Getting cancelled by Trump supporters

So what you are saying is that the Demofacsist have perfected the art of the "Big Steal"?

No. What I’m saying is that you conspiracy theorist sore loser crybabies will whine baseless claims of election fraud after every one of your losses.
It depends on who the dems nominate. If it's Biden or Harris, then yeah, Trump wins by a landslide. I just wished Trump was even the least bit conservative. But he's not. His record proves that.

He cut taxes on businesses and workers alike.
He made several successful border policies including the erection of 460 miles of the southern wall.
He supported religious rights.
He supported our police.
He reduced social programs.
He built up our depleting military.
He reversed DumBama's policy of letting weirdos in dresses into female locker and changing rooms in school.
He created policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place.
He gave us energy independence.

It's you all or nothing people that are going to be the demise of our country. You don't seem to get that Trump had to serve half of his time with a Democrat Congress and during his time with Republicans, had to fight the RINO's like McConnell and Ryan. While never admitting he's a conservative himself, he led more conservatively than even Ronald Reagan.
If you're a fiscal & constitutional conservative, like myself, you've probably seen Trumps record of spending, increasing the size and scope of government and reauthorizing unconstitutional legislation. And you probably didn't like the idea of him assaulting our 2A with the bump stock ban. And you probably didn't like the idea of him either getting his butt kicked by Pelosi, or caving to her.
Not to mention all easily debunked lies that he told, just to get his uneducated followers to support him even more.
Things like:
Lock her up. Which he didn't even try
Make Mexico pay for the wall.... Not even possible.
Balance the budget in 4 years, that he didn't even try.
Get the national debt to zero in 8 years. Not even possible.

Just to name a few.

But if you're a die hard Trump supporter, all those lies were simply ignored. And why wouldn't they? Discussing them would mean they know Trump is lying and that they're overlooking those lies. And that in itself would cancel out all those things they said about Obama and Biden's lies being overlooked by their followers.

So where do FC/CC (fiscal and constitutional conservatives) go when there's no one to really support, except DeSantis. DeSantis has a good conservative record. But since the left and the Trump worshippers are aligned with each other now, one is surely to get cancelled by republican Trump supporters. Leaving us sort of standing alone, like the libertarian party.

I and many others have been treated like and called a liberal from Trumpbots, because we don't support someone as liberal as Trump. Trump has taken his supporters so far left of center, they don't even realize the whole "pot calling the kettle black."

And what does this do to the few conservatives congressmen and senators, who also don't support Trump? Well, I'll tell you.
What happens to them is the same thing that happened to the moderate democrats when the radical progressives took over in about 2019.
Trump supporters are telling us to shut up and sit down. Our voices don't matter. And if we speak up, their tribe will attack us and "cancel" us to the point that no one will even bother listening to reason.

The Trump tribe is the 2023 cancel culture. And it's going to be just as insane as the lefts version of it. Look at what they're doing to DeSantis. Calling him a groomer, a RINO, an establishment politician. Even with the record he has against the woke mob, Disney, the alphabet people and even the covid establishment.

liberal dictionary
fiscal conservative - tax and spend liberal.
He cut taxes on businesses and workers alike.
He made several successful border policies including the erection of 460 miles of the southern wall.
He supported religious rights.
He supported our police.
He reduced social programs.
He built up our depleting military.
He reversed DumBama's policy of letting weirdos in dresses into female locker and changing rooms in school.
He created policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place.
He gave us energy independence.
And he tried to overturn the elections results and ignore the will of the people when they voted his stupid ass out of office.

You must have forgotten to list that one.
Being fiscally conservative will lose you an election. Not enough people will vote to roll back the benefits the government now gives out.

Exactly. It's like the late Walter E Williams once said: "I'm going to run for federal office. My platform will be I will bring no money back to our state. Would you vote for me?"
Conservativism is what build this nation. Even with the Federal Reserve, conservative's (Rep and Dems) kept a close watch on the national debt. Only borrowed when it was absolutely necessary. It was this way all the way up until Reagan.
We build a massive middle class, made huge technological advances in all sort of different industries. Especially in medicine and computers. We were the most industrious nation in the world, all because our government kept our USD and it's value in check.
It wasn't until Reagan came along, with his RINO's and started treating the Fed like an unlimited credit card and started decimating the value of the dollar, by pumping trillions of borrowed dollars into the economy. This devalued our currency and forced higher wages on employers, which caused the price of everything to go up. Which caused even higher wages. Rinse and repeat all the way up to 2023.

I wouldn't vote for either of them. Because neither of them are fiscally conservative.
OK then.


You are not rational at all.
It appears that these people are not really into actual issues.
Hahaha…that’s some funny shit…only in the backwards LibTardian Twilight Zone will you find this twisted bullshit.
You aren’t into actual issues….you voted against a guy with amazing polices for actual issues because he was mean….you voted for a guy who promised you higher taxes, promised you $6 fuel, promised to force you to take medicine you didn’t want, promised to stop you from your pursuit of happiness, promised to hire people for their skin color and vaginas, promised to force more wetbacks in your lap.

As he says, Trump is their retribution. Their primal scream. Their big FUCK YOU to the country. They think they've been victimized.
Hahaha…they have been victimized. You Lefties have tried like hell to morph their nation into the anything goes, no boundaries, indecent socialist shithole you desire.
Their miserable lives are all the fault of someone else.
”How dare these bastards point out the obvious failures found in Leftist policy/ideology.”
The last thing they'll do is look in the mirror, just like their ruler.
What would they see? Patriots defending, preserving and protecting their nation?
Same for me. Great until he went in a massive spending spree with no money to pay for it.

And eliminated so many tax deductions. I ended up paying $600 more in taxes than I did the year before they were implemented. There were certain things about the mileage I was able to deduct (the year before) than I could no longer deduction. The only way to juke the taxes, was to show more income. Which would put me into a higher bracket and I'd still end up paying $700 more.
I’m not a Trump supporter but I’m also not a Moderate. Unless the Republican Party can provide an IDEOLOGICAL CONSERVATIVE option, DJT will win the nomination because those of us who ARE ideological Conservatives will walk away, just as we did in 2098, 2022, and 2020.
We walked away in the future?
liberal dictionary
fiscal conservative - tax and spend liberal.

You're wrong. Dead wrong. You're using the media and the new republicans definition. I'm using the original one from before Reagan.
The GOP hijacked the word "conservatism" and and changed the definition. Since Reagan, "conservatism" just means Republican.
This is where the acronym RINO stems from. Because just prior to Reagan, 90% of republicans were conservative. The nation debt and the spending records prove that. So when someone called Reagan a RINO, that meant he wasn't conservative.
Now RINO just means someone isn't a Trump supporter.

So the new term should be CINO. As in Trump, McCarthy, Romney, McConnell. You know, big spending, big government republicans.
One day you may wake up and understand Trump's brilliance. From your post it's obvious you still don't get it.

You just don't understand my posts because you're a Trump loyalist. If you dug into his actual record, not the one he says he has, but the one he actually has, you'll see that Trump isn't the least bit conservative.

Serious, that short list I provided in this thread, and the others l've posted on other threads (that you've commented on), how in TF, can you honestly say Trump is a conservative? Because you're listening to what Trump says instead of researching Trumps actual record?

FFS, the Platinum Plan he pushed through isn't even borderline socialism. It's dead in the face socialism. No actual conservative would even think of such a plan.
He cut taxes on businesses and workers alike.
He made several successful border policies including the erection of 460 miles of the southern wall.
He supported religious rights.
He supported our police.
He reduced social programs.
He built up our depleting military.
He reversed DumBama's policy of letting weirdos in dresses into female locker and changing rooms in school.
He created policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place.
He gave us energy independence.

It's you all or nothing people that are going to be the demise of our country. You don't seem to get that Trump had to serve half of his time with a Democrat Congress and during his time with Republicans, had to fight the RINO's like McConnell and Ryan. While never admitting he's a conservative himself, he led more conservatively than even Ronald Reagan.

Tax cuts while eliminating tax deductions and HUGE spending increases..........Totally a liberal thing.
460 mile long expensive bandaid.
Saying you support religious rights and the police is just saying it. Politicians lie.
How did he reduce social programs, specifically?
Our military wasn't depleted. Republicans say that every time they take office. Obama had TONS of military contracts with weapons manufacturers.
I supported his anti Trans stuff.
Our energy independence came when the demand for oil hit an all time low. It's easy to be energy independent when 1/2 of Americans aren't driving. BTW, US oil field lay offs were at record highs long before the 2020 election. In fact, by july, (4 months before the elections) articles like this one were already being reported.

Colorado oil company hit by second wave of layoffs

And this one
The United States, the third-biggest employer in the oil and gas sector globally, saw the number of jobs in the industry decline to around 960,000 last year, down from approximately 1,080,000 employees in 2019. Due to the still ongoing downturn and the rollover effect into 2021, the number of oil and gas workers in the United States could drop to 950,000, the energy research company said.

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