Getting' Nearer To The Conclusion

If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?
he was incompetent and why he was fired. thanks for admitting it.
So Comey was an incompetent, not a conspirator. Thanks for admitting it.
no,, he was both. one can be both.
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?

I've seen your posts before, so....not certain you can be helped....but, here is reality:

....from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

…first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence”– the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Now....go right on and continue proving you're a dunce.
Many thanks for so clearly and precisely NOT answering my question: If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?

...from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

…first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence”– the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Now....go right on and continue proving you're a dunce.
Regurgitating a non-answer is not an answer. This reply even fails by your low standards. Cutting and pasting is a nice talent but reading and writing are also useful.

Just autograph your pic and I'll accept same as your capitulation....

View attachment 168166
and another non-answer, going for a record?
I've seen your posts before, so....not certain you can be helped....but, here is reality:

....from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

…first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence”– the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Now....go right on and continue proving you're a dunce.
Many thanks for so clearly and precisely NOT answering my question: If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?

...from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

…first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence”– the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Now....go right on and continue proving you're a dunce.
Regurgitating a non-answer is not an answer. This reply even fails by your low standards. Cutting and pasting is a nice talent but reading and writing are also useful.

Just autograph your pic and I'll accept same as your capitulation....

View attachment 168166
and another non-answer, going for a record?
I told you, he was incompetent. He forgot he had gotten money from her.
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?
he was incompetent and why he was fired. thanks for admitting it.
So Comey was an incompetent, not a conspirator. Thanks for admitting it.
no,, he was both. one can be both.
Comey announced the reopening of the email investigation just before the election. Incompetence or a conspiracy?

He kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret. Incompetence or a conspiracy?
I've seen your posts before, so....not certain you can be helped....but, here is reality:

....from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

…first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence”– the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Now....go right on and continue proving you're a dunce.
Many thanks for so clearly and precisely NOT answering my question: If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?

...from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

…first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence”– the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Now....go right on and continue proving you're a dunce.
Regurgitating a non-answer is not an answer. This reply even fails by your low standards. Cutting and pasting is a nice talent but reading and writing are also useful.

Just autograph your pic and I'll accept same as your capitulation....

View attachment 168166
and another non-answer, going for a record?

Oh, my....the Christmas mistle-toad is back.

Explained to you twice already.

I'll take your return as meaning "I'm a Leftist, I hate Trump, and no amount of truth will suffice!!!"

The first Republican President famously said
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

And that is the summary of the Mueller Fiasco.

Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

2. Did he do it? Did Trump, or officials with his knowledge, collude with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to hack the emails of John Podesta and the DNC, and leak the contents to damage Hillary Clinton and elect Donald Trump?

3. … a rival explanation for what is going down here: That, from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

4. …first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

5. Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence” – the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

6. Who talked Comey into softening the language to look less than criminal? One man was FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whose wife, Jill, a Virginia state senate candidate, received a munificent PAC contribution of $474,000 from Clinton family friend and big bundler Terry McAuliffe.

7. Also urging Comey to soften the fatal phrase “gross negligence” was key FBI agent Peter Strzok. In text messages to his FBI lover Lisa Page, Strzok repeatedly vented his detestation of the “idiot” Trump.

8. After one meeting with “Andy” (McCabe), Strzok told Page an “insurance policy” was needed to keep Trump out of the White House.

9. Also, it appears Comey began drafting his exoneration statement of Hillary before the FBI had even interviewed her. And when the FBI did, Hillary was permitted to have her lawyers present.

10. One need not be a conspiracy nut to conclude the fix was in, ….Comey, McCabe, Strzok were not going to recommend an indictment that would blow Hillary out of the water

Have you noticed that the chorus of 'You just wait….Mueller will indict Trump….has become less a loud chorus, and more a susurrant murmuring from the lying low-lives???

OMG,. A friend of Clinton who raised money for Democrat candidates put together funding for a wife of a guy who works for the FBI.

Just fucking wow.

You can tell you're a Glenn Beck fan. Did you wtrk that out on a blackboard with a bunch of circles & arrows?

And then that agent who called Trump an idiot in his communications with his girlfriend. I have news, Tillerson called Trump a Moron. So investigate Tillerson. Hew must be a Democrat plant to sabotage the Trump administration!!! OMG OMG OMG.

Bring up Hillary & her e-mails. Good work but YOUR own party in their congressional investigation founds NOTHING. The FBI found nothing. And that bitch brought her attorney, OMG.

Was this a true statement from Trump:

“It never happened. There was no communication between the campaign and any foreign entity during the campaign."

Well, we all know this was a blatant lie. Nearly every higher up in the Trump campaign was caught lying about Russian contacts.

But hey, those Hillary e-mails. Right!?
The first Republican President famously said
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

And that is the summary of the Mueller Fiasco.

Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

2. Did he do it? Did Trump, or officials with his knowledge, collude with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to hack the emails of John Podesta and the DNC, and leak the contents to damage Hillary Clinton and elect Donald Trump?

3. … a rival explanation for what is going down here: That, from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

4. …first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

5. Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence” – the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

6. Who talked Comey into softening the language to look less than criminal? One man was FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whose wife, Jill, a Virginia state senate candidate, received a munificent PAC contribution of $474,000 from Clinton family friend and big bundler Terry McAuliffe.

7. Also urging Comey to soften the fatal phrase “gross negligence” was key FBI agent Peter Strzok. In text messages to his FBI lover Lisa Page, Strzok repeatedly vented his detestation of the “idiot” Trump.

8. After one meeting with “Andy” (McCabe), Strzok told Page an “insurance policy” was needed to keep Trump out of the White House.

9. Also, it appears Comey began drafting his exoneration statement of Hillary before the FBI had even interviewed her. And when the FBI did, Hillary was permitted to have her lawyers present.

10. One need not be a conspiracy nut to conclude the fix was in, ….Comey, McCabe, Strzok were not going to recommend an indictment that would blow Hillary out of the water

Have you noticed that the chorus of 'You just wait….Mueller will indict Trump….has become less a loud chorus, and more a susurrant murmuring from the lying low-lives???

OMG,. A friend of Clinton who raised money for Democrat candidates put together funding for a wife of a guy who works for the FBI.

Just fucking wow.

You can tell you're a Glenn Beck fan. Did you wtrk that out on a blackboard with a bunch of circles & arrows?

And then that agent who called Trump an idiot in his communications with his girlfriend. I have news, Tillerson called Trump a Moron. So investigate Tillerson. Hew must be a Democrat plant to sabotage the Trump administration!!! OMG OMG OMG.

Bring up Hillary & her e-mails. Good work but YOUR own party in their congressional investigation founds NOTHING. The FBI found nothing. And that bitch brought her attorney, OMG.

Was this a true statement from Trump:

“It never happened. There was no communication between the campaign and any foreign entity during the campaign."

Well, we all know this was a blatant lie. Nearly every higher up in the Trump campaign was caught lying about Russian contacts.

But hey, those Hillary e-mails. Right!?

Seems you are unable to post without including both vulgarity and stupidity.

Why is that, RealDumb?????
Many thanks for so clearly and precisely NOT answering my question: If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?

...from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

…first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence”– the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Now....go right on and continue proving you're a dunce.
Regurgitating a non-answer is not an answer. This reply even fails by your low standards. Cutting and pasting is a nice talent but reading and writing are also useful.

Just autograph your pic and I'll accept same as your capitulation....

View attachment 168166
and another non-answer, going for a record?

Oh, my....the Christmas mistle-toad is back.

Explained to you twice already.

I'll take your return as meaning "I'm a Leftist, I hate Trump, and no amount of truth will suffice!!!"

I'm sorry, I thought I asked a simple enough question but apparently I did not. Never mind, please continue your ranting and ignore any evidence to the contrary.
...from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

…first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence”– the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Now....go right on and continue proving you're a dunce.
Regurgitating a non-answer is not an answer. This reply even fails by your low standards. Cutting and pasting is a nice talent but reading and writing are also useful.

Just autograph your pic and I'll accept same as your capitulation....

View attachment 168166
and another non-answer, going for a record?

Oh, my....the Christmas mistle-toad is back.

Explained to you twice already.

I'll take your return as meaning "I'm a Leftist, I hate Trump, and no amount of truth will suffice!!!"

I'm sorry, I thought I asked a simple enough question but apparently I did not. Never mind, please continue your ranting and ignore any evidence to the contrary.

The fact that you're simple, and admitting same, may explain why you can't seem to connect these dots:

...from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

…first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence”– the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias
The first Republican President famously said
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

And that is the summary of the Mueller Fiasco.

Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

2. Did he do it? Did Trump, or officials with his knowledge, collude with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to hack the emails of John Podesta and the DNC, and leak the contents to damage Hillary Clinton and elect Donald Trump?

3. … a rival explanation for what is going down here: That, from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

4. …first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

5. Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence” – the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

6. Who talked Comey into softening the language to look less than criminal? One man was FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whose wife, Jill, a Virginia state senate candidate, received a munificent PAC contribution of $474,000 from Clinton family friend and big bundler Terry McAuliffe.

7. Also urging Comey to soften the fatal phrase “gross negligence” was key FBI agent Peter Strzok. In text messages to his FBI lover Lisa Page, Strzok repeatedly vented his detestation of the “idiot” Trump.

8. After one meeting with “Andy” (McCabe), Strzok told Page an “insurance policy” was needed to keep Trump out of the White House.

9. Also, it appears Comey began drafting his exoneration statement of Hillary before the FBI had even interviewed her. And when the FBI did, Hillary was permitted to have her lawyers present.

10. One need not be a conspiracy nut to conclude the fix was in, ….Comey, McCabe, Strzok were not going to recommend an indictment that would blow Hillary out of the water

Have you noticed that the chorus of 'You just wait….Mueller will indict Trump….has become less a loud chorus, and more a susurrant murmuring from the lying low-lives???
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?

I've seen your posts before, so....not certain you can be helped....but, here is reality:

....from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

…first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence”– the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Now....go right on and continue proving you're a dunce.
Many thanks for so clearly and precisely NOT answering my question: If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?
You will find that the political chic does not answer anything but deflects and obfuscates.
Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

Sure........and THAT is why, the ex head of the FBI railroaded Clinton ELEVEN days before the election by saying that they would reopen the email investigation.

Right wingers are either liars or assholes.....but I repeat myself......

Trump should erect a statue to Comey, for handing him the oval office......Instead, the orange moron turns on BOTH Comey and the FBI.........Go figure.
The first Republican President famously said
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

And that is the summary of the Mueller Fiasco.

Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

2. Did he do it? Did Trump, or officials with his knowledge, collude with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to hack the emails of John Podesta and the DNC, and leak the contents to damage Hillary Clinton and elect Donald Trump?

3. … a rival explanation for what is going down here: That, from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

4. …first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

5. Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence” – the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

6. Who talked Comey into softening the language to look less than criminal? One man was FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whose wife, Jill, a Virginia state senate candidate, received a munificent PAC contribution of $474,000 from Clinton family friend and big bundler Terry McAuliffe.

7. Also urging Comey to soften the fatal phrase “gross negligence” was key FBI agent Peter Strzok. In text messages to his FBI lover Lisa Page, Strzok repeatedly vented his detestation of the “idiot” Trump.

8. After one meeting with “Andy” (McCabe), Strzok told Page an “insurance policy” was needed to keep Trump out of the White House.

9. Also, it appears Comey began drafting his exoneration statement of Hillary before the FBI had even interviewed her. And when the FBI did, Hillary was permitted to have her lawyers present.

10. One need not be a conspiracy nut to conclude the fix was in, ….Comey, McCabe, Strzok were not going to recommend an indictment that would blow Hillary out of the water

Have you noticed that the chorus of 'You just wait….Mueller will indict Trump….has become less a loud chorus, and more a susurrant murmuring from the lying low-lives???
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?

I've seen your posts before, so....not certain you can be helped....but, here is reality:

....from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

…first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence”– the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Now....go right on and continue proving you're a dunce.
Many thanks for so clearly and precisely NOT answering my question: If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?
You will find that the political chic does not answer anything but deflects and obfuscates.

Nay, nay, ExLaxMan.....

....I provide facts.

Indicted Hillary????

DID NOT have to indict Hillary.......just spread a rumor that she was AGAIN going to be investigated.........Shortly after the election, the heads of the FBI stated....."oooopss, never mind....."
Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

Sure........and THAT is why, the ex head of the FBI railroaded Clinton ELEVEN days before the election by saying that they would reopen the email investigation.

Right wingers are either liars or assholes.....but I repeat myself......

Trump should erect a statue to Comey, for handing him the oval office......Instead, the orange moron turns on BOTH Comey and the FBI.........Go figure.

Let's check:

1. The Mueller Investigation has proven to be no different from the Salem Witch Trials or Stalin's Show Trials. at the mouth defending no avail.
He was charged by the Democrats/Bolsheviks with the mission of taking down the constitutionally elected President of the United States.

2. A year now....yet not a smidgen of evidence against Trump, nor any evidence of collusion with the Russians to sway the election.
Not a single indictment related to any 'collusion with Russia.'

3. Two of Mueller's top agents have been embarrassed and demoted as their bias has been revealed....demoted by Mueller himself due to embarrassment when their misdeeds and bias were revealed.

4. There have been no admissions of guilt, nor indictments related to any collusion with the Russians, which was Mueller's mission....nothing more than 'process crimes,' misstatements that never would have been made had this farrago not been created by the anti-Trump assassins.

5.Just as the least intelligent Democrats/Liberals were left hanging when the elites turned 180 degrees and admitted everything we on the Right have been saying about the rapist, Bill Clinton, for decades, it is now evident that Mueller's farrago ploy to institute a foregone conclusion, an attempt to remove a democratically elected President.

6. Emails revealed that FBI agent Strzok changed the working that was used to prevent Hillary from being charged.

He was at Hillary's 'victory' party, and instituted a plan to falsely accuse Trump of collusion.

McCabe was fully versed as to Strzok's endeavor, but he had already been bribed with nearly $700,000 to his wife by Hillary associates.

7. “If they were coming up with a quote ‘insurance policy’ in case Donald Trump won, that is devastating,” Gowdy told Fox’s Bill Hemmer."
Gowdy: Strzok Texts Show ‘A Level Of Bias You Rarely See’ [VIDEO]

8. Another Mueller agent, met with the producers of the false 'dossier' to plan the attack on Trump, and his wife worked for organization:
"A senior Department of Justice official demoted earlier in December for not disclosing meetings with Fusion GPS representatives is also married to a former employee of the firm behind the infamous Trump-Russia dossier, according to a report.
Nellie H. Ohr, wife of demoted DOJ official Bruce G. Ohr,..,." DOJ official demoted for secret meetings with Trump dossier firm is married to firm employee: Report

9. Defenders of the Leftist plan are left with egg on their.....your....face.

The time is past when any believe in the collusion strategy, or in Mueller's investigation, leaving supporters of same revealed as lying low-lives......

10. In short, you appear so far behind events as to mirror the Japanese soldier who hid for 30 years after the wars end, refusing to give up...

Isn't it true that we now have the best President in nearly a decade???

Indicted Hillary????

DID NOT have to indict Hillary.......just spread a rumor that she was AGAIN going to be investigated.........Shortly after the election, the heads of the FBI stated....."oooopss, never mind....."

So, contrary to your earlier now admit that, while he could have indicted Hillary.....he not only didn't, but claimed that no prosecutor would have.....even though there are folks in prison for less.

"US Navy sailor jailed for taking photos of classified areas of nuclear submarine
Kristian Saucier pleaded guilty in May to ‘foolish mistake’ of unauthorized detention of defense information....did so only to be able to show his family and future children what he did while he was in the Navy,..."
US Navy sailor jailed for taking photos of classified areas of nuclear submarine

Soooo.....Comey saved her, huh?
Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

Sure........and THAT is why, the ex head of the FBI railroaded Clinton ELEVEN days before the election by saying that they would reopen the email investigation.

Right wingers are either liars or assholes.....but I repeat myself......

Trump should erect a statue to Comey, for handing him the oval office......Instead, the orange moron turns on BOTH Comey and the FBI.........Go figure.

8. Another Mueller agent, met with the producers of the false 'dossier' to plan the attack on Trump, and his wife worked for organization:
"A senior Department of Justice official demoted earlier in December for not disclosing meetings with Fusion GPS representatives is also married to a former employee of the firm behind the infamous Trump-Russia dossier, according to a report.
Nellie H. Ohr, wife of demoted DOJ official Bruce G. Ohr,..,." DOJ official demoted for secret meetings with Trump dossier firm is married to firm employee: Report

9. Defenders of the Leftist plan are left with egg on their.....your....face.

The time is past when any believe in the collusion strategy, or in Mueller's investigation, leaving supporters of same revealed as lying low-lives......

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