Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

The Georgia republican legislature is as crooked as they come,


These corrupt Fascist Repubs need to be voted out!!! Or sent to prison for their dirty quid pro quo with the NRA.... :eek:

LOL and if the dems did it you'd be fully 100% behind them.

It's just plain wrong Sassy....

Sassy would be the first one whining like a baby if a state tried to force a private company to give discounts to the BLM. We have no consistency in our country any more, it is all about what fucks over the other party, no longer about what is good for the country.

Cease pretending you know anything about me you fraud. That was stupid anyway, states forcing private companies to do anything is wrong.....much like ordering bakers to bake fucking cakes

If they are in the cake business, then bake everyone's cake.

We'll see....there is that pesky Constitutional freedom of religion SCOTUS is weighing
Suddenly liberals are all concerned about billion dollar corporations losing out on tax breaks.

Its the point of how the GOP have overstepped.

Now we are playing the game like the left does....

thank you for admitting it!

The problem is that playing the game the way the left does, moves the whole country to the left...which is why we are moving left faster than ever, both sides are now playing the same games
Delta Air Lines Inc. showed no signs Friday of backing away from a decision to cancel fare discounts for the National Rifle Assn., despite a retaliatory move by Georgia state leaders that deprived the airline of a significant tax break.

Atlanta-based Delta released an internal memo that Chief Executive Ed Bastian sent to employees that insists the airline's aim is to stay neutral in the gun debate roiling the country since last month's deadly mass shooting at a Florida high school.

The memo appeared roughly at the same time that Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal, a Republican, signed into law a broad tax bill that GOP lawmakers had amended to kill a proposed tax break on jet fuel. The break would have saved Delta millions of dollars.

Georgia punishes Delta for crossing the NRA; airline insists it's 'not taking sides'


I guess the GOP just owns all companies now, if they can do this kind of stuff. Man who knew you could get discounts for belonging to the NRA. Not fair to the rest of us who don't belong is it?
/——/ Maybe your local abortion mill can get you a discount.

Would you support a state government trying to force a company to give discounts to PP?

Suddenly liberals are all concerned about billion dollar corporations losing out on tax breaks.

Its the point of how the GOP have overstepped.

Oh, you kind of mean like the government keeping citizens income tax return because they didn't have health insurance?

I don't call the government a bunch of Georgia republicans. I agree with the fine, at least they had to pay something for the healthcare they got instead of living off of others.
Now Trump understands why nothing has been done for the last 10 years or longer. Playing dumb was he.
LOL and if the dems did it you'd be fully 100% behind them.

It's just plain wrong Sassy....

Sassy would be the first one whining like a baby if a state tried to force a private company to give discounts to the BLM. We have no consistency in our country any more, it is all about what fucks over the other party, no longer about what is good for the country.

Cease pretending you know anything about me you fraud. That was stupid anyway, states forcing private companies to do anything is wrong.....much like ordering bakers to bake fucking cakes

If they are in the cake business, then bake everyone's cake.

No. A private company should be able to choose what cakes they make and who they make them for. The government has no more place telling someone to make someone else a cake than they do ttelling one private entity to give discounts to another one.

Both are wrong

Taking tax breaks away and fining small businesses are two different things. Allowing them to be sued out of business is another one.
The Georgia republican legislature is as crooked as they come,


These corrupt Fascist Repubs need to be voted out!!! Or sent to prison for their dirty quid pro quo with the NRA.... :eek:

LOL and if the dems did it you'd be fully 100% behind them.

It's just plain wrong Sassy....

Sassy would be the first one whining like a baby if a state tried to force a private company to give discounts to the BLM. We have no consistency in our country any more, it is all about what fucks over the other party, no longer about what is good for the country.

Cease pretending you know anything about me you fraud. That was stupid anyway, states forcing private companies to do anything is wrong.....much like ordering bakers to bake fucking cakes

If they are in the cake business, then bake everyone's cake.

So if the KKK comes to town for a convention, and they approach a black bakery owner to make them a cake with a noose around a black mans neck, he should have to make that cake?
Delta should move to a Democratic state.

Delta isn't going anywhere. They've already made one blunder, they're
not going to double down.

As a matter of fact they are currently trying to lessen their stance by reviewing
all their group discounts, from anybody with a political connection.

read:The number of Delta Air Lines passengers who bought tickets with NRA discount: 13

Move to New York? They'd go broke with their payroll up there.

They are changing their story hourly and looking to somehow get out
of this pr nightmare they've created for themselves
LOL and if the dems did it you'd be fully 100% behind them.

It's just plain wrong Sassy....

Sassy would be the first one whining like a baby if a state tried to force a private company to give discounts to the BLM. We have no consistency in our country any more, it is all about what fucks over the other party, no longer about what is good for the country.

Cease pretending you know anything about me you fraud. That was stupid anyway, states forcing private companies to do anything is wrong.....much like ordering bakers to bake fucking cakes

If they are in the cake business, then bake everyone's cake.

So if the KKK comes to town for a convention, and they approach a black bakery owner to make them a cake with a noose around a black mans neck, he should have to make that cake?

If he knows what's good for him, he will.
Delta Air Lines Inc. showed no signs Friday of backing away from a decision to cancel fare discounts for the National Rifle Assn., despite a retaliatory move by Georgia state leaders that deprived the airline of a significant tax break.

Atlanta-based Delta released an internal memo that Chief Executive Ed Bastian sent to employees that insists the airline's aim is to stay neutral in the gun debate roiling the country since last month's deadly mass shooting at a Florida high school.

The memo appeared roughly at the same time that Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal, a Republican, signed into law a broad tax bill that GOP lawmakers had amended to kill a proposed tax break on jet fuel. The break would have saved Delta millions of dollars.

Georgia punishes Delta for crossing the NRA; airline insists it's 'not taking sides'


I guess the GOP just owns all companies now, if they can do this kind of stuff. Man who knew you could get discounts for belonging to the NRA. Not fair to the rest of us who don't belong is it?
They are no longer there to represent the people for the people's govt. they are the corporate's legislature in the pocket of the lobbyist..
LOL and if the dems did it you'd be fully 100% behind them.

It's just plain wrong Sassy....

Sassy would be the first one whining like a baby if a state tried to force a private company to give discounts to the BLM. We have no consistency in our country any more, it is all about what fucks over the other party, no longer about what is good for the country.

Cease pretending you know anything about me you fraud. That was stupid anyway, states forcing private companies to do anything is wrong.....much like ordering bakers to bake fucking cakes

If they are in the cake business, then bake everyone's cake.

So if the KKK comes to town for a convention, and they approach a black bakery owner to make them a cake with a noose around a black mans neck, he should have to make that cake?

No that would be racist. There are laws against discrimination. Gay marriages are legal , discrimination due to religious beliefs are not.

It's just plain wrong Sassy....

Sassy would be the first one whining like a baby if a state tried to force a private company to give discounts to the BLM. We have no consistency in our country any more, it is all about what fucks over the other party, no longer about what is good for the country.

Cease pretending you know anything about me you fraud. That was stupid anyway, states forcing private companies to do anything is wrong.....much like ordering bakers to bake fucking cakes

If they are in the cake business, then bake everyone's cake.

So if the KKK comes to town for a convention, and they approach a black bakery owner to make them a cake with a noose around a black mans neck, he should have to make that cake?

No that would be racist. There are laws against discrimination. Gay marriages are legal , discrimination due to religious beliefs are not.

There are also constitutional rights to religion as well. Congress shall make no law..........

And it is the same thing. You would be asking both bakers to participate in an event that they find either morally or religiously offensive. I don't know what you think discrimination is, but it's not ordering a cake like that from a black baker.

It's just plain wrong Sassy....

Sassy would be the first one whining like a baby if a state tried to force a private company to give discounts to the BLM. We have no consistency in our country any more, it is all about what fucks over the other party, no longer about what is good for the country.

Cease pretending you know anything about me you fraud. That was stupid anyway, states forcing private companies to do anything is wrong.....much like ordering bakers to bake fucking cakes

If they are in the cake business, then bake everyone's cake.

So if the KKK comes to town for a convention, and they approach a black bakery owner to make them a cake with a noose around a black mans neck, he should have to make that cake?

No that would be racist. There are laws against discrimination. Gay marriages are legal , discrimination due to religious beliefs are not.
/——/ Why did the gayes single out Christian bakers and not Muslims bakers sho would have the same reaction?

It's just plain wrong Sassy....

Sassy would be the first one whining like a baby if a state tried to force a private company to give discounts to the BLM. We have no consistency in our country any more, it is all about what fucks over the other party, no longer about what is good for the country.

Cease pretending you know anything about me you fraud. That was stupid anyway, states forcing private companies to do anything is wrong.....much like ordering bakers to bake fucking cakes

If they are in the cake business, then bake everyone's cake.

No. A private company should be able to choose what cakes they make and who they make them for. The government has no more place telling someone to make someone else a cake than they do ttelling one private entity to give discounts to another one.

Both are wrong

Taking tax breaks away and fining small businesses are two different things. Allowing them to be sued out of business is another one.

It is true the actions are different, but the motivations are the same, and that is what should concern us all.

In both cases, the baker and Delta the government is attempting to interfere with the business decisions of a private entity. If you think it is wrong for the government to do that for the baker, you should also feel it is wrong for the government to do so for Delta. But most people that disagree with one are ok with the other, that is the problem in our country, taking sides is more important than just right or wrong any more.
Delta should move to a Democratic state.

Delta isn't going anywhere. They've already made one blunder, they're
not going to double down.

As a matter of fact they are currently trying to lessen their stance by reviewing
all their group discounts, from anybody with a political connection.

read:The number of Delta Air Lines passengers who bought tickets with NRA discount: 13

Move to New York? They'd go broke with their payroll up there.

They are changing their story hourly and looking to somehow get out
of this pr nightmare they've created for themselves

Nobody gives a shit about this but for a few of you Trump zealots. In the end the prices of tickets for every airline that flies in and out of Atlanta will go up and Delta will not lose a dime. So, to defend the 13 people you link above the Ga Sentra choose to screw over 260,000 daily
Sassy would be the first one whining like a baby if a state tried to force a private company to give discounts to the BLM. We have no consistency in our country any more, it is all about what fucks over the other party, no longer about what is good for the country.

Cease pretending you know anything about me you fraud. That was stupid anyway, states forcing private companies to do anything is wrong.....much like ordering bakers to bake fucking cakes

If they are in the cake business, then bake everyone's cake.

No. A private company should be able to choose what cakes they make and who they make them for. The government has no more place telling someone to make someone else a cake than they do ttelling one private entity to give discounts to another one.

Both are wrong

Taking tax breaks away and fining small businesses are two different things. Allowing them to be sued out of business is another one.

It is true the actions are different, but the motivations are the same, and that is what should concern us all.

In both cases, the baker and Delta the government is attempting to interfere with the business decisions of a private entity. If you think it is wrong for the government to do that for the baker, you should also feel it is wrong for the government to do so for Delta. But most people that disagree with one are ok with the other, that is the problem in our country, taking sides is more important than just right or wrong any more.

When government fines or prosecutes somebody, that's an action taken against a business or business owner. It's an attack. It's not the same thing as just not giving somebody a tax break.

It's not that I agree with taking the tax break away for that reason, but it's not the same as going after a business because they don't meet your political expectations.

It's not new either. If you don't have health insurance in this country, you used to get fined for it. When Democrats want to bypass State's Rights, they threaten to take federal funding away.
More than a dozen companies stopped offering discounts, are they going after those too.

Did you think bullying people for their political views was not going to come back around and hit regressives?

The are a company and the company decided it would not accept discounts for NRA members, they have a right to do that. Its not discrimination, what is discrimination is not giving discounts to all. NRA member, I'd love to see their membership drop and drop and drop.

EXCEPT- NRA membership has grown by 500,000 since Parkland shooting

Thanks gun grabbers for the support


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