Getting it straight; Pamela Geller is a nut.

Not if you read what she writes. She even justified Breivnik's massacre of children in Norway. There is nothing to admire in her.

I disproved this lie a couple days ago using your own links. :eusa_snooty:

Not disproved in the least. She gave lip service to claiming she did not approve and then went on to justify it. Not one word of sorrow for the victims.

not the first time you have played your idiot Nazi game accusation "YOU ARE GUILTY BECAUSE YOU DID NOT SEND FLOWERS" It would be nice if you took care to apply that silly hypocrisy in an even handed manner.--------so far you missed that mark COMPLETELY

She's guilty because of what she said. Try to keep up. If you are going to defend someone who justifies the massacre of children, at least read what she says.

It's funny how feroceously people are willing to defend someone who is little different from a Neo-Nazi, or David Duke, or any number of bigots those same people would routinely condemn.
Of course she's disgusted. No one likes to be outed as a bigot.

Calling a Jewish woman a "bigot" for attacking a culture that wants to bring about the second Holocaust seems bigoted to me.

What does her being Jewish have to do with anything? Are you saying a Jew can't be a crappy person or a bigot? She attacks Muslims with the same genocidal mania and conspiracy theory inspired "logic" that people used to attack Jews with. And you guys love her! :lol:
Of course she's disgusted. No one likes to be outed as a bigot.

Calling a Jewish woman a "bigot" for attacking a culture that wants to bring about the second Holocaust seems bigoted to me.

What does her being Jewish have to do with anything? Are you saying a Jew can't be a crappy person or a bigot? She attacks Muslims with the same genocidal mania and conspiracy theory inspired "logic" that people used to attack Jews with. And you guys love her! :lol:

I never really knew who Geller was until Garland took place and I don't know her history or why she is so anti-Muslim but from what I've read she is pretty accurate in what she says about radical Islam
What does her being Jewish have to do with anything? Are you saying a Jew can't be a crappy person or a bigot? She attacks Muslims with the same genocidal mania and conspiracy theory inspired "logic" that people used to attack Jews with. And you guys love her! :lol:

Tried to dance around that one didn't ya? You can't win this argument because I busted your "justified" attack on her before. Side with the cartoonist murderers if you want....just remember they consider all Americans infidels and hate you and me as much as the Jews. Pam is willing to put her life on the line to expose their hatred for should be ashamed of yourself.
Not if you read what she writes. She even justified Breivnik's massacre of children in Norway. There is nothing to admire in her.

I disproved this lie a couple days ago using your own links. :eusa_snooty:

Not disproved in the least. She gave lip service to claiming she did not approve and then went on to justify it. Not one word of sorrow for the victims.

not the first time you have played your idiot Nazi game accusation "YOU ARE GUILTY BECAUSE YOU DID NOT SEND FLOWERS" It would be nice if you took care to apply that silly hypocrisy in an even handed manner.--------so far you missed that mark COMPLETELY

She's guilty because of what she said. Try to keep up. If you are going to defend someone who justifies the massacre of children, at least read what she says.

It's funny how feroceously people are willing to defend someone who is little different from a Neo-Nazi, or David Duke, or any number of bigots those same people would routinely condemn.

Were she anything like the filth which you and david duke are------ie bigoted stinking shit-----lots of people would condemn her as they do you. If she marched around fartiing "death to America" I would condemn her. Were she to march around screaming "DEATH TO ARABS" I would condemn her Were she to dance in the streets every time a muslim child's brains were blown out ----I would condemn her-------she is nothing like you who justifies teenaged girls dancing in the streets over the dead body of
a four year old girl-jewess ----her brains blown out by their own PIOUS MUSLIM FOR ALLAH BROTHER---ALLAHUAKBARR-----you virtually kissed their asses. I am sure you would ---if given a chance---LICK THE SHIT. Were you anything close to an honest person ----you would condemn EVERY STINKING MUSLIMAH WHORE---who did not sob and apologize for the fact that their "brothers" walked into a kosher grocery to ENTERTAIN YOU by blowing the brains out of women and children buying milk and apples. I have no doubt that you will INSIST that during the next HAJJ-------the muslim dogs and bitches in attendance MOURN for all the people murdered in the name of the rapist pig and the lump of shit in Jannah----
well----let's face it------you won't DISGUSTING
Of course she's disgusted. No one likes to be outed as a bigot.

Calling a Jewish woman a "bigot" for attacking a culture that wants to bring about the second Holocaust seems bigoted to me.

What does her being Jewish have to do with anything? Are you saying a Jew can't be a crappy person or a bigot? She attacks Muslims with the same genocidal mania and conspiracy theory inspired "logic" that people used to attack Jews with. And you guys love her! :lol:

being jewish has quite a bit to with "things" related to Nazi scum Islamo Nazi pigs have engaged in genocide against jews for more than 1000 years and still promulgate
the libelous filth which they use to justify their stench in mosques----REGULARLY--- and teach the stink that entertains you to their children I don't know why you say "people used to"------islamo Nazis used to and still do-----most markedly in muslim countries and in mosques world wide.

She has never expressed the kind of stink your favored ones have and do-----NEVER----you just wish she had so you TRY
desperately to make it SEEM AS IF......

anyone interested in the extent of coyote's hypocrisy----find an intelligent muslim child from a somewhat observant
muslim household and an intelligent jewish child from a somewhat adherent jewish household and have a careful
conversation to detect just what those kids "know" from their acculturation about-------"others" Pakistani kids KNOW all kinds of things from their background back there in Pakistan where there are no jews-------they KNOW so much.
I learned all about pakstani "education" from young Pakistanis------and over the years I have learned that the
Pakistani educational system has not changed-----propaganda written by Nazi war criminals in Syria and Egypt--- Post world war II---------is part of the grammar school curriculum-----it is also used in mosques world wide. I read it in the USA----both sunni and Penelope parrot
stuff I read circa 1960 in my Nazi town and a few years later heard from Pakistani
immigrants and ------still do
As the Texas story unfolds...once again it ends up being a left/right rock throwing contest rather than clear thinking people seeing it for what it is.
Beginning with the death of the two fanatics. Their death is on themselves. Let's also be clear about that. Any people shooting off automatic weapons in public places is most definitely suicidal.
But as for Geller? She is indefensible. She is a fanatical hate monger shrilling and shrieking out all kinds of loony claims on a daily basis. One shouldn't forget - she actually claimed Obama was an illegitimate child of Malcom X, who spent time in Pakistan where he became a muslim. Seriously.
The purpose of her "contest" was to incite anger. No other reason. Just to piss people off. And I have little doubt the whacky bitch is happy this happened. In put her in a spotlight where she loves to be.
So for those on the left - the death of the two fanatics? It's on them. 100%.
And those on the right - Pamela Geller is not someone to defend. She is a crazy nut who will only drag you into her world of insanity.

Most of us don't get our point across the way Geller did.
But in this country, we should defend her right to do it. She was exercising her first amendment rights. All of those other things she did are irrelevant to this discussion. List each of them separately and look at them objectively. We may then find some to be right and others wrong. But they have no bearing on her exercising her first amendment rights by holding that Mohammed drawing contest.

I find it odd that Liberals who defend the right of two Gay people to demand that a bakery bake their wedding cake even if it causes the bakery owners to go against their principles......but those same Liberals do not defend Geller's right to host a Mohammed drawing contest because it might offend Muslims.
Liberals are at odds with themselves on this one.
Makes no sense.

I haven't seen many liberals here not defending her right to say what she said. There is a difference between that and condoning content. Even Neo-Nazi's have a right to free speech but we don't have to like their message.

In fact, no liberal has as advocated she be 'silenced' through force of law.

And liberals have always been consistent in their defense of hate speech, regardless the source of that hate speech.

For private citizens to denounce and oppose hate speech in the context of private society, as is the right of private citizens as members of a free and democratic society, is in no way to seek to 'silence' those who engage in hate speech, where to speak in opposition to hate speech does not 'violate' the free speech rights of hate mongers.
As the Texas story unfolds...once again it ends up being a left/right rock throwing contest rather than clear thinking people seeing it for what it is.
Beginning with the death of the two fanatics. Their death is on themselves. Let's also be clear about that. Any people shooting off automatic weapons in public places is most definitely suicidal.
But as for Geller? She is indefensible. She is a fanatical hate monger shrilling and shrieking out all kinds of loony claims on a daily basis. One shouldn't forget - she actually claimed Obama was an illegitimate child of Malcom X, who spent time in Pakistan where he became a muslim. Seriously.
The purpose of her "contest" was to incite anger. No other reason. Just to piss people off. And I have little doubt the whacky bitch is happy this happened. In put her in a spotlight where she loves to be.
So for those on the left - the death of the two fanatics? It's on them. 100%.
And those on the right - Pamela Geller is not someone to defend. She is a crazy nut who will only drag you into her world of insanity.

Most of us don't get our point across the way Geller did.
But in this country, we should defend her right to do it. She was exercising her first amendment rights. All of those other things she did are irrelevant to this discussion. List each of them separately and look at them objectively. We may then find some to be right and others wrong. But they have no bearing on her exercising her first amendment rights by holding that Mohammed drawing contest.

I find it odd that Liberals who defend the right of two Gay people to demand that a bakery bake their wedding cake even if it causes the bakery owners to go against their principles......but those same Liberals do not defend Geller's right to host a Mohammed drawing contest because it might offend Muslims.
Liberals are at odds with themselves on this one.
Makes no sense.

I haven't seen many liberals here not defending her right to say what she said. There is a difference between that and condoning content. Even Neo-Nazi's have a right to free speech but we don't have to like their message.

In fact, no liberal has as advocated she be 'silenced' through force of law.

And liberals have always been consistent in their defense of hate speech, regardless the source of that hate speech.

For private citizens to denounce and oppose hate speech in the context of private society, as is the right of private citizens as members of a free and democratic society, is in no way to seek to 'silence' those who engage in hate speech, where to speak in opposition to hate speech does not 'violate' the free speech rights of hate mongers.

there is a category of "hate speech" that can be criminalized in the USA-----that category is INCITEMENT.
If a violent act can be traced to INCITEFUL hate speech----then the "hate speech" can be prosecuted The problem is that "hate speech" is hard to PROVE as a direct incitement to violence. The rules have to be loosened up--- the mosque rant that incited to young muslims----citizens of the USA to buy rifles and plan on blowing people aways in GARLAND, TEXAS was a CRIME and
every effort should be made to trace it an prosecute it
Of course she's disgusted. No one likes to be outed as a bigot.

Calling a Jewish woman a "bigot" for attacking a culture that wants to bring about the second Holocaust seems bigoted to me.

What does her being Jewish have to do with anything? Are you saying a Jew can't be a crappy person or a bigot? She attacks Muslims with the same genocidal mania and conspiracy theory inspired "logic" that people used to attack Jews with. And you guys love her! :lol:

being jewish has quite a bit to with "things" related to Nazi scum Islamo Nazi pigs have engaged in genocide against jews for more than 1000 years and still promulgate
the libelous filth which they use to justify their stench in mosques----REGULARLY--- and teach the stink that entertains you to their children I don't know why you say "people used to"------islamo Nazis used to and still do-----most markedly in muslim countries and in mosques world wide.

She has never expressed the kind of stink your favored ones have and do-----NEVER----you just wish she had so you TRY
desperately to make it SEEM AS IF......

anyone interested in the extent of coyote's hypocrisy----find an intelligent muslim child from a somewhat observant
muslim household and an intelligent jewish child from a somewhat adherent jewish household and have a careful
conversation to detect just what those kids "know" from their acculturation about-------"others" Pakistani kids KNOW all kinds of things from their background back there in Pakistan where there are no jews-------they KNOW so much.
I learned all about pakstani "education" from young Pakistanis------and over the years I have learned that the
Pakistani educational system has not changed-----propaganda written by Nazi war criminals in Syria and Egypt--- Post world war II---------is part of the grammar school curriculum-----it is also used in mosques world wide. I read it in the USA----both sunni and Penelope parrot
stuff I read circa 1960 in my Nazi town and a few years later heard from Pakistani
immigrants and ------still do

Being Jewish doesn't excuse a person for being a hateful bigot anymore than being Muslim or being Christian or being an athiest.
As the Texas story unfolds...once again it ends up being a left/right rock throwing contest rather than clear thinking people seeing it for what it is.
Beginning with the death of the two fanatics. Their death is on themselves. Let's also be clear about that. Any people shooting off automatic weapons in public places is most definitely suicidal.
But as for Geller? She is indefensible. She is a fanatical hate monger shrilling and shrieking out all kinds of loony claims on a daily basis. One shouldn't forget - she actually claimed Obama was an illegitimate child of Malcom X, who spent time in Pakistan where he became a muslim. Seriously.
The purpose of her "contest" was to incite anger. No other reason. Just to piss people off. And I have little doubt the whacky bitch is happy this happened. In put her in a spotlight where she loves to be.
So for those on the left - the death of the two fanatics? It's on them. 100%.
And those on the right - Pamela Geller is not someone to defend. She is a crazy nut who will only drag you into her world of insanity.

Most of us don't get our point across the way Geller did.
But in this country, we should defend her right to do it. She was exercising her first amendment rights. All of those other things she did are irrelevant to this discussion. List each of them separately and look at them objectively. We may then find some to be right and others wrong. But they have no bearing on her exercising her first amendment rights by holding that Mohammed drawing contest.

I find it odd that Liberals who defend the right of two Gay people to demand that a bakery bake their wedding cake even if it causes the bakery owners to go against their principles......but those same Liberals do not defend Geller's right to host a Mohammed drawing contest because it might offend Muslims.
Liberals are at odds with themselves on this one.
Makes no sense.

I haven't seen many liberals here not defending her right to say what she said. There is a difference between that and condoning content. Even Neo-Nazi's have a right to free speech but we don't have to like their message.

In fact, no liberal has as advocated she be 'silenced' through force of law.

And liberals have always been consistent in their defense of hate speech, regardless the source of that hate speech.

For private citizens to denounce and oppose hate speech in the context of private society, as is the right of private citizens as members of a free and democratic society, is in no way to seek to 'silence' those who engage in hate speech, where to speak in opposition to hate speech does not 'violate' the free speech rights of hate mongers.

there is a category of "hate speech" that can be criminalized in the USA-----that category is INCITEMENT.
If a violent act can be traced to INCITEFUL hate speech----then the "hate speech" can be prosecuted The problem is that "hate speech" is hard to PROVE as a direct incitement to violence. The rules have to be loosened up--- the mosque rant that incited to young muslims----citizens of the USA to buy rifles and plan on blowing people aways in GARLAND, TEXAS was a CRIME and
every effort should be made to trace it an prosecute it

What mosque rant?
What does her being Jewish have to do with anything? Are you saying a Jew can't be a crappy person or a bigot? She attacks Muslims with the same genocidal mania and conspiracy theory inspired "logic" that people used to attack Jews with. And you guys love her! :lol:

Tried to dance around that one didn't ya? You can't win this argument because I busted your "justified" attack on her before. Side with the cartoonist murderers if you want....just remember they consider all Americans infidels and hate you and me as much as the Jews. Pam is willing to put her life on the line to expose their hatred for should be ashamed of yourself.

You busted nothing. I side with free speech - even if it comes from the mouths of bigots, Neo-Nazi's, racists, and other assorted hate groups and individuals.

The KKK members put their lives on the line when they march through certain neighborhoods. You think they should be heroized because of that? You have a strange set of ethics here.
You busted nothing. I side with free speech - even if it comes from the mouths of bigots, Neo-Nazi's, racists, and other assorted hate groups and individuals.

The KKK members put their lives on the line when they march through certain neighborhoods. You think they should be heroized because of that? You have a strange set of ethics here.

You side with free speech until it offends you, then you call the speaker vile names and compare her to those who murdered 6 million of her kind. You're a muslim appeaser just admit think they can be talked out of murdering you and your friends....and then you're told to wear the hijab and you to think about what happens next?


Last edited:
As the Texas story unfolds...once again it ends up being a left/right rock throwing contest rather than clear thinking people seeing it for what it is.
Beginning with the death of the two fanatics. Their death is on themselves. Let's also be clear about that. Any people shooting off automatic weapons in public places is most definitely suicidal.
But as for Geller? She is indefensible. She is a fanatical hate monger shrilling and shrieking out all kinds of loony claims on a daily basis. One shouldn't forget - she actually claimed Obama was an illegitimate child of Malcom X, who spent time in Pakistan where he became a muslim. Seriously.
The purpose of her "contest" was to incite anger. No other reason. Just to piss people off. And I have little doubt the whacky bitch is happy this happened. In put her in a spotlight where she loves to be.
So for those on the left - the death of the two fanatics? It's on them. 100%.
And those on the right - Pamela Geller is not someone to defend. She is a crazy nut who will only drag you into her world of insanity.

Most of us don't get our point across the way Geller did.
But in this country, we should defend her right to do it. She was exercising her first amendment rights. All of those other things she did are irrelevant to this discussion. List each of them separately and look at them objectively. We may then find some to be right and others wrong. But they have no bearing on her exercising her first amendment rights by holding that Mohammed drawing contest.

I find it odd that Liberals who defend the right of two Gay people to demand that a bakery bake their wedding cake even if it causes the bakery owners to go against their principles......but those same Liberals do not defend Geller's right to host a Mohammed drawing contest because it might offend Muslims.
Liberals are at odds with themselves on this one.
Makes no sense.

I haven't seen many liberals here not defending her right to say what she said. There is a difference between that and condoning content. Even Neo-Nazi's have a right to free speech but we don't have to like their message.

In fact, no liberal has as advocated she be 'silenced' through force of law.

And liberals have always been consistent in their defense of hate speech, regardless the source of that hate speech.

For private citizens to denounce and oppose hate speech in the context of private society, as is the right of private citizens as members of a free and democratic society, is in no way to seek to 'silence' those who engage in hate speech, where to speak in opposition to hate speech does not 'violate' the free speech rights of hate mongers.

there is a category of "hate speech" that can be criminalized in the USA-----that category is INCITEMENT.
If a violent act can be traced to INCITEFUL hate speech----then the "hate speech" can be prosecuted The problem is that "hate speech" is hard to PROVE as a direct incitement to violence. The rules have to be loosened up--- the mosque rant that incited to young muslims----citizens of the USA to buy rifles and plan on blowing people aways in GARLAND, TEXAS was a CRIME and
every effort should be made to trace it an prosecute it

What mosque rant?

I have no intention of getting told---- "if you don't have a link to that which you heard in a mosque----then you are a fucking liar" by a Nazi slut or "sure ----they told you what was said in the mosque ------ GOTTA LINK" ? <<<< from a disgusting Nazi slut-----the same slut that called me a liar when I described the DHIMMI ORPHAN law now being used to turn little yazidi girls into sex slaves to the delight of the NAZI SLUT --------go right ahead and describe me ----for being honest about the shit you lick with OBVIOUS DELIGHT------go ahead------you KNOW you want to..-----
or tell me that -------any idea that I had about a COMING CALIPHATE was a "psychotic delusion"-----I so enjoy your commentary
Long ago ----thru extensive clinical experience----I learned never to use logic or even fact to try to talk either a psychotic or an islamo Nazi out of their delusional beliefs. Long long ago------I was only 20 when I started having long conversations with medical school graduates from muslim countries------my intro to the LIVING filth of islamo Nazism-----prior to that my Nazi education consisted of old pamphlets spread around the Nazi town of my childhood that I considered so idiotic that only the local inebriates could buy into them. Because of that which I leaned long ago-------Osama bin laden was no surprise, 9-11 was no surprise-----the CALIIPHATE was no surprise------even Penelope and coyote are no surprise. I will say this for islamo Nazis-------you guys have not changed at all since I was first introduced to your stink and filth------as a child. Any of you who claim that he FIGURED IT OUT AS AN ADULT----is a liar-------you are born to it----from infancy and in your "places of worship"
Of course she's disgusted. No one likes to be outed as a bigot.

Calling a Jewish woman a "bigot" for attacking a culture that wants to bring about the second Holocaust seems bigoted to me.

What does her being Jewish have to do with anything? Are you saying a Jew can't be a crappy person or a bigot? She attacks Muslims with the same genocidal mania and conspiracy theory inspired "logic" that people used to attack Jews with. And you guys love her! :lol:

being jewish has quite a bit to with "things" related to Nazi scum Islamo Nazi pigs have engaged in genocide against jews for more than 1000 years and still promulgate
the libelous filth which they use to justify their stench in mosques----REGULARLY--- and teach the stink that entertains you to their children I don't know why you say "people used to"------islamo Nazis used to and still do-----most markedly in muslim countries and in mosques world wide.

She has never expressed the kind of stink your favored ones have and do-----NEVER----you just wish she had so you TRY
desperately to make it SEEM AS IF......

anyone interested in the extent of coyote's hypocrisy----find an intelligent muslim child from a somewhat observant
muslim household and an intelligent jewish child from a somewhat adherent jewish household and have a careful
conversation to detect just what those kids "know" from their acculturation about-------"others" Pakistani kids KNOW all kinds of things from their background back there in Pakistan where there are no jews-------they KNOW so much.
I learned all about pakstani "education" from young Pakistanis------and over the years I have learned that the
Pakistani educational system has not changed-----propaganda written by Nazi war criminals in Syria and Egypt--- Post world war II---------is part of the grammar school curriculum-----it is also used in mosques world wide. I read it in the USA----both sunni and Penelope parrot
stuff I read circa 1960 in my Nazi town and a few years later heard from Pakistani
immigrants and ------still do

Being Jewish doesn't excuse a person for being a hateful bigot anymore than being Muslim or being Christian or being an athiest.

I have excused many people for their bigotry because I know they were taught it from infancy. Muslims learn it at home and in the mosques and---if they attend schools in muslim countries-----in school. Many people in the USA are "brought up" the same way. -----the filth is far less taught in catholic schools than it was when I was a kid-----but it is still around in provincial areas in the northern parts of the USA and rampant in the southern parts in "protestant venues" Jews do not get that kind of an education----at home or in places of worship----jews tend to pick up on islamo Nazi filth on the playground. I was told I am a jew by five year old girls informing me "YOU KILLED JESUS"----about three years ago I met a woman from Iran----she told me that she had no idea that she is a jew until -the girls in the street screamed "DIRTY JEW" at her.
See how well I know you, Coyote. BTW----I also had long conversations with HINDUS and SIKHS and a few Buddhists and some Zoroastrians ----somehow they do not KNOW that which you and Penelope "know"-----even the hindus and Zoroastrians from MUMBAI----which had a considerable jewish population and ---still has some-----THEY somehow did not KNOW what you and your fellow Nazis know. People who claim there were gas chambers and people who tell you about such manifestations like THE DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW----are not bigots-----just as persons like me whose mom talked about the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE when I was seven years old are not "BIGOTS" simply persons with facts. I also learned about the oppression of blacks in the south----BEFORE ROSA PARKS-----for the record---I had no idea that it was muslims who murdered Armenians-----I assumed they were NAZIS -------like your hero ADOLF. I have to admit------for me as a little kid "evil person" and "Nazi" were synonymous terms just as
"Jew" and PIG/APE/MONKEY are synonymous terms for muslim kids----and for the children of alcoholic wasps------
"jew" and "banker" are synonymous terms. I don't blame kids for the filth shoved down their throats
Of course she's disgusted. No one likes to be outed as a bigot.

Calling a Jewish woman a "bigot" for attacking a culture that wants to bring about the second Holocaust seems bigoted to me.

What does her being Jewish have to do with anything? Are you saying a Jew can't be a crappy person or a bigot? She attacks Muslims with the same genocidal mania and conspiracy theory inspired "logic" that people used to attack Jews with. And you guys love her! :lol:

being jewish has quite a bit to with "things" related to Nazi scum Islamo Nazi pigs have engaged in genocide against jews for more than 1000 years and still promulgate
the libelous filth which they use to justify their stench in mosques----REGULARLY--- and teach the stink that entertains you to their children I don't know why you say "people used to"------islamo Nazis used to and still do-----most markedly in muslim countries and in mosques world wide.

She has never expressed the kind of stink your favored ones have and do-----NEVER----you just wish she had so you TRY
desperately to make it SEEM AS IF......

anyone interested in the extent of coyote's hypocrisy----find an intelligent muslim child from a somewhat observant
muslim household and an intelligent jewish child from a somewhat adherent jewish household and have a careful
conversation to detect just what those kids "know" from their acculturation about-------"others" Pakistani kids KNOW all kinds of things from their background back there in Pakistan where there are no jews-------they KNOW so much.
I learned all about pakstani "education" from young Pakistanis------and over the years I have learned that the
Pakistani educational system has not changed-----propaganda written by Nazi war criminals in Syria and Egypt--- Post world war II---------is part of the grammar school curriculum-----it is also used in mosques world wide. I read it in the USA----both sunni and Penelope parrot
stuff I read circa 1960 in my Nazi town and a few years later heard from Pakistani
immigrants and ------still do

Being Jewish doesn't excuse a person for being a hateful bigot anymore than being Muslim or being Christian or being an athiest.

I have excused many people for their bigotry because I know they were taught it from infancy. Muslims learn it at home and in the mosques and---if they attend schools in muslim countries-----in school. Many people in the USA are "brought up" the same way. -----the filth is far less taught in catholic schools than it was when I was a kid-----but it is still around in provincial areas in the northern parts of the USA and rampant in the southern parts in "protestant venues" Jews do not get that kind of an education----at home or in places of worship----jews tend to pick up on islamo Nazi filth on the playground. I was told I am a jew by five year old girls informing me "YOU KILLED JESUS"----about three years ago I met a woman from Iran----she told me that she had no idea that she is a jew until -the girls in the street screamed "DIRTY JEW" at her.
See how well I know you, Coyote. BTW----I also had long conversations with HINDUS and SIKHS and a few Buddhists and some Zoroastrians ----somehow they do not KNOW that which you and Penelope "know"-----even the hindus and Zoroastrians from MUMBAI----which had a considerable jewish population and ---still has some-----THEY somehow did not KNOW what you and your fellow Nazis know. People who claim there were gas chambers and people who tell you about such manifestations like THE DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW----are not bigots-----just as persons like me whose mom talked about the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE when I was seven years old are not "BIGOTS" simply persons with facts. I also learned about the oppression of blacks in the south----BEFORE ROSA PARKS-----for the record---I had no idea that it was muslims who murdered Armenians-----I assumed they were NAZIS -------like your hero ADOLF. I have to admit------for me as a little kid "evil person" and "Nazi" were synonymous terms just as
"Jew" and PIG/APE/MONKEY are synonymous terms for muslim kids----and for the children of alcoholic wasps------
"jew" and "banker" are synonymous terms. I don't blame kids for the filth shoved down their throats

Bigotry is not an absence of "facts" - it's the intent behind the "distrtibution" of those "facts" and the willingness to distort them, or even fabricate "facts".
You busted nothing. I side with free speech - even if it comes from the mouths of bigots, Neo-Nazi's, racists, and other assorted hate groups and individuals.

The KKK members put their lives on the line when they march through certain neighborhoods. You think they should be heroized because of that? You have a strange set of ethics here.

You side with free speech until it offends you, then you call the speaker vile names and compare her to those who murdered 6 million of her kind. You're a muslim appeaser just admit think they can be talked out of murdering you and your friends....and then you're told to wear the hijab and you to think about what happens next?

It sounds like you don't understand the concept of free speech. It also sounds like you think that because Geller is Jewish, that somehow exempts her from criticism. Anyone can be a bigot and in the U.S., I have the right to call them just as they have the right to spew it. And, just like you have the right to call for putting American citizens in concentration camps because they happen t be Muslim.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Remember what happened next?
Calling a Jewish woman a "bigot" for attacking a culture that wants to bring about the second Holocaust seems bigoted to me.

What does her being Jewish have to do with anything? Are you saying a Jew can't be a crappy person or a bigot? She attacks Muslims with the same genocidal mania and conspiracy theory inspired "logic" that people used to attack Jews with. And you guys love her! :lol:

being jewish has quite a bit to with "things" related to Nazi scum Islamo Nazi pigs have engaged in genocide against jews for more than 1000 years and still promulgate
the libelous filth which they use to justify their stench in mosques----REGULARLY--- and teach the stink that entertains you to their children I don't know why you say "people used to"------islamo Nazis used to and still do-----most markedly in muslim countries and in mosques world wide.

She has never expressed the kind of stink your favored ones have and do-----NEVER----you just wish she had so you TRY
desperately to make it SEEM AS IF......

anyone interested in the extent of coyote's hypocrisy----find an intelligent muslim child from a somewhat observant
muslim household and an intelligent jewish child from a somewhat adherent jewish household and have a careful
conversation to detect just what those kids "know" from their acculturation about-------"others" Pakistani kids KNOW all kinds of things from their background back there in Pakistan where there are no jews-------they KNOW so much.
I learned all about pakstani "education" from young Pakistanis------and over the years I have learned that the
Pakistani educational system has not changed-----propaganda written by Nazi war criminals in Syria and Egypt--- Post world war II---------is part of the grammar school curriculum-----it is also used in mosques world wide. I read it in the USA----both sunni and Penelope parrot
stuff I read circa 1960 in my Nazi town and a few years later heard from Pakistani
immigrants and ------still do

Being Jewish doesn't excuse a person for being a hateful bigot anymore than being Muslim or being Christian or being an athiest.

I have excused many people for their bigotry because I know they were taught it from infancy. Muslims learn it at home and in the mosques and---if they attend schools in muslim countries-----in school. Many people in the USA are "brought up" the same way. -----the filth is far less taught in catholic schools than it was when I was a kid-----but it is still around in provincial areas in the northern parts of the USA and rampant in the southern parts in "protestant venues" Jews do not get that kind of an education----at home or in places of worship----jews tend to pick up on islamo Nazi filth on the playground. I was told I am a jew by five year old girls informing me "YOU KILLED JESUS"----about three years ago I met a woman from Iran----she told me that she had no idea that she is a jew until -the girls in the street screamed "DIRTY JEW" at her.
See how well I know you, Coyote. BTW----I also had long conversations with HINDUS and SIKHS and a few Buddhists and some Zoroastrians ----somehow they do not KNOW that which you and Penelope "know"-----even the hindus and Zoroastrians from MUMBAI----which had a considerable jewish population and ---still has some-----THEY somehow did not KNOW what you and your fellow Nazis know. People who claim there were gas chambers and people who tell you about such manifestations like THE DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW----are not bigots-----just as persons like me whose mom talked about the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE when I was seven years old are not "BIGOTS" simply persons with facts. I also learned about the oppression of blacks in the south----BEFORE ROSA PARKS-----for the record---I had no idea that it was muslims who murdered Armenians-----I assumed they were NAZIS -------like your hero ADOLF. I have to admit------for me as a little kid "evil person" and "Nazi" were synonymous terms just as
"Jew" and PIG/APE/MONKEY are synonymous terms for muslim kids----and for the children of alcoholic wasps------
"jew" and "banker" are synonymous terms. I don't blame kids for the filth shoved down their throats

Bigotry is not an absence of "facts" - it's the intent behind the "distrtibution" of those "facts" and the willingness to distort them, or even fabricate "facts".

OH how fascinating------so jews are bigots for disseminating the FACTS of the holocaust----and I AM A BIGOT for relating the REALITY of the dhimmi orphan law which was used in sudan to enslave Christian children and
which is NOW being used to enslave Yazidi childen in Iraq and which ------was something from which my own mother-in-law ESCAPED ----in the 1930s------is that why you called me a FUCKING LIAR for relating that story-----my

I am fascinated ----how did you figure out what my
"INTENT" was when you decided to insist that
that which I wrote was a FUCKING LIE?. Do you
consider the fact that the foiled massacre in Garland,
BIGOTRY????? you may be right----you should notify the news services that any reports regarding massacres
carried out by your colleagues in the CALIPHATE are acts of BIGOTRY INTENDED TO MALIGN the noble mujahedeen. ------do not hesitate----I have already been
told that my focus on "THE CALIPHATE" is based on
an OBSESSION OF HATE (aka bigotry)
What does her being Jewish have to do with anything? Are you saying a Jew can't be a crappy person or a bigot? She attacks Muslims with the same genocidal mania and conspiracy theory inspired "logic" that people used to attack Jews with. And you guys love her! :lol:

being jewish has quite a bit to with "things" related to Nazi scum Islamo Nazi pigs have engaged in genocide against jews for more than 1000 years and still promulgate
the libelous filth which they use to justify their stench in mosques----REGULARLY--- and teach the stink that entertains you to their children I don't know why you say "people used to"------islamo Nazis used to and still do-----most markedly in muslim countries and in mosques world wide.

She has never expressed the kind of stink your favored ones have and do-----NEVER----you just wish she had so you TRY
desperately to make it SEEM AS IF......

anyone interested in the extent of coyote's hypocrisy----find an intelligent muslim child from a somewhat observant
muslim household and an intelligent jewish child from a somewhat adherent jewish household and have a careful
conversation to detect just what those kids "know" from their acculturation about-------"others" Pakistani kids KNOW all kinds of things from their background back there in Pakistan where there are no jews-------they KNOW so much.
I learned all about pakstani "education" from young Pakistanis------and over the years I have learned that the
Pakistani educational system has not changed-----propaganda written by Nazi war criminals in Syria and Egypt--- Post world war II---------is part of the grammar school curriculum-----it is also used in mosques world wide. I read it in the USA----both sunni and Penelope parrot
stuff I read circa 1960 in my Nazi town and a few years later heard from Pakistani
immigrants and ------still do

Being Jewish doesn't excuse a person for being a hateful bigot anymore than being Muslim or being Christian or being an athiest.

I have excused many people for their bigotry because I know they were taught it from infancy. Muslims learn it at home and in the mosques and---if they attend schools in muslim countries-----in school. Many people in the USA are "brought up" the same way. -----the filth is far less taught in catholic schools than it was when I was a kid-----but it is still around in provincial areas in the northern parts of the USA and rampant in the southern parts in "protestant venues" Jews do not get that kind of an education----at home or in places of worship----jews tend to pick up on islamo Nazi filth on the playground. I was told I am a jew by five year old girls informing me "YOU KILLED JESUS"----about three years ago I met a woman from Iran----she told me that she had no idea that she is a jew until -the girls in the street screamed "DIRTY JEW" at her.
See how well I know you, Coyote. BTW----I also had long conversations with HINDUS and SIKHS and a few Buddhists and some Zoroastrians ----somehow they do not KNOW that which you and Penelope "know"-----even the hindus and Zoroastrians from MUMBAI----which had a considerable jewish population and ---still has some-----THEY somehow did not KNOW what you and your fellow Nazis know. People who claim there were gas chambers and people who tell you about such manifestations like THE DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW----are not bigots-----just as persons like me whose mom talked about the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE when I was seven years old are not "BIGOTS" simply persons with facts. I also learned about the oppression of blacks in the south----BEFORE ROSA PARKS-----for the record---I had no idea that it was muslims who murdered Armenians-----I assumed they were NAZIS -------like your hero ADOLF. I have to admit------for me as a little kid "evil person" and "Nazi" were synonymous terms just as
"Jew" and PIG/APE/MONKEY are synonymous terms for muslim kids----and for the children of alcoholic wasps------
"jew" and "banker" are synonymous terms. I don't blame kids for the filth shoved down their throats

Bigotry is not an absence of "facts" - it's the intent behind the "distrtibution" of those "facts" and the willingness to distort them, or even fabricate "facts".

OH how fascinating------so jews are bigots for disseminating the FACTS of the holocaust----and I AM A BIGOT for relating the REALITY of the dhimmi orphan law which was used in sudan to enslave Christian children and
which is NOW being used to enslave Yazidi childen in Iraq and which ------was something from which my own mother-in-law ESCAPED ----in the 1930s------is that why you called me a FUCKING LIAR for relating that story-----my

You completely missed my point Rosie. I'm not sure what your "intent" is because you're very unpredictable.

I am fascinated ----how did you figure out what my
"INTENT" was when you decided to insist that
that which I wrote was a FUCKING LIE?. Do you
consider the fact that the foiled massacre in Garland,
BIGOTRY????? you may be right----you should notify the news services that any reports regarding massacres
carried out by your colleagues in the CALIPHATE are acts of BIGOTRY INTENDED TO MALIGN the noble mujahedeen. ------do not hesitate----I have already been
told that my focus on "THE CALIPHATE" is based on
an OBSESSION OF HATE (aka bigotry)

I wasn't talking about *you* Rosie. Let me know when your ready to resume a rational discussion :)

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