Georgia Senate Sweep would crush retirement accounts

Wall is TBD, he was going to tax remittances. No one was prepared for COVID. Tell me more. You just bought into all the media hatred.
Iran deal. North Korea deal. China trade deal. Balance budget. 4% economic growth. Troops out of Syria. Health care reform. His tax plan broke many of his promises including the idea that it wouldn’t disproportionately benefit the wealthy and that it’d be revenue neutral. He was going to have a special counsel for Clinton. He was going to declassify everything about Mueller.

The wall being TBD is a good example of how Trump weasels out of “promises”. He is extremely vague. You can’t be held to account if you never actually promise something and rarely if ever does that actually make a promise, it’s typically couched in hedging and one of his favorite phrases, “we’ll see what happens”.
Nope none is factual sans the Wall. Mexico would eventually pay for it IMO but now we will never know.

—- wall...built
—- stronger military...done
—- stronger immigration policies...done
— lower taxes...done
—- fewer regulations...done
—- embassy in Jerusalem...done
—- end of ISIS...done
—- peace with DNK....done
—- fewer corporate inversions...done
—- conservative Supreme Court...done
Wall was not paid for by Mexico.
Spending money on the military is hardly an accomplishment and our isolation from allies arguably makes us weaker militarily.
He bailed on any meaningful reform on immigration. Little if anything done legislatively and anything done can be easily undone. Nothing really happened with H1B visas, refugee laws which was promised.
Republicans always lower taxes, explode deficits. Again, he does the easy thing, but bails on the hard work.
Not sure if by DNK you are referring to DPRK? There was no promised peace treaty. We are technically still at war.

Again, I’m not saying he didn’t fulfill any campaign promises, I’m saying that many of not most of the most important things he promised never really materialized. What he did accomplished was the easy things. Pushing judges chosen by the federalist society through the Senate where he has a majority isn’t hard. Passing tax cuts by reconciliation (which doomed them to sunset provisions) is easy. Withdrawing from the JCPOA is easy.

Wall -- Not yet. Again, he was going to tax remittances. Not sure why that didn't happen.
Military --- huge accomplishment. I work with several military contractors and they were thrilled and it helped boost jobs in the private sector
Lower Taxes -- equated to fewer corporate inversions, more jobs, higher stock prices. All good things.

So you admit he was true to his campaign promises. What more can you ask? No you can argue that his campaign was weak and he should not have won but that is a different argument altogether.
He fulfilled some campaign promises. I never claimed otherwise. But he did the easy ones.

What was the most difficult thing he accomplished? Military spending?
MOST campaign promises. Easy or hard is subjective.

Most difficult likely was the de-escalation with North Korea. Trade war with China (held them accountable). Immigration reform. Embassy in Jerusalem. Other presidents, including BHO promised that but never delivered. Return of manufacturing back to the US (lower taxes/fewer regulations). Again, that was his platform. We may debate how hard or easy it was but he ran on that, won and delivered on most of those promises. What more can you really ask from a novice politician?
North Korea has more nuclear weapons now than they did before and the peace deal he promised never materialized (despite some people claiming otherwise). The only thing he did was kiss ass to Kim. Hard work indeed. The trade war was always a means to an end. The resolution never arrived. Moving the embassy was hard? How so?

And how did you calculate he kept most of his promises? Because unless you’re claiming to have done a complete and thorough accounting, that too is just an opinion.

Politifact says he kept a quarter of his promises, sorta kept a quarter and bailed on half.

I don’t claim they’re exhaustive, but do a better job that most.

As for difficulty, yes it’s subjective, but I think that we shouldn’t give him the same amount of credit for all promises. Promising to put merry Christmas on their White House cards isn’t exactly the same as promising to renegotiate the JCPOA.

He worked with South Korea and China and he did what South Korea ASKED him to do. Since South Korea is in the greatest danger from the North. He called the fatty Rocketman and stood up to him. Didn't kiss anything. Politifact is biased and leftist. Again, he ran on a certain platform and executed on it. Nothing he did was a shock to me. Maybe to you it was but not to me sans the Embassy in Jerusalem. I believed that to be another empty promise. He also made Judaism a religion and race, which is very important to me, being a Jew. Doesn't matter to you, I get it.
Yeah, no sucking up.

You’re more biased than Politifact.
When it comes to negotiation of course you are kind. Ever been involved in one? And CNN is fake news. I don't click on their links. Not sure how many times I have to remind you of that. You hate Trump, I get it. He has been voted out. Get over it.
This isn’t a question of whether the strategy was wise (for right now), it’s a question of your failure to acknowledge reality.
Didn't take long for you to be a dick. Same old cowardly Colfax. Trump lost. Time to move on, little man.
You’re just like Trump. Always a victim.

Didn’t take long for you to be a snowflake.
Nope. I wish I were a billionaire like DJT. That is true. Same old cowardly Colfax. If I had your life, I'd be depressed too. Again, why do you keep mentioning Trump? He lost? Maybe you should push him out of your empty loser head.
You’re the one who refuses to click on a link because you’re afraid of the content.

Nothing more cowardly than someone who hides from the truth. Another way you’re like Trump, although he can’t even admit he’s lost. Listen to his tape with Raffensperger and hear the pathetic whining.

I don’t intend to let any of you forget that you worshiped Trump for 4 years.
Afraid? Do you agree or disagree that CNN leans far left. Post something from the WSJ and I'll gladly click on it. This thread has nothing to do with Trump. You are such a waste of life it hurts.
Nothing sadder than a person who claims to be some tough guy but is afraid to live in reality.

Hiding from a CNN link is pathetic.
I said I won't click on it. I am not hiding. Do you know what that word means? Someone who actually believes CNN is unbiased is the truly pathetic one. You.
The link is to transcripts of letters he wrote to Kim you idiot.

You’d know that if you weren’t such a pussy who lives in their little media bubble.

Jesus, you’re delusional.
Again, negotiation is something where you have to be kind to people you don't want to be kind to. Ask Collin Powell. You seem triggered again. If you cannot handle adult conversation then feel free to put me on ignore again. You hid once. Do it again. Prancing Nancy boy.

In my job I deal with people I dislike, I am still professional and even complimentary. Life isn't black and white, despite you leftists trying to make is such.
You said he didn’t kiss his ass and that he was being so tough with him.

That’s why I posted transcripts of his little love letters.

Youre all over the map, bending reality moment to moment suit your argument. It’s impossible to discuss anything with you for this reason. You don’t live in reality.
He literally called him Rocketman in front of the UN? He literally told him to stand down or else. What the hell are you talking about? If below is "kissing ass" then you're an idiot. Look a CNN link. Just for you.

And North Korea stuck him the middle finger and told him to fuck off....

Trump kissed ass and got ditched.. But they will always have the love letters...

It was at this moment time that the Rest of the World had pity for the US... How could a leader be that pitiful...

Kim went home to NK and just told the lad, you can grab them by the pussy....
Wall is TBD, he was going to tax remittances. No one was prepared for COVID. Tell me more. You just bought into all the media hatred.
Iran deal. North Korea deal. China trade deal. Balance budget. 4% economic growth. Troops out of Syria. Health care reform. His tax plan broke many of his promises including the idea that it wouldn’t disproportionately benefit the wealthy and that it’d be revenue neutral. He was going to have a special counsel for Clinton. He was going to declassify everything about Mueller.

The wall being TBD is a good example of how Trump weasels out of “promises”. He is extremely vague. You can’t be held to account if you never actually promise something and rarely if ever does that actually make a promise, it’s typically couched in hedging and one of his favorite phrases, “we’ll see what happens”.
Nope none is factual sans the Wall. Mexico would eventually pay for it IMO but now we will never know.

—- wall...built
—- stronger military...done
—- stronger immigration policies...done
— lower taxes...done
—- fewer regulations...done
—- embassy in Jerusalem...done
—- end of ISIS...done
—- peace with DNK....done
—- fewer corporate inversions...done
—- conservative Supreme Court...done
Wall was not paid for by Mexico.
Spending money on the military is hardly an accomplishment and our isolation from allies arguably makes us weaker militarily.
He bailed on any meaningful reform on immigration. Little if anything done legislatively and anything done can be easily undone. Nothing really happened with H1B visas, refugee laws which was promised.
Republicans always lower taxes, explode deficits. Again, he does the easy thing, but bails on the hard work.
Not sure if by DNK you are referring to DPRK? There was no promised peace treaty. We are technically still at war.

Again, I’m not saying he didn’t fulfill any campaign promises, I’m saying that many of not most of the most important things he promised never really materialized. What he did accomplished was the easy things. Pushing judges chosen by the federalist society through the Senate where he has a majority isn’t hard. Passing tax cuts by reconciliation (which doomed them to sunset provisions) is easy. Withdrawing from the JCPOA is easy.

Wall -- Not yet. Again, he was going to tax remittances. Not sure why that didn't happen.
Military --- huge accomplishment. I work with several military contractors and they were thrilled and it helped boost jobs in the private sector
Lower Taxes -- equated to fewer corporate inversions, more jobs, higher stock prices. All good things.

So you admit he was true to his campaign promises. What more can you ask? No you can argue that his campaign was weak and he should not have won but that is a different argument altogether.
He fulfilled some campaign promises. I never claimed otherwise. But he did the easy ones.

What was the most difficult thing he accomplished? Military spending?
MOST campaign promises. Easy or hard is subjective.

Most difficult likely was the de-escalation with North Korea. Trade war with China (held them accountable). Immigration reform. Embassy in Jerusalem. Other presidents, including BHO promised that but never delivered. Return of manufacturing back to the US (lower taxes/fewer regulations). Again, that was his platform. We may debate how hard or easy it was but he ran on that, won and delivered on most of those promises. What more can you really ask from a novice politician?
North Korea has more nuclear weapons now than they did before and the peace deal he promised never materialized (despite some people claiming otherwise). The only thing he did was kiss ass to Kim. Hard work indeed. The trade war was always a means to an end. The resolution never arrived. Moving the embassy was hard? How so?

And how did you calculate he kept most of his promises? Because unless you’re claiming to have done a complete and thorough accounting, that too is just an opinion.

Politifact says he kept a quarter of his promises, sorta kept a quarter and bailed on half.

I don’t claim they’re exhaustive, but do a better job that most.

As for difficulty, yes it’s subjective, but I think that we shouldn’t give him the same amount of credit for all promises. Promising to put merry Christmas on their White House cards isn’t exactly the same as promising to renegotiate the JCPOA.

He worked with South Korea and China and he did what South Korea ASKED him to do. Since South Korea is in the greatest danger from the North. He called the fatty Rocketman and stood up to him. Didn't kiss anything. Politifact is biased and leftist. Again, he ran on a certain platform and executed on it. Nothing he did was a shock to me. Maybe to you it was but not to me sans the Embassy in Jerusalem. I believed that to be another empty promise. He also made Judaism a religion and race, which is very important to me, being a Jew. Doesn't matter to you, I get it.
Yeah, no sucking up.

You’re more biased than Politifact.
When it comes to negotiation of course you are kind. Ever been involved in one? And CNN is fake news. I don't click on their links. Not sure how many times I have to remind you of that. You hate Trump, I get it. He has been voted out. Get over it.
This isn’t a question of whether the strategy was wise (for right now), it’s a question of your failure to acknowledge reality.
Didn't take long for you to be a dick. Same old cowardly Colfax. Trump lost. Time to move on, little man.
You’re just like Trump. Always a victim.

Didn’t take long for you to be a snowflake.
Nope. I wish I were a billionaire like DJT. That is true. Same old cowardly Colfax. If I had your life, I'd be depressed too. Again, why do you keep mentioning Trump? He lost? Maybe you should push him out of your empty loser head.
You’re the one who refuses to click on a link because you’re afraid of the content.

Nothing more cowardly than someone who hides from the truth. Another way you’re like Trump, although he can’t even admit he’s lost. Listen to his tape with Raffensperger and hear the pathetic whining.

I don’t intend to let any of you forget that you worshiped Trump for 4 years.
Afraid? Do you agree or disagree that CNN leans far left. Post something from the WSJ and I'll gladly click on it. This thread has nothing to do with Trump. You are such a waste of life it hurts.
Nothing sadder than a person who claims to be some tough guy but is afraid to live in reality.

Hiding from a CNN link is pathetic.
I said I won't click on it. I am not hiding. Do you know what that word means? Someone who actually believes CNN is unbiased is the truly pathetic one. You.
The link is to transcripts of letters he wrote to Kim you idiot.

You’d know that if you weren’t such a pussy who lives in their little media bubble.

Jesus, you’re delusional.
Again, negotiation is something where you have to be kind to people you don't want to be kind to. Ask Collin Powell. You seem triggered again. If you cannot handle adult conversation then feel free to put me on ignore again. You hid once. Do it again. Prancing Nancy boy.

In my job I deal with people I dislike, I am still professional and even complimentary. Life isn't black and white, despite you leftists trying to make is such.
You said he didn’t kiss his ass and that he was being so tough with him.

That’s why I posted transcripts of his little love letters.

Youre all over the map, bending reality moment to moment suit your argument. It’s impossible to discuss anything with you for this reason. You don’t live in reality.
He literally called him Rocketman in front of the UN? He literally told him to stand down or else. What the hell are you talking about? If below is "kissing ass" then you're an idiot. Look a CNN link. Just for you.

And North Korea stuck him the middle finger and told him to fuck off....

Trump kissed ass and got ditched.. But they will always have the love letters...

It was at this moment time that the Rest of the World had pity for the US... How could a leader be that pitiful...

Kim went home to NK and just told the lad, you can grab them by the pussy....

LOL what does that have to do with this thread?

Please explain that
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

What you don't know or fail to learn is that throughout history ever since GDP numbers have been kept, democratic presidents and government have been been better for the stock market and economy than republicans.

Republicans crash the economy and stock market. Democrats clean the mess up. It's been going on for decades.

When Biden takes office the following 4 years will see an increase in the stock market not a crash or destruction of the stock market.

Screen Shot 2021-01-05 at 7.44.00 AM.png
Screen Shot 2021-01-05 at 7.44.13 AM.png

While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

What you don't know or fail to learn is that throughout history ever since GDP numbers have been kept, democratic presidents and government have been been better for the stock market and economy than republicans.

Republicans crash the economy and stock market. Democrats clean the mess up. It's been going on for decades.

When Biden takes office the following 4 years will see an increase in the stock market not a crash or destruction of the stock market.

This isn't the same Democratic party. It has changed considerably and moved far left. It would be like saying a strong running game wins you championships in the NFL. That is no longer required. We'll see if you or I are correct very soon.
The market climbed 149% under Obama over 8 years. Your post is false.

The market underperformed and so did the economy. Your devotion to the party is commendable.

The statistics prove I am correct. The DJIA rose 149%.

When he took office: 7,949.09
When he left office: 19,732.40

You can do the math, can't you?
This is nothing to be proud of. Ears did it with the help of the Fed keeping interest rates at zero and adding on massive debt, while starting five new wars. All this did was enrich the rich and add trillions to the national debt, while doing nothing to help the working class.

This resulted in Americans electing a buffoon, who then continued O’s awful economic policies of more debt and enrichment of the rich...leading to the election of an old washed up always wrong swamp creature, who will continue the exact same fiscal policies.


Who do you think is running an economy that you agree with(which Country)?

If there is none can describe what you want while being realistic.

I am interested...
Western Europe has much better worker protections (lots of unions) and far less income inequality. Amazingly those nations have healthcare for their people, but the US just can’t get it done.

I hope the Ds take the senate and watch as they do nothing, but righties will still claim they’re socialists. Dupes.
Western Europe Worker protection is far better and especially on the continent the attitude to work is so different to US. Germany is a great example. They work to live not live to work. Really liked working with Barvarians (you kind of forgive them for trying to take over the world).

I have to point out that Biden's Public Option is quite close to the type of Health Insurance scheme Germany runs. They have a few non profits (backed by the Government) who offer health insurance. It is very reasonable

Seems higher than I expected but it covers everything, no excess... Everything GP, Dental, All Hospital... Long term nursing care when you are old. All dependents covered for free as well. Employer pays half and you pay half... So on 50k euro a year you pay about 300 euro a month... Not bad for what is covered...

I think this is what Biden is aiming at... This is what public option is...
Wall is TBD, he was going to tax remittances. No one was prepared for COVID. Tell me more. You just bought into all the media hatred.
Iran deal. North Korea deal. China trade deal. Balance budget. 4% economic growth. Troops out of Syria. Health care reform. His tax plan broke many of his promises including the idea that it wouldn’t disproportionately benefit the wealthy and that it’d be revenue neutral. He was going to have a special counsel for Clinton. He was going to declassify everything about Mueller.

The wall being TBD is a good example of how Trump weasels out of “promises”. He is extremely vague. You can’t be held to account if you never actually promise something and rarely if ever does that actually make a promise, it’s typically couched in hedging and one of his favorite phrases, “we’ll see what happens”.
Nope none is factual sans the Wall. Mexico would eventually pay for it IMO but now we will never know.

—- wall...built
—- stronger military...done
—- stronger immigration policies...done
— lower taxes...done
—- fewer regulations...done
—- embassy in Jerusalem...done
—- end of ISIS...done
—- peace with DNK....done
—- fewer corporate inversions...done
—- conservative Supreme Court...done

What wall... It is a fence which US paid NOT MEXICO. Was that your desired outcome?
WEAKER DEFENCE- US hs been attacked by Rusia multiple times with no response, allies deserted in Syria... US soft power is in the toilet and is a untrusted ally. Was that your desired outcome?
Higher Illegal immigration in 2019 than any Obama year... Was that your desired outcome?
Lower Taxes, Borrow more from China. Was that your desired outcome?
fewer regulations... So big companies can pollute the air you breath and the water you drink... Can you explain the up side to that?
Embassy in Jerusalem????? Explain how that makes life better for Americans?
End of ISIS. Doesn't matter, has violence from extremism ended? Nope... Rebranding exercise... Was that your desired outcome?
Peace with DNK - OF course they wanted peace, they find it a better environment to build nuclear weapons... They are still testing. Was that your desired outcome?
inversions ????
conservative Supreme Court - Got that alright... Now you have a court that doesn't reflect the people... Well fuck the people...
Defence? What is that?

Embassy in Jerusalem means we stand with Israel, who is on the front lines seeing terrorism in the Middle East and keeping us safe so another 9/11 doesn't occur. Duh.

You lost me after you said the end of ISIS "doesn't matter".

Troll elsewhere.
Israel are the main reason of extremism.... They feed the beast...

Honestly if you think Israel is defending anything but Israel you are a dumb... You have no clue why the 911 attack happened and Israel did fuck all to stop that....

You might as well got for a shit on there graves with a lack of respect you show for those people.
Wall is TBD, he was going to tax remittances. No one was prepared for COVID. Tell me more. You just bought into all the media hatred.
Iran deal. North Korea deal. China trade deal. Balance budget. 4% economic growth. Troops out of Syria. Health care reform. His tax plan broke many of his promises including the idea that it wouldn’t disproportionately benefit the wealthy and that it’d be revenue neutral. He was going to have a special counsel for Clinton. He was going to declassify everything about Mueller.

The wall being TBD is a good example of how Trump weasels out of “promises”. He is extremely vague. You can’t be held to account if you never actually promise something and rarely if ever does that actually make a promise, it’s typically couched in hedging and one of his favorite phrases, “we’ll see what happens”.
Nope none is factual sans the Wall. Mexico would eventually pay for it IMO but now we will never know.

—- wall...built
—- stronger military...done
—- stronger immigration policies...done
— lower taxes...done
—- fewer regulations...done
—- embassy in Jerusalem...done
—- end of ISIS...done
—- peace with DNK....done
—- fewer corporate inversions...done
—- conservative Supreme Court...done
Wall was not paid for by Mexico.
Spending money on the military is hardly an accomplishment and our isolation from allies arguably makes us weaker militarily.
He bailed on any meaningful reform on immigration. Little if anything done legislatively and anything done can be easily undone. Nothing really happened with H1B visas, refugee laws which was promised.
Republicans always lower taxes, explode deficits. Again, he does the easy thing, but bails on the hard work.
Not sure if by DNK you are referring to DPRK? There was no promised peace treaty. We are technically still at war.

Again, I’m not saying he didn’t fulfill any campaign promises, I’m saying that many of not most of the most important things he promised never really materialized. What he did accomplished was the easy things. Pushing judges chosen by the federalist society through the Senate where he has a majority isn’t hard. Passing tax cuts by reconciliation (which doomed them to sunset provisions) is easy. Withdrawing from the JCPOA is easy.

Wall -- Not yet. Again, he was going to tax remittances. Not sure why that didn't happen.
Military --- huge accomplishment. I work with several military contractors and they were thrilled and it helped boost jobs in the private sector
Lower Taxes -- equated to fewer corporate inversions, more jobs, higher stock prices. All good things.

So you admit he was true to his campaign promises. What more can you ask? No you can argue that his campaign was weak and he should not have won but that is a different argument altogether.

Wall- It is a fence... If I go around to your house and replace your walls with Iron slats, will you complain...It is a fence.
Military - You are saying that the Military being a business/corporate welfare scheme is a boost. So you want tax payers money to be just given to corporates.
Lower Taxes... Borrowing from China.
Defence is not a word. I want lower taxes because I don't trust the Gov't to spend our tax $$ wisely.

Well the government know why 911 happened and you don't...

You have shown you don't mind the Government spending money on an ineffective wall, bloated Military which can't defend cyber attacks...

Your objection is if they help Americans..
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

In the past the Senate was an honorable club; then Moscow Mitch appeared to abuse the rules of the Senate for solely partisan reasons. He and his band of bitches have already decided not to bring forth any legislation passed by the H. or Rep. No debate necessary when all the bills are on Moscow's Desk collecting dust.
Wall is TBD, he was going to tax remittances. No one was prepared for COVID. Tell me more. You just bought into all the media hatred.
Iran deal. North Korea deal. China trade deal. Balance budget. 4% economic growth. Troops out of Syria. Health care reform. His tax plan broke many of his promises including the idea that it wouldn’t disproportionately benefit the wealthy and that it’d be revenue neutral. He was going to have a special counsel for Clinton. He was going to declassify everything about Mueller.

The wall being TBD is a good example of how Trump weasels out of “promises”. He is extremely vague. You can’t be held to account if you never actually promise something and rarely if ever does that actually make a promise, it’s typically couched in hedging and one of his favorite phrases, “we’ll see what happens”.
Nope none is factual sans the Wall. Mexico would eventually pay for it IMO but now we will never know.

—- wall...built
—- stronger military...done
—- stronger immigration policies...done
— lower taxes...done
—- fewer regulations...done
—- embassy in Jerusalem...done
—- end of ISIS...done
—- peace with DNK....done
—- fewer corporate inversions...done
—- conservative Supreme Court...done
Wall was not paid for by Mexico.
Spending money on the military is hardly an accomplishment and our isolation from allies arguably makes us weaker militarily.
He bailed on any meaningful reform on immigration. Little if anything done legislatively and anything done can be easily undone. Nothing really happened with H1B visas, refugee laws which was promised.
Republicans always lower taxes, explode deficits. Again, he does the easy thing, but bails on the hard work.
Not sure if by DNK you are referring to DPRK? There was no promised peace treaty. We are technically still at war.

Again, I’m not saying he didn’t fulfill any campaign promises, I’m saying that many of not most of the most important things he promised never really materialized. What he did accomplished was the easy things. Pushing judges chosen by the federalist society through the Senate where he has a majority isn’t hard. Passing tax cuts by reconciliation (which doomed them to sunset provisions) is easy. Withdrawing from the JCPOA is easy.

Wall -- Not yet. Again, he was going to tax remittances. Not sure why that didn't happen.
Military --- huge accomplishment. I work with several military contractors and they were thrilled and it helped boost jobs in the private sector
Lower Taxes -- equated to fewer corporate inversions, more jobs, higher stock prices. All good things.

So you admit he was true to his campaign promises. What more can you ask? No you can argue that his campaign was weak and he should not have won but that is a different argument altogether.

Wall- It is a fence... If I go around to your house and replace your walls with Iron slats, will you complain...It is a fence.
Military - You are saying that the Military being a business/corporate welfare scheme is a boost. So you want tax payers money to be just given to corporates.
Lower Taxes... Borrowing from China.
Defence is not a word. I want lower taxes because I don't trust the Gov't to spend our tax $$ wisely.

Well the government know why 911 happened and you don't...

You have shown you don't mind the Government spending money on an ineffective wall, bloated Military which can't defend cyber attacks...

Your objection is if they help Americans..
You're one of those. Good day.
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

What you don't know or fail to learn is that throughout history ever since GDP numbers have been kept, democratic presidents and government have been been better for the stock market and economy than republicans.

Republicans crash the economy and stock market. Democrats clean the mess up. It's been going on for decades.

When Biden takes office the following 4 years will see an increase in the stock market not a crash or destruction of the stock market.

This isn't the same Democratic party. It has changed considerably and moved far left. It would be like saying a strong running game wins you championships in the NFL. That is no longer required. We'll see if you or I are correct very soon.

Both Clinton and Obama were fiscally responsible, and reduced deficit spending in their final three years in office. The Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party has become more aggressive in their rhetoric, based solely on the effect of the Greed of the extremists Republican Party, which has now tried to convince the public that Voodoo Economic (Trickle Down) will work this time. It failed, as it did the two times before.

We are a consumer driven economy. That can be seen clearly today, when Main Street is closed, jobs are lost and the likelihood of another Great Recession is on the horizon. Yet the GOP opposed providing aid to the 10's of million American's out of work do to Trump's inept response to Covid.

It's time for all to understand, the GOP doesn't support democracy, doesn't support the working classes and uses false narratives, conspiracy theories and BIG LIES; this describes the current iteration of the Republican Party, which is out of touch with reality, and when reality is expressed by members of this party they are called RINOS.
Last edited:
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

What you don't know or fail to learn is that throughout history ever since GDP numbers have been kept, democratic presidents and government have been been better for the stock market and economy than republicans.

Republicans crash the economy and stock market. Democrats clean the mess up. It's been going on for decades.

When Biden takes office the following 4 years will see an increase in the stock market not a crash or destruction of the stock market.

This isn't the same Democratic party. It has changed considerably and moved far left. It would be like saying a strong running game wins you championships in the NFL. That is no longer required. We'll see if you or I are correct very soon.

Both Clinton and Obama were fiscally responsible, and reduced deficit spending in their final three years in office. The Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party has become more aggressive in their rhetoric, based solely on the effect of the Greed of the extremists Republican Party, which has now tried to convince the public that Voodoo Economic (Trickle Down) will work this time. It failed, as it did the two times before.

We are a consumer driven economy. That can be seen clearly today, when Main Street is closed, jobs are lost and the likelihood of another Great Recession is on the horizon. Yet the GOP opposed providing aid to the 10's of million American's out of work do to Trump's inept response to Covid.

It's time for all to understand, the GOP doesn't support democracy, doesn't support the working classes and uses false narratives, conspiracy theories and BIG LIES; this describes the current iteration of the Republican Party, which is out of touch with reality, and when reality is expressed by members of this party, they are called RINOS.
This is no longer the same D party. Your rant is amusing.
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

What you don't know or fail to learn is that throughout history ever since GDP numbers have been kept, democratic presidents and government have been been better for the stock market and economy than republicans.

Republicans crash the economy and stock market. Democrats clean the mess up. It's been going on for decades.

When Biden takes office the following 4 years will see an increase in the stock market not a crash or destruction of the stock market.

This isn't the same Democratic party. It has changed considerably and moved far left. It would be like saying a strong running game wins you championships in the NFL. That is no longer required. We'll see if you or I are correct very soon.

Both Clinton and Obama were fiscally responsible, and reduced deficit spending in their final three years in office. The Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party has become more aggressive in their rhetoric, based solely on the effect of the Greed of the extremists Republican Party, which has now tried to convince the public that Voodoo Economic (Trickle Down) will work this time. It failed, as it did the two times before.

We are a consumer driven economy. That can be seen clearly today, when Main Street is closed, jobs are lost and the likelihood of another Great Recession is on the horizon. Yet the GOP opposed providing aid to the 10's of million American's out of work do to Trump's inept response to Covid.

It's time for all to understand, the GOP doesn't support democracy, doesn't support the working classes and uses false narratives, conspiracy theories and BIG LIES; this describes the current iteration of the Republican Party, which is out of touch with reality, and when reality is expressed by members of this party, they are called RINOS.
This is no longer the same D party. Your rant is amusing.

Your rebuttal is ludicrous. The points I've made are facts, which can be supported by anyone willing to do the research, or was aware of politics since 1981. The Democratic Party, in my lifetime has been the party of and for the working and middle classes; the working poor, the aged and the infirm.

It is the Republican Party which is no longer the same party today, then it was as can be seen in their 1956 platform:

Trump is the worst thing to happen to our politics and society in a while.

trump broke the stranglehold that the two major parties had on washington

he was such a threat to their monopoly that the Deep State had to come put from under its rock and reveal itself for the first time

but they still have a ring through your nose
That’s what he wants you to believe but the story is built on lies. Provable lies, obvious lies. Don’t be a dupe and repeat that crap
That’s what he wants you to believe but the story is built on lies. Provable lies, obvious lies. Don’t be a dupe and repeat that crap
I believe what I see

Libs out here in the boonies complain about the Republicrat swamp rats in washington

but when a non swamp rat appeared they reject him too
That’s what he wants you to believe but the story is built on lies. Provable lies, obvious lies. Don’t be a dupe and repeat that crap
I believe what I see

Libs out here in the boonies complain about the Republicrat swamp rats in washington

but when a non swamp rat appeared they reject him too
Trump is as swampy as they come. All he does is lie and manipulate and cut deals to help himself and his buddy’s.

just look at all this “election fraud” crap. All these claims Trumpnis making are provable falsehoods but he persists. And then his dupe puppets run around and repeat it. We are collectively growing stupider because of this guy
The market will be fine. They’re just trying to scare people into compliance.
Trump is as swampy as they come. All he does is lie and manipulate and cut deals to help himself and his buddy’s.

trump kept his word and only congress prevented his from achieving more
Trump is as swampy as they come. All he does is lie and manipulate and cut deals to help himself and his buddy’s.

trump kept his word and only congress prevented his from achieving more
That’s a separate issue. Yes a large part of his agenda was blocked by congress. Just as Obama’s was and presidents before. That’s politics and has nothing to do with the swampiness of Trump which I laid out.

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