Get Prepared for Your FLYING CAR!

Dubai has some single seater self flying drones now and expect a fleet service this summer.
Have a link to a good story on it?(Dubai single seaters)

don't know how to use google?

Self-flying taxi to transport passengers in Dubai
It's not that I can't use google. When someone seems to have a lot of interest in a topic, I tend to ask if they have a preferred might be better than randomly googling it, seeing as they have an interest in the topic.

Why you gotta be a dick about it?
I just mentioned it. That doesn't translate into a lot of interest. I'll need to see them flying around for 10 years with no accidents before I park my ass in one.
We all know how well morons drive cars on the streets, so adding the ability to go airborne is the worst thing possible IMO.
I think the only way it will ever happen is by auto pilot for the masses. They need to perfect the self driving hardware/software first. Then a pilot's license for trained people to go off the grid.
In the meantime:


Most people will be driving their on cars for some time as it will take a lot of sales to bring down the costs of the flying car's development.

Also it will take people some time to adjust mentally to accepting flying cars. The idea of your engine failing at 5,000 feet is kind of a hurdle for most I think.

But the devil is in the details and as police try to find new sources of revenue for lost traffic fines as so many convert to self driving cars, the few reluctants hanging in there with their manual driving will begin to throw in their towels as they begin to realize that they are the cash cows for the lost fines revenue.

But can it fly from 0 to 60 in 6 seconds?
We all know how well morons drive cars on the streets, so adding the ability to go airborne is the worst thing possible IMO.
I think the only way it will ever happen is by auto pilot for the masses. They need to perfect the self driving hardware/software first. Then a pilot's license for trained people to go off the grid.
As a licensed pilot I agree. The vast majority of the idiots driving cars these days couldn't qualify for a pilot license if their lives depended on it.
Flying taxis will be cheaper than driving a car, says Uber

He claimed that when Uber first introduces the flight service, a journey will be roughly the same cost as an Uber car trip today, but said that eventually it will go so low that it will be even cheaper than the cost of the fuel required to drive one's own car.

It envisions a network of autonomous electric air vehicles that can take off and land vertically, silently ferrying passengers across cities and on their commutes.
I want to add a flying car to my toy box but I've not found one that would work up here; no fucking way I'm flying without a cab around me and a heater heh
Besides being dangerous, why do they always call them cars?
The love affair will brief after some dumb fuck flies their car into a high-rise apartment building.

People crash their automobiles into buildings all the time.

If these flying cars have auto-pilots that fly the vehicle for you they will be much less accident prone than human driven cars are now.

And did you see the designs? Most of these things have build in safety bumpers and crash landing safety equipment that the only fatalities will ever be some idiot the vehicle landed on.

LOL People would get FUI's Three fui's and your grounded! ~Way too much giggling going on here~

...uhm fyi you have to /say/ it
The love affair will brief after some dumb fuck flies their car into a high-rise apartment building.

People crash their automobiles into buildings all the time.

If these flying cars have auto-pilots that fly the vehicle for you they will be much less accident prone than human driven cars are now.

And did you see the designs? Most of these things have build in safety bumpers and crash landing safety equipment that the only fatalities will ever be some idiot the vehicle landed on.


YOu didn't see Protectionist's rant about auto pilot on cars?

I spend a lot of time driving in traffic. The idea that the general public needs to add more directions to not pay attention as they surf the internet, send text messages and do their makeup in the rearview mirror does not make me feel warm & fuzzy.

Extensive auto pilot safety features are a must though. Too many drivers haven't mastered the incredibly technology involved in a fucking turn signal. Letting them soar thru the air is just scary.
The love affair will brief after some dumb fuck flies their car into a high-rise apartment building.
Yup. Just like the self driving car that crashed in the bus.
Way too many variables dependant on human reactions.
Repainting the right hand side of the road lines which are essential for the SDCs to use as markers would cost billions of dollars.
A SDC hits a bad pothole and throws off the guidance systems and the car stops in the middle of the road with no warning.
YOu didn't see Protectionist's rant about auto pilot on cars?

Protectionist is kind of high strung, so I am not too worried. :D

I spend a lot of time driving in traffic. The idea that the general public needs to add more directions to not pay attention as they surf the internet, send text messages and do their makeup in the rearview mirror does not make me feel warm & fuzzy.

Extensive auto pilot safety features are a must though. Too many drivers haven't mastered the incredibly technology involved in a fucking turn signal. Letting them soar thru the air is just scary.

Yeah the saving grace here is that different vehicles can assume different altitudes and if the flying car is auto piloted, it has to be safer than driving stret level with the drunks, the texters and the senile.

It cant be worse. :)

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