Georgia on Verge of Decertifying Corrupt Election. Who's Next?

All they need to do is prove it not just engage in gossip, hearsay, and soothsay.
The Georgia legislature has already proved things to their satisfaction after reviewing much evidence.

No. A small self appointed committee who happen to be right wing members of the Georgia legislature are convinced. They have no more legal authority as a committee than a group of little old women forming a committee to have flowers planted in the park.
Medice, cura te ipsum
As I said. The evidence is overwhelmingly abundant. This isn't a case of my hypocrisy.
It's a matter of your ignorance, although I'm assuming if you actually knew some facts
you wouldn't be such a fan of pure election theft.

You might be like plenty of these moral cyphers that know Joe stole the election and don't give a damn.

If only you brought any of that overwhelmingly abundant evidence to court. If only...
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.
All they need to do is prove it not just engage in gossip, hearsay, and soothsay.
You don't accept proof.
Sure I do. It is merely that right wingers have no "gospel Truth" only the immorality of false witness bearing and the continual practice of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God).
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.

"What Finger dot com" declares an election will be "decertified", sixteen days after the Safe Harbor deadline has already passed, a week and a half after the Electrical College already threw the switch.

Life in Self-Delusionistan.
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.
All they need to do is prove it not just engage in gossip, hearsay, and soothsay.
You don't accept proof.
Sure I do. It is merely that right wingers have no "gospel Truth" only the immorality of false witness bearing and the continual practice of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God).
Show us some proof of your lies? Oh, weight...
Keep hope alive and don't forget to donate!
Yet I never saw you taunt and mock those who advocated RUSSIA, Kavanaugh, impeach 45, and made up shit 5o be mad about for 4 years.

Seems you and many others, demand the very same respect you refuse yo give.

How did we get this collectively fucked up again?

Oh yea. Shit like this.

I said that those people we being duped by political theater and that the best way to beat President Trump was at the ballot box, but I was foolish enough to believe that the president and his servile cucks would ever accept an election if they lost.

I only care about having the respect of my dear family members and friends, you and the other faceless strangers on this forum are neither.
the best way to beat pedo xiden was at the ballot box, but I was foolish enough to believe xiden and his servile cucks would ever accept an election if they lost.
Trumpist obsession on the election fraud lie is a psychosis.
xiden obsession on denying any election fraud lie is a psychosis.
Biden doesn’t really have anything to do with it. It’s all a fight between Trump and the states he’s accusing of fraud. So far, he’s losing bigly.
typical denial long did you strain your brain cell to come up w/that?
Trumpist obsession on the election fraud lie is a psychosis.
xiden obsession on denying any election fraud lie is a psychosis.
Biden doesn’t really have anything to do with it. It’s all a fight between Trump and the states he’s accusing of fraud. So far, he’s losing bigly.
typical denial long did you strain your brain cell to come up w/that?
It’s the truth, doofus. Biden is busy getting his administration together, not worried about Trump’s pathetic attempts at overturning the election.
If only you brought any of that overwhelmingly abundant evidence to court. If only...
If only you knew a tiny fraction about this issue you wouldn't seem like such a liar.
Every brief submitted to a federal or state court is buttressed by evidence.
Well..ya know...if futile posts like this did not get posted every few hours here...those who mock such things would be left to pursue other matters, right?

Ag this point, anyone who believes that Trump is going to be president on Jan.21 is fair game, IMO. Their actions continue to be divisive and damage our electoral process.

For the record, I'm an equal opportunity mocker
Then prove it and mock the absurd claim that Joe Biden's piracy of the presidency was a clean and square
accomplishment. The Georgia legislature, who have studied the issue, would disagree with that claim.
So much so that they are willing to decertify Biden's "win" there. they're not willing to do any such thing. Just politics and fury signifying nothing.
Trumpist obsession on the election fraud lie is a psychosis.
You do realize there is always fraud and this election had more orchestrated fraud then usually occurs, that is no longer debatable and your wording is either careless or a psychosis.
The intellectually honest way of phrasing your comment would be to add the words "wide spread"
"Enough to change the outcome".
But you know this already and choose to be dishonest out of your TDS psychosis.
Now since determining the scope of the fraud and organization requires investigation then further fraud was proven by the states & courts refusal to hear testimony, hear evidence, investigate and follow the law. In other words the process itself proved the election fraud was wide and deep in both front end and backend violations of the law to change the outcome of an election.
All your post did was prove violation of rights while inadvertantly claiming the DEMS HAD MENTAL ISSUES WITH THE Bush - Gore recount, and a psychosis about the 2016 election.
-epic fail!

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