Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

More countries, more unity of purpose / strength than just Germany alone ... but Germany WAS the country who decided to take over the world...twice.
NATO was formed as a countermeasure to Russian aggression.

It is therefore not obsolete.

Trump would like NATO to be obsolete because he is Putin's cock holster.

It's as simple as that.

"NATO was formed as a countermeasure to Russian aggression."

No to Soviet aggression, the Soviet Union has ceased to exist, so should NATO.
Yeah, because Putin is a peace loving guy. He would never invade another European country.

Oh, wait...

The thread isn't about your bizarro obsession with Putin.
NATO was formed as a countermeasure to Russian aggression.

It is therefore not obsolete.

Trump would like NATO to be obsolete because he is Putin's cock holster.

It's as simple as that.

"NATO was formed as a countermeasure to Russian aggression."

No to Soviet aggression, the Soviet Union has ceased to exist, so should NATO.

And The UN, this whole madness with the Economic Migrants mixed in with Islamist Terrorists, if it wasn't for the UN we could deal with them as we have dealt with the 7th Century Death Cult historically many times.

Thanks to the Americans and the British and the Soviets we all got The UN and all it's Resolutions and Charters which are now been used to stop us Removing Kebab.

Why can't we shut the borders? That's against International Law.

Why can't we tell the Kebabs to GTFO? That's against the 1951 UN Charter on Refugees.

Why can't we just dump them somewhere else? That's against Human Rights Law.

ALL of these things are thanks to America, Britain and the Soviets without them we would never had had a UN in the first place.

Fuck The UN.
The main reason we occupied West Germany was to counter-balance the of Soviet Union's imperialistic occupation of East Germany. How ironic it is that we have become the imperialists more than 25 years after the Soviet Union's occupation ended.

We're worse than the Soviet Union.

Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

...because we should care what the Germans think. The people that brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and today they push globalism, progressivism, and multiculturalism. Germans make good engineers and can build things better than most, but they are also the most stubborn and have no common sense.

If you want set up a PayPal account and I'll PAY for you to GTFO of Germany and go back to America where you belong, you hate Germans so much then GTFO and go back to America you little slug.
Do you deny that Germany’s stupid policies lead to two world wars, and their progressive pro-Islamic Agenda will no doubt lead to a third?

Germans are mega-kooks.

Be careful Sobieski because the same crowd who hate Germany also hate Poland and you should already know that.

Most supporters of Poland, and supporters of Germany are different.

Supporters of Poland are usually Conservatives, or Catholic Nationalists, or Slavic Nationalists.

Supporters of Germany are usually National Socialists, or Liberal Socialists.

As for haters of Poland, they're often German lovers, Jew lovers., xenophobic Brits, or Russian lovers.

I'm guessing you mean Jew lovers hate Poles, and Germans?
Well, actually they often hate Poles more than Germans from my experience.
NATO was formed as a countermeasure to Russian aggression.

It is therefore not obsolete.

Trump would like NATO to be obsolete because he is Putin's cock holster.

It's as simple as that.

"NATO was formed as a countermeasure to Russian aggression."

No to Soviet aggression, the Soviet Union has ceased to exist, so should NATO.
Yeah, because Putin is a peace loving guy. He would never invade another European country.

Oh, wait...

The thread isn't about your bizarro obsession with Putin.

It's about the reasons for NATO's continued existence.

Putin is a very good reason for NATO's continued existence. Just ask Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!
Germany went fucking stupid in the 1960’s...socialist West and communist East. Now they have combined into one,gigantic, pussified nation.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!
Germany went fucking stupid in the 1960’s...socialist West and communist East. Now they have combined into one,gigantic, pussified nation.
A very economically prosperous nation with a trade surplus.

It figures a tard like you would call that "pussified".
I have no respect for a nation that lets Muslims rape their women.
More countries, more unity of purpose / strength than just Germany alone ... but Germany WAS the country who decided to take over the world...twice.

And that was nothing more than a continuation of the previous attempt, so it was really ONCE over the course of a few decades.

Again, how long must current Germany atone for historic Germany's sins?

It's a poor excuse.

Did we all forget that Germany had heros willing to die to do the right thing?
Claus von Stauffenberg?
Oskar Schindler?
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!
Germany went fucking stupid in the 1960’s...socialist West and communist East. Now they have combined into one,gigantic, pussified nation.
A very economically prosperous nation with a trade surplus.
...and pussified,socialist, with a a dip shit leader.
Germany is the backbone of the EU. They are carrying the PIIGS on their back.
Trump says the stupidest things, and then his tards take it onboard and try to force it to make sense. :lol:
You are literally putting letters on his tweet, you big fuckin hack :lol:
You said UN, retard. Trump said NATO and US, not UN.

You fucked up. Too bad for you.
I accidently typed the wrong letters. You are reading shit that isnt there. Grow up, old man. Goddamn
More countries, more unity of purpose / strength than just Germany alone ... but Germany WAS the country who decided to take over the world...twice.

And that was nothing more than a continuation of the previous attempt, so it was really ONCE over the course of a few decades.

Again, how long must current Germany atone for historic Germany's sins?

It's a poor excuse.

Did we all forget that Germany had heros willing to die to do the right thing?
Claus von Stauffenberg?
Oskar Schindler?
...and most of the Wermacht fighting communism on the Eastern Front.
It is just fucking plain surreal Trump's Chumps are shitting all over Trump's homeland.

But then again, Trump is ashamed of his German heritage. Poor Meatball wanted people to bleev he was of Swedish descent.
NATO was formed as a countermeasure to Russian aggression.

It is therefore not obsolete.

Trump would like NATO to be obsolete because he is Putin's cock holster.

It's as simple as that.

"NATO was formed as a countermeasure to Russian aggression."

No to Soviet aggression, the Soviet Union has ceased to exist, so should NATO.
Yeah, because Putin is a peace loving guy. He would never invade another European country.

Oh, wait...

The thread isn't about your bizarro obsession with Putin.

It's about the reasons for NATO's continued existence.

Putin is a very good reason for NATO's continued existence. Just ask Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania.

Well, a few years ago, I would've agreed, but then the EU threatened sanctions upon nations like Poland, Czech Rep, and Hungary for not taking in Islamic refugees.

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