Getting it straight; Pamela Geller is a nut.

that is silly. in fact you are claiming that muslims are a DANGER TO SOCIETY-----according to your statement ---they should be forcibly institutionalized

I am speaking of the terrorist nut-jobs, not Muslims.

Should I condem all Christians, just because of a hand full of pedophiles? I'd rather not live and die by making generalizations about large groups of people.
Pedophiles are born that way...

Ok and this is important, because....?
Are you stupid? If pedophiles are born that way then a few Christians being pedophiles would mean nothing compared to Muslim terrorists.

I do not believe pedophilia is actually hardwired ----
it is probably related to early experiences with sexual stimulation-----that does not imply that the pedophile was
necessarily abused-----it just means that a particular
individual thru whatever stimulated his sexual "awakening"---somehow got involved with being stimulated
by a child------or fantasies thereof. Always remember----no
erotic FANTASY is a crime----and erotic fantasies can include all kinds of werid stuff
You sound like a right wing bigot.
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

I think that many people simply do not know HOW MUCH
muslims are celebrating nor do they consider that sense of
VICTORY to be harmful-------ie---americans are naive
Wikipedia is not a secure site and can be edited.

By both sides. It DOES however, provide sources.

There are no sides. There is the truth and there is lying propaganda.

Oh...? Who determines "truth"?

Claiming that the Muslims (as a whole or even majority) were allied with Hitler is clearly not "truth".

Oh, go piss up a rope, you leftist hateful trash. Muslims and Nazis had a commonality, Exterminate the Jews.

the very best and kindest thing that can be said for Coyote is ---she does not really know so she is guessing. The real fact is--
that when it comes to jews----muslims did not need her hero ADOLF in order to murder jews. They have been doing it for 1400 years. The writings and theories of Adolf ---with reference to jews ---are simply entirely consistent with those of islam and were NEVER controversial in the muslim world----they are ENTIRELY accepted. How do I know? I read Nazi literature as a child because I grew up in an area of the USA which was
one of the epicenters of Nazism. -------the pamphlets were ALL OVER THE place circa 1960. Then later on and for the next 50 years I interacted with lots and lots of doctors educated in
muslim lands. -------they know the Nazi literature CHAPTER AND VERSE-------in fact most muslims never read the Koran---but they know the writings of Nazi war criminals who found refuge in
places like Syria and Egypt where they lived the good life simply for writing Nazi propaganda for MUSLIM CONSUMPTION.
An interesting manifestation of the filth which coyote probably knows exists but lives to deny, is-------the muslims MOST SUSCEPTIBLE to the filth she licks------are those from lands that
have no jewish population at all. -----or almost NEVER did. I got my information from SCORES of Pakistani medical school
graduates------who----very naturally, took me for a Christian.
The shit that coyote calls "CONTROVERSIAL" is taught to muslim infants and in mosques. ----intensively. I have never come across overt DISSENT. (to be fair----they are taught that Christians are shit too-----but really not even close to as shitty are are jews ------I got it in a mosque frequented by muslims from southeat asia-----way back in the early 1970s ----to be even more fair-----the one Saudi I knew well-----did not, entirely, buy into the shit---smart kid-----he ended up in a very famous jewish hospital in New York City-------believe it or not --- MONTEFIORE)----I should have mentioned that muslims of southeast asia are taught to despise hindus,, too. --------they did not bomb Bali and Mumbai
out of LOVE

Neither do most Christians read the bible, even when they do; they tell the bible what IT says.
I am speaking of the terrorist nut-jobs, not Muslims.

Should I condem all Christians, just because of a hand full of pedophiles? I'd rather not live and die by making generalizations about large groups of people.
Pedophiles are born that way...

Ok and this is important, because....?
Are you stupid? If pedophiles are born that way then a few Christians being pedophiles would mean nothing compared to Muslim terrorists.

I do not believe pedophilia is actually hardwired ----
it is probably related to early experiences with sexual stimulation-----that does not imply that the pedophile was
necessarily abused-----it just means that a particular
individual thru whatever stimulated his sexual "awakening"---somehow got involved with being stimulated
by a child------or fantasies thereof. Always remember----no
erotic FANTASY is a crime----and erotic fantasies can include all kinds of werid stuff
You sound like a right wing bigot.

You seem confused-----I have never voted republican in
my entire life------when Kerry ran for president ----my answer to that dilemma was to simply not vote. How does my learned discussion of pedophilia seem "bigoted" to you.
Do you believe that sexual acts with children should be
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

I think that many people simply do not know HOW MUCH
muslims are celebrating nor do they consider that sense of
VICTORY to be harmful-------ie---americans are naive
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

The whole idea that what She was doing was necessary was beyond fucking stupid. I cannot for the life of me fathom a good reason to piss off a bunch of murdering lunatics, other than to add gas to the fire.
By both sides. It DOES however, provide sources.

There are no sides. There is the truth and there is lying propaganda.

Oh...? Who determines "truth"?

Claiming that the Muslims (as a whole or even majority) were allied with Hitler is clearly not "truth".

Oh, go piss up a rope, you leftist hateful trash. Muslims and Nazis had a commonality, Exterminate the Jews.

the very best and kindest thing that can be said for Coyote is ---she does not really know so she is guessing. The real fact is--
that when it comes to jews----muslims did not need her hero ADOLF in order to murder jews. They have been doing it for 1400 years. The writings and theories of Adolf ---with reference to jews ---are simply entirely consistent with those of islam and were NEVER controversial in the muslim world----they are ENTIRELY accepted. How do I know? I read Nazi literature as a child because I grew up in an area of the USA which was
one of the epicenters of Nazism. -------the pamphlets were ALL OVER THE place circa 1960. Then later on and for the next 50 years I interacted with lots and lots of doctors educated in
muslim lands. -------they know the Nazi literature CHAPTER AND VERSE-------in fact most muslims never read the Koran---but they know the writings of Nazi war criminals who found refuge in
places like Syria and Egypt where they lived the good life simply for writing Nazi propaganda for MUSLIM CONSUMPTION.
An interesting manifestation of the filth which coyote probably knows exists but lives to deny, is-------the muslims MOST SUSCEPTIBLE to the filth she licks------are those from lands that
have no jewish population at all. -----or almost NEVER did. I got my information from SCORES of Pakistani medical school
graduates------who----very naturally, took me for a Christian.
The shit that coyote calls "CONTROVERSIAL" is taught to muslim infants and in mosques. ----intensively. I have never come across overt DISSENT. (to be fair----they are taught that Christians are shit too-----but really not even close to as shitty are are jews ------I got it in a mosque frequented by muslims from southeat asia-----way back in the early 1970s ----to be even more fair-----the one Saudi I knew well-----did not, entirely, buy into the shit---smart kid-----he ended up in a very famous jewish hospital in New York City-------believe it or not --- MONTEFIORE)----I should have mentioned that muslims of southeast asia are taught to despise hindus,, too. --------they did not bomb Bali and Mumbai
out of LOVE

Neither do most Christians read the bible, even when they do; they tell the bible what IT says.

SO TRUE-----lots of Christians actually DECIDE what
this or that verse means in the bible without having
the slightest idea as to the nuances of the language
used. I think Catholics tend to be more "UNDER CONTROL" When I was young ---radio Christian theologians spoke incessantly ---especially on Sunday--
lots came up with really WEIRD ideas-----very
"home, home on the range,, concepts.
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

I think that many people simply do not know HOW MUCH
muslims are celebrating nor do they consider that sense of
VICTORY to be harmful-------ie---americans are naive
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

The whole idea that what She was doing was necessary was beyond fucking stupid. I cannot for the life of me fathom a good reason to piss off a bunch of murdering lunatics, other than to add gas to the fire.

She is informing the public about what is going on in
reference to a phenomenon that she sees as a
big problem I agree with her on that point
Pedophiles are born that way...

Ok and this is important, because....?
Are you stupid? If pedophiles are born that way then a few Christians being pedophiles would mean nothing compared to Muslim terrorists.

I do not believe pedophilia is actually hardwired ----
it is probably related to early experiences with sexual stimulation-----that does not imply that the pedophile was
necessarily abused-----it just means that a particular
individual thru whatever stimulated his sexual "awakening"---somehow got involved with being stimulated
by a child------or fantasies thereof. Always remember----no
erotic FANTASY is a crime----and erotic fantasies can include all kinds of werid stuff
You sound like a right wing bigot.

You seem confused-----I have never voted republican in
my entire life------when Kerry ran for president ----my answer to that dilemma was to simply not vote. How does my learned discussion of pedophilia seem "bigoted" to you.
Do you believe that sexual acts with children should be
If gay marriage is condoned there is no reason to punish anyone for who or what they love, that is exactly what progressives will say not even 20 years from now. Democrats already have Nambla set up as the new lobbying group.

Your arguments against pedophilia sound remarkably similar to the old arguments psychologists would use against homosexuality.
who is paying Pamela Geller? She seems to be independently prosperous ----family money and ---hubby money

For starters, she's an author and a commentator. She's also a former newspaper editor. Does she do it for free? I think not.

why do you "think not" ------??? you are just guessing She was married to somewhat wealthy business men and
got lots of money In divorce settlements and I believe interest in some sort of business that provides her with
an income I do not doubt that she has an income----
but I see no reason to GUESS that she gets paid to write
opinion pieces on islam or sponsor cartoon contests. If she writes a book-----then she could make money on that.
Who would be paying her for commenting on islam or
organizing protests?

Your original question was "who's paying Pamela Geller?" Her marrying into wealth has nothing to do with whether she gets paid or not.

I made no guesses as to what she gets paid to write.
When you people put Geller down. You Embolden these radical Animals.

what don't you get about that? These Muslims has a name for such people, they call them USEFUL TOOLS

Siding with the victims of aggression
By Caroline Glick -- Bio and Archives May 8, 2015


The notion that a rape victim deserved to be raped because she was wearing a tight outfit lights up all our red lights.

This is the case first and foremost because it absolves the rapist of responsibility for his crime.

We are also disgusted by attempts to blame the victim for her victimization because they are substantively false. If men are more likely to rape women in tight clothing then rape should be all but non-existent in traditional Islamic societies. Yet the opposite is the case. Rape and sexual abuse are endemic to such societies. According to the UN, a whopping 99.3 percent of Egyptian women report having suffered sexual abuse.

There is a third, more general reason that we recoil from the thought of blaming rape victims for their suffering. One of the foundations of liberal societies has always been that victims of aggression are not to blame for their attackers’ behavior.

Over the past few days, we have witnessed a dangerous erosion of this principle among American elites.

Last Sunday two Islamic terrorists armed with assault rifles tried to massacre participants at a Muhammed cartoon drawing contest in Garland, Texas.

Defend the freedom of speech – and the right to life – of critics of Islamic totalitarianism
The goal of the contest was self-evident. The organizers wished to defend the freedom of speech – and the right to life – of critics of Islamic totalitarianism.

Rather than standing with the contest’s organizers and participants, the US media from MSNBC to Fox News attacked Pamela Geller, the event’s main organizer and accused her of responsibility for the attack.

For its part, the White House has refused to condemn the attack.

The White House failed to condemn the terror attack, and the media continued their offensive against Geller even after ISIS claimed credit for the assault, promised to “slaughter” Geller and anyone who shelters her or gives her a microphone, and announced it has a formidable infrastructure across the US it will use to launch more attacks against Americans.

To a degree, the White House’s refusal to condemn the attack, like the media’s pile-on against Geller is understandable. Most Americans ascribe to the overarching notion of “Live and let live.” And it is a good thing they do. It is impossible to maintain a liberal society without a basic tolerance of differences between its members.

Champions of totalitarian Islam test the strength of liberal societies because they force them to choose
But there are groups that a liberal society cannot tolerate without ceasing to be liberal.

all of it here:
Siding with the victims of aggression
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

I think that many people simply do not know HOW MUCH
muslims are celebrating nor do they consider that sense of
VICTORY to be harmful-------ie---americans are naive
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

The whole idea that what She was doing was necessary was beyond fucking stupid. I cannot for the life of me fathom a good reason to piss off a bunch of murdering lunatics, other than to add gas to the fire.

She is informing the public about what is going on in
reference to a phenomenon that she sees as a
big problem I agree with her on that point

She's a hatemonger and a lunatic.

Source Wiki..

Geller said that Obama's mother was involved in pornography, that his "spiritual father" was a child rapist, that Obama "was involved with a crack whore in his youth", and that Malcolm X had impregnated his mother
Last edited:
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

I think that many people simply do not know HOW MUCH
muslims are celebrating nor do they consider that sense of
VICTORY to be harmful-------ie---americans are naive
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

The whole idea that what She was doing was necessary was beyond fucking stupid. I cannot for the life of me fathom a good reason to piss off a bunch of murdering lunatics, other than to add gas to the fire.

She is informing the public about what is going on in
reference to a phenomenon that she sees as a
big problem I agree with her on that point

That's kind of what the Neo-Nazi's and KKK say too. I imagine you agree with them as well.
Ok and this is important, because....?
Are you stupid? If pedophiles are born that way then a few Christians being pedophiles would mean nothing compared to Muslim terrorists.

I do not believe pedophilia is actually hardwired ----
it is probably related to early experiences with sexual stimulation-----that does not imply that the pedophile was
necessarily abused-----it just means that a particular
individual thru whatever stimulated his sexual "awakening"---somehow got involved with being stimulated
by a child------or fantasies thereof. Always remember----no
erotic FANTASY is a crime----and erotic fantasies can include all kinds of werid stuff
You sound like a right wing bigot.

You seem confused-----I have never voted republican in
my entire life------when Kerry ran for president ----my answer to that dilemma was to simply not vote. How does my learned discussion of pedophilia seem "bigoted" to you.
Do you believe that sexual acts with children should be
If gay marriage is condoned there is no reason to punish anyone for who or what they love, that is exactly what progressives will say not even 20 years from now. Democrats already have Nambla set up as the new lobbying group.

Your arguments against pedophilia sound remarkably similar to the old arguments psychologists would use against homosexuality.

I must be very young (not) When I studied psychiatry ---
psychiatrists were not big on CRIMINALIZING homosexuality.----as to PEDOPHILIA that involves actual
sexual acts ---BIG DIFFERENCE------children are not
consenting adults ------an adult who engages in sex with a
minor is guilty of RAPE. Furthermore----sexual acts in childhood could VERY WELL-----condition a child to associate that action with sexual gratification----ie ----it
can create pedophilia in the child or some other aberrant
sort of sexual desire ------stop being stupid
How have we fallen so far in this country to people CONDEMNING this woman for exercising Her/ours FREEDOMS OF SPEECH without fear of being ATTACKED and KILLED?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


Read more at I do not agree with what you have to say but I ll defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire at BrainyQuote

Well, WTF do you think free speech is? Pamela has the right to be a media whore and get paid to spread hate, just like Sarah Palin.

And sane people get to voice their opinions. See how free speech works, dingbat?

And you won't whine when you're called out as the douchebag you are, right?

I guess I will if I feel like it, however, in this case, I'll just say you're on the wrong side of the fence.

What fence is that?

Obviously the side of the two media whores.
Where is the left taking "common cause" with terrorists? Link?

By condemning Pamela Geller......both think she was wrong to incite the terrorists.......
Both sides can be wrong, you know.

Stiffnecked Jew-bitch and wannabe amateur terrorists both wrong in this case.

Being rid of 2 out of 3 ain't a bad day's work though.

She is an atheist....

She is also a Jew.

Check her ancestry.

Genetically, she is a Jew.

That's why she fightin' so hard against these murderous, anti-Semitic jihadists -- because her people, our Jewish brothers and sisters, are in the front lines against these radical savages! 17 innocent victims were murdered by the Muslim terrorists this past January in France -- 6 of them Jewish in a country were Jews are only 0.751% of the general population!

Sounds like you support this rabid racist. Welcome to Stormfront.
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

I think that many people simply do not know HOW MUCH
muslims are celebrating nor do they consider that sense of
VICTORY to be harmful-------ie---americans are naive
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

The whole idea that what She was doing was necessary was beyond fucking stupid. I cannot for the life of me fathom a good reason to piss off a bunch of murdering lunatics, other than to add gas to the fire.

She is informing the public about what is going on in
reference to a phenomenon that she sees as a
big problem I agree with her on that point

That's kind of what the Neo-Nazi's and KKK say too. I imagine you agree with them as well.

wow, I swear some of you live in bubble and have no clue to things going on around you. No offense dear. but that was head shaking unbelievable.
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

I think that many people simply do not know HOW MUCH
muslims are celebrating nor do they consider that sense of
VICTORY to be harmful-------ie---americans are naive
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

The whole idea that what She was doing was necessary was beyond fucking stupid. I cannot for the life of me fathom a good reason to piss off a bunch of murdering lunatics, other than to add gas to the fire.

She is informing the public about what is going on in
reference to a phenomenon that she sees as a
big problem I agree with her on that point

That's kind of what the Neo-Nazi's and KKK say too. I imagine you agree with them as well.

to what does
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

I think that many people simply do not know HOW MUCH
muslims are celebrating nor do they consider that sense of
VICTORY to be harmful-------ie---americans are naive
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

The whole idea that what She was doing was necessary was beyond fucking stupid. I cannot for the life of me fathom a good reason to piss off a bunch of murdering lunatics, other than to add gas to the fire.

She is informing the public about what is going on in
reference to a phenomenon that she sees as a
big problem I agree with her on that point

That's kind of what the Neo-Nazi's and KKK say too. I imagine you agree with them as well.

coyote---there were many points raised in the posts upon which you commented with "that's kind of what the neo-Nazis and KKK......." To what does "that" refer in your
vague meaningless response?
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

I think that many people simply do not know HOW MUCH
muslims are celebrating nor do they consider that sense of
VICTORY to be harmful-------ie---americans are naive
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

The whole idea that what She was doing was necessary was beyond fucking stupid. I cannot for the life of me fathom a good reason to piss off a bunch of murdering lunatics, other than to add gas to the fire.

She is informing the public about what is going on in
reference to a phenomenon that she sees as a
big problem I agree with her on that point

That's kind of what the Neo-Nazi's and KKK say too. I imagine you agree with them as well.

wow, I swear some of you live in bubble and have no clue to things going on around you. No offense dear. but that was head shaking unbelievable.

Not if you read what she writes. She even justified Breivnik's massacre of children in Norway. There is nothing to admire in her.
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

I think that many people simply do not know HOW MUCH
muslims are celebrating nor do they consider that sense of
VICTORY to be harmful-------ie---americans are naive
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

The whole idea that what She was doing was necessary was beyond fucking stupid. I cannot for the life of me fathom a good reason to piss off a bunch of murdering lunatics, other than to add gas to the fire.

She is informing the public about what is going on in
reference to a phenomenon that she sees as a
big problem I agree with her on that point

That's kind of what the Neo-Nazi's and KKK say too. I imagine you agree with them as well.

wow, I swear some of you live in bubble and have no clue to things going on around you. No offense dear. but that was head shaking unbelievable.

Stephanie------try to be a little specific----you responded to THREE different people with different opinions by writing
"some of you live in a bubble" -----<<<< too vague
I think that many people simply do not know HOW MUCH
muslims are celebrating nor do they consider that sense of
VICTORY to be harmful-------ie---americans are naive
You see folks, Gellar holds a protest of sorts which was HARMLESS, just draw a frikken cartoon....and to prove how they (radical Muslims) will come here and KILL YOU for it like they did in other countries Infringing on our rights to Freedom of speech

Now people riot, loot, cause mayhem. and they say they needed to be heard. they have a cause. the should be excused

How unbelievable they COME down on the WOMAN and not the Attackers shooting up the frikken place. .

they (the radical Muslims) see this and they are celebrating it.

The whole idea that what She was doing was necessary was beyond fucking stupid. I cannot for the life of me fathom a good reason to piss off a bunch of murdering lunatics, other than to add gas to the fire.

She is informing the public about what is going on in
reference to a phenomenon that she sees as a
big problem I agree with her on that point

That's kind of what the Neo-Nazi's and KKK say too. I imagine you agree with them as well.

wow, I swear some of you live in bubble and have no clue to things going on around you. No offense dear. but that was head shaking unbelievable.

Not if you read what she writes. She even justified Breivnik's massacre of children in Norway. There is nothing to admire in her.

I accessed her website for the first time based on your claims,,, Coyote------she, clearly, did not advocate the
actions of Breivnik------she simply discussed them in the
context of that which is going on in Norway which to some
citizens there seems threatening. -----kinda like saying-----
IF SOME INEBRIATE in the hills of Georgia actually did
believe that some blacks had raped his daughters and then
joined a vigilante group------there would be a logical reason
to CONSIDER his ---"POV" Pamela did not come close
to JUSTIFYING the killing of kids in the camp--

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