Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

The Commies killed way more humans than the Nazis. That's a fact.

Trump loves this about them.

He gets all titillated just thinking about it when he sees Putin's bare chest.
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
WW1 and WW2 it took the whole world to bring them down, but no worries just because you are American right. Sound like the stupid hicks down south that tell me bullets can not hit them because of their politicasl leanings. Bullets do not give a fuck what you are thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At any rate it is not good news when your allies are denaouncing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. It didn't take the whole world to take them down.

It took the united states

No actually it took the Soviet Union getting involved, read actual history not the Hollyweird version of history.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

In fact fuck everyone but OUR CITIZENS.

Yes your State Department just issued a World Wide Caution Alert for the first time since 2003 for YOUR citizens around the world, this because of that unnecessary Embassy move The Donald announced yesterday, so it seems that your Government doesn't give a fuck about YOUR citizens.

What happened to America First?
A warning for citizens in other shithole countries...

Blow me

No actually it's also a warning for American citizens across the whole of the European Continent, so again a stupid American policy puts this Continent at risk, because if American citizens get blown up here that means our own peoples are getting blown up with them.

America needs to mind it's own business and PUT AMERICA FIRST and stop further destabilising the Middle East which was already not stable, if all the nations in the Middle East want to argue and kill each other who cares let them, the Middle East was a lost cause a long time ago. When is America ever going to learn this.

"Blow me"

Sorry no darling I am washing my hair :smoke:
Stupid American policy didn't put Muslim terrorists in Europe. You dumbfucks let them in willingly. That is YOUR PROBLEM
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!
. So Germany under Merkel is still running their extreme hatred against the Jewish people ??
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
WW1 and WW2 it took the whole world to bring them down, but no worries just because you are American right. Sound like the stupid hicks down south that tell me bullets can not hit them because of their politicasl leanings. Bullets do not give a fuck what you are thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At any rate it is not good news when your allies are denaouncing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. It didn't take the whole world to take them down.

It took the united states

No actually it took the Soviet Union getting involved, read actual history not the Hollyweird version of history.

Indeed. You mean after they made the pact to split up Polland with the devil?

Russia's Life-Saver: Lend-Lease Aid to the U.S.S.R. in World War II (Book Review) | HistoryNet
]Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

ALL US Military and Diplomatic personnel shoild be pulled from Germany by January 1st.

ALL German citizens, including diplomatic personnel shoild be forced out of the US by January 1, 2018.

ALL German owned businesses in the US should lose their business licenses and ALL German imports halted immediately.
]Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

ALL US Military and Diplomatic personnel shoild be pulled from Germany by January 1st.

ALL German citizens, including diplomatic personnel shoild be forced out of the US by January 1, 2018.

ALL German owned businesses in the US should lose their business licenses and ALL German imports halted immediately.

This would be immeasurably stupid.

To the point where I'd probably leave the country if something like this happened.

And that's saying something, considering how hated Americans are. I'd rather be universally hated than an American living in that kind of country.
I assume you're referring to the government? Who the hell knows what they're doing, or why they're doing it. For some reason, a subset of our population insists on voting in chimpanzees and everyone else is too fucking lazy to stop them.
Well, to be fair, we are not given much choice.


Maybe because instead of the best people getting elected, we get the biggest corporate stooges, because of politicians' reliance on massive campaign donations. We're not getting great leaders. We're getting people who are great at kissing ass and getting elected over and over again.
Kill citizens united to get rid of the money influence.
To the point where I'd probably leave the country if something like this happened.

And that's saying something, considering how hated Americans are. I'd rather be universally hated than an American living in that kind of country.

Then please GTFO!!!! I'll pay for a 1 way ticket for you, so long as you leave your passport and renounce your US Citizenship. We'll be far better off withoit you, and people like you.

These nations need to learn their are repercussions for opening their mouths and insulting their betters.
The Commies killed way more humans than the Nazis. That's a fact.

Trump loves this about them.

He gets all titillated just thinking about it when he sees Putin's bare chest.

Well at least you are correct about the Communists killing more people.

Then thanks to America and the British from 1946-1989 the whole of Eastern European Continent was under the rule of the Communist Devils.

That was the price Josef Stalin wanted for helping America and Britain that whatever nation the Soviets cleared they would get to keep post-War. Maybe America and the British should pay compensation money to all in Eastern European Continent for the suffering at the hands of the Communist Devils that the Americans and British ALLOWED to happen and also CONDONED by continued silence eg. Hungary 1956:


The Hungarian Uprising of 1956 - History Learning Site

From 1948-1950 two million German citizens were starved to death in Communist camps in Eastern Germany, but of course our peoples are NOT supposed to remind Americans about that, just like nobody is supposed to attempt to educate Americans about the SEVEN MILLION Ukranian's who were deliberately starved to death during The Holomodor by the Communist Devils who America and Britain got into bed with.

This is Genocide, up to SEVEN MILLION people:

"Holodomor" Ukrainian Famine/Genocide of 1932-33

America and the British friends the Communist Devils they got into bed with and sucked Stalin's dick, it was known the Soviets did the Katyn Massacre but America and Britain needed Stalin and the Soviets to help their side so they helped deliberately cover it up all the way until 1989 when the Soviets finally admitted what my Ancestors knew in 1940 which was the same that the Americans and British were secretly told but chose to cover up, that the Soviets committed the Katyn Massacre.

Katyn Massacre April-May 1940:

Katyn Massacre | Polish history [1940]
To the point where I'd probably leave the country if something like this happened.

And that's saying something, considering how hated Americans are. I'd rather be universally hated than an American living in that kind of country.

Then please GTFO!!!! I'll pay for a 1 way ticket for you, so long as you leave your passport and renounce your US Citizenship. We'll be far better off withoit you, and people like you.

These nations need to learn their are repercussions for opening their mouths and insulting their betters.

If you care about the economy, WHY would you want to ban German businesses that hire Americans? Or are you actually just a complete idiot? To desire that, you'd either 1. not care at all about jobs, or 2. be a complete idiot.
The Commies killed way more humans than the Nazis. That's a fact.

Trump loves this about them.

He gets all titillated just thinking about it when he sees Putin's bare chest.

Well at least you are correct about the Communists killing more people.

Then thanks to America and the British from 1946-1989 the whole of Eastern European Continent was under the rule of the Communist Devils.

That was the price Josef Stalin wanted for helping America and Britain that whatever nation the Soviets cleared they would get to keep post-War. Maybe America and the British should pay compensation money to all in Eastern European Continent for the suffering at the hands of the Communist Devils that the Americans and British ALLOWED to happen and also CONDONED by continued silence eg. Hungary 1956:

View attachment 164819

The Hungarian Uprising of 1956 - History Learning Site

From 1948-1950 two million German citizens were starved to death in Communist camps in Eastern Germany, but of course our peoples are NOT supposed to remind Americans about that, just like nobody is supposed to attempt to educate Americans about the SEVEN MILLION Ukranian's who were deliberately starved to death during The Holomodor by the Communist Devils who America and Britain got into bed with.

This is Genocide, up to SEVEN MILLION people:

"Holodomor" Ukrainian Famine/Genocide of 1932-33

America and the British friends the Communist Devils they got into bed with and sucked Stalin's dick, it was known the Soviets did the Katyn Massacre but America and Britain needed Stalin and the Soviets to help their side so they helped deliberately cover it up all the way until 1989 when the Soviets finally admitted what my Ancestors knew in 1940 which was the same that the Americans and British were secretly told but chose to cover up, that the Soviets committed the Katyn Massacre.

Katyn Massacre April-May 1940:

Katyn Massacre | Polish history [1940]
All this talk about commie atrocities makes Trump and his minions wet between the legs.
The Commies killed way more humans than the Nazis. That's a fact.

Trump loves this about them.

He gets all titillated just thinking about it when he sees Putin's bare chest.

Well at least you are correct about the Communists killing more people.

Then thanks to America and the British from 1946-1989 the whole of Eastern European Continent was under the rule of the Communist Devils.

That was the price Josef Stalin wanted for helping America and Britain that whatever nation the Soviets cleared they would get to keep post-War. Maybe America and the British should pay compensation money to all in Eastern European Continent for the suffering at the hands of the Communist Devils that the Americans and British ALLOWED to happen and also CONDONED by continued silence eg. Hungary 1956:

View attachment 164819

The Hungarian Uprising of 1956 - History Learning Site

From 1948-1950 two million German citizens were starved to death in Communist camps in Eastern Germany, but of course our peoples are NOT supposed to remind Americans about that, just like nobody is supposed to attempt to educate Americans about the SEVEN MILLION Ukranian's who were deliberately starved to death during The Holomodor by the Communist Devils who America and Britain got into bed with.

This is Genocide, up to SEVEN MILLION people:

"Holodomor" Ukrainian Famine/Genocide of 1932-33

America and the British friends the Communist Devils they got into bed with and sucked Stalin's dick, it was known the Soviets did the Katyn Massacre but America and Britain needed Stalin and the Soviets to help their side so they helped deliberately cover it up all the way until 1989 when the Soviets finally admitted what my Ancestors knew in 1940 which was the same that the Americans and British were secretly told but chose to cover up, that the Soviets committed the Katyn Massacre.

Katyn Massacre April-May 1940:

Katyn Massacre | Polish history [1940]

Why are you blaming the Anglos for things the Soviets did?
]Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

ALL US Military and Diplomatic personnel shoild be pulled from Germany by January 1st.

ALL German citizens, including diplomatic personnel shoild be forced out of the US by January 1, 2018.

ALL German owned businesses in the US should lose their business licenses and ALL German imports halted immediately.
. Ohhhhh no, we should stay there and continue the job we were tasked with after world war two. We should make sure that Germany doesn't become a bunch of raving mad idiots again. They have already shown how stupid they can be in the world, and if given the chance they might regress backwards. The fact that we had to occupy west Germany like we did, and the Soviets in the east for so long made us understand exactly what type of characters we were dealing with back then. No telling what the world is dealing with now in as far as their characters go. Wonder what percent is making the rucus about what Trump has done ? I might be out of line talking about a nation in a blanket way like this, and the OP promoting hate due to a small percentage of Germans in power who might feel this way, uhh is also wrong.
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
WW1 and WW2 it took the whole world to bring them down, but no worries just because you are American right. Sound like the stupid hicks down south that tell me bullets can not hit them because of their politicasl leanings. Bullets do not give a fuck what you are thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At any rate it is not good news when your allies are denaouncing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. It didn't take the whole world to take them down.

It took the united states

No actually it took the Soviet Union getting involved, read actual history not the Hollyweird version of history.

Um the Soviets withdrew from WW1...

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