Georgia on Verge of Decertifying Corrupt Election. Who's Next?

5 minutes longer than you
I reported a news item concerning a Georgia legislature committee on election fraud and their
recommendation that the legislature as a whole body vote to decertify Biden's corrupt victory in Georgia.

I didn't pompously and erroneously make biased statements as if they were facts, claiming what the
Georgia legislature intended on doing, like you, pretending you knew their every intention.

Stop lying. You won't look so stupid and ill informed. Or maybe you just can't help yourself.
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That ship sailed and steamed on it's way as your tugboat capsized in the harbor, not even clearing the docks.
You "forgot" to address the issue, as usual. Oh well, it's certain you would add zero value to a discussion
of the matter anyway.
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.
Seriously, that's your source?
Keep hope alive and don't forget to donate!
Yet I never saw you taunt and mock those who advocated RUSSIA, Kavanaugh, impeach 45, and made up shit 5o be mad about for 4 years.

Seems you and many others, demand the very same respect you refuse yo give.

How did we get this collectively fucked up again?

Oh yea. Shit like this.

I said that those people we being duped by political theater and that the best way to beat President Trump was at the ballot box, but I was foolish enough to believe that the president and his servile cucks would ever accept an election if they lost.

I only care about having the respect of my dear family members and friends, you and the other faceless strangers on this forum are neither.
I care about people in general and try to be respectful as an initial approach.

So yes, talking with you or anyone in this mindset is pointless.

Clinton lost the election. The left never accepted it. Yet here you are bitching about others doing exactly what you did.

Fuck hypocrisy.
It's funny to watch trumpanzees go on about Clinton.....4 years later.
5 minutes longer than you
I reported a news item concerning a Georgia legislature committee on election fraud and their
recommendation that the legislature as a whole body vote to decertify Biden's corrupt victory in Georgia.

I didn't pompously and erroneously make biased statements as if they were facts, claiming what the
Georgia legislature intended on doing, like you, pretending you knew their every intention.

Stop lying. You won't look so stupid and ill informed. Or maybe you just can't help yourself.
I do not want you to feel slighted, if feelings are important. My humble opinion is you are giving yourself false hope and spreading false hope, possibly damaging to the fragile, non-realists out there. There is not a chance in Hell, Georgia will overturn it's election and at some level, you know this. I did not get in on the Hillary pity party when she lost. Some on here say it was really something, and that they kept clinging to false hope making somewhat normal people, favoring their horse or nag in that case and not letting go for months and by some accounts on here, all 4 years. Don't be "that guy". Life is short. Life is sweet. Go with the American plan and hope for the best as the majority of the voters have spoken.
Keep hope alive and don't forget to donate!
Yet I never saw you taunt and mock those who advocated RUSSIA, Kavanaugh, impeach 45, and made up shit 5o be mad about for 4 years.

Seems you and many others, demand the very same respect you refuse yo give.

How did we get this collectively fucked up again?

Oh yea. Shit like this.

I said that those people we being duped by political theater and that the best way to beat President Trump was at the ballot box, but I was foolish enough to believe that the president and his servile cucks would ever accept an election if they lost.

I only care about having the respect of my dear family members and friends, you and the other faceless strangers on this forum are neither.
I care about people in general and try to be respectful as an initial approach.

So yes, talking with you or anyone in this mindset is pointless.

Clinton lost the election. The left never accepted it. Yet here you are bitching about others doing exactly what you did.

Fuck hypocrisy.

HRC lost the election but won the popular vote; trump lost the election and lost the popular vote by + or - Seven million votes.

These are facts, I'm not "bitching" or crying about reality; yet you and others are bitching and blubbering about a fantasy, that the election on Nov 3rd in WI, MI, PA and Georgia were frauds.

Grow up and face reality. Trump is a loser; he is taking his defeat as the worse poor loser in American History. As I've posted for years, trump is not only a man-child, he is vindictive and corrupt.
Keep hope alive and don't forget to donate!
Yet I never saw you taunt and mock those who advocated RUSSIA, Kavanaugh, impeach 45, and made up shit 5o be mad about for 4 years.

Seems you and many others, demand the very same respect you refuse yo give.

How did we get this collectively fucked up again?

Oh yea. Shit like this.

I said that those people we being duped by political theater and that the best way to beat President Trump was at the ballot box, but I was foolish enough to believe that the president and his servile cucks would ever accept an election if they lost.

I only care about having the respect of my dear family members and friends, you and the other faceless strangers on this forum are neither.
I care about people in general and try to be respectful as an initial approach.

So yes, talking with you or anyone in this mindset is pointless.

Clinton lost the election. The left never accepted it. Yet here you are bitching about others doing exactly what you did.

Fuck hypocrisy.
It's funny to watch trumpanzees go on about Clinton.....4 years later.

I wish my rent was free. :(
5 minutes longer than you
I reported a news item concerning a Georgia legislature committee on election fraud and their
recommendation that the legislature as a whole body vote to decertify Biden's corrupt victory in Georgia.

I didn't pompously and erroneously make biased statements as if they were facts, claiming what the
Georgia legislature intended on doing, like you, pretending you knew their every intention.

Stop lying. You won't look so stupid and ill informed. Or maybe you just can't help yourself.

You did not post a "news item".

You posted a link to "What Finger" ---- and we still don't know what finger it is ---- that gave us nothing but a YouTube video by some wanker rambling on about hallucinatory bullshit with no source at all. Even if you navigate to the YouTube page the only link he gives is to a way to buy "the world's most amazing flashlight".... which is by the way the first thing he talks about.

Let's try a simple test. Do you have any idea what]s going on here?

After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.

Yet another unknown, unheard of, obscure and totally irrelevent RWNJ website.
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.
Stop doing this to yourself.
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.
Michigan needs to. Our corrupt AG is maling threats though. Michigan needs to throw this unholy trinity out on their butts
Keep hope alive and don't forget to donate!
Yet I never saw you taunt and mock those who advocated RUSSIA, Kavanaugh, impeach 45, and made up shit 5o be mad about for 4 years.

Seems you and many others, demand the very same respect you refuse yo give.

How did we get this collectively fucked up again?

Oh yea. Shit like this.

I said that those people we being duped by political theater and that the best way to beat President Trump was at the ballot box, but I was foolish enough to believe that the president and his servile cucks would ever accept an election if they lost.

I only care about having the respect of my dear family members and friends, you and the other faceless strangers on this forum are neither.
I care about people in general and try to be respectful as an initial approach.

So yes, talking with you or anyone in this mindset is pointless.

Clinton lost the election. The left never accepted it. Yet here you are bitching about others doing exactly what you did.

Fuck hypocrisy.

I never bitched about Hillary Clinton losing the election, but you can pretend I did if it allows you to justify acting like whiny twats now.

Fuck Strawmen.

But hey, pretend away and keep insulting people.

Seems to be the gift of this place.
Nope....but we sure heard fat donnie and his merry band of cultists go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about Clinton for four years.
I do not want you to feel slighted, if feelings are important. My humble opinion is you are giving yourself false hope and spreading false hope, possibly damaging to the fragile, non-realists out there. There is not a chance in Hell, Georgia will overturn it's election and at some level, you know this. I did not get in on the Hillary pity party when she lost. Some on here say it was really something, and that they kept clinging to false hope making somewhat normal people, favoring their horse or nag in that case and not letting go for months and by some accounts on here, all 4 years. Don't be "that guy". Life is short. Life is sweet. Go with the American plan and hope for the best as the majority of the voters have spoken.
I appreciate you aren't being one of the typically obnoxious types deriving joy from the disappointment of
others but since I am one of those that feel Joe Biden has truly swindled and lied his way into his position then as long as some hope remains, as it still does (up through the sixth of next month) to me giving up now
would be like giving up on America itself.

A Joe Biden administration will be disastrous for the country and even though Trump has been personally
repugnant at times (I was a Cruz voter) I appreciate that he has done a good job for the country overall.

I feel like not doing everything possible to stop Biden would be like being pals with your new step father
who rapes and beats your mother.
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