Getting it straight; Pamela Geller is a nut.

You have no clue what racism is...

It's right there for all to see in your every stupid, racist post, kid.
No moron, I have not racially attacked anyone and I have not used racial slurs anywhere.

YOU are the one who attacked me after I put a racist of shit in his place when they used Angel Gutierrez's quote(Gutierrez is a genocidal maniac), YOU are the problem.

Too late to run from your posting history now, punk.
I am not running away from anything, ...

Then you admit to being a racist punk? Fine.
Do you?
How have we fallen so far in this country to people CONDEMNING this woman for exercising Her/ours FREEDOMS OF SPEECH without fear of being ATTACKED and KILLED?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


Read more at I do not agree with what you have to say but I ll defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire at BrainyQuote

I'm not so much condemning her for having a voice, I'm on her ass for being reckless by knowingly inciting a bunch of assholes to violence.

that is silly. in fact you are claiming that muslims are a DANGER TO SOCIETY-----according to your statement ---they should be forcibly institutionalized

I am speaking of the terrorist nut-jobs, not Muslims.

Should I condem all Christians, just because of a hand full of pedophiles? I'd rather not live and die by making generalizations about large groups of people.
Pedophiles are born that way...

Ok and this is important, because....?
Are you stupid? If pedophiles are born that way then a few Christians being pedophiles would mean nothing compared to Muslim terrorists.
the art contest was a provocation and nothing more.
The first amendment was the last thing on her mind.
she's the kind of person who thinks it's fun to yell fire in a crowded theatre...

You musta sat in one of Professor Chris Cuomo's Constitutional law classes.
Pamela Geller didn't draw a single cartoon. She was not responsible for the Charlie Hebdo massacre nor the fatwa against the Danish cartoonist who was the first to draw mohammed. Pamela Geller has nothing to do with the movie made by Theo Van Gough. She didn't run the school that got Malala shot in the head.

Exactly...........funny how the left takes common cause with the muslim terrorists........blame the victims......if only they didn't draw those cartoons......and soon...if only she wore a veil and didn't antagonize that muslim rapist, and if only those gays, well...weren't gay when the muslims killed them....and on and on......

You don't back down to killers.....why.....? Because they will be encouraged to keep killing to keep you in line......

And since she is the only one over here with the balls to fight these assholes while the castrated American left bitches and moans about her, while they applaud The Book of Mormon, Piss Christ and all the other attacks on peaceful religions......they are cowards.......and attack Pamela Geller because they are terrified of muslims........

Where is the left taking "common cause" with terrorists? Link?

By condemning Pamela Geller......both think she was wrong to incite the terrorists.......
Both sides can be wrong, you know.

Stiffnecked Jew-bitch and wannabe amateur terrorists both wrong in this case.

Being rid of 2 out of 3 ain't a bad day's work though.

(Expletive) you, you runt! Hopin' next time you have a run-in with ole Wile E, he plucks every (bleep)ing, anti-Semitic feather from that skinny, chicken ass!
Exactly...........funny how the left takes common cause with the muslim terrorists........blame the victims......if only they didn't draw those cartoons......and soon...if only she wore a veil and didn't antagonize that muslim rapist, and if only those gays, well...weren't gay when the muslims killed them....and on and on......

You don't back down to killers.....why.....? Because they will be encouraged to keep killing to keep you in line......

And since she is the only one over here with the balls to fight these assholes while the castrated American left bitches and moans about her, while they applaud The Book of Mormon, Piss Christ and all the other attacks on peaceful religions......they are cowards.......and attack Pamela Geller because they are terrified of muslims........

Where is the left taking "common cause" with terrorists? Link?

By condemning Pamela Geller......both think she was wrong to incite the terrorists.......
Both sides can be wrong, you know.

Stiffnecked Jew-bitch and wannabe amateur terrorists both wrong in this case.

Being rid of 2 out of 3 ain't a bad day's work though.

She is an atheist....

She is also a Jew.

Check her ancestry.

Genetically, she is a Jew.

That's why she fightin' so hard against these murderous, anti-Semitic jihadists -- because her people, our Jewish brothers and sisters, are in the front lines against these radical savages! 17 innocent victims were murdered by the Muslim terrorists this past January in France -- 6 of them Jewish in a country were Jews are only 0.751% of the general population!
Because you are left wing idiots?

You support the Westboro Baptists and David Duke? That's certainly telling.
David Duke is fighting anti-white racism when no else will and when a major political party is actively defending and encouraging said anti-white racism under the guise of "tolerance"(like the idiot in the thread about Saida Grundy not only defending her clearly anti-white male quotes, but also calling white males who have problem with it "bigots" and losers). Until Democrats stop being nothing but a huge hate group white nationalists will always have the moral high ground.
The Westboro Baptist Church is one stupid family with absolutely no power other than what it was given by left wing Christianophobes who wanted to use them to prove there was a Evangelical Christian group even remotely as crazy as the average Muslim.

So, you enjoy being a cowardly, racist idiot? You really seem committed to it.
We have a cowardly racist idiot in the White House. What's the problem?

It's ironic that you bitch about Nazis and in the same breath, try your best to emulate one of their most useful political tools -- wrongfully smearing political opponents with false claims of "racism" and other unfounded garbage.

What would Hitler have to say about the Mooslums?

One of Hitler's -- may this #1 POS be skewered on a spit, spinin' and rottin' in hell 4ever -- best pal was the Muslim Palestinian, the mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who I imagine is by Hitler's side, spinin' and rottin' also!
David Duke is fighting anti-white racism when no else will and when a major political party is actively defending and encouraging said anti-white racism under the guise of "tolerance"(like the idiot in the thread about Saida Grundy not only defending her clearly anti-white male quotes, but also calling white males who have problem with it "bigots" and losers). Until Democrats stop being nothing but a huge hate group white nationalists will always have the moral high ground.
The Westboro Baptist Church is one stupid family with absolutely no power other than what it was given by left wing Christianophobes who wanted to use them to prove there was a Evangelical Christian group even remotely as crazy as the average Muslim.

So, you enjoy being a cowardly, racist idiot? You really seem committed to it.
We have a cowardly racist idiot in the White House. What's the problem?

It's ironic that you bitch about Nazis and in the same breath, try your best to emulate one of their most useful political tools -- wrongfully smearing political opponents with false claims of "racism" and other unfounded garbage.

What would Hitler have to say about the Mooslums?
David Duke is fighting anti-white racism when no else will and when a major political party is actively defending and encouraging said anti-white racism under the guise of "tolerance"(like the idiot in the thread about Saida Grundy not only defending her clearly anti-white male quotes, but also calling white males who have problem with it "bigots" and losers). Until Democrats stop being nothing but a huge hate group white nationalists will always have the moral high ground.
The Westboro Baptist Church is one stupid family with absolutely no power other than what it was given by left wing Christianophobes who wanted to use them to prove there was a Evangelical Christian group even remotely as crazy as the average Muslim.

So, you enjoy being a cowardly, racist idiot? You really seem committed to it.
We have a cowardly racist idiot in the White House. What's the problem?

It's ironic that you bitch about Nazis and in the same breath, try your best to emulate one of their most useful political tools -- wrongfully smearing political opponents with false claims of "racism" and other unfounded garbage.

What would Hitler have to say about the Mooslums?
You obviously are ignorant of the fact Hitler and Muslims were allies. Ever read a history book?

There is no "Muslim" country, you do realize that half of the world is Muslim, do you not? Just like some fought for, some fought against.

Now, let me ask you one more time, do you honestly believe that Hitler had any use for Muslims, beyond forcing them to fight his battles?

Mad cabbie -- sharia compliant.
How have we fallen so far in this country to people CONDEMNING this woman for exercising Her/ours FREEDOMS OF SPEECH without fear of being ATTACKED and KILLED?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


Read more at I do not agree with what you have to say but I ll defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire at BrainyQuote

I'm not so much condemning her for having a voice, I'm on her ass for being reckless by knowingly inciting a bunch of assholes to violence.

that is silly. in fact you are claiming that muslims are a DANGER TO SOCIETY-----according to your statement ---they should be forcibly institutionalized

I am speaking of the terrorist nut-jobs, not Muslims.

Should I condem all Christians, just because of a hand full of pedophiles? I'd rather not live and die by making generalizations about large groups of people.

terrorists are not 'nut-jobs' in muslim cultures----they are heros-----in fact the Garland texas jerk who was the son of a Pakistani father been LAUDED AS A HERO over there.
He is now a CELEBRATED personality. It would seem to me that in order to CELEBRATE the lump of scum---it would take more than a tiny little fringe . Of course, there is a remote possibility that some of the muslims in Pakistan do not agree that he died a HERO

Ms Rose, so nice to see you postin'. I haven't see you at our old hangin' place. For a moment there, I thought you had hung up the gloves.
How have we fallen so far in this country to people CONDEMNING this woman for exercising Her/ours FREEDOMS OF SPEECH without fear of being ATTACKED and KILLED?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


Read more at I do not agree with what you have to say but I ll defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire at BrainyQuote

I'm not so much condemning her for having a voice, I'm on her ass for being reckless by knowingly inciting a bunch of assholes to violence.

that is silly. in fact you are claiming that muslims are a DANGER TO SOCIETY-----according to your statement ---they should be forcibly institutionalized

I am speaking of the terrorist nut-jobs, not Muslims.

Should I condem all Christians, just because of a hand full of pedophiles? I'd rather not live and die by making generalizations about large groups of people.

terrorists are not 'nut-jobs' in muslim cultures----they are heros-----in fact the Garland texas jerk who was the son of a Pakistani father been LAUDED AS A HERO over there.
He is now a CELEBRATED personality. It would seem to me that in order to CELEBRATE the lump of scum---it would take more than a tiny little fringe . Of course, there is a remote possibility that some of the muslims in Pakistan do not agree that he died a HERO

Ms Rose, so nice to see you postin'. I haven't see you at our old hangin' place. For a moment there, I thought you had hung up the gloves.

was I gone a long time? where was I?
I'm not so much condemning her for having a voice, I'm on her ass for being reckless by knowingly inciting a bunch of assholes to violence.

that is silly. in fact you are claiming that muslims are a DANGER TO SOCIETY-----according to your statement ---they should be forcibly institutionalized

I am speaking of the terrorist nut-jobs, not Muslims.

Should I condem all Christians, just because of a hand full of pedophiles? I'd rather not live and die by making generalizations about large groups of people.
Pedophiles are born that way...

Ok and this is important, because....?
Are you stupid? If pedophiles are born that way then a few Christians being pedophiles would mean nothing compared to Muslim terrorists.

I do not believe pedophilia is actually hardwired ----
it is probably related to early experiences with sexual stimulation-----that does not imply that the pedophile was
necessarily abused-----it just means that a particular
individual thru whatever stimulated his sexual "awakening"---somehow got involved with being stimulated
by a child------or fantasies thereof. Always remember----no
erotic FANTASY is a crime----and erotic fantasies can include all kinds of werid stuff
We attack Pamela Geller for the same reason we attack the Westboro Baptists, David Duke, and others like that.
Because you are left wing idiots?

You support the Westboro Baptists and David Duke? That's certainly telling.
David Duke is fighting anti-white racism when no else will and when a major political party is actively defending and encouraging said anti-white racism under the guise of "tolerance"(like the idiot in the thread about Saida Grundy not only defending her clearly anti-white male quotes, but also calling white males who have problem with it "bigots" and losers). Until Democrats stop being nothing but a huge hate group white nationalists will always have the moral high ground.
The Westboro Baptist Church is one stupid family with absolutely no power other than what it was given by left wing Christianophobes who wanted to use them to prove there was a Evangelical Christian group even remotely as crazy as the average Muslim.

Stormfront is missing its village idiot.
How have we fallen so far in this country to people CONDEMNING this woman for exercising Her/ours FREEDOMS OF SPEECH without fear of being ATTACKED and KILLED?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


Read more at I do not agree with what you have to say but I ll defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire at BrainyQuote

Well, WTF do you think free speech is? Pamela has the right to be a media whore and get paid to spread hate, just like Sarah Palin.

And sane people get to voice their opinions. See how free speech works, dingbat?
How have we fallen so far in this country to people CONDEMNING this woman for exercising Her/ours FREEDOMS OF SPEECH without fear of being ATTACKED and KILLED?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


Read more at I do not agree with what you have to say but I ll defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire at BrainyQuote

Well, WTF do you think free speech is? Pamela has the right to be a media whore and get paid to spread hate, just like Sarah Palin.

And sane people get to voice their opinions. See how free speech works, dingbat?

And you won't whine when you're called out as the douchebag you are, right?
who is paying Pamela Geller? She seems to be independently prosperous ----family money and ---hubby money
How have we fallen so far in this country to people CONDEMNING this woman for exercising Her/ours FREEDOMS OF SPEECH without fear of being ATTACKED and KILLED?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


Read more at I do not agree with what you have to say but I ll defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire at BrainyQuote

Well, WTF do you think free speech is? Pamela has the right to be a media whore and get paid to spread hate, just like Sarah Palin.

And sane people get to voice their opinions. See how free speech works, dingbat?

And you won't whine when you're called out as the douchebag you are, right?

I guess I will if I feel like it, however, in this case, I'll just say you're on the wrong side of the fence.
How have we fallen so far in this country to people CONDEMNING this woman for exercising Her/ours FREEDOMS OF SPEECH without fear of being ATTACKED and KILLED?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


Read more at I do not agree with what you have to say but I ll defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire at BrainyQuote

Well, WTF do you think free speech is? Pamela has the right to be a media whore and get paid to spread hate, just like Sarah Palin.

And sane people get to voice their opinions. See how free speech works, dingbat?

And you won't whine when you're called out as the douchebag you are, right?

I guess I will if I feel like it, however, in this case, I'll just say you're on the wrong side of the fence.

What fence is that?
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.
We attack Pamela Geller for the same reason we attack the Westboro Baptists, David Duke, and others like that.
Because you are left wing idiots?

You support the Westboro Baptists and David Duke? That's certainly telling.
David Duke is fighting anti-white racism when no else will and when a major political party is actively defending and encouraging said anti-white racism under the guise of "tolerance"(like the idiot in the thread about Saida Grundy not only defending her clearly anti-white male quotes, but also calling white males who have problem with it "bigots" and losers). Until Democrats stop being nothing but a huge hate group white nationalists will always have the moral high ground.
The Westboro Baptist Church is one stupid family with absolutely no power other than what it was given by left wing Christianophobes who wanted to use them to prove there was a Evangelical Christian group even remotely as crazy as the average Muslim.

Stormfront is missing its village idiot.
Saida Grundy is missing her slave girl.
who is paying Pamela Geller? She seems to be independently prosperous ----family money and ---hubby money

For starters, she's an author and a commentator. She's also a former newspaper editor. Does she do it for free? I think not.

why do you "think not" ------??? you are just guessing She was married to somewhat wealthy business men and
got lots of money In divorce settlements and I believe interest in some sort of business that provides her with
an income I do not doubt that she has an income----
but I see no reason to GUESS that she gets paid to write
opinion pieces on islam or sponsor cartoon contests. If she writes a book-----then she could make money on that.
Who would be paying her for commenting on islam or
organizing protests?

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