Getting' Nearer To The Conclusion

14. Without that dossier that Hillary, the DNC, and the FBI paid for, there would have been no basis for surveillance of Trump and his associates, and no Mueller Investigation.

"FBI Director James Comey has been caught going around to secret Congressional briefings in “recent weeks” touting the lurid fake “Trump dossier.” He has been claiming that it is a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump to interfere in the election—months after the FBI had already assessed the “dossier” as non-credible."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

15. "The “dirty dossier,” a mixture of fabrications, falsehoods and half-truths, created to destroy Trump and make Hillary president, was the product of a British spy’s collusion with Kremlin agents.....Putin.

In the Dec. 26 issue of the Washington Times, Rowan Scarborough writes that the FBI relied on this Kremlin-Steele dossier of allegations and lies to base their decision “to open a counterintelligence investigation (of Trump).” And press reports “cite the document’s disinformation in requests for court-approved wiretaps.”
Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

They knew the dossier was fake…..


They used the dossier to get FISA warrants!!!!!
So, contrary to your earlier now admit that, while he could have indicted Hillary.....he not only didn't,

THAT is the type of "conclusion"that ONLY an idiot would have reached.....

I NEVER mentioned "indictment"....All that I stated is that Comey.....ELEVEN DAYS before the election stated that Hillary was once again under investigation.

THAT my dear nitwit, placed a cloud over Clinton that costs her the election...SO, the orange moron should be THANKING Comey instead of deriding him........
So, contrary to your earlier now admit that, while he could have indicted Hillary.....he not only didn't,

THAT is the type of "conclusion"that ONLY an idiot would have reached.....

I NEVER mentioned "indictment"....All that I stated is that Comey.....ELEVEN DAYS before the election stated that Hillary was once again under investigation.

THAT my dear nitwit, placed a cloud over Clinton that costs her the election...SO, the orange moron should be THANKING Comey instead of deriding him........

Could Comey have indicted her?
16. Mueller's right-hand man, Agent Strzok, was involved in generating, and paying for the dossier, pretending that it was factual, and marching into the FISA court with same to get warrants to eavesdrop on Trump and associates....

17. "Director Comey has been fired. FBI No. 2 McCabe is now being retired under a cloud. Mueller’s top FBI investigator, Peter Strzok, and lover Lisa, have been discharged. And Mueller is left to rely upon a passel of prosecutors whose common denominator appears to be that they loathe Trump and made contributions to Hillary."
Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

18. "Not incidentally, notice that the sexual allegations against Trump, although they were made before he defeated Hillary Clinton, have replaced Russia, Russia, Russia as the main justification for impeachment. ... Dems are giving up on Mueller finding anything significant."
"Dershowitz: My Liberal Friends Say My Trump Defenses Are 100 Percent Right, But I Should Also Shut The F**k Up
....the liberal lawyer has said he’s lost several pounds this year, thanks to friends not inviting him to dinner anymore. He said his closest friends have told him that he’s 100 percent right in his arguments defending Trump's decision to fire Comey, but added that he should also shut the f**k up. In all, Dershowitz says he’s merely defending the principles of the Constitution, not Trump—though that’s fallen on deaf ears from his liberal colleagues."
Dershowitz: My Liberal Friends Say My Trump Defenses Are 100 Percent Right, But I Should Also Shut The F**k Up
"Dershowitz: My Liberal Friends Say My Trump Defenses Are 100 Percent Right, But I Should Also Shut The F**k Up
....the liberal lawyer has said he’s lost several pounds this year, thanks to friends not inviting him to dinner anymore. He said his closest friends have told him that he’s 100 percent right in his arguments defending Trump's decision to fire Comey, but added that he should also shut the f**k up. In all, Dershowitz says he’s merely defending the principles of the Constitution, not Trump—though that’s fallen on deaf ears from his liberal colleagues."
Dershowitz: My Liberal Friends Say My Trump Defenses Are 100 Percent Right, But I Should Also Shut The F**k Up

When Dershowitz decided to :defend" OJ Simpson, he became just another cheap legal whore looking for attention....and some bucks.....

He's probably looking for a spot on FOX.....
"Dershowitz: My Liberal Friends Say My Trump Defenses Are 100 Percent Right, But I Should Also Shut The F**k Up
....the liberal lawyer has said he’s lost several pounds this year, thanks to friends not inviting him to dinner anymore. He said his closest friends have told him that he’s 100 percent right in his arguments defending Trump's decision to fire Comey, but added that he should also shut the f**k up. In all, Dershowitz says he’s merely defending the principles of the Constitution, not Trump—though that’s fallen on deaf ears from his liberal colleagues."
Dershowitz: My Liberal Friends Say My Trump Defenses Are 100 Percent Right, But I Should Also Shut The F**k Up

When Dershowitz decided to :defend" OJ Simpson, he became just another cheap legal whore looking for attention....and some bucks.....

He's probably looking for a spot on FOX.....

Guy is definitely pushing an angle, he is 100% spinning for Trump 24/7.
Last edited:
The first Republican President famously said
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

And that is the summary of the Mueller Fiasco.

Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

2. Did he do it? Did Trump, or officials with his knowledge, collude with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to hack the emails of John Podesta and the DNC, and leak the contents to damage Hillary Clinton and elect Donald Trump?

3. … a rival explanation for what is going down here: That, from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

4. …first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

5. Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence” – the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

6. Who talked Comey into softening the language to look less than criminal? One man was FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whose wife, Jill, a Virginia state senate candidate, received a munificent PAC contribution of $474,000 from Clinton family friend and big bundler Terry McAuliffe.

7. Also urging Comey to soften the fatal phrase “gross negligence” was key FBI agent Peter Strzok. In text messages to his FBI lover Lisa Page, Strzok repeatedly vented his detestation of the “idiot” Trump.

8. After one meeting with “Andy” (McCabe), Strzok told Page an “insurance policy” was needed to keep Trump out of the White House.

9. Also, it appears Comey began drafting his exoneration statement of Hillary before the FBI had even interviewed her. And when the FBI did, Hillary was permitted to have her lawyers present.

10. One need not be a conspiracy nut to conclude the fix was in, ….Comey, McCabe, Strzok were not going to recommend an indictment that would blow Hillary out of the water

Have you noticed that the chorus of 'You just wait….Mueller will indict Trump….has become less a loud chorus, and more a susurrant murmuring from the lying low-lives???
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?

I've seen your posts before, so....not certain you can be helped....but, here is reality:

....from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

…first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence”– the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

"Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias" Report: Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills went unpunished after lying to FBI agent with anti-Trump bias

Now....go right on and continue proving you're a dunce.
Many thanks for so clearly and precisely NOT answering my question: If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?
Oh, he reopened it and reiterated that she will not be charged, even though he in fact said she broke the law and if anyone else had done it, that they would be charged?

That reopening?
With all due respect, the first Republican president was Thomas Jefferson.

Actually,Jefferson was part of the DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLICAN Party.....

You're welcome.

Yes, which dropped the "democratic" part early, prior to Aaron Burr and Andrew Jackson forming the Democrat party. Jackson referred to Jefferson as "that damned Republican."
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?
Oh, he reopened it and reiterated that she will not be charged, even though he in fact said she broke the law and if anyone else had done it, that they would be charged?

That reopening?
Yeah, the reopening that happened on Oct. 28th, 2016. The reopening that wasn't closed again until Nov. 6th, two days before the election. I have not found anyone to say these actions helped Clinton, only that they again brought up her email debacle to national attention again.
How exactly did the same FBI agents get assigned to both the Hillary email and Trump Russia investigations? And who higher up assigned them those cases? Comey?
Obama's hands are all over this.

He never liked America or Democracy anyways.

Heck he detested America, Christians and Jews, Coddled, armed and funded terrorists.

Obama was The Marxist Muslim Manchurian Candidate.
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?
Oh, he reopened it and reiterated that she will not be charged, even though he in fact said she broke the law and if anyone else had done it, that they would be charged?

That reopening?
Yeah, the reopening that happened on Oct. 28th, 2016. The reopening that wasn't closed again until Nov. 6th, two days before the election. I have not found anyone to say these actions helped Clinton, only that they again brought up her email debacle to national attention again.
So, she was charged two days before the election?


I don't remember that. Oh, they did it to further push the notion that even though she was guilty, she really wasnt.

What was the terminology change Lynch used?

Was changed to "matter" from an "investigation?"


You people just go......deeerrrrrrrrrrp....uhhhhb yeeeeah. It was a "matter."

Funny stuff. You consider yourself intelligent?
With all due respect, the first Republican president was Thomas Jefferson.

Actually,Jefferson was part of the DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLICAN Party.....

You're welcome.

Yes, which dropped the "democratic" part early, prior to Aaron Burr and Andrew Jackson forming the Democrat party. Jackson referred to Jefferson as "that damned Republican."
Actually there was no "REPUBLICAN" party until 1854. The DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLICAN party was renamed the DEMOCRAT party by Jackson around 1828.

I just love when people rewrite history (including Nazi history) to suit their narratives.
"Dershowitz: My Liberal Friends Say My Trump Defenses Are 100 Percent Right, But I Should Also Shut The F**k Up
....the liberal lawyer has said he’s lost several pounds this year, thanks to friends not inviting him to dinner anymore. He said his closest friends have told him that he’s 100 percent right in his arguments defending Trump's decision to fire Comey, but added that he should also shut the f**k up. In all, Dershowitz says he’s merely defending the principles of the Constitution, not Trump—though that’s fallen on deaf ears from his liberal colleagues."
Dershowitz: My Liberal Friends Say My Trump Defenses Are 100 Percent Right, But I Should Also Shut The F**k Up

When Dershowitz decided to :defend" OJ Simpson, he became just another cheap legal whore looking for attention....and some bucks.....

He's probably looking for a spot on FOX.....

He's an inveterate Liberal.....and a highly respected legal scholar.

Got you worried, huh?
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?
Oh, he reopened it and reiterated that she will not be charged, even though he in fact said she broke the law and if anyone else had done it, that they would be charged?

That reopening?
Yeah, the reopening that happened on Oct. 28th, 2016. The reopening that wasn't closed again until Nov. 6th, two days before the election. I have not found anyone to say these actions helped Clinton, only that they again brought up her email debacle to national attention again.
So, she was charged two days before the election?


I don't remember that. Oh, they did it to further push the notion that even though she was guilty, she really wasnt.

What was the terminology change Lynch used?

Was changed to "matter" from an "investigation?"


You people just go......deeerrrrrrrrrrp....uhhhhb yeeeeah. It was a "matter."

Funny stuff. You consider yourself intelligent?
Comey learns of the Clinton emails on Weiner’s server in Oct. He determines that he is obligated to tell Congress he is reopening the investigation. He does so in a letter on Oct. 28. Days before the election, Comey sends a letter to Congress saying that the new emails did not contain any new information.
"Dershowitz: My Liberal Friends Say My Trump Defenses Are 100 Percent Right, But I Should Also Shut The F**k Up
....the liberal lawyer has said he’s lost several pounds this year, thanks to friends not inviting him to dinner anymore. He said his closest friends have told him that he’s 100 percent right in his arguments defending Trump's decision to fire Comey, but added that he should also shut the f**k up. In all, Dershowitz says he’s merely defending the principles of the Constitution, not Trump—though that’s fallen on deaf ears from his liberal colleagues."
Dershowitz: My Liberal Friends Say My Trump Defenses Are 100 Percent Right, But I Should Also Shut The F**k Up

When Dershowitz decided to :defend" OJ Simpson, he became just another cheap legal whore looking for attention....and some bucks.....

He's probably looking for a spot on FOX.....

Guy is definitely pushing an angle, he is 100% spinning for Trump 24/7.

1. Actually, he was a Hillary supporter
2. A Legal scholar
3. Anti-Trump
4. And written many books, check on you know what 'books' are?
Comey learns of the Clinton emails on Weiner’s server in Oct. He determines that he is obligated to tell Congress he is reopening the investigation. He does so in a letter on Oct. 28. Days before the election, Comey sends a letter to Congress saying that the new emails did not contain any new information.

Ergo.......trump should ERECT a shrine honoring Comey for virtually handing him the oval office.......Instead, he fires and belittles him and THAT is why we got a special prosecutor after Trump's fat ass........
Some "great deal maker" and negotiator that Trump must be.....LOL

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