Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
WW1 and WW2 it took the whole world to bring them down, but no worries just because you are American right. Sound like the stupid hicks down south that tell me bullets can not hit them because of their politicasl leanings. Bullets do not give a fuck what you are thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At any rate it is not good news when your allies are denaouncing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WW1 and WW2 it took the whole world to bring them down

Now they're importing millions of Muslims who will bring them down.
As the judge likes to tell me, you are assuming facts not yet introduced into evidence. Underestimating an opponant is a good way to end up dead!

you are assuming facts not yet introduced into evidence.

Like, Germany is a threat to the US?
Yeah, that's always funny.

Underestimating an opponent

Germany is our opponent? Dude!
Yes your State Department just issued a World Wide Caution Alert for the first time since 2003 for YOUR citizens around the world, this because of that unnecessary Embassy move The Donald announced yesterday, so it seems that your Government doesn't give a fuck about YOUR citizens.

What happened to America First?
A warning for citizens in other shithole countries...

Blow me

No actually it's also a warning for American citizens across the whole of the European Continent, so again a stupid American policy puts this Continent at risk, because if American citizens get blown up here that means our own peoples are getting blown up with them.

America needs to mind it's own business and PUT AMERICA FIRST and stop further destabilising the Middle East which was already not stable, if all the nations in the Middle East want to argue and kill each other who cares let them, the Middle East was a lost cause a long time ago. When is America ever going to learn this.

"Blow me"

Sorry no darling I am washing my hair :smoke:
Stupid American policy didn't put Muslim terrorists in Europe. You dumbfucks let them in willingly. That is YOUR PROBLEM

No it was American policy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria that led to 2015 and the using of the Syrian Conflict by the Iraqi's and the Afghans as an excuse to join the Syrians fleeing into Turkey onto Greek Islands onto the Greek Mainland and then through The Balkans and into Western Europa.

We did NOT let them in willingly, Merkel in a moment of madness Opened the Border and then when it became an influx was told by the UN and Obama that she couldn't shut the border because that violated the Human Rights Convention of Refugees.

If America would in your term stop being dumbfucks and very ignorant dumbfucks and stop thinking you can just go around bombing nations that have nothing to do with American National Interests then we wouldn't have half the problems we have, tell me how was Iraq or Syria or Libya in American NATIONAL Interests, National means on your own home soil it does NOT mean tens of thousands of miles away from you.

AMERICA IS ADDICTED TO WAR. America has been addicted to war for more than 60 years now.
You sound like the Charlie Brown teacher.

YOU let them in. YOUR choice. Not Americas

You are sounding like a low IQ muppet, considering Grampa that I like you and we always get along well in every other thread we've been in together I have decided not to respond to you anymore in this thread, you are unable to think that America never does ANYTHING that fucks up other parts of this planet.
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: "We no longer recognize the United States as a Superpower."

Lying Donald Trump has utterly destroyed America's image around the world in less than a year. Germany has in fact become the leader of the free world now. And now he has also united the entire arab world against us. So...does this make Americans more safe? Or less safe?

Cons don't bother answering you live in fantasy world. For everyone else these are the consequences of sitting on your ass and not voting if you didn't vote. There is a leper colony in the White House now that all the world hates.

Obama spied on Merkel.
A warning for citizens in other shithole countries...

Blow me

No actually it's also a warning for American citizens across the whole of the European Continent, so again a stupid American policy puts this Continent at risk, because if American citizens get blown up here that means our own peoples are getting blown up with them.

America needs to mind it's own business and PUT AMERICA FIRST and stop further destabilising the Middle East which was already not stable, if all the nations in the Middle East want to argue and kill each other who cares let them, the Middle East was a lost cause a long time ago. When is America ever going to learn this.

"Blow me"

Sorry no darling I am washing my hair :smoke:
Stupid American policy didn't put Muslim terrorists in Europe. You dumbfucks let them in willingly. That is YOUR PROBLEM

No it was American policy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria that led to 2015 and the using of the Syrian Conflict by the Iraqi's and the Afghans as an excuse to join the Syrians fleeing into Turkey onto Greek Islands onto the Greek Mainland and then through The Balkans and into Western Europa.

We did NOT let them in willingly, Merkel in a moment of madness Opened the Border and then when it became an influx was told by the UN and Obama that she couldn't shut the border because that violated the Human Rights Convention of Refugees.

If America would in your term stop being dumbfucks and very ignorant dumbfucks and stop thinking you can just go around bombing nations that have nothing to do with American National Interests then we wouldn't have half the problems we have, tell me how was Iraq or Syria or Libya in American NATIONAL Interests, National means on your own home soil it does NOT mean tens of thousands of miles away from you.

AMERICA IS ADDICTED TO WAR. America has been addicted to war for more than 60 years now.
You sound like the Charlie Brown teacher.

YOU let them in. YOUR choice. Not Americas

You are sounding like a low IQ muppet, considering Grampa that I like you and we always get along well in every other thread we've been in together I have decided not to respond to you anymore in this thread, you are unable to think that America never does ANYTHING that fucks up other parts of this planet.
I never said that we don't fuck up. Iraq was a blunder. But you don't get to blame others for YOUR current problems anymore than a child molestor gets to blame his trauma as a child for his crimes.
You are the one blaming America for your Muslim problems that were created when you let them in in the first place.
Israel has a right to determine their own capital. Not you, not us.

Furthermore your opinion on the matter is rather moot as you don't live here or there.
Stupid American policy didn't put Muslim terrorists in Europe. You dumbfucks let them in willingly. That is YOUR PROBLEM

No it was American policy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria that led to 2015 and the using of the Syrian Conflict by the Iraqi's and the Afghans as an excuse to join the Syrians fleeing into Turkey onto Greek Islands onto the Greek Mainland and then through The Balkans and into Western Europa.

We did NOT let them in willingly, Merkel in a moment of madness Opened the Border and then when it became an influx was told by the UN and Obama that she couldn't shut the border because that violated the Human Rights Convention of Refugees.

If America would in your term stop being dumbfucks and very ignorant dumbfucks and stop thinking you can just go around bombing nations that have nothing to do with American National Interests then we wouldn't have half the problems we have, tell me how was Iraq or Syria or Libya in American NATIONAL Interests, National means on your own home soil it does NOT mean tens of thousands of miles away from you.

AMERICA IS ADDICTED TO WAR. America has been addicted to war for more than 60 years now.

Most Americans don't want to bomb other countries.. You can thank your homie George W. for that. Or, rather, his evil master, Dick Cheney.

It's not just GWB and Cheney is it? No.

Obama bombed SEVEN NATIONS and throughout Obama's entire two terms America was at war and bombing someone.

And Obama was criticized relentlessly, and rightfully so. His foreign policy was spotty at BEST.

But ... now what? Is Trump making things better? Seems to me he's making things worse ...

I think Trump's instinct is to withdraw and have a more Isolationist Policy, I think this is what he means by America First, but his problem is that those Neo-Conservative Perpetual Warmongers are The Swamp, they were there when Obama was American President, I also think Obama wanted not to get involved in all those military adventures but was pulled into them by the same group of Neo-Conservatives who have been dictating your foreign policy since 2002 and they inhabit the darkened rooms of your State Department and the CIA.

IMHO the Neo-Conservatives are America's greatest domestic threat because they are going to one time get you into something that the ramifications of which are going to be horrific for Americans in America.

Well it doesn't much matter what his instincts are if he can't pull it off.

Withdrawing from military conflicts is one of the only things I agreed with him on. Unfortunately, it seems he hasn't been able to keep those promises.
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....


You are reduced to bad Memes of course.

The problem as we see it, Americans have been taught that America is invincible but I tell you NOTHING is invincible.

A lesson from history:

Sparta: The Fall of the Empire | HistoryNet

The way everything is going America will be brought down from within, you are probably within the next five years going to have another Civil War, Blacks with Leftists and Anarchists vs Whites and Defenders of American Values and this will internally weaken America and you'll never recover from it.
No it was American policy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria that led to 2015 and the using of the Syrian Conflict by the Iraqi's and the Afghans as an excuse to join the Syrians fleeing into Turkey onto Greek Islands onto the Greek Mainland and then through The Balkans and into Western Europa.

We did NOT let them in willingly, Merkel in a moment of madness Opened the Border and then when it became an influx was told by the UN and Obama that she couldn't shut the border because that violated the Human Rights Convention of Refugees.

If America would in your term stop being dumbfucks and very ignorant dumbfucks and stop thinking you can just go around bombing nations that have nothing to do with American National Interests then we wouldn't have half the problems we have, tell me how was Iraq or Syria or Libya in American NATIONAL Interests, National means on your own home soil it does NOT mean tens of thousands of miles away from you.

AMERICA IS ADDICTED TO WAR. America has been addicted to war for more than 60 years now.

Most Americans don't want to bomb other countries.. You can thank your homie George W. for that. Or, rather, his evil master, Dick Cheney.

It's not just GWB and Cheney is it? No.

Obama bombed SEVEN NATIONS and throughout Obama's entire two terms America was at war and bombing someone.

And Obama was criticized relentlessly, and rightfully so. His foreign policy was spotty at BEST.

But ... now what? Is Trump making things better? Seems to me he's making things worse ...

I think Trump's instinct is to withdraw and have a more Isolationist Policy, I think this is what he means by America First, but his problem is that those Neo-Conservative Perpetual Warmongers are The Swamp, they were there when Obama was American President, I also think Obama wanted not to get involved in all those military adventures but was pulled into them by the same group of Neo-Conservatives who have been dictating your foreign policy since 2002 and they inhabit the darkened rooms of your State Department and the CIA.

IMHO the Neo-Conservatives are America's greatest domestic threat because they are going to one time get you into something that the ramifications of which are going to be horrific for Americans in America.

Well it doesn't much matter what his instincts are if he can't pull it off.

Withdrawing from military conflicts is one of the only things I agreed with him on. Unfortunately, it seems he hasn't been able to keep those promises.

That is because The Donald does not control American Foreign Policy, just like Obama didn't, the Neo-Conservatives pull the strings on America Foreign Policy which is why they need to be removed from the entire situation, they are The Swamp.
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
WW1 and WW2 it took the whole world to bring them down, but no worries just because you are American right. Sound like the stupid hicks down south that tell me bullets can not hit them because of their politicasl leanings. Bullets do not give a fuck what you are thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At any rate it is not good news when your allies are denaouncing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WW1 and WW2 it took the whole world to bring them down

Now they're importing millions of Muslims who will bring them down.
As the judge likes to tell me, you are assuming facts not yet introduced into evidence. Underestimating an opponant is a good way to end up dead!

you are assuming facts not yet introduced into evidence.

Like, Germany is a threat to the US?
Yeah, that's always funny.

Underestimating an opponent

Germany is our opponent? Dude!
When is the last time the US won a war. You do not think that the Germans are a better opponant than the Vietnamese? After WW1 the Treaty of Versailles levied extreme punitive damage on the German Territories and industrial infrastructure they were kicked into the dirt. Germany was in dire straits yet, in les than 10 years created a war machine that it took the entire world to snuff out. Germany is in a much better possition right now than in 1933. Meanwhile our troups are currently engaged on how many continents. Our governemnt is how far into debt. Our leader is osticizing all of our allies. China, russia, and North Korea are out there causing all kinds of issues for us and our military has been at constant war since 2000. I am not saying that currently Germany is a war opponant. If you look back at the thread some one said fuck Germany we would kick their ass. I am also not saying that Germany will continue to be our ally. They did denounce us today. Not that any of this matters to you. You obviously buy in to the American exceptionalism thing just because it is us. I know this I used to make a very good living playing billiards and poker with fucks that under estimated me!
“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: "We no longer recognize the United States as a Superpower."

Lying Donald Trump has utterly destroyed America's image around the world in less than a year. Germany has in fact become the leader of the free world now. And now he has also united the entire arab world against us. So...does this make Americans more safe? Or less safe?

Cons don't bother answering you live in fantasy world. For everyone else these are the consequences of sitting on your ass and not voting if you didn't vote. There is a leper colony in the White House now that all the world hates.

Obama spied on Merkel.
We spy on everybody and guess what they spy back!!!!!!!!!!!
No actually it's also a warning for American citizens across the whole of the European Continent, so again a stupid American policy puts this Continent at risk, because if American citizens get blown up here that means our own peoples are getting blown up with them.

America needs to mind it's own business and PUT AMERICA FIRST and stop further destabilising the Middle East which was already not stable, if all the nations in the Middle East want to argue and kill each other who cares let them, the Middle East was a lost cause a long time ago. When is America ever going to learn this.

"Blow me"

Sorry no darling I am washing my hair :smoke:
Stupid American policy didn't put Muslim terrorists in Europe. You dumbfucks let them in willingly. That is YOUR PROBLEM

No it was American policy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria that led to 2015 and the using of the Syrian Conflict by the Iraqi's and the Afghans as an excuse to join the Syrians fleeing into Turkey onto Greek Islands onto the Greek Mainland and then through The Balkans and into Western Europa.

We did NOT let them in willingly, Merkel in a moment of madness Opened the Border and then when it became an influx was told by the UN and Obama that she couldn't shut the border because that violated the Human Rights Convention of Refugees.

If America would in your term stop being dumbfucks and very ignorant dumbfucks and stop thinking you can just go around bombing nations that have nothing to do with American National Interests then we wouldn't have half the problems we have, tell me how was Iraq or Syria or Libya in American NATIONAL Interests, National means on your own home soil it does NOT mean tens of thousands of miles away from you.

AMERICA IS ADDICTED TO WAR. America has been addicted to war for more than 60 years now.
You sound like the Charlie Brown teacher.

YOU let them in. YOUR choice. Not Americas

You are sounding like a low IQ muppet, considering Grampa that I like you and we always get along well in every other thread we've been in together I have decided not to respond to you anymore in this thread, you are unable to think that America never does ANYTHING that fucks up other parts of this planet.
I never said that we don't fuck up. Iraq was a blunder. But you don't get to blame others for YOUR current problems anymore than a child molestor gets to blame his trauma as a child for his crimes.
You are the one blaming America for your Muslim problems that were created when you let them in in the first place.
Israel has a right to determine their own capital. Not you, not us.

Furthermore your opinion on the matter is rather moot as you don't live here or there.

"Furthermore your opinion on the matter is rather moot as you don't live here or there."

Well it's not moot as I do live here on the European Continent and that's what this discussion has been about, how stupid American Foreign Policy has been affecting my Continent by proxy.
“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: "We no longer recognize the United States as a Superpower."

Lying Donald Trump has utterly destroyed America's image around the world in less than a year. Germany has in fact become the leader of the free world now. And now he has also united the entire arab world against us. So...does this make Americans more safe? Or less safe?

Cons don't bother answering you live in fantasy world. For everyone else these are the consequences of sitting on your ass and not voting if you didn't vote. There is a leper colony in the White House now that all the world hates.

Obama spied on Merkel.

Yes he did and there are people who think that Merkel has been and is still being blackmailed with that stuff, Obama had the NSA tap Merkel's private mobile phone, they have every private conversation she has ever had going back I think it was five or six years.

Merkel's insane Open Doors policy in 2015 could be explained if she's been blackmailed, without blackmail there is no logical explanation why Merkel who has always been pragmatic and a safe pair of hands would suddenly go crazy and do an 180 and make such an insane decision.
“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: "We no longer recognize the United States as a Superpower."

Lying Donald Trump has utterly destroyed America's image around the world in less than a year. Germany has in fact become the leader of the free world now. And now he has also united the entire arab world against us. So...does this make Americans more safe? Or less safe?

Cons don't bother answering you live in fantasy world. For everyone else these are the consequences of sitting on your ass and not voting if you didn't vote. There is a leper colony in the White House now that all the world hates.

Obama spied on Merkel.

Yes he did and there are people who think that Merkel has been and is still being blackmailed with that stuff, Obama had the NSA tap Merkel's private mobile phone, they have every private conversation she has ever had going back I think it was five or six years.

Merkel's insane Open Doors policy in 2015 could be explained if she's been blackmailed, without blackmail there is no logical explanation why Merkel who has always been pragmatic and a safe pair of hands would suddenly go crazy and do an 180 and make such an insane decision.
Damn. Obama is a fucking DICK!
Stupid American policy didn't put Muslim terrorists in Europe. You dumbfucks let them in willingly. That is YOUR PROBLEM

No it was American policy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria that led to 2015 and the using of the Syrian Conflict by the Iraqi's and the Afghans as an excuse to join the Syrians fleeing into Turkey onto Greek Islands onto the Greek Mainland and then through The Balkans and into Western Europa.

We did NOT let them in willingly, Merkel in a moment of madness Opened the Border and then when it became an influx was told by the UN and Obama that she couldn't shut the border because that violated the Human Rights Convention of Refugees.

If America would in your term stop being dumbfucks and very ignorant dumbfucks and stop thinking you can just go around bombing nations that have nothing to do with American National Interests then we wouldn't have half the problems we have, tell me how was Iraq or Syria or Libya in American NATIONAL Interests, National means on your own home soil it does NOT mean tens of thousands of miles away from you.

AMERICA IS ADDICTED TO WAR. America has been addicted to war for more than 60 years now.
You sound like the Charlie Brown teacher.

YOU let them in. YOUR choice. Not Americas

You are sounding like a low IQ muppet, considering Grampa that I like you and we always get along well in every other thread we've been in together I have decided not to respond to you anymore in this thread, you are unable to think that America never does ANYTHING that fucks up other parts of this planet.
I never said that we don't fuck up. Iraq was a blunder. But you don't get to blame others for YOUR current problems anymore than a child molestor gets to blame his trauma as a child for his crimes.
You are the one blaming America for your Muslim problems that were created when you let them in in the first place.
Israel has a right to determine their own capital. Not you, not us.

Furthermore your opinion on the matter is rather moot as you don't live here or there.

"Furthermore your opinion on the matter is rather moot as you don't live here or there."

Well it's not moot as I do live here on the European Continent and that's what this discussion has been about, how stupid American Foreign Policy has been affecting my Continent by proxy.
No, this discussion is about Israel's capital. You want to make it about you just like Germany. It's really none of your business what agreements America & Israel enter into.

Your willingness to bow down to the threats of Muslims is noted however.
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
WW1 and WW2 it took the whole world to bring them down, but no worries just because you are American right. Sound like the stupid hicks down south that tell me bullets can not hit them because of their politicasl leanings. Bullets do not give a fuck what you are thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At any rate it is not good news when your allies are denaouncing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WW1 and WW2 it took the whole world to bring them down

Now they're importing millions of Muslims who will bring them down.
As the judge likes to tell me, you are assuming facts not yet introduced into evidence. Underestimating an opponant is a good way to end up dead!

you are assuming facts not yet introduced into evidence.

Like, Germany is a threat to the US?
Yeah, that's always funny.

Underestimating an opponent

Germany is our opponent? Dude!
When is the last time the US won a war. You do not think that the Germans are a better opponant than the Vietnamese? After WW1 the Treaty of Versailles levied extreme punitive damage on the German Territories and industrial infrastructure they were kicked into the dirt. Germany was in dire straits yet, in les than 10 years created a war machine that it took the entire world to snuff out. Germany is in a much better possition right now than in 1933. Meanwhile our troups are currently engaged on how many continents. Our governemnt is how far into debt. Our leader is osticizing all of our allies. China, russia, and North Korea are out there causing all kinds of issues for us and our military has been at constant war since 2000. I am not saying that currently Germany is a war opponant. If you look back at the thread some one said fuck Germany we would kick their ass. I am also not saying that Germany will continue to be our ally. They did denounce us today. Not that any of this matters to you. You obviously buy in to the American exceptionalism thing just because it is us. I know this I used to make a very good living playing billiards and poker with fucks that under estimated me!
. Our nuclear capabilities should keep most at bay unless they are as crazy as that idiot in North Korea. If he keeps it up, it won't be good for them. It will be sad for the innocent who are trapped inside his regime, but who knows because actually they might welcome the destruction in order to escape the regime's oppression even if that escape means death to end their suffering.
No it was American policy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria that led to 2015 and the using of the Syrian Conflict by the Iraqi's and the Afghans as an excuse to join the Syrians fleeing into Turkey onto Greek Islands onto the Greek Mainland and then through The Balkans and into Western Europa.

We did NOT let them in willingly, Merkel in a moment of madness Opened the Border and then when it became an influx was told by the UN and Obama that she couldn't shut the border because that violated the Human Rights Convention of Refugees.

If America would in your term stop being dumbfucks and very ignorant dumbfucks and stop thinking you can just go around bombing nations that have nothing to do with American National Interests then we wouldn't have half the problems we have, tell me how was Iraq or Syria or Libya in American NATIONAL Interests, National means on your own home soil it does NOT mean tens of thousands of miles away from you.

AMERICA IS ADDICTED TO WAR. America has been addicted to war for more than 60 years now.
You sound like the Charlie Brown teacher.

YOU let them in. YOUR choice. Not Americas

You are sounding like a low IQ muppet, considering Grampa that I like you and we always get along well in every other thread we've been in together I have decided not to respond to you anymore in this thread, you are unable to think that America never does ANYTHING that fucks up other parts of this planet.
I never said that we don't fuck up. Iraq was a blunder. But you don't get to blame others for YOUR current problems anymore than a child molestor gets to blame his trauma as a child for his crimes.
You are the one blaming America for your Muslim problems that were created when you let them in in the first place.
Israel has a right to determine their own capital. Not you, not us.

Furthermore your opinion on the matter is rather moot as you don't live here or there.

"Furthermore your opinion on the matter is rather moot as you don't live here or there."

Well it's not moot as I do live here on the European Continent and that's what this discussion has been about, how stupid American Foreign Policy has been affecting my Continent by proxy.
No, this discussion is about Israel's capital. You want to make it about you just like Germany. It's really none of your business what agreements America & Israel enter into.

Your willingness to bow down to the threats of Muslims is noted however.

Okay I am going to answer your stupid comments:

"No, this discussion is about Israel's capital."

No this discussion and this thread is NOT about Israel's capital which is Tel Aviv as per the UN 1947 Partition Plan For Palestine, Israel is a man made state it was created in 1947 under the UN 1947 Partition Plan For Palestine.


Corpus separatum (Jerusalem) - Wikipedia

"It's really none of your business what agreements America & Israel enter into."

"Israel has a right to determine their own capital. "

It's International Laws business though, and it is not up to Israel to decide what capital they have because the UN 1947 Partition Plan For Palestine already decided the capital is Tel Aviv, personally I think Trump will do a reverse and America's Embassy will remain in Tel Aviv and they will just have a Consulate in Jerusalem exactly like everyone else has and it's always been.


Here to remind you THE TOPIC of this thread, which ISN'T a discussion about Israel's capital Tel Aviv, this is the OP:


"Your willingness to bow down to the threats of Muslims is noted however."

Your stupidest comment yet.
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
WW1 and WW2 it took the whole world to bring them down, but no worries just because you are American right. Sound like the stupid hicks down south that tell me bullets can not hit them because of their politicasl leanings. Bullets do not give a fuck what you are thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At any rate it is not good news when your allies are denaouncing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. It didn't take the whole world to take them down.

It took the united states

Oh, we're into rewriting history...
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

Hold on a minute...let me get this straight.
You Lefties want to coddle the world on the taxpayer dime, feed every beaner in Mexico, increase welfare benefits, give everybody, including foreigners free health care, raise minimum wage and pay down the national debt?

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