Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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What private property would that be then, provide evidence that it is actually legally owned by the muslims and not by the Jews

Peace Now performed an exhaustive study on all settlements in the West Bank, using official data provided to them by the Israel Lands Authority.

They found that around 33% of all settlements land is in fact Arab private property.

This is the reason why in 1979 the Israeli Supreme Court deemed it illegal for Israel to confiscate Arab private property in the West Bank and use it for settlements, as they were fully aware that it violated the 4th Geneva Conventions regulations regarding the legal and proper use of confiscated private lands in Occupied Territory.

AGAIN!!! God owns the Holyland and God gave the land to the Jewish people for eternity!!! Best you get over it! Fast!
AGAIN!!! God owns the Holyland and God gave the land to the Jewish people for eternity!!! Best you get over it! Fast!

3,000 year old fairy tales have no bearing whatsoever on this issue.

They are totally irrelevent and play no legal part in the discussion.
AGAIN!!! God owns the Holyland and God gave the land to the Jewish people for eternity!!! Best you get over it! Fast!

3,000 year old fairy tales have no bearing whatsoever on this issue.

Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin.PSALM 53:1 AND YOU????
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Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin.PSALM 53:1 AND YOU????

I've had just about enough of your insults and trying to turn this into a religious discussion.
Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin.PSALM 53:1 AND YOU????

I've had just about enough of your insults and trying to turn this into a religious discussion.


Joel 3:2 – “I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.”

Amos 9:9 – “For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.”

Zechariah 14:2 – “For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.”

Matthew 24:9 – “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.”
god's laws are the laws israel need be concerned about!!! And they are!!!

So you believe Israel can spit upon international laws that they have committed to follow?

Yours appears to be the standard Israeli belief when backed into a wall by hard and conclusive facts.
god's laws are the laws israel need be concerned about!!! And they are!!!

So you believe Israel can spit upon international laws that they have committed to follow?

Yours appears to be the standard Israeli belief when backed into a wall by hard and conclusive facts.

NOTHING NEW TODAY!!!!=== O God, don’t sit idly by, silent and inactive when we pray. Answer us! Deliver us!
2 Don’t you hear the tumult and commotion of your enemies? Don’t you see what they are doing, these proud men who hate the Lord? 3 They are full of craftiness and plot against your people, laying plans to slay your precious ones. 4 “Come,” they say, “and let us wipe out Israel as a nation—we will destroy the very memory of her existence.” 5 This was their unanimous decision at their summit conference—they signed a treaty to ally themselves against Almighty God
PSALM 83:1-5
Israel is here to stay but they need to start respecting international law.

What get's more respect, International Law or murderers?
Lebanon is proof that the UN is useless when Islamos go nuts.
Wait, when do Islamos NOT go nuts?
What get's more respect, International Law or murderers?
Lebanon is proof that the UN is useless when Islamos go nuts.
Wait, when do Islamos NOT go nuts?

Neither Hamas nor Nezbollah are signatories to the 4th Geneva Conventions or the UN Charter.

Israel is.
Israel is here to stay but they need to start respecting international law.

What get's more respect, International Law or murderers? Lebanon is proof that the UN is useless when Islamos go nuts. Wait, when do Islamos NOT go nuts?
The only reason WHY Israel is here to stay, is that they did not listen to the legions of people who demanded that they put the fine-points of international law above their own survival.

Had the Israelis listened to those voices, the Jews would have been fish-food at the bottom of the Med, back in 1948, or earlier.

The Israelis will continue to ignore voices that advocate for actions and plans that amount to suicide (slow or fast) for Israel, while doing what they can to remain compliant with various ethics and law, insofar as they can while staying focused on long-term survival and defensibility and welfare.

To be observant of international law, as a people and as a state, you must have a people and a state that are alive in the first place.

First things first.

Survival first... the nicities of the law second.
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What get's more respect, International Law or murderers?
Lebanon is proof that the UN is useless when Islamos go nuts.
Wait, when do Islamos NOT go nuts?

Neither Hamas nor Nezbollah are signatories to the 4th Geneva Conventions or the UN Charter.

Israel is.

Here's how reality works...
You make an agreements with one or more parties.
One or more of those parties can't drop the habit of trying to kill you.
You improvise.

Of course not!
The only reason WHY Israel is here to stay, is that they did not listen to the legions of people who demanded that they put the fine-points of international law above their own survival.

Had the Israelis listened to those voices, the Jews would have been fish-food at the bottom of the Med, back in 1948, or earlier.

The Israelis will continue to ignore voices that advocate for actions and plans that amount to suicide (slow or fast) for Israel, while doing what they can to remain compliant with various ethics and law, insofar as they can while staying focused on long-term survival and defensibility and welfare.

To be observant of international law, as a people and as a state, you must have a people and a state that are alive in the first place.

First things first.

Survival first... the nicities of the law second.

Israel is welcome to ignore every international law they have committed to follow, and pick and choose which parts of those laws they will respect and which parts they will ignore.

But when they do such things they have no right to complain when the world judges them for such actions. And they have no right to complain about the world not supporting them.

When they do they look like a spoiled dishonest politician who kisses babies while stealing their lolly pops.
the only reason why israel is here to stay, is that they did not listen to the legions of people who demanded that they put the fine-points of international law above their own survival.

Had the israelis listened to those voices, the jews would have been fish-food at the bottom of the med, back in 1948, or earlier.

The israelis will continue to ignore voices that advocate for actions and plans that amount to suicide (slow or fast) for israel, while doing what they can to remain compliant with various ethics and law, insofar as they can while staying focused on long-term survival and defensibility and welfare.

To be observant of international law, as a people and as a state, you must have a people and a state that are alive in the first place.

First things first.

Survival first... The nicities of the law second.

israel is welcome to ignore every international law they have committed to follow, and pick and choose which parts of those laws they will respect and which parts they will ignore.

But when they do such things they have no right to complain when the world judges them for such actions. And they have no right to complain about the world not supporting them.

When they do they look like a spoiled dishonest politician who kisses babies while stealing their lolly pops.

god says he is married to israel! Israel asnwers to god not man!!! Best you get over it=god makes the rules!!!
The only reason WHY Israel is here to stay, is that they did not listen to the legions of people who demanded that they put the fine-points of international law above their own survival.

Had the Israelis listened to those voices, the Jews would have been fish-food at the bottom of the Med, back in 1948, or earlier.

The Israelis will continue to ignore voices that advocate for actions and plans that amount to suicide (slow or fast) for Israel, while doing what they can to remain compliant with various ethics and law, insofar as they can while staying focused on long-term survival and defensibility and welfare.

To be observant of international law, as a people and as a state, you must have a people and a state that are alive in the first place.

First things first.

Survival first... the nicities of the law second.

Israel is welcome to ignore every international law they have committed to follow, and pick and choose which parts of those laws they will respect and which parts they will ignore.

But when they do such things they have no right to complain when the world judges them for such actions. And they have no right to complain about the world not supporting them.

When they do they look like a spoiled dishonest politician who kisses babies while stealing their lolly pops.
Survival first... the nicities of the law second... world opinion third (or worse).
god says he is married to israel! Israel asnwers to god not man!!! Best you get over it=god makes the rules!!!

Yes, its very clear that Israel cares little about international laws that they have sworn to follow.
god says he is married to israel! Israel asnwers to god not man!!! Best you get over it=god makes the rules!!!

Yes, its very clear that Israel cares little about international laws that they have sworn to follow.
Survival comes before international law...

If you have to violate (or bend) international law in order to survive... oh well.
Survival comes before international law...

If you have to violate (or bend) international law in order to survive... oh well.

We fully understand that Israel diregards international laws that they have sworn to uphold when it contravenes their nationalist/irredentalist interests.
Survival comes before international law...

If you have to violate (or bend) international law in order to survive... oh well.

We fully understand that Israel diregards international laws that they have sworn to uphold when it contravenes their nationalist/irredentalist interests.
Good... now you only need to understand why Israel violates international law when their own long-term survival or best interests are at-stake, and you're all set. Well done.
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