Getting' Nearer To The Conclusion

Guy is definitely pushing an angle, he is 100% spinning for Trump 24/7.

1. Actually, he was a Hillary supporter
2. A Legal scholar
3. Anti-Trump
4. And written many books, check on you know what 'books' are?

Yes retard, I have heard of books.

I also have heard of his past positions, but like any good lawyer he is VERY well adapt at making arguments he does not truly believe.

Could you name several books that you've read that have informed your political views?

Just a few.

How about fuck you retard?

I heard you like that sort of handling.

The vulgarity!

I seem to have hit a nerve.

So we can logically conclude that you have never read a book.

No you cannot LOGICALLY conclude that just because I'm not interested in discussing with you a list of the books that I have read in my life to somehow prove to you my literary credentials.

You are so pathetically retarded that it's on that illusive line between hilarious and sad.
Last edited:
Pol chic’s people.
Yes retard, I have heard of books.

I also have heard of his past positions, but like any good lawyer he is VERY well adapt at making arguments he does not truly believe.

Could you name several books that you've read that have informed your political views?

Just a few.

How about fuck you retard?

I heard you like that sort of handling.

The vulgarity!

I seem to have hit a nerve.

So we can logically conclude that you have never read a book.

How.....shocking. a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to educate a Liberal, here are some you should begin soon as you finish "Horton Hears a Who:'

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.

And, please do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

4. Extra Credit:

“ the vulgarity.”
White House staffers say Trump rants and curses at real and imagined foes all day long while in the Oval Office..
Well the time he’s not watching TV.

I don't.


I attribute that to the difference in our upbringing.

When you think about The Lengths Obama and Clinton went to to cement his legacy and pass the torch to preserve it, IT IS SHOCKING.

  • Selling Uranium To Our Enemies
  • Looking the other way on bribery schemes
  • Helping Islamic Terrorists Push Heroin across the Southern Border
  • Actually Arming and Financing Terrorists in The Middle East.
  • Plotting Coups in several Islamic Nations that border or are in near proximity to Israel.
  • Weakening our Immigration Policies, putting a strain on our Social Safety net, and lowering our guard so that Islamic Extremists could start flooding in to this country.
  • Colluding with Russia to Rig an Election.
  • Plotting a Coup against a Duly Elected President.
  • Using The FBI & DOJ as a Secret Police Force to punish their enemies and protect their friends.
  • Weaponizing THE IRS to punish and Suppress Conservatives
  • Engaging in Insider Trading.
  • Selling Classified Intel to The Press and our Enemies.
  • For the first time in history a sitting President orders the 24-7 Surveillance of a rival Campaign to help his heir become president.
  • Obstructing Justice
  • Manufacturing Evidence
  • Promoting Russian Propaganda
  • Helping Facilitate The Importation of Afghanistani and Mexican Heroin sold by Mexican Drug Cartels, and Middle Eastern Terrorists.
  • Gun Running at Benghazi, and in Mexico, possibly Las Vegas.
  • Money Laundering
  • Influence Peddling
  • Perjury
  • Espionage
  • Destruction of Evidence.
  • Financing and supporting terrorist states and the aiding and abetting the nuclearization of our enemies.

The List is Endless!
Last edited:
1. Actually, he was a Hillary supporter
2. A Legal scholar
3. Anti-Trump
4. And written many books, check on you know what 'books' are?

Yes retard, I have heard of books.

I also have heard of his past positions, but like any good lawyer he is VERY well adapt at making arguments he does not truly believe.

Could you name several books that you've read that have informed your political views?

Just a few.

How about fuck you retard?

I heard you like that sort of handling.

The vulgarity!

I seem to have hit a nerve.

So we can logically conclude that you have never read a book.

No you cannot LOGICALLY conclude that just because I'm not interested in discussing with you a list of the books that I have read in my life to somehow prove to you my literary credentials.

You are so pathetically retarded that it's on that illusive line between hilarious and sad.

Let's be honest.
You have no credentials: having a pulse is not the equivalent of an education.

Clearly, I've wounded you deeply by pointing that out.

You may refer to me as 'karma.'
Yes retard, I have heard of books.

I also have heard of his past positions, but like any good lawyer he is VERY well adapt at making arguments he does not truly believe.

Could you name several books that you've read that have informed your political views?

Just a few.

How about fuck you retard?

I heard you like that sort of handling.

The vulgarity!

I seem to have hit a nerve.

So we can logically conclude that you have never read a book.

No you cannot LOGICALLY conclude that just because I'm not interested in discussing with you a list of the books that I have read in my life to somehow prove to you my literary credentials.

You are so pathetically retarded that it's on that illusive line between hilarious and sad.

Let's be honest.
You have no credentials: having a pulse is not the equivalent of an education.

Clearly, I've wounded you deeply by pointing that out.

You may refer to me as 'karma.'

I'm very honest: I think you are straight mentally challenged.

No other way to explain your bat shit crazy posting and constant failures at basic logic.
Could you name several books that you've read that have informed your political views?

Just a few.

How about fuck you retard?

I heard you like that sort of handling.

The vulgarity!

I seem to have hit a nerve.

So we can logically conclude that you have never read a book.

No you cannot LOGICALLY conclude that just because I'm not interested in discussing with you a list of the books that I have read in my life to somehow prove to you my literary credentials.

You are so pathetically retarded that it's on that illusive line between hilarious and sad.

Let's be honest.
You have no credentials: having a pulse is not the equivalent of an education.

Clearly, I've wounded you deeply by pointing that out.

You may refer to me as 'karma.'

I'm very honest: I think you are straight mentally challenged.

No other way to explain your bat shit crazy posting and constant failures at basic logic.

Clean up your language and try to articulate a cogent refutation of any of my posts.

Or.....go back to your blanket fort and coloring books.
How about fuck you retard?

I heard you like that sort of handling.

The vulgarity!

I seem to have hit a nerve.

So we can logically conclude that you have never read a book.

No you cannot LOGICALLY conclude that just because I'm not interested in discussing with you a list of the books that I have read in my life to somehow prove to you my literary credentials.

You are so pathetically retarded that it's on that illusive line between hilarious and sad.

Let's be honest.
You have no credentials: having a pulse is not the equivalent of an education.

Clearly, I've wounded you deeply by pointing that out.

You may refer to me as 'karma.'

I'm very honest: I think you are straight mentally challenged.

No other way to explain your bat shit crazy posting and constant failures at basic logic.

Clean up your language and try to articulate a cogent refutation of any of my posts.

Or.....go back to your blanket fort and coloring books.

How about another nice fuck you for the road? Adios retard.
The vulgarity!

I seem to have hit a nerve.

So we can logically conclude that you have never read a book.

No you cannot LOGICALLY conclude that just because I'm not interested in discussing with you a list of the books that I have read in my life to somehow prove to you my literary credentials.

You are so pathetically retarded that it's on that illusive line between hilarious and sad.

Let's be honest.
You have no credentials: having a pulse is not the equivalent of an education.

Clearly, I've wounded you deeply by pointing that out.

You may refer to me as 'karma.'

I'm very honest: I think you are straight mentally challenged.

No other way to explain your bat shit crazy posting and constant failures at basic logic.

Clean up your language and try to articulate a cogent refutation of any of my posts.

Or.....go back to your blanket fort and coloring books.

How about another nice fuck you for the road? Adios retard.

Said Trump To The Left after the 2018 mid terms where Russia Russia Russia gets their asses all kicked out of office!

Why do you think Nazi Pelosi is changing her colors on this now like the Lying Chameleon she is?

They Lied, They Lost, and Impeach Trump & The Resistance which was started before he even took office is failing....just like all their Marxist-Socialist Policies
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?
Oh, he reopened it and reiterated that she will not be charged, even though he in fact said she broke the law and if anyone else had done it, that they would be charged?

That reopening?
Yeah, the reopening that happened on Oct. 28th, 2016. The reopening that wasn't closed again until Nov. 6th, two days before the election. I have not found anyone to say these actions helped Clinton, only that they again brought up her email debacle to national attention again.

First off, let me remind everyone that COMEY was forced to INVESTIGATE CLINTON because of Press Reports about this Illegal Server.

The entire administration lied about it, and tried to keep it covered up. Obama and Clinton were laundering money, engaging in weapons dealing and insider trading, and sharing classified intel with their friends and brokers to make an ill gotten gain.

Comey's job, like McCabe's, like Rice's, Lynch's, Mills, Mueller's, and Rosenstein's were to Bury these Crimes, and sweep them under the rug to keep Hillary Clinton as a viable candidate, and at the same time, justify 24-7 surveillance of The Trump Campaign as ordered by Obama so that they could Rig the Election by knowing exactly what was being discussed at The Trump Campaign, and to also use Russian Propaganda, and False Allegations to discredit The Trump Campaign in every way imaginable, and if they could not succeed in stopping Trump to implement a last resort "Insurance Policy" of Endless Investigations and Accusations to hamstring and discredit the Trump Presidency and if by chance they could get lucky enough to find something weighty enough to exaggerate and "Trump Up" to start an impeachment, they would try to remove him from office.

Not only were they involved in the corruption of government at The State Department, IRS, FBI, DOJ, and NSA, but they were literally KILLING PEOPLE to advance their agendas. The list is actually too long to place here. Numerous cases of funding groups like Hamas, Al Nusra, Al Queda, and even ISIS, as well as Terrorist Associated Mexican Drug Cartels who were importing Afghanistan Heroin in to the US, and setting up Poppy Plantations in Mexico.

Now, you might ask yourself, why exactly were all of these Obama and Clinton Sycophants SO HELL BENT in keeping Trump from getting elected and removing him from Office if he did?

Only if you are stupid do you have to ask this question!

They thought they had it won, they had it rigged, and they had bought the White House, scammed the American Voter, so they were never going to get caught.

The Entire Clinton-Obama Cabal was engaged in thousands of felonies, they were funding terrorism with taxpayer dollars and trying to undermine Israel, and the United States and trying to advance the Islamic Agenda by strengthening Israel's Enemies. They actually became "The Enemy Within". They wanted to undermine America itself in order to make it more suitable to accepting globalism, and forcing a Peace Treaty with Israel. Obama did the same thing with Iran....looked the other way on human rights violations, violations of treaties, and looked the other way on Iran's Heroin dealing and then gave them Billions in a deal so bad and so obviously corrupt that only a man who hated Israel, The United States, and who Admired Islamic Extremists could have produced it. I give you Obama Bin Lying. The Forked Tongued Devil From Kenya....err...Chicago.

And if you think that's bad enough this bitch and his whore heir were helping to run drugs across the border and pumped American kids, communities and families full of Meth, Cocaine and Heroin.

Obama and Clinton were that Hell Bent on forcing Israel to their knees, and at the same time, were that Greedy that literally EVERYTHING in America was for sale. Uranium, Weapons, The Judiciary, Congress, everything and anything was for sale, including The Oval Office & their very souls.
You do realize that you sound like a tin-foil hatted, conspiracy loon don't you?

You claimed, Obama and Clinton were laundering money, engaging in weapons dealing and insider trading, and sharing classified intel with their friends and brokers to make an ill gotten gain.

Do you have any evidence any of that is true?
The vulgarity!

I seem to have hit a nerve.

So we can logically conclude that you have never read a book.

No you cannot LOGICALLY conclude that just because I'm not interested in discussing with you a list of the books that I have read in my life to somehow prove to you my literary credentials.

You are so pathetically retarded that it's on that illusive line between hilarious and sad.

Let's be honest.
You have no credentials: having a pulse is not the equivalent of an education.

Clearly, I've wounded you deeply by pointing that out.

You may refer to me as 'karma.'

I'm very honest: I think you are straight mentally challenged.

No other way to explain your bat shit crazy posting and constant failures at basic logic.

Clean up your language and try to articulate a cogent refutation of any of my posts.

Or.....go back to your blanket fort and coloring books.

How about another nice fuck you for the road? Adios retard.

This was your challenge:
Clean up your language and try to articulate a cogent refutation of any of my posts.

Alas, as in every other endeavor in life, you've failed this one just as miserably.

Just between the two of us….are you just a leeeeettttle disappointed at how you turned out?
How about another nice fuck you for the road? Adios retard.

Friend, ALWAYS remember G.B. Shaw's adage about "wrestling with pigs"

I am sooooo glad that you've advertised that you two are friends.

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends."
- William Butler Yeats

Couldn't have imagined a better suited couple.
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?
Oh, he reopened it and reiterated that she will not be charged, even though he in fact said she broke the law and if anyone else had done it, that they would be charged?

That reopening?
Yeah, the reopening that happened on Oct. 28th, 2016. The reopening that wasn't closed again until Nov. 6th, two days before the election. I have not found anyone to say these actions helped Clinton, only that they again brought up her email debacle to national attention again.

First off, let me remind everyone that COMEY was forced to INVESTIGATE CLINTON because of Press Reports about this Illegal Server.

The entire administration lied about it, and tried to keep it covered up. Obama and Clinton were laundering money, engaging in weapons dealing and insider trading, and sharing classified intel with their friends and brokers to make an ill gotten gain.

Comey's job, like McCabe's, like Rice's, Lynch's, Mills, Mueller's, and Rosenstein's were to Bury these Crimes, and sweep them under the rug to keep Hillary Clinton as a viable candidate, and at the same time, justify 24-7 surveillance of The Trump Campaign as ordered by Obama so that they could Rig the Election by knowing exactly what was being discussed at The Trump Campaign, and to also use Russian Propaganda, and False Allegations to discredit The Trump Campaign in every way imaginable, and if they could not succeed in stopping Trump to implement a last resort "Insurance Policy" of Endless Investigations and Accusations to hamstring and discredit the Trump Presidency and if by chance they could get lucky enough to find something weighty enough to exaggerate and "Trump Up" to start an impeachment, they would try to remove him from office.

Not only were they involved in the corruption of government at The State Department, IRS, FBI, DOJ, and NSA, but they were literally KILLING PEOPLE to advance their agendas. The list is actually too long to place here. Numerous cases of funding groups like Hamas, Al Nusra, Al Queda, and even ISIS, as well as Terrorist Associated Mexican Drug Cartels who were importing Afghanistan Heroin in to the US, and setting up Poppy Plantations in Mexico.

Now, you might ask yourself, why exactly were all of these Obama and Clinton Sycophants SO HELL BENT in keeping Trump from getting elected and removing him from Office if he did?

Only if you are stupid do you have to ask this question!

They thought they had it won, they had it rigged, and they had bought the White House, scammed the American Voter, so they were never going to get caught.

The Entire Clinton-Obama Cabal was engaged in thousands of felonies, they were funding terrorism with taxpayer dollars and trying to undermine Israel, and the United States and trying to advance the Islamic Agenda by strengthening Israel's Enemies. They actually became "The Enemy Within". They wanted to undermine America itself in order to make it more suitable to accepting globalism, and forcing a Peace Treaty with Israel. Obama did the same thing with Iran....looked the other way on human rights violations, violations of treaties, and looked the other way on Iran's Heroin dealing and then gave them Billions in a deal so bad and so obviously corrupt that only a man who hated Israel, The United States, and who Admired Islamic Extremists could have produced it. I give you Obama Bin Lying. The Forked Tongued Devil From Kenya....err...Chicago.

And if you think that's bad enough this bitch and his whore heir were helping to run drugs across the border and pumped American kids, communities and families full of Meth, Cocaine and Heroin.

Obama and Clinton were that Hell Bent on forcing Israel to their knees, and at the same time, were that Greedy that literally EVERYTHING in America was for sale. Uranium, Weapons, The Judiciary, Congress, everything and anything was for sale, including The Oval Office & their very souls.
You do realize that you sound like a tin-foil hatted, conspiracy loon don't you?

You claimed, Obama and Clinton were laundering money, engaging in weapons dealing and insider trading, and sharing classified intel with their friends and brokers to make an ill gotten gain.

Do you have any evidence any of that is true?

"Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., once falsely accused President Ronald Reagan's CIA of all but causing urban cocaine dealing in the '80s. She claimed that Reagan, by working with Nicaraguan drug dealers to defeat the communists running that country, colluded with them to created the urban drug epidemic. Never mind that The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times all debunked Waters' claim.

Yet as to "Politico's" bombshell claim that in order to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran, President Barack Obama allowed an Iran-funded Hezbollah terrorist/drug-dealing mastermind who worked for Russian President Putin to continue to operate.

Yet Waters, who calls for President Donald Trump's impeachment, has said absolutely nothing."
Why is Maxine Waters Silent on The Terrorist Drug-Dealing Probe That Obama Shut Down?

"...Obama halted a George W. Bush administration investigation of drug and human trafficking by the Iran-funded terror group Hezbollah."
No you cannot LOGICALLY conclude that just because I'm not interested in discussing with you a list of the books that I have read in my life to somehow prove to you my literary credentials.

You are so pathetically retarded that it's on that illusive line between hilarious and sad.

Let's be honest.
You have no credentials: having a pulse is not the equivalent of an education.

Clearly, I've wounded you deeply by pointing that out.

You may refer to me as 'karma.'

I'm very honest: I think you are straight mentally challenged.

No other way to explain your bat shit crazy posting and constant failures at basic logic.

Clean up your language and try to articulate a cogent refutation of any of my posts.

Or.....go back to your blanket fort and coloring books.

How about another nice fuck you for the road? Adios retard.

Said Trump To The Left after the 2018 mid terms where Russia Russia Russia gets their asses all kicked out of office!

Why do you think Nazi Pelosi is changing her colors on this now like the Lying Chameleon she is?

They Lied, They Lost, and Impeach Trump & The Resistance which was started before he even took office is failing....just like all their Marxist-Socialist Policies
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?
Oh, he reopened it and reiterated that she will not be charged, even though he in fact said she broke the law and if anyone else had done it, that they would be charged?

That reopening?
Yeah, the reopening that happened on Oct. 28th, 2016. The reopening that wasn't closed again until Nov. 6th, two days before the election. I have not found anyone to say these actions helped Clinton, only that they again brought up her email debacle to national attention again.

First off, let me remind everyone that COMEY was forced to INVESTIGATE CLINTON because of Press Reports about this Illegal Server.

The entire administration lied about it, and tried to keep it covered up. Obama and Clinton were laundering money, engaging in weapons dealing and insider trading, and sharing classified intel with their friends and brokers to make an ill gotten gain.

Comey's job, like McCabe's, like Rice's, Lynch's, Mills, Mueller's, and Rosenstein's were to Bury these Crimes, and sweep them under the rug to keep Hillary Clinton as a viable candidate, and at the same time, justify 24-7 surveillance of The Trump Campaign as ordered by Obama so that they could Rig the Election by knowing exactly what was being discussed at The Trump Campaign, and to also use Russian Propaganda, and False Allegations to discredit The Trump Campaign in every way imaginable, and if they could not succeed in stopping Trump to implement a last resort "Insurance Policy" of Endless Investigations and Accusations to hamstring and discredit the Trump Presidency and if by chance they could get lucky enough to find something weighty enough to exaggerate and "Trump Up" to start an impeachment, they would try to remove him from office.

Not only were they involved in the corruption of government at The State Department, IRS, FBI, DOJ, and NSA, but they were literally KILLING PEOPLE to advance their agendas. The list is actually too long to place here. Numerous cases of funding groups like Hamas, Al Nusra, Al Queda, and even ISIS, as well as Terrorist Associated Mexican Drug Cartels who were importing Afghanistan Heroin in to the US, and setting up Poppy Plantations in Mexico.

Now, you might ask yourself, why exactly were all of these Obama and Clinton Sycophants SO HELL BENT in keeping Trump from getting elected and removing him from Office if he did?

Only if you are stupid do you have to ask this question!

They thought they had it won, they had it rigged, and they had bought the White House, scammed the American Voter, so they were never going to get caught.

The Entire Clinton-Obama Cabal was engaged in thousands of felonies, they were funding terrorism with taxpayer dollars and trying to undermine Israel, and the United States and trying to advance the Islamic Agenda by strengthening Israel's Enemies. They actually became "The Enemy Within". They wanted to undermine America itself in order to make it more suitable to accepting globalism, and forcing a Peace Treaty with Israel. Obama did the same thing with Iran....looked the other way on human rights violations, violations of treaties, and looked the other way on Iran's Heroin dealing and then gave them Billions in a deal so bad and so obviously corrupt that only a man who hated Israel, The United States, and who Admired Islamic Extremists could have produced it. I give you Obama Bin Lying. The Forked Tongued Devil From Kenya....err...Chicago.

And if you think that's bad enough this bitch and his whore heir were helping to run drugs across the border and pumped American kids, communities and families full of Meth, Cocaine and Heroin.

Obama and Clinton were that Hell Bent on forcing Israel to their knees, and at the same time, were that Greedy that literally EVERYTHING in America was for sale. Uranium, Weapons, The Judiciary, Congress, everything and anything was for sale, including The Oval Office & their very souls.
You do realize that you sound like a tin-foil hatted, conspiracy loon don't you?

You claimed, Obama and Clinton were laundering money, engaging in weapons dealing and insider trading, and sharing classified intel with their friends and brokers to make an ill gotten gain.

Do you have any evidence any of that is true?

"Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., once falsely accused President Ronald Reagan's CIA of all but causing urban cocaine dealing in the '80s. She claimed that Reagan, by working with Nicaraguan drug dealers to defeat the communists running that country, colluded with them to created the urban drug epidemic. Never mind that The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times all debunked Waters' claim.

Yet as to "Politico's" bombshell claim that in order to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran, President Barack Obama allowed an Iran-funded Hezbollah terrorist/drug-dealing mastermind who worked for Russian President Putin to continue to operate.

Yet Waters, who calls for President Donald Trump's impeachment, has said absolutely nothing."
Why is Maxine Waters Silent on The Terrorist Drug-Dealing Probe That Obama Shut Down?

"...Obama halted a George W. Bush administration investigation of drug and human trafficking by the Iran-funded terror group Hezbollah."
And what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? However...

I am sooooo glad that you've advertised that you two are friends.

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends."
- William Butler Yeats

Couldn't have imagined a better suited couple.
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?
Oh, he reopened it and reiterated that she will not be charged, even though he in fact said she broke the law and if anyone else had done it, that they would be charged?

That reopening?
Yeah, the reopening that happened on Oct. 28th, 2016. The reopening that wasn't closed again until Nov. 6th, two days before the election. I have not found anyone to say these actions helped Clinton, only that they again brought up her email debacle to national attention again.

First off, let me remind everyone that COMEY was forced to INVESTIGATE CLINTON because of Press Reports about this Illegal Server.

The entire administration lied about it, and tried to keep it covered up. Obama and Clinton were laundering money, engaging in weapons dealing and insider trading, and sharing classified intel with their friends and brokers to make an ill gotten gain.

Comey's job, like McCabe's, like Rice's, Lynch's, Mills, Mueller's, and Rosenstein's were to Bury these Crimes, and sweep them under the rug to keep Hillary Clinton as a viable candidate, and at the same time, justify 24-7 surveillance of The Trump Campaign as ordered by Obama so that they could Rig the Election by knowing exactly what was being discussed at The Trump Campaign, and to also use Russian Propaganda, and False Allegations to discredit The Trump Campaign in every way imaginable, and if they could not succeed in stopping Trump to implement a last resort "Insurance Policy" of Endless Investigations and Accusations to hamstring and discredit the Trump Presidency and if by chance they could get lucky enough to find something weighty enough to exaggerate and "Trump Up" to start an impeachment, they would try to remove him from office.

Not only were they involved in the corruption of government at The State Department, IRS, FBI, DOJ, and NSA, but they were literally KILLING PEOPLE to advance their agendas. The list is actually too long to place here. Numerous cases of funding groups like Hamas, Al Nusra, Al Queda, and even ISIS, as well as Terrorist Associated Mexican Drug Cartels who were importing Afghanistan Heroin in to the US, and setting up Poppy Plantations in Mexico.

Now, you might ask yourself, why exactly were all of these Obama and Clinton Sycophants SO HELL BENT in keeping Trump from getting elected and removing him from Office if he did?

Only if you are stupid do you have to ask this question!

They thought they had it won, they had it rigged, and they had bought the White House, scammed the American Voter, so they were never going to get caught.

The Entire Clinton-Obama Cabal was engaged in thousands of felonies, they were funding terrorism with taxpayer dollars and trying to undermine Israel, and the United States and trying to advance the Islamic Agenda by strengthening Israel's Enemies. They actually became "The Enemy Within". They wanted to undermine America itself in order to make it more suitable to accepting globalism, and forcing a Peace Treaty with Israel. Obama did the same thing with Iran....looked the other way on human rights violations, violations of treaties, and looked the other way on Iran's Heroin dealing and then gave them Billions in a deal so bad and so obviously corrupt that only a man who hated Israel, The United States, and who Admired Islamic Extremists could have produced it. I give you Obama Bin Lying. The Forked Tongued Devil From Kenya....err...Chicago.

And if you think that's bad enough this bitch and his whore heir were helping to run drugs across the border and pumped American kids, communities and families full of Meth, Cocaine and Heroin.

Obama and Clinton were that Hell Bent on forcing Israel to their knees, and at the same time, were that Greedy that literally EVERYTHING in America was for sale. Uranium, Weapons, The Judiciary, Congress, everything and anything was for sale, including The Oval Office & their very souls.
You do realize that you sound like a tin-foil hatted, conspiracy loon don't you?

You claimed, Obama and Clinton were laundering money, engaging in weapons dealing and insider trading, and sharing classified intel with their friends and brokers to make an ill gotten gain.

Do you have any evidence any of that is true?

Just read the news. It's all there.

Obama administration reportedly shielded Hezbollah from DEA and CIA to save Iran nuclear deal

Insider Trading | Hillary Clinton - A Lifetime Of Lies Explained by billymac | MrOwl

Arms dealer who threatened to reveal Clinton's Libya dealings rips DOJ for 'injustice'

Benghazi cover up tied to U.S. gun-smuggling operation: Documents

Congress Rips Obama on Cover-up of Fast and Furious Gun Running

Comey: Clinton showed classified intel to people with no security clearance

Clinton Emails Exposed Classified Satellite Intel on North Korean Nukes - Breitbart

Obama administration leaked classified information to filmmakers on Osama bin Laden raid | Daily Mail Online

Republicans demand answers over claims Obama gave Hezbollah a pass
The picture of the year.
Woman bike rider giving the Trump motorcade the finger.

Thank you ma’am it’s how 65% of America feels about Putin’s Puppet.
No you cannot LOGICALLY conclude that just because I'm not interested in discussing with you a list of the books that I have read in my life to somehow prove to you my literary credentials.

You are so pathetically retarded that it's on that illusive line between hilarious and sad.

Let's be honest.
You have no credentials: having a pulse is not the equivalent of an education.

Clearly, I've wounded you deeply by pointing that out.

You may refer to me as 'karma.'

I'm very honest: I think you are straight mentally challenged.

No other way to explain your bat shit crazy posting and constant failures at basic logic.

Clean up your language and try to articulate a cogent refutation of any of my posts.

Or.....go back to your blanket fort and coloring books.

How about another nice fuck you for the road? Adios retard.

Said Trump To The Left after the 2018 mid terms where Russia Russia Russia gets their asses all kicked out of office!

You do realize that you just day dreaming right? The year is 2017 and Republicans are scared shitless of the incoming elections.

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