Get Ready for WW3: Pentagon can activate reservists for Russia deterrence, Biden says!

I'm stocking up on pre-paid postcards to send home when I get sent to the front lines in Poland or Germany. I hope it's Poland because I have relatives there. Old Uncle Joe isn't going to let this chance for war go to waste.
WW2 Never ended the war against fascism continues from Korea to the cold war and on to the global war on terrorism.
The global conflict of democracy versus fascism and in all its totalitarian forms continues in all geographic areas from conventional battles to the undercover subversives through propaganda and other means destroying the pillars of a free society . '' The price of freedom is constant vigilance.''
And when is WW3, exactly?
Whenever trusted Ai { Artificial Intelligence } decides to
fess-up.Imagine counting on some version of Robby the Robot
for delicate information.Sure beats some 80 year old fuddy-duddy
who rides a bike like a widdle girl and lies more than yer garden variety
Now they're competing for who can surrender to Putin the fastest.
Pleas by all means ... Name the " They're ".
I mean,Zelensky is a bad joke who acts tough yet begs like
a street urchin from Calcutta.If Mother Teresa was around in
her prime she could Kick Zelensky's ass with one arm tied behind her
back.Think an old version of Fake Professional wrestling.

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