Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

I assume you're referring to the government? Who the hell knows what they're doing, or why they're doing it. For some reason, a subset of our population insists on voting in chimpanzees and everyone else is too fucking lazy to stop them.
Well, to be fair, we are not given much choice.


Maybe because instead of the best people getting elected, we get the biggest corporate stooges, because of politicians' reliance on massive campaign donations. We're not getting great leaders. We're getting people who are great at kissing ass and getting elected over and over again.
Kill citizens united to get rid of the money influence.

Why do you hate free speech?
They have it. Since 1991.
Lucy. Do you believe Germany has full sovereignty?

No Germany is still an Occupied Nation, not have full Sovereignty and the post Second War German Constitution was not written by German people it was written by New York Lawyers and is designed to keep the German peoples down and I would say that 80% of German people hate Americans, not say to the American faces, but hate them and this has nothing to do with Trump this is a hate that goes back many decades and is in the DNA, not so much hate American people more though hate the American Governments, the exception being JFK he was liked and considered a friend and not a foe, Obama was considered okay until he started the Warmongering thing.
They have it. Since 1991.
Lucy. Do you believe Germany has full sovereignty?

No Germany is still an Occupied Nation, not have full Sovereignty and the post Second War German Constitution was not written by German people it was written by New York Lawyers and is designed to keep the German peoples down and I would say that 80% of German people hate Americans, not say to the American faces, but hate them and this has nothing to do with Trump this is a hate that goes back many decades and is in the DNA, not so much hate American people more though hate the American Governments, the exception being JFK he was liked and considered a friend and not a foe, Obama was considered okay until he started the Warmongering thing.

Aaaand there you have it. Germans hated Americans already, as I said from the beginning. So nothing has changed.

Wanna know how Americans think about Germans? They don't.
America needs to mind it's own business
Nope. NEVER!!!

The World Police
They butt in everywhere
The World Police
They won't get out of your hair
The World Police

(Cheap Trick)
Today, America's business is in every nation on the face of the earth. 1 in 3 jobs is dependent on foreign trade.
. So... And what a mistake that has become. Had to be the Demon-crats behind it all, because they love creating dependency, and even global dependency.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

Who cares. I mean the white lets haji fucks rape her citizens little kids and for what? So the token negro will like her? Screw the bitch and fuck Germany. Should have let Stallin have them.
They have it. Since 1991.
Lucy. Do you believe Germany has full sovereignty?

No Germany is still an Occupied Nation, not have full Sovereignty and the post Second War German Constitution was not written by German people it was written by New York Lawyers and is designed to keep the German peoples down and I would say that 80% of German people hate Americans, not say to the American faces, but hate them and this has nothing to do with Trump this is a hate that goes back many decades and is in the DNA, not so much hate American people more though hate the American Governments, the exception being JFK he was liked and considered a friend and not a foe, Obama was considered okay until he started the Warmongering thing.

Aaaand there you have it. Germans hated Americans already, as I said from the beginning. So nothing has changed.

Wanna know how Americans think about Germans? They don't.
. The (Germans) it could be that they are being used right now, and for political purposes, so I will reserve my criticism of the German people at this time.
If you care about the economy, WHY would you want to ban German businesses that hire Americans? Or are you actually just a complete idiot? To desire that, you'd either 1. not care at all about jobs, or 2. be a complete idiot.

American workers can work for American companies. There's nothing a German company can make that an American company can't make.
]Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

ALL US Military and Diplomatic personnel shoild be pulled from Germany by January 1st.

ALL German citizens, including diplomatic personnel shoild be forced out of the US by January 1, 2018.

ALL German owned businesses in the US should lose their business licenses and ALL German imports halted immediately.
You mean like the German company that made parts of your car and parts for the power plant where you work?
They have it. Since 1991.
Lucy. Do you believe Germany has full sovereignty?

No Germany is still an Occupied Nation, not have full Sovereignty and the post Second War German Constitution was not written by German people it was written by New York Lawyers and is designed to keep the German peoples down and I would say that 80% of German people hate Americans, not say to the American faces, but hate them and this has nothing to do with Trump this is a hate that goes back many decades and is in the DNA, not so much hate American people more though hate the American Governments, the exception being JFK he was liked and considered a friend and not a foe, Obama was considered okay until he started the Warmongering thing.

Aaaand there you have it. Germans hated Americans already, as I said from the beginning. So nothing has changed.

Wanna know how Americans think about Germans? They don't.
. The (Germans) it could be that they are being used right now, and for political purposes, so I will reserve my criticism of the German people at this time.

Not criticizing. Just saying it how it is. Maybe if Germany was more relevant, we would care more but ... even N.Korea is more relevant to your average American than Germany is.

Personally, I've only met a few Germans. They were all right. A little arrogant, but .. what else could you expect from a people trained to believe that they're better than you by default?
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!
Part of Trumps view of making America Great

The U.S. is no longer leader of the free world. Nobody is dumb enough to follow Trump
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
WW1 and WW2 it took the whole world to bring them down, but no worries just because you are American right. Sound like the stupid hicks down south that tell me bullets can not hit them because of their politicasl leanings. Bullets do not give a fuck what you are thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At any rate it is not good news when your allies are denaouncing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. It didn't take the whole world to take them down.

It took the united states

No actually it took the Soviet Union getting involved, read actual history not the Hollyweird version of history.

Um the Soviets withdrew from WW1...

We are not discussing the First War, I thought we were discussing the Second War? The Second War was won by the Soviets, had the Soviets not got involved on the side of the Americans and British you would have lost, read history read what had happened to the Americans and the British BEFORE the Soviets got involved.

The First War became a World War because of the British getting involved again with something that was not any of their business, in the First War it was because of an obscure Treaty the British had with the Belgians called The Treaty of London 1839, Germany attacked France via going through Belgium, the British said GTFO of Belgium the answer was No and so the British used that to interfere in something that was not any of their business (ditto Second War replace Belgium with Poland again an obscure Treaty with Poland)


^^^^ He was correct Britain went to war for the sake of a scrap of paper The Treaty of London 1839 with Belgium and more than ONE MILLION young British men died because the British have this thing about arcane Treaties with pointless nations like Belgium.

Why did Britain go to war? Background | The National Archives

The British got you involved because they deliberately allowed the Lusitania to go into The Atlantic despite ALL the newspaper warnings that our side had put in ALL British newspapers and also in American newspapers.

Do they teach you this history in American schools? I think they don't because it doesn't fit the narrative that you Americans must hate our peoples and I add WE did NOT START the First War, we had a RIGHT to DECLARE war because of this:


So as I was commenting there were ads in all newspapers weeks in advance about this, our side gave warnings and the British who again bit off more than they could handle needed America to get involved and help their buttocks ditto same thing in the Second War, Britain always think they can punch above their weight and then know they cannot so they have to get you Americans to go and help them

The warning was given, the British deliberately allowed the Lusitania to go into The Atlantic and crossed their fingers hoping it would be sunk and it was and as nearly ALL passengers were American this is how Britain got America to get involved in the First War making it a World War.

The warning that was put in ALL NEWSPAPERS across both this Continent and also in American newspapers, although I think in America it was just in New York newspapers I don't know perhaps.


Then the British who were always Warmongers, after deliberately allowing the Lusitania despite the warning ads to go into The Atlantic to risk being sank, the British then put out THIS below advertisement:



Germany gave a warning. So why was Lusitania full? | Toronto Star


Was the Lusitania our war crime: 1,198 passengers died when the liner sank in 1915 - but was a German torpedo really to blame? | Daily Mail Online
Great thread, proof that ultra-nationalists just can't get along, even with themselves.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!
If Obama had been president you'd be cheering this. Finally European freeloaders are talking about not waiting for America to help them.


How about NATO is just dismantled? There is no need for NATO, the whole reason for it was because of the Soviet threat and the deal was supposed to be once the Iron Curtain fell NATO would be disbanded....until America realised that if that happened America couldn't continue to think it ruled the European Continent, the only reason America needs NATO like oxygen is because it considers all of the European Continent just a vassal of Washington DC.
NATO is worthless. Trump said that it should be modernized to handle current threats from Russia and from terrorist supporting nations.
They have it. Since 1991.
Lucy. Do you believe Germany has full sovereignty?

No Germany is still an Occupied Nation, not have full Sovereignty and the post Second War German Constitution was not written by German people it was written by New York Lawyers and is designed to keep the German peoples down and I would say that 80% of German people hate Americans, not say to the American faces, but hate them and this has nothing to do with Trump this is a hate that goes back many decades and is in the DNA, not so much hate American people more though hate the American Governments, the exception being JFK he was liked and considered a friend and not a foe, Obama was considered okay until he started the Warmongering thing.

Aaaand there you have it. Germans hated Americans already, as I said from the beginning. So nothing has changed.

Wanna know how Americans think about Germans? They don't.

Hello? Anyone home? Thought not.

But you do think because what ended 72 years ago is CONSTANTLY in your narrow minds, I already commented that nobody on this Continent actually thinks about any of that anymore because we all have moved on, YOU however think about it ALL the time and of course Hollyweird would collapse if they could not spew out at least FOUR celluloid pieces of total horsecrap EVERY year about what NOBODY else gives a crap about anymore because that all finished 72 years ago.
They have it. Since 1991.
Lucy. Do you believe Germany has full sovereignty?

No Germany is still an Occupied Nation, not have full Sovereignty and the post Second War German Constitution was not written by German people it was written by New York Lawyers and is designed to keep the German peoples down and I would say that 80% of German people hate Americans, not say to the American faces, but hate them and this has nothing to do with Trump this is a hate that goes back many decades and is in the DNA, not so much hate American people more though hate the American Governments, the exception being JFK he was liked and considered a friend and not a foe, Obama was considered okay until he started the Warmongering thing.

Aaaand there you have it. Germans hated Americans already, as I said from the beginning. So nothing has changed.

Wanna know how Americans think about Germans? They don't.

Hello? Anyone home? Thought not.

But you do think because what ended 72 years ago is CONSTANTLY in your narrow minds, I already commented that nobody on this Continent actually thinks about any of that anymore because we all have moved on, YOU however think about it ALL the time and of course Hollyweird would collapse if they could not spew out at least FOUR celluloid pieces of total horsecrap EVERY year about what NOBODY else gives a crap about anymore because that all finished 72 years ago.

You are basing your opinion of Americans on Hollywood?

Dear God ... maybe you don't know as much as you think you do.

And of course people are going to pick the low hanging fruit when they are angry (as so many are here). What fruit hangs lower than bashing Hitler?
Thank you, Germany! the whore in the Oval Office and his minions have done everything possible to humiliate and disgrace the United States of America. It's up to the countries of Europe now to provide real leadership internationally. How humiliating for us Americans. Thanks, you orange-dyed anti-American pervert, for destroying the U.S. of A.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!
If Obama had been president you'd be cheering this. Finally European freeloaders are talking about not waiting for America to help them.


How about NATO is just dismantled? There is no need for NATO, the whole reason for it was because of the Soviet threat and the deal was supposed to be once the Iron Curtain fell NATO would be disbanded....until America realised that if that happened America couldn't continue to think it ruled the European Continent, the only reason America needs NATO like oxygen is because it considers all of the European Continent just a vassal of Washington DC.
NATO is worthless. Trump said that it should be modernized to handle current threats from Russia and from terrorist supporting nations.

And The Donald is correct about NATO and also Turkey needs to be expelled already from NATO, why are they still considered a nation that Western nations should trust, we cannot trust Turkey doing so would be insane.

NATO would not need a lot of modernising or adjusting to be used as a force that would deal with terrorist supporting nations, this also would be a better use of all they money it costs to keep NATO afloat.

Islamic Terrorism is the one threat that the West faces, so lets throw Turkey out of NATO and get NATO working to combat the Islamic threat.
Thank you, Germany! the whore in the Oval Office and his minions have done everything possible to humiliate and disgrace the United States of America. It's up to the countries of Europe now to provide real leadership internationally. How humiliating for us Americans. Thanks, you orange-dyed anti-American pervert, for destroying the U.S. of A.

I don't think you're an American.
Even Donald Trump won't admit to being a German. He said in his book his family came from Sweden.

That's why I call him Meatball.

And he dares to make fun of Warren!

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