Getting it straight; Pamela Geller is a nut.

It's ironic that you bitch about Nazis and in the same breath, try your best to emulate one of their most useful political tools -- wrongfully smearing political opponents with false claims of "racism" and other unfounded garbage.

What would Hitler have to say about the Mooslums?
It's ironic that you bitch about Nazis and in the same breath, try your best to emulate one of their most useful political tools -- wrongfully smearing political opponents with false claims of "racism" and other unfounded garbage.

What would Hitler have to say about the Mooslums?
You obviously are ignorant of the fact Hitler and Muslims were allies. Ever read a history book?

No. They weren't. Hitler and the Mufti of Jeruselum, a Palestinian Arab nationalist, had an alliance. He by no means represents all "the Muslims".
It's ironic that you bitch about Nazis and in the same breath, try your best to emulate one of their most useful political tools -- wrongfully smearing political opponents with false claims of "racism" and other unfounded garbage.

What would Hitler have to say about the Mooslums?
It's ironic that you bitch about Nazis and in the same breath, try your best to emulate one of their most useful political tools -- wrongfully smearing political opponents with false claims of "racism" and other unfounded garbage.

What would Hitler have to say about the Mooslums?
You obviously are ignorant of the fact Hitler and Muslims were allies. Ever read a history book?

No. They weren't. Hitler and the Mufti of Jeruselum, a Palestinian Arab nationalist, had an alliance. He by no means represents all "the Muslims".

Research Nazis and Syria.

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Hitler and fascist ideology were controversial in the Arab world, just as they were in Europe, with both supporters and opponents."

Wikipedia is not a secure site and can be edited.

By both sides. It DOES however, provide sources.
You obviously are ignorant of the fact Hitler and Muslims were allies. Ever read a history book?

No. They weren't. Hitler and the Mufti of Jeruselum, a Palestinian Arab nationalist, had an alliance. He by no means represents all "the Muslims".
You obviously are ignorant of the fact Hitler and Muslims were allies. Ever read a history book?

No. They weren't. Hitler and the Mufti of Jeruselum, a Palestinian Arab nationalist, had an alliance. He by no means represents all "the Muslims".

Research Nazis and Syria.

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Hitler and fascist ideology were controversial in the Arab world, just as they were in Europe, with both supporters and opponents."

Wikipedia is not a secure site and can be edited.

By both sides. It DOES however, provide sources.

There are no sides. There is the truth and there is lying propaganda.
No. They weren't. Hitler and the Mufti of Jeruselum, a Palestinian Arab nationalist, had an alliance. He by no means represents all "the Muslims".
No. They weren't. Hitler and the Mufti of Jeruselum, a Palestinian Arab nationalist, had an alliance. He by no means represents all "the Muslims".

Research Nazis and Syria.

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Hitler and fascist ideology were controversial in the Arab world, just as they were in Europe, with both supporters and opponents."

Wikipedia is not a secure site and can be edited.

By both sides. It DOES however, provide sources.

There are no sides. There is the truth and there is lying propaganda.

Oh...? Who determines "truth"?

Claiming that the Muslims (as a whole or even majority) were allied with Hitler is clearly not "truth".
We attack Pamela Geller for the same reason we attack the Westboro Baptists, David Duke, and others like that.
Because you are left wing idiots?

You support the Westboro Baptists and David Duke? That's certainly telling.
David Duke is fighting anti-white racism when no else will and when a major political party is actively defending and encouraging said anti-white racism under the guise of "tolerance"(like the idiot in the thread about Saida Grundy not only defending her clearly anti-white male quotes, but also calling white males who have problem with it "bigots" and losers). Until Democrats stop being nothing but a huge hate group white nationalists will always have the moral high ground.
The Westboro Baptist Church is one stupid family with absolutely no power other than what it was given by left wing Christianophobes who wanted to use them to prove there was a Evangelical Christian group even remotely as crazy as the average Muslim.

I have interviewed psychotics------and they all express a grain of "truth" buried in their nuttiness-----as do you----but it is not ENOUGH to be acceptable to a sane mind

Rosie, first you need to have some familiarity with the sane mind before you can determine what is "acceptable" or not....just saying :)

Kinda funny there, coyote----my evaluation of sanity is acceptable in a USA court of law.
Because you are left wing idiots?

You support the Westboro Baptists and David Duke? That's certainly telling.
David Duke is fighting anti-white racism when no else will and when a major political party is actively defending and encouraging said anti-white racism under the guise of "tolerance"(like the idiot in the thread about Saida Grundy not only defending her clearly anti-white male quotes, but also calling white males who have problem with it "bigots" and losers). Until Democrats stop being nothing but a huge hate group white nationalists will always have the moral high ground.
The Westboro Baptist Church is one stupid family with absolutely no power other than what it was given by left wing Christianophobes who wanted to use them to prove there was a Evangelical Christian group even remotely as crazy as the average Muslim.

I have interviewed psychotics------and they all express a grain of "truth" buried in their nuttiness-----as do you----but it is not ENOUGH to be acceptable to a sane mind

Rosie, first you need to have some familiarity with the sane mind before you can determine what is "acceptable" or not....just saying :)

Kinda funny there, coyote----my evaluation of sanity is acceptable in a USA court of law.

Are you familiar with the term "delusional"?
David Duke is fighting anti-white racism when no else will and when a major political party is actively defending and encouraging said anti-white racism under the guise of "tolerance"(like the idiot in the thread about Saida Grundy not only defending her clearly anti-white male quotes, but also calling white males who have problem with it "bigots" and losers). Until Democrats stop being nothing but a huge hate group white nationalists will always have the moral high ground.
The Westboro Baptist Church is one stupid family with absolutely no power other than what it was given by left wing Christianophobes who wanted to use them to prove there was a Evangelical Christian group even remotely as crazy as the average Muslim.

So, you enjoy being a cowardly, racist idiot? You really seem committed to it.
We have a cowardly racist idiot in the White House. What's the problem?

It's ironic that you bitch about Nazis and in the same breath, try your best to emulate one of their most useful political tools -- wrongfully smearing political opponents with false claims of "racism" and other unfounded garbage.

What would Hitler have to say about the Mooslums?
David Duke is fighting anti-white racism when no else will and when a major political party is actively defending and encouraging said anti-white racism under the guise of "tolerance"(like the idiot in the thread about Saida Grundy not only defending her clearly anti-white male quotes, but also calling white males who have problem with it "bigots" and losers). Until Democrats stop being nothing but a huge hate group white nationalists will always have the moral high ground.
The Westboro Baptist Church is one stupid family with absolutely no power other than what it was given by left wing Christianophobes who wanted to use them to prove there was a Evangelical Christian group even remotely as crazy as the average Muslim.

So, you enjoy being a cowardly, racist idiot? You really seem committed to it.
We have a cowardly racist idiot in the White House. What's the problem?

It's ironic that you bitch about Nazis and in the same breath, try your best to emulate one of their most useful political tools -- wrongfully smearing political opponents with false claims of "racism" and other unfounded garbage.

What would Hitler have to say about the Mooslums?
You obviously are ignorant of the fact Hitler and Muslims were allies. Ever read a history book?

No. They weren't. Hitler and the Mufti of Jeruselum, a Palestinian Arab nationalist, had an alliance. He by no means represents all "the Muslims".

COYOTE again relies on the "ALL" word If there is one muslim who did not like AL HUSSEINI she wins just as if there was one German who did not love adolf----the holocaust deniers WIN. Of course al husseini did not represent ALL MUSLIMS ----except in one feature---his advocation of murdering jewish babies
You support the Westboro Baptists and David Duke? That's certainly telling.
David Duke is fighting anti-white racism when no else will and when a major political party is actively defending and encouraging said anti-white racism under the guise of "tolerance"(like the idiot in the thread about Saida Grundy not only defending her clearly anti-white male quotes, but also calling white males who have problem with it "bigots" and losers). Until Democrats stop being nothing but a huge hate group white nationalists will always have the moral high ground.
The Westboro Baptist Church is one stupid family with absolutely no power other than what it was given by left wing Christianophobes who wanted to use them to prove there was a Evangelical Christian group even remotely as crazy as the average Muslim.

I have interviewed psychotics------and they all express a grain of "truth" buried in their nuttiness-----as do you----but it is not ENOUGH to be acceptable to a sane mind

Rosie, first you need to have some familiarity with the sane mind before you can determine what is "acceptable" or not....just saying :)

Kinda funny there, coyote----my evaluation of sanity is acceptable in a USA court of law.

Are you familiar with the term "delusional"?

Of course-----it has been my job to evaluate people like you and search for the underlying pathology. I did a fine job----
ALWAYS check for tertiary lues. The number of persons harboring those little spirochetes who end up on the psychiatry ward is AMAZING.
Chivalry is dead in this country thanks to the political correctness of the left/lib/progressive
Research Nazis and Syria.

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Hitler and fascist ideology were controversial in the Arab world, just as they were in Europe, with both supporters and opponents."

Wikipedia is not a secure site and can be edited.

By both sides. It DOES however, provide sources.

There are no sides. There is the truth and there is lying propaganda.

Oh...? Who determines "truth"?

Claiming that the Muslims (as a whole or even majority) were allied with Hitler is clearly not "truth".

Oh, go piss up a rope, you leftist hateful trash. Muslims and Nazis had a commonality, Exterminate the Jews.
This is the winning picture. Now who is being a nut?


IMO, this drawing is not hateful. It is not even distasteful. It should be much to do about nothing, but it's not because of radical Islamic terrorist, not because of the cartoonist. Let's put the blame where the blame belongs.
Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Hitler and fascist ideology were controversial in the Arab world, just as they were in Europe, with both supporters and opponents."

Wikipedia is not a secure site and can be edited.

By both sides. It DOES however, provide sources.

There are no sides. There is the truth and there is lying propaganda.

Oh...? Who determines "truth"?

Claiming that the Muslims (as a whole or even majority) were allied with Hitler is clearly not "truth".

Oh, go piss up a rope, you leftist hateful trash. Muslims and Nazis had a commonality, Exterminate the Jews.

the very best and kindest thing that can be said for Coyote is ---she does not really know so she is guessing. The real fact is--
that when it comes to jews----muslims did not need her hero ADOLF in order to murder jews. They have been doing it for 1400 years. The writings and theories of Adolf ---with reference to jews ---are simply entirely consistent with those of islam and were NEVER controversial in the muslim world----they are ENTIRELY accepted. How do I know? I read Nazi literature as a child because I grew up in an area of the USA which was
one of the epicenters of Nazism. -------the pamphlets were ALL OVER THE place circa 1960. Then later on and for the next 50 years I interacted with lots and lots of doctors educated in
muslim lands. -------they know the Nazi literature CHAPTER AND VERSE-------in fact most muslims never read the Koran---but they know the writings of Nazi war criminals who found refuge in
places like Syria and Egypt where they lived the good life simply for writing Nazi propaganda for MUSLIM CONSUMPTION.
An interesting manifestation of the filth which coyote probably knows exists but lives to deny, is-------the muslims MOST SUSCEPTIBLE to the filth she licks------are those from lands that
have no jewish population at all. -----or almost NEVER did. I got my information from SCORES of Pakistani medical school
graduates------who----very naturally, took me for a Christian.
The shit that coyote calls "CONTROVERSIAL" is taught to muslim infants and in mosques. ----intensively. I have never come across overt DISSENT. (to be fair----they are taught that Christians are shit too-----but really not even close to as shitty are are jews ------I got it in a mosque frequented by muslims from southeat asia-----way back in the early 1970s ----to be even more fair-----the one Saudi I knew well-----did not, entirely, buy into the shit---smart kid-----he ended up in a very famous jewish hospital in New York City-------believe it or not --- MONTEFIORE)----I should have mentioned that muslims of southeast asia are taught to despise hindus,, too. --------they did not bomb Bali and Mumbai
out of LOVE
Don't say Mohammed three times in front of a mirror. He will appear and draw a cartoon of you.
How have we fallen so far in this country to people CONDEMNING this woman for exercising Her/ours FREEDOMS OF SPEECH without fear of being ATTACKED and KILLED?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


Read more at I do not agree with what you have to say but I ll defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire at BrainyQuote

I'm not so much condemning her for having a voice, I'm on her ass for being reckless by knowingly inciting a bunch of assholes to violence.
Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Hitler and fascist ideology were controversial in the Arab world, just as they were in Europe, with both supporters and opponents."

Wikipedia is not a secure site and can be edited.

By both sides. It DOES however, provide sources.

There are no sides. There is the truth and there is lying propaganda.

Oh...? Who determines "truth"?

Claiming that the Muslims (as a whole or even majority) were allied with Hitler is clearly not "truth".

Oh, go piss up a rope, you leftist hateful trash. Muslims and Nazis had a commonality, Exterminate the Jews.

Right, good thing you aren't hateful like her.


Advice for You, MR-tough-guy-sock puppet, enjoy your stay, but tread a little softer on your first fucking day here.

Coyote is a friend of mine, she is a moderator and an important long time poster on this site.

In short, she isn't a fucking joke like you are.
Last edited:
How have we fallen so far in this country to people CONDEMNING this woman for exercising Her/ours FREEDOMS OF SPEECH without fear of being ATTACKED and KILLED?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


Read more at I do not agree with what you have to say but I ll defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire at BrainyQuote

I'm not so much condemning her for having a voice, I'm on her ass for being reckless by knowingly inciting a bunch of assholes to violence.

that is silly. in fact you are claiming that muslims are a DANGER TO SOCIETY-----according to your statement ---they should be forcibly institutionalized
How have we fallen so far in this country to people CONDEMNING this woman for exercising Her/ours FREEDOMS OF SPEECH without fear of being ATTACKED and KILLED?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


Read more at I do not agree with what you have to say but I ll defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire at BrainyQuote

I'm not so much condemning her for having a voice, I'm on her ass for being reckless by knowingly inciting a bunch of assholes to violence.
And the alternative is that the assholes win because they become violent over someone drawing a cartoon. What will they decide to become violent over next? What other limits will be imposed on us because the Muslim extremist will become violent?
How have we fallen so far in this country to people CONDEMNING this woman for exercising Her/ours FREEDOMS OF SPEECH without fear of being ATTACKED and KILLED?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


Read more at I do not agree with what you have to say but I ll defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire at BrainyQuote

I'm not so much condemning her for having a voice, I'm on her ass for being reckless by knowingly inciting a bunch of assholes to violence.

that is silly. in fact you are claiming that muslims are a DANGER TO SOCIETY-----according to your statement ---they should be forcibly institutionalized

I am speaking of the terrorist nut-jobs, not Muslims.

Should I condem all Christians, just because of a hand full of pedophiles? I'd rather not live and die by making generalizations about large groups of people.

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