers from the Confederate Forces which mark the place of their demise.

Knowing that their parents and siblings lived on, never learning fate of their child who never returned home, left a hollow sense in the pit of my stomach.

Without a link that is plagiarism. LUV luv luv your academic dishonesty. :rolleyes:

In that day teenagers were middle aged. People did well to live to be 40. The 'teenager', as we think of the teenager today, is an invention of post WWII America.

It's always a good idea to check your facts before calling someone dishonest. When proven ignorant and wrong as you have been it would be good form to offer a mea culpa.

Good luck with that. :D
It's about being offended.

I am offended by any organization that restricts it's membership based upon skin color.

You wouldn't be defending an All-White Frat or Sorority, so why defend an All-Black one?

How long is the line of white folks begging to join an all black Frat or Sorority?
Real world, please join us in it.

I knew a guy who badly wanted to be in a fraternity and he applied for several his first freshman semester, but got turned down by all of them. So in the spring he tried again, just applying everywhere and got turned down by all but one.

Later he found out that a couple were black fraternities and one was actually a sorority, lol.

I have never been a joiner myself.

Never saw a real point

We called them Geek Fraternities.
The statue of the first black that went to segregated school in Mississippi, was found with a noose around the neck and a confederate flag over the head. Those darn republicans are at it again.

So let us ban the tags and all that goes away.
Most All southern Democrats opposed integration and filibustered the Senate.
Most All southern Republicans supported integration.
Same with the Civil Rights Act.
I know, I grew up here and saw it all. Played on the first integrated team at my high school and all went well, no problems.
But that is not what your tube told you.

All the southern states with the confederate flags are republican. The KKK votes republican. You know it, and so does everybody else. Your shit don't flush. Only a bigot would try that bullshit.
The statue of the first black that went to segregated school in Mississippi, was found with a noose around the neck and a confederate flag over the head. Those darn republicans are at it again.

So let us ban the tags and all that goes away.
Most All southern Democrats opposed integration and filibustered the Senate.
Most All southern Republicans supported integration.
Same with the Civil Rights Act.
I know, I grew up here and saw it all. Played on the first integrated team at my high school and all went well, no problems.
But that is not what your tube told you.

All the southern states with the confederate flags are republican. The KKK votes republican. You know it, and so does everybody else. Your shit don't flush. Only a bigot would try that bullshit.

None of which changes a damned thing about the FACTS, retard.

slavery - Democrat
KKK - Democrat
segregation - Democrat
opposition to 64 Civil rights Act - Democrat
Continued use of race-based laws - Democrats following Identity Politics

Democrats are the one and only party in this country with an extensive record going back more than two centuries defending and promoting race based policies and laws.
So let us ban the tags and all that goes away.
Most All southern Democrats opposed integration and filibustered the Senate.
Most All southern Republicans supported integration.
Same with the Civil Rights Act.
I know, I grew up here and saw it all. Played on the first integrated team at my high school and all went well, no problems.
But that is not what your tube told you.

All the southern states with the confederate flags are republican. The KKK votes republican. You know it, and so does everybody else. Your shit don't flush. Only a bigot would try that bullshit.

None of which changes a damned thing about the FACTS, retard.

slavery - Democrat
KKK - Democrat
segregation - Democrat
opposition to 64 Civil rights Act - Democrat
Continued use of race-based laws - Democrats following Identity Politics

Democrats are the one and only party in this country with an extensive record going back more than two centuries defending and promoting race based policies and laws.

Do you believe everyone who reads your comments has never taken a course in US History or Political Science? Strom Thurman WAS a Democrat before he and his kind switched to the GOP. So, you're either confused and a parrot, posting on a subject of which you are totally ignorant, or you're a liar by omission.
All the southern states with the confederate flags are republican. The KKK votes republican. You know it, and so does everybody else. Your shit don't flush. Only a bigot would try that bullshit.

None of which changes a damned thing about the FACTS, retard.

slavery - Democrat
KKK - Democrat
segregation - Democrat
opposition to 64 Civil rights Act - Democrat
Continued use of race-based laws - Democrats following Identity Politics

Democrats are the one and only party in this country with an extensive record going back more than two centuries defending and promoting race based policies and laws.

Do you believe everyone who reads your comments has never taken a course in US History or Political Science? Strom Thurman WAS a Democrat before he and his kind switched to the GOP. So, you're either confused and a parrot, posting on a subject of which you are totally ignorant, or you're a liar by omission.

fact is, it was still the republicans who supported the civil rights act and still the democrats who opposed it. seems like you are the one with the multicolored tail feathers asking for a cracker
None of which changes a damned thing about the FACTS, retard.

slavery - Democrat
KKK - Democrat
segregation - Democrat
opposition to 64 Civil rights Act - Democrat
Continued use of race-based laws - Democrats following Identity Politics

Democrats are the one and only party in this country with an extensive record going back more than two centuries defending and promoting race based policies and laws.

Do you believe everyone who reads your comments has never taken a course in US History or Political Science? Strom Thurman WAS a Democrat before he and his kind switched to the GOP. So, you're either confused and a parrot, posting on a subject of which you are totally ignorant, or you're a liar by omission.

fact is, it was still the republicans who supported the civil rights act and still the democrats who opposed it. seems like you are the one with the multicolored tail feathers asking for a cracker

Thanks for sharing, now, go directly to the library and get a book on the History of the U.S. 1945 to the present.
The statue of the first black that went to segregated school in Mississippi, was found with a noose around the neck and a confederate flag over the head. Those darn republicans are at it again.

So let us ban the tags and all that goes away.
Most All southern Democrats opposed integration and filibustered the Senate.
Most All southern Republicans supported integration.
Same with the Civil Rights Act.
I know, I grew up here and saw it all. Played on the first integrated team at my high school and all went well, no problems.
But that is not what your tube told you.

All the southern states with the confederate flags are republican. The KKK votes republican. You know it, and so does everybody else. Your shit don't flush. Only a bigot would try that bullshit.

All the Confederate states were Democrats Moe. Lincoln was a Republican. Southerners were Jacksonian Democrats. After reconstruction the Southern Democrats disenfranchised African Americans, who were all Republicans, and always were counted on to give all their electoral votes to Democrats. Enter Dixiecrats 1948 on.
Many of the old Democrats would have remained Democrats years after integration, which my family always supported as we despised racists and bigots, but the growth and power of the welfare state in the south turned them over to fiscal conservatism which is The Republican Party.
Enter the Reagan Democrats in the 80s.
The KKK has what, 47 members now?
All the New Black Panther Party vote Democrat.
Name a southern state that flies a Confederate flag.
All you guys are left with are urban liberals that Democrats appeal to because they get free shit for a vote.
Put your hand back in your pocket as I am tired of the growth of the moocher class.
As hard as you try you just can not polish a turd.
So Democrats evolving into something else for the last 50 years makes the fact that they were the leading party against civil rights and supported disenfranchising African Americans for almost 100 years disappear.
The NAACP and all their supporters can go to hell. A low rank organization of overpaid scumbags who are just as racist as the people they pretend they don't hate. Human filth.
None of which changes a damned thing about the FACTS, retard.

slavery - Democrat
KKK - Democrat
segregation - Democrat
opposition to 64 Civil rights Act - Democrat
Continued use of race-based laws - Democrats following Identity Politics

Democrats are the one and only party in this country with an extensive record going back more than two centuries defending and promoting race based policies and laws.

Do you believe everyone who reads your comments has never taken a course in US History or Political Science? Strom Thurman WAS a Democrat before he and his kind switched to the GOP. So, you're either confused and a parrot, posting on a subject of which you are totally ignorant, or you're a liar by omission.

fact is, it was still the republicans who supported the civil rights act and still the democrats who opposed it. seems like you are the one with the multicolored tail feathers asking for a cracker

Fact is, KKK, Aryans and all other bigots vote republican. Blacks, women, Hispanics, Jews, gays and the other abused vote democrat. The south is still the bigots, and they are the red states. Trying to deceive gets you nowhere.
Do you believe everyone who reads your comments has never taken a course in US History or Political Science? Strom Thurman WAS a Democrat before he and his kind switched to the GOP. So, you're either confused and a parrot, posting on a subject of which you are totally ignorant, or you're a liar by omission.

fact is, it was still the republicans who supported the civil rights act and still the democrats who opposed it. seems like you are the one with the multicolored tail feathers asking for a cracker

Fact is, KKK, Aryans and all other bigots vote republican. Blacks, women, Hispanics, Jews, gays and the other abused vote democrat. The south is still the bigots, and they are the red states. Trying to deceive gets you nowhere.

Talk about bigotry, how more bigoted can you get than to say that people from X are all bigots?


The fact is we cannot know what is in peoples hearts unless they advocate things, such as changes in the law. And when they advocate changes in the law that exclusively benefit or penalize people on the basis of race then they are RACISTS. That is what the word means, not how the libtards like you use it to mean 'anyone who disagrees with a liberal'.

The Democratic Party has sole ownership on the creation of legal systems that discriminate on the basis of race, from racial slavery to Jim Crow. Today the Democrats advocate Identity Politics which is, once again, a system of ideology that divides us all along the lines of race, among other things. Which makes the Democratic Party once again the only major racist party in our nation that pushes racism.
So let us ban the tags and all that goes away.
Most All southern Democrats opposed integration and filibustered the Senate.
Most All southern Republicans supported integration.
Same with the Civil Rights Act.
I know, I grew up here and saw it all. Played on the first integrated team at my high school and all went well, no problems.
But that is not what your tube told you.

All the southern states with the confederate flags are republican. The KKK votes republican. You know it, and so does everybody else. Your shit don't flush. Only a bigot would try that bullshit.

All the Confederate states were Democrats Moe. Lincoln was a Republican. Southerners were Jacksonian Democrats. After reconstruction the Southern Democrats disenfranchised African Americans, who were all Republicans, and always were counted on to give all their electoral votes to Democrats. Enter Dixiecrats 1948 on.
Many of the old Democrats would have remained Democrats years after integration, which my family always supported as we despised racists and bigots, but the growth and power of the welfare state in the south turned them over to fiscal conservatism which is The Republican Party.
Enter the Reagan Democrats in the 80s.
The KKK has what, 47 members now? .

Yeah and 46 of them are FBI informants.
The KKK votes republican. .

Really? All of them? Got any proof of that? If so, you would have to be pleased to see a democrat institution enjoy such support from the other party. You know the "other party" I mean, right? The one that fought against and eventually ended slavery; the one that has always stood against you democrats and your attempts at oppression.
I would not categorize the Confederate plates as "race based" as I believe that most people want them to remember their ancestors who were used, manipulated and thrown to be slaughtered by the Confederacy which was run by wealthy plantation owners that never fought a day.
And to compare them to fraternities and sororities is not the same.

It's about being offended.

I am offended by any organization that restricts it's membership based upon skin color.

You wouldn't be defending an All-White Frat or Sorority, so why defend an All-Black one?

How long is the line of white folks begging to join an all black Frat or Sorority?
Real world, please join us in it.

what does THAT have to do with anything? Discrimination is okay as long no one complains?

That is some bullshit, discrimination should be okay because the government is not Constitutionally empowered to stop it PERIOD
I would not categorize the Confederate plates as "race based" as I believe that most people want them to remember their ancestors who were used, manipulated and thrown to be slaughtered by the Confederacy which was run by wealthy plantation owners that never fought a day.
And to compare them to fraternities and sororities is not the same.

It's about being offended.

I am offended by any organization that restricts it's membership based upon skin color.

You wouldn't be defending an All-White Frat or Sorority, so why defend an All-Black one?

How long is the line of white folks begging to join an all black Frat or Sorority?
Real world, please join us in it.

I was excluded from an all-black fraternity and it scarred me, man, it scarred me.

Granted, I was not a student at the university, I was 40 years old, it was 3 AM, I was drunk as hell and wearing nothing but ski pants, a viking helmet and Epaulets - BUT they wouldn't let me in! Where do I go to get back the dignity that was taken from me that day? Where, I ask!
fact is, it was still the republicans who supported the civil rights act and still the democrats who opposed it. seems like you are the one with the multicolored tail feathers asking for a cracker

Fact is, KKK, Aryans and all other bigots vote republican. Blacks, women, Hispanics, Jews, gays and the other abused vote democrat. The south is still the bigots, and they are the red states. Trying to deceive gets you nowhere.

Talk about bigotry, how more bigoted can you get than to say that people from X are all bigots?


The fact is we cannot know what is in peoples hearts unless they advocate things, such as changes in the law. And when they advocate changes in the law that exclusively benefit or penalize people on the basis of race then they are RACISTS. That is what the word means, not how the libtards like you use it to mean 'anyone who disagrees with a liberal'.

The Democratic Party has sole ownership on the creation of legal systems that discriminate on the basis of race, from racial slavery to Jim Crow. Today the Democrats advocate Identity Politics which is, once again, a system of ideology that divides us all along the lines of race, among other things. Which makes the Democratic Party once again the only major racist party in our nation that pushes racism.

Wait, we can know what is in someone's heart only by what they advocate? :confused:
It's about being offended.

I am offended by any organization that restricts it's membership based upon skin color.

You wouldn't be defending an All-White Frat or Sorority, so why defend an All-Black one?

How long is the line of white folks begging to join an all black Frat or Sorority?
Real world, please join us in it.

what does THAT have to do with anything? Discrimination is okay as long no one complains?

That is some bullshit, discrimination should be okay because the government is not Constitutionally empowered to stop it PERIOD

Imagined discrimination does not count.
I do not suck cock and have no desire to go to a gay orgy.
That does not mean I am being discriminated against.
Fact is, KKK, Aryans and all other bigots vote republican. Blacks, women, Hispanics, Jews, gays and the other abused vote democrat. The south is still the bigots, and they are the red states. Trying to deceive gets you nowhere.

Talk about bigotry, how more bigoted can you get than to say that people from X are all bigots?


The fact is we cannot know what is in peoples hearts unless they advocate things, such as changes in the law. And when they advocate changes in the law that exclusively benefit or penalize people on the basis of race then they are RACISTS. That is what the word means, not how the libtards like you use it to mean 'anyone who disagrees with a liberal'.

The Democratic Party has sole ownership on the creation of legal systems that discriminate on the basis of race, from racial slavery to Jim Crow. Today the Democrats advocate Identity Politics which is, once again, a system of ideology that divides us all along the lines of race, among other things. Which makes the Democratic Party once again the only major racist party in our nation that pushes racism.

Wait, we can know what is in someone's heart only by what they advocate? :confused:

On a message board, yeah.

smart ass, lol :p

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