Georgia Senate Sweep would crush retirement accounts

That’s politics and has nothing to do with the swampiness of Trump which I laid out.
It has everything to do with your sneering attitude toward trump when you admit its actually the nature of congress
That’s politics and has nothing to do with the swampiness of Trump which I laid out.
It has everything to do with your sneering attitude toward trump when you admit its actually the nature of congress
My sneering attitude towards Trump comes from simple observation of his words, lies, and actions. The nature of congress is politics and with that comes the debate of contrasting ideas and ideologies including obstruction over partisan issues.
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

What you don't know or fail to learn is that throughout history ever since GDP numbers have been kept, democratic presidents and government have been been better for the stock market and economy than republicans.

Republicans crash the economy and stock market. Democrats clean the mess up. It's been going on for decades.

When Biden takes office the following 4 years will see an increase in the stock market not a crash or destruction of the stock market.

This isn't the same Democratic party. It has changed considerably and moved far left. It would be like saying a strong running game wins you championships in the NFL. That is no longer required. We'll see if you or I are correct very soon.

Both Clinton and Obama were fiscally responsible, and reduced deficit spending in their final three years in office. The Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party has become more aggressive in their rhetoric, based solely on the effect of the Greed of the extremists Republican Party, which has now tried to convince the public that Voodoo Economic (Trickle Down) will work this time. It failed, as it did the two times before.

We are a consumer driven economy. That can be seen clearly today, when Main Street is closed, jobs are lost and the likelihood of another Great Recession is on the horizon. Yet the GOP opposed providing aid to the 10's of million American's out of work do to Trump's inept response to Covid.

It's time for all to understand, the GOP doesn't support democracy, doesn't support the working classes and uses false narratives, conspiracy theories and BIG LIES; this describes the current iteration of the Republican Party, which is out of touch with reality, and when reality is expressed by members of this party they are called RINOS.

Here is a trivia question:

When is the last time a Republican President reduced the deficit?
When is the last time a Democrat President increased the deficit?
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

What you don't know or fail to learn is that throughout history ever since GDP numbers have been kept, democratic presidents and government have been been better for the stock market and economy than republicans.

Republicans crash the economy and stock market. Democrats clean the mess up. It's been going on for decades.

When Biden takes office the following 4 years will see an increase in the stock market not a crash or destruction of the stock market.

This isn't the same Democratic party. It has changed considerably and moved far left. It would be like saying a strong running game wins you championships in the NFL. That is no longer required. We'll see if you or I are correct very soon.

Both Clinton and Obama were fiscally responsible, and reduced deficit spending in their final three years in office. The Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party has become more aggressive in their rhetoric, based solely on the effect of the Greed of the extremists Republican Party, which has now tried to convince the public that Voodoo Economic (Trickle Down) will work this time. It failed, as it did the two times before.

We are a consumer driven economy. That can be seen clearly today, when Main Street is closed, jobs are lost and the likelihood of another Great Recession is on the horizon. Yet the GOP opposed providing aid to the 10's of million American's out of work do to Trump's inept response to Covid.

It's time for all to understand, the GOP doesn't support democracy, doesn't support the working classes and uses false narratives, conspiracy theories and BIG LIES; this describes the current iteration of the Republican Party, which is out of touch with reality, and when reality is expressed by members of this party they are called RINOS.

Here is a trivia question:

When is the last time a Republican President reduced the deficit?
When is the last time a Democrat President increased the deficit?
What does that have to do with the topic? GA Senate Race...?
My sneering attitude towards Trump comes from simple observation of his words, lies, and actions.
Maybe so

but if he’s so bad you should not have to make up stuff such as bashing trump for the inaction of congress
My sneering attitude towards Trump comes from simple observation of his words, lies, and actions.
Maybe so

but if he’s so bad you should not have to make up stuff such as bashing trump for the inaction of congress
I didn’t make anything up. Can you give an example of something I actually said that you think is made up?

I don’t think the inaction of congress is all on Trump. That’s a partisan congressional issue and the party leaders are largely responsible. A good leader as president should be able to manage better IMO. Trump tried to manage by threat and force, lies and belittling which worked for him in the biz world but not in politics. I don’t respect people who act that way in my personal life so I sure as hell am not going to support that from my president.
My sneering attitude towards Trump comes from simple observation of his words, lies, and actions.
Maybe so

but if he’s so bad you should not have to make up stuff such as bashing trump for the inaction of congress

The Congress under Moscow Mitch has been gridlocked; the H. or Rep. passed bills which spent months collecting dust on Moscow's Desk. When he was forced to put up a bill, he added poison pills which had nothing to do with the actual bill.
That’s not true. You’re just making that up.

which part of the trump agenda do you support?
I was fine with the tax cut though I think a much better bill could have been written. I thought the impeachment trial was a big waste of time and said so at the beginning. I was fine with most his judicial appointments except for some of the retards he tried to push though, I was good with much of the deregulation around infrastructure projects. I like that he wanted to work in Middle East peace and the relationship with China but think his ego and temper messed a lot of that stuff up.

I’m not a supporter of Trump though. I think he is a horrible person and I don’t like how he conducts business so you’re not going to see me glowing with praise. That doesn’t mean I’m making shit up or being hypocritical when I criticize him or congress.
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

What you don't know or fail to learn is that throughout history ever since GDP numbers have been kept, democratic presidents and government have been been better for the stock market and economy than republicans.

Republicans crash the economy and stock market. Democrats clean the mess up. It's been going on for decades.

When Biden takes office the following 4 years will see an increase in the stock market not a crash or destruction of the stock market.

This isn't the same Democratic party. It has changed considerably and moved far left. It would be like saying a strong running game wins you championships in the NFL. That is no longer required. We'll see if you or I are correct very soon.

Both Clinton and Obama were fiscally responsible, and reduced deficit spending in their final three years in office. The Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party has become more aggressive in their rhetoric, based solely on the effect of the Greed of the extremists Republican Party, which has now tried to convince the public that Voodoo Economic (Trickle Down) will work this time. It failed, as it did the two times before.

We are a consumer driven economy. That can be seen clearly today, when Main Street is closed, jobs are lost and the likelihood of another Great Recession is on the horizon. Yet the GOP opposed providing aid to the 10's of million American's out of work do to Trump's inept response to Covid.

It's time for all to understand, the GOP doesn't support democracy, doesn't support the working classes and uses false narratives, conspiracy theories and BIG LIES; this describes the current iteration of the Republican Party, which is out of touch with reality, and when reality is expressed by members of this party they are called RINOS.

Here is a trivia question:

When is the last time a Republican President reduced the deficit?
When is the last time a Democrat President increased the deficit?
What does that have to do with the topic? GA Senate Race...?
The "topic" is your idiotic claim based on nothing
Forget retirement accounts. The energy cost increases will destroy the economy on the ground.
A few oligarchs will be rich but everyone else will be squeezed into submission.
Lazy, ignorant democrats failing their due diligence and not vetting their Pravda propaganda.
Today’s democrats: stupidest generation of Americans ever.

Cost of energy is actually coming down... Technology is doing that...
Oil is up over the past month and will continue to rise with this demmunist takeover of this country.
That’s not true. You’re just making that up.

which part of the trump agenda do you support?
I was fine with the tax cut though I think a much better bill could have been written. I thought the impeachment trial was a big waste of time and said so at the beginning. I was fine with most his judicial appointments except for some of the retards he tried to push though, I was good with much of the deregulation around infrastructure projects. I like that he wanted to work in Middle East peace and the relationship with China but think his ego and temper messed a lot of that stuff up.

I’m not a supporter of Trump though. I think he is a horrible person and I don’t like how he conducts business so you’re not going to see me glowing with praise. That doesn’t mean I’m making shit up or being hypocritical when I criticize him or congress.

if you say you supported a little of the trump agenda I’m not convinced

but I cant prove you wrong

using your same high standards lets see if Biden gets anything done if dems fail to steal the two senate seats in georgia

does it matter to you what biden does as long as trump is out of office?

Meaning I wont hold my breath waiting for you to attack biden the way you attack trump
As the article states, I see the markets declining by 10-15%. I see the corporate sector pulling back and massive layoffs happening as generally the Democrats are the party of higher taxes and regulations.

This likely pushes the House to go red in 2022 and we see somewhat of a recovery.

So it could be a buying opportunity?
As the article states, I see the markets declining by 10-15%. I see the corporate sector pulling back and massive layoffs happening as generally the Democrats are the party of higher taxes and regulations.

This likely pushes the House to go red in 2022 and we see somewhat of a recovery.

So it could be a buying opportunity?

Not could but would be...but that doesn’t help retirees like my folks.
That’s not true. You’re just making that up.

which part of the trump agenda do you support?
I was fine with the tax cut though I think a much better bill could have been written. I thought the impeachment trial was a big waste of time and said so at the beginning. I was fine with most his judicial appointments except for some of the retards he tried to push though, I was good with much of the deregulation around infrastructure projects. I like that he wanted to work in Middle East peace and the relationship with China but think his ego and temper messed a lot of that stuff up.

I’m not a supporter of Trump though. I think he is a horrible person and I don’t like how he conducts business so you’re not going to see me glowing with praise. That doesn’t mean I’m making shit up or being hypocritical when I criticize him or congress.

if you say you supported a little of the trump agenda I’m not convinced

but I cant prove you wrong

using your same high standards lets see if Biden gets anything done if dems fail to steal the two senate seats in georgia

does it matter to you what biden does as long as trump is out of office?

Meaning I wont hold my breath waiting for you to attack biden the way you attack trump
I didn’t like Trump as a person so I wanted him out of an office that is supposed to represent our country. Policy debates are different. There will be plenty I disagree with if Biden takes a hard left agenda.

Ill call out congress for political games and gridlock as I’ve always done.They did it under Obama, Trump and I’m sure they will under Biden. I hope you do the same
If anybody is going to suffer by a 10% drop in the market then they really shouldn't have their money there. Not that it matters to me how the Georgia vote goes.
That’s not true. You’re just making that up.

which part of the trump agenda do you support?
I was fine with the tax cut though I think a much better bill could have been written. I thought the impeachment trial was a big waste of time and said so at the beginning. I was fine with most his judicial appointments except for some of the retards he tried to push though, I was good with much of the deregulation around infrastructure projects. I like that he wanted to work in Middle East peace and the relationship with China but think his ego and temper messed a lot of that stuff up.

I’m not a supporter of Trump though. I think he is a horrible person and I don’t like how he conducts business so you’re not going to see me glowing with praise. That doesn’t mean I’m making shit up or being hypocritical when I criticize him or congress.

if you say you supported a little of the trump agenda I’m not convinced

but I cant prove you wrong

using your same high standards lets see if Biden gets anything done if dems fail to steal the two senate seats in georgia

does it matter to you what biden does as long as trump is out of office?

Meaning I wont hold my breath waiting for you to attack biden the way you attack trump
I didn’t like Trump as a person so I wanted him out of an office that is supposed to represent our country. Policy debates are different. There will be plenty I disagree with if Biden takes a hard left agenda.

Ill call out congress for political games and gridlock as I’ve always done.They did it under Obama, Trump and I’m sure they will under Biden. I hope you do the same
So you don’t support packing the court?

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