Georgia shooters father "pissed" at initial questioning of his son by authorities


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Georgia shooters father "pissed" at initial questioning of his son by authorities.
He called the investigators "terrorists". Maybe the deep state.
After being warned of his son threatening violence to a school he bought his 14 year old son an AR-15 for Christmas.
Was that the father's way of say f##k the deep state.
Results- 4 people dead, many more injured, many more traumatized . But the father was able to say f##k the deep state.
What a fricking dumb ass as are all of the idiots who have the fantasy of the deep state

I'll see your 'deep state' and raise you a tranny that wanted to teach those mother fuckers to respect its pronouns....

Bigger question - why didn't they shoot it in the face when they had the chance??

Georgia shooters father "pissed" at initial questioning of his son by authorities.
He called the investigators "terrorists". Maybe the deep state.
After being warned of his son threatening violence to a school he bought his 14 year old son an AR-15 for Christmas.
Was that the father's way of say f##k the deep state.
Results- 4 people dead, many more injured, many more traumatized . But the father was able to say f##k the deep state.
What a fricking dumb ass as are all of the idiots who have the fantasy of the deep state

Sounds like you are making shit up.

Shooter was an effeminate tranny type.
You can't buy a firearm for a 14 year old. :rolleyes:
I don't know the law, but you have to be irresponsible, fricking, the worst father in the world to buy you mentally ill, violent 14 old child one. The father should face worse consequences than the son.
MAGA fatherhood.
Sounds like you are making shit up.

Shooter was an effeminate tranny type.
MAGA fatherhood. You have no responsibility for an effiminate tranny son. Buy him an AR-15 and send him to school.
Ther has never been a bigger group of fricking scum bag, immoral, pieces of shit than MAGA fathers.
God help their children.
MAGA fatherhood. You have no responsibility for an effiminate tranny son. Buy him an AR-15 and send him to school.
Ther has never been a bigger group of fricking scum bag, immoral, pieces of shit than MAGA fathers.
God help their children.
What makes this guy MAGA? Because he is white?

How do you feel about the fathers of all the black gang bangers in our country?
What makes this guy MAGA? Because he is white?

How do you feel about the fathers of all the black gang bangers in our country?
It does not matter what any other goup is, you are still a fricking scum bag, immoral, piece of shit father based on what you said. I doubt no other group of fathers would say what you said. DISGUSTING, SINFUL

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