Georgia on Verge of Decertifying Corrupt Election. Who's Next?

All they need to do is prove it not just engage in gossip, hearsay, and soothsay.
The Georgia legislature has already proved things to their satisfaction after reviewing much evidence.
Talked to my brother down there today....he says Biden is out!


Sounds like he is as stable as you are. Doesn't worry any of us too much.
Who is 'us?' You and your crowd of soy boys? :auiqs.jpg:
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.

What a bogus story - this action CANNOT be undone .. they already gave their final count and report to congress IAW the U.S. Constitution, and the EC approved it hands down on Dec 14th for Biden - no exceptions.

Case closed.... sober up.
Mainly because it is NOT real. Georgia has already certified the election.
That can be changed up until the sixth of January.

No, actually it can be challenged up to the 8th of December.
Sixteen days ago.

The using PartyoftheRump logic, there is still time, right?

Definitely, cuz numbers have a liburrul bias. I couldn't swear to it but I hear the dates of the calendar are based on "facts". "Linear time" or sump'm. Clearly a commie conspiracy, engineered by Hugo Soros and Fidel Marx.
That ship sailed and steamed on it's way as your tugboat capsized in the harbor, not even clearing the docks.
You "forgot" to address the issue, as usual. Oh well, it's certain you would add zero value to a discussion
of the matter anyway.
you are never involved in a serious discussion. you are totally invested in whining from your bubble.
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.
That ship sailed and steamed on it's way as your tugboat capsized in the harbor, not even clearing the docks.
That's why cumala hasn't resigned her Senate seat
If there was nothing going on in GA then why would the MSM leave out the missing tags on those mysterious suitcase ballots pulled out and counted after everyone was told to go home?
In other words those tags show who supervised & validated the ballots and authorized the count and help find and verify when auditing them. They only go missing when the supervisor doesn't want to get arrested for any unlawful acts of voter fraud.
If there was no planed fraud then why was there a made up water pipe burst story to allow the removal of the over sight and the switch move caught on tape?
Why would Stacy Abrams and her involved activists get praised for the switch and the 1 run off where the lead was over 51% until the fake "pipe break"?
Let's use an example that Dems can comprehend:
Suppose they announced a drug bust at
Hunter Bidens home. In court Hunter's defense team shows a video tape of a hidden suitcase in the evidence room being brought from under the racks of evidence and bags of drugs placed into Hunter's evidence tray. The defense asks for who authorised the bag and what was in it through request but oops the prosecuter says sorry there is no tag with the officer in charge of booking the evidence, nor dating of the suitcase filed nor the number on the tag showing where they can find it in the vast trays of evidence on the shelves.
It vanished, and then the judge says times up, you can not prove the man with powder on his nose did not do drug deals, and he refuses to hear your argument or enter evidence into his court because you didn't pour money into the judges campaign fund.
So what would you say/scream and what would MSM say and demand if the shoe was on the other foot? Yeah that's right, and when MSM refuses to give you the full story like the missing ticket to the mystery ballots, you have to with all your brain cells ask why, what are they hiding, this in itself is part of the fraud and proving it's widespread.
Now I was right about Hunter's unpaid taxes, perhaps you should seek out his drug deals with Russia and China.
Trumpist obsession on the election fraud lie is a psychosis.
Biden couldn’t get beyond the first round in 3 presidential tries. After being anointed this time around, his running mate was rejected by 96% of democrats in the primary. Do you really believe that combo, with virtually zero ground game campaigning, could accrue 14.5% more votes than the most successful democrat in history? Compound that by an incumbent opponent who increased his vote total by over 16% and you still don’t see anything suspicious?
Only a liar could reach that conclusion.
Like shooting ducks in a barrel with you sychophants

"Biden couldn’t get beyond the first round in 3 presidential tries" - 1/4 of the presidents lost before they won. Who gives a shit? compared to your game-show host Biden is George Washington. That's how bad he is.

"his running mate was rejected by 96% of democrats in the primary" - sounds like an obscure number you popped out of your ass as usual. The primaries have many candidates. This means zero, zilch, grabbing at a lifeline when you should just sink to the bottom

"Do you really believe that combo" - are you talking about the above nonsense? Chump does make a good Mussolini face sometimes doesn't he?

" with virtually zero ground game campaigning, could accrue 14.5% more votes than the most successful democrat in history?" - this is gibberish. Keep drinking.

"Compound that by an incumbent opponent who increased his vote total by over 16% and you still don’t see anything suspicious?" - rocket science. wow. Because there were 18+% more people voting. Mathematics, catch it!

Get over it. There was no fraud, the people just don't like what your game-show host and grifter has been selling the last 4 years. Now he can deal with the law. He likes litigation now he can litigate whether he goes to jail or not.
You’re in denial.
I can tell by your complete lack of rebuttal.
Henry Washington Franklin?
Don’t you mean, Wang Mao Xi?
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.
That ship sailed and steamed on it's way as your tugboat capsized in the harbor, not even clearing the docks.
That's why cumala hasn't resigned her Senate seat
at this time 4 years ago, pence had not resigned his governor seat.
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.
That ship sailed and steamed on it's way as your tugboat capsized in the harbor, not even clearing the docks.
That's why cumala hasn't resigned her Senate seat
at this time 4 years ago, pence had not resigned his governor seat.
Was he one of 100 governors in Indiana?
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.
That ship sailed and steamed on it's way as your tugboat capsized in the harbor, not even clearing the docks.
That's why cumala hasn't resigned her Senate seat
at this time 4 years ago, pence had not resigned his governor seat.
Was he one of 100 governors in Indiana?
no. he was the only governor; who did not run for reelection. and let his lt. gov run. his lt. gov won. despite of all these facts, pence did not hand over the reins. what did pence know?
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.
That ship sailed and steamed on it's way as your tugboat capsized in the harbor, not even clearing the docks.
That's why cumala hasn't resigned her Senate seat
at this time 4 years ago, pence had not resigned his governor seat.
Was he one of 100 governors in Indiana?
no. he was the only governor; who did not run for reelection. and let his lt. gov run. his lt. gov won. despite of all these facts, pence did not hand over the reins. what did pence know?
He knew that he was still the only Governor in IN.

Think about it, math is hard
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.
That ship sailed and steamed on it's way as your tugboat capsized in the harbor, not even clearing the docks.
That's why cumala hasn't resigned her Senate seat
at this time 4 years ago, pence had not resigned his governor seat.
Was he one of 100 governors in Indiana?
no. he was the only governor; who did not run for reelection. and let his lt. gov run. his lt. gov won. despite of all these facts, pence did not hand over the reins. what did pence know?
He knew that he was still the only Governor in IN.

Think about it, math is hard
i don't get it. you think a senator can fuck off without replacement. but a governor with a lt. gov. in place cannot? explain that math..
After much debate and study a committee of the Georgia state legislature has voted to decertify Georgia's presidential election due to blatant corruption and fraud by the Biden campaign.
If the general state legislature votes to adopt this recommendation then there goes Biden's win in Georgia
and this will likely influence state legislatures in Arizona and Wisconsin or even Pennsylvania to do likewise.

If no one holds 270 electoral votes than the House will settle the matter with Republicans there holding an advantage and likely to dump Biden like the sack of stinking garbage, that he is.

A fair and square win for Corrupt Joe? The Georgia state legislature disagrees.
I am so thankful that Georgia saw the light about the corrupt election of 2020. I hope they peel the onion and get to the truth of the 3 am turn around by way of the receipt of one way vote ballot boxes with hundreds of thousands of votes for Extortionist Joe Biden who used his high offices to glean taxpayer money overpaid to certain friendly, corrupt governments. This is the worst election theft ever foisted on the American people by Rodham-Clinton, Obama, Biden, Schumer, Feinstein, Pelosi, Waters, Schiff, Nadler, et al. They fomented and foisted hatred with the horrifying capitulation of a leftist press well versed in the teachings of Saul Alinsky on how to destroy America and convert their political enemies into helpless pawns of circumstance created by polluting the FBI, CIA, national courts, university cohorts, and students diverted to lives of hatred for America, claiming that successful business practices were evil. Actually, the purpose of American businesses were to give people jobs that feed and educate their children.

I am so chagrined by this deception, orchestrated over many years by passing 6 000 page laws and budgets that were meant to impoverish the people so a committee of Communists could take the nation over by cheating at the ballot. I hate this crime against America.

Don't get your hopes up. A self appointed group of right wing legislators want to throw the votes out. Their "committee" is not a legislature condoned committee. In other words, they have no more chance of convincing the legislature than any other group of right wingers.
Arizona is doing much the same. Seems the REPUBLICAN legislatures are using their constitutionally granted powers to recall electors. Seems at least a few Republicans aren’t going to bow to threats from libtards.
It was addressed to iceberg in post 23, but I sadly can't cure the willfully blind.
It was "addressed" to no one specifically and my post directly preceded it.
But sadly once one learns to lie to cover his tracks it's a hard habit to break.
Generally speaking if you quote someone’s post, you are replying to that person.
As, for example, I am doing now.
Keep hope alive and don't forget to donate!
Yet I never saw you taunt and mock those who advocated RUSSIA, Kavanaugh, impeach 45, and made up shit 5o be mad about for 4 years.

Seems you and many others, demand the very same respect you refuse yo give.

How did we get this collectively fucked up again?

Oh yea. Shit like this.

I said that those people we being duped by political theater and that the best way to beat President Trump was at the ballot box, but I was foolish enough to believe that the president and his servile cucks would ever accept an election if they lost.

I only care about having the respect of my dear family members and friends, you and the other faceless strangers on this forum are neither.
I care about people in general and try to be respectful as an initial approach.

So yes, talking with you or anyone in this mindset is pointless.

Clinton lost the election. The left never accepted it. Yet here you are bitching about others doing exactly what you did.

Fuck hypocrisy.
I think the difference is that the left accepted that Clinton lost, they just whined about it. I don’t remember any movement claiming massive fraud, or that Clinton had actually won. Complaints about Russian influence, sure, but not people saying the results should be tossed and the election redone or sent to the House.
Arizona is doing much the same. Seems the REPUBLICAN legislatures are using their constitutionally granted powers to recall electors. Seems at least a few Republicans aren’t going to bow to threats from libtards.

Not really. Some republican members of those legislatures want to break the law like trump is urging them to do. Fortunately, common since will prevail, and trump will lose again.

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