Getting' Nearer To The Conclusion

The demarcation is clear and indisputable:

On one side are the Bolsheviks, Leftists, Democrats, Liberals establishment Republicans, and the Never-Trumpers.

On the other side....the American people.
You mean the 'American people' who voted for Trump. More Americans voted against him than voted for him. Since they are mutually exclusive groups I'd say the unAmerican people voted for Trump and the Bolsheviks, Leftists, Democrats, Liberals, establishment Republicans, and the Never-Trumpers are the real Americans.
Oh, he reopened it and reiterated that she will not be charged, even though he in fact said she broke the law and if anyone else had done it, that they would be charged?

That reopening?
Yeah, the reopening that happened on Oct. 28th, 2016. The reopening that wasn't closed again until Nov. 6th, two days before the election. I have not found anyone to say these actions helped Clinton, only that they again brought up her email debacle to national attention again.
So, she was charged two days before the election?


I don't remember that. Oh, they did it to further push the notion that even though she was guilty, she really wasnt.

What was the terminology change Lynch used?

Was changed to "matter" from an "investigation?"


You people just go......deeerrrrrrrrrrp....uhhhhb yeeeeah. It was a "matter."

Funny stuff. You consider yourself intelligent?
Comey learns of the Clinton emails on Weiner’s server in Oct. He determines that he is obligated to tell Congress he is reopening the investigation. He does so in a letter on Oct. 28. Days before the election, Comey sends a letter to Congress saying that the new emails did not contain any new information.
Just the information that was as he said illegal and if anyone had that, they would have been charged? Want to go over what he said in that sad first presser again?

Oh, did Comey go over what has since been found out about that dossier?

About the fisa warrants and wiretapping that eminated from that now confirmed fake document?

Do you consider yourself intelligent?
I understand you wish to talk about everything EXCEPT what I said. I'll therefore assume you have no explanation for why Comey opened the email can of worms just before the election. It is obvious to me that Comey was NOT in league with Clinton or he would have sat on the investigation until after the election. None of your other points change this fact.

Comey, who has been in the hip pocket of the Mafia Boss Hillary since at at least 2003, was doing everything possible to obstruct the investigation as he was paid to do. The Weiner thing came out of left field, unrelated to the investigation of his boss. Comey had to act fast to cover for his boss and obstruct the evidence that he had lied to Congress and his Boss had not only lied about classified and secret emails on her server, but in fact had let her lesbian lover load up her laptop with them, which she shared with he child molesting husband.

Comey was backed into a corner, his whole house of lies was crumbling. In a land of equal justice, not only would his boss go to prison, but he would as well.

BUT we are not a land of equal justice, party members are only subject to one law, that of absolute loyalty to the party. So Comey informed Congress then set about to obstructing justice on behalf of Hillary, his boss.
Comey was backed into a corner, his whole house of lies was crumbling. In a land of equal justice, not only would his boss go to prison, but he would as well.

BUT we are not a land of equal justice, party members are only subject to one law, that of absolute loyalty to the party. So Comey informed Congress then set about to obstructing justice on behalf of Hillary, his boss.
So Comey was worried about going to jail so he did the absolute dumbest thing possible, jeopardizing the chances that Hillery would be elected and in place to cover for him? Really??? Your hatred has blinded you.
The first Republican President famously said
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

And that is the summary of the Mueller Fiasco.

Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

2. Did he do it? Did Trump, or officials with his knowledge, collude with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to hack the emails of John Podesta and the DNC, and leak the contents to damage Hillary Clinton and elect Donald Trump?

3. … a rival explanation for what is going down here: That, from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

4. …first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

5. Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence” – the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

6. Who talked Comey into softening the language to look less than criminal? One man was FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whose wife, Jill, a Virginia state senate candidate, received a munificent PAC contribution of $474,000 from Clinton family friend and big bundler Terry McAuliffe.

7. Also urging Comey to soften the fatal phrase “gross negligence” was key FBI agent Peter Strzok. In text messages to his FBI lover Lisa Page, Strzok repeatedly vented his detestation of the “idiot” Trump.

8. After one meeting with “Andy” (McCabe), Strzok told Page an “insurance policy” was needed to keep Trump out of the White House.

9. Also, it appears Comey began drafting his exoneration statement of Hillary before the FBI had even interviewed her. And when the FBI did, Hillary was permitted to have her lawyers present.

10. One need not be a conspiracy nut to conclude the fix was in, ….Comey, McCabe, Strzok were not going to recommend an indictment that would blow Hillary out of the water

Have you noticed that the chorus of 'You just wait….Mueller will indict Trump….has become less a loud chorus, and more a susurrant murmuring from the lying low-lives???

That “insurance policy” the deep state discussed. Could have been the Trump Dossier?

The "insurance policy" WAS the Trump "dossier."

The FBI colluded with the Kremlin to take down the President of the United States. It is treason, flat out.

The fact that Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada has attempted to sweep this under the rug indicates that he was personally involved in the attempted coup.
Oh, he reopened it and reiterated that she will not be charged, even though he in fact said she broke the law and if anyone else had done it, that they would be charged?

That reopening?
Yeah, the reopening that happened on Oct. 28th, 2016. The reopening that wasn't closed again until Nov. 6th, two days before the election. I have not found anyone to say these actions helped Clinton, only that they again brought up her email debacle to national attention again.

First off, let me remind everyone that COMEY was forced to INVESTIGATE CLINTON because of Press Reports about this Illegal Server.

The entire administration lied about it, and tried to keep it covered up. Obama and Clinton were laundering money, engaging in weapons dealing and insider trading, and sharing classified intel with their friends and brokers to make an ill gotten gain.

Comey's job, like McCabe's, like Rice's, Lynch's, Mills, Mueller's, and Rosenstein's were to Bury these Crimes, and sweep them under the rug to keep Hillary Clinton as a viable candidate, and at the same time, justify 24-7 surveillance of The Trump Campaign as ordered by Obama so that they could Rig the Election by knowing exactly what was being discussed at The Trump Campaign, and to also use Russian Propaganda, and False Allegations to discredit The Trump Campaign in every way imaginable, and if they could not succeed in stopping Trump to implement a last resort "Insurance Policy" of Endless Investigations and Accusations to hamstring and discredit the Trump Presidency and if by chance they could get lucky enough to find something weighty enough to exaggerate and "Trump Up" to start an impeachment, they would try to remove him from office.

Not only were they involved in the corruption of government at The State Department, IRS, FBI, DOJ, and NSA, but they were literally KILLING PEOPLE to advance their agendas. The list is actually too long to place here. Numerous cases of funding groups like Hamas, Al Nusra, Al Queda, and even ISIS, as well as Terrorist Associated Mexican Drug Cartels who were importing Afghanistan Heroin in to the US, and setting up Poppy Plantations in Mexico.

Now, you might ask yourself, why exactly were all of these Obama and Clinton Sycophants SO HELL BENT in keeping Trump from getting elected and removing him from Office if he did?

Only if you are stupid do you have to ask this question!

They thought they had it won, they had it rigged, and they had bought the White House, scammed the American Voter, so they were never going to get caught.

The Entire Clinton-Obama Cabal was engaged in thousands of felonies, they were funding terrorism with taxpayer dollars and trying to undermine Israel, and the United States and trying to advance the Islamic Agenda by strengthening Israel's Enemies. They actually became "The Enemy Within". They wanted to undermine America itself in order to make it more suitable to accepting globalism, and forcing a Peace Treaty with Israel. Obama did the same thing with Iran....looked the other way on human rights violations, violations of treaties, and looked the other way on Iran's Heroin dealing and then gave them Billions in a deal so bad and so obviously corrupt that only a man who hated Israel, The United States, and who Admired Islamic Extremists could have produced it. I give you Obama Bin Lying. The Forked Tongued Devil From Kenya....err...Chicago.

And if you think that's bad enough this bitch and his whore heir were helping to run drugs across the border and pumped American kids, communities and families full of Meth, Cocaine and Heroin.

Obama and Clinton were that Hell Bent on forcing Israel to their knees, and at the same time, were that Greedy that literally EVERYTHING in America was for sale. Uranium, Weapons, The Judiciary, Congress, everything and anything was for sale, including The Oval Office & their very souls.
You do realize that you sound like a tin-foil hatted, conspiracy loon don't you?

You claimed, Obama and Clinton were laundering money, engaging in weapons dealing and insider trading, and sharing classified intel with their friends and brokers to make an ill gotten gain.

Do you have any evidence any of that is true?

Just read the news. It's all there.

Obama administration reportedly shielded Hezbollah from DEA and CIA to save Iran nuclear deal

Insider Trading | Hillary Clinton - A Lifetime Of Lies Explained by billymac | MrOwl

Arms dealer who threatened to reveal Clinton's Libya dealings rips DOJ for 'injustice'

Benghazi cover up tied to U.S. gun-smuggling operation: Documents

Congress Rips Obama on Cover-up of Fast and Furious Gun Running

Comey: Clinton showed classified intel to people with no security clearance

Clinton Emails Exposed Classified Satellite Intel on North Korean Nukes - Breitbart

Obama administration leaked classified information to filmmakers on Osama bin Laden raid | Daily Mail Online

Republicans demand answers over claims Obama gave Hezbollah a pass

I viewed the Fox item on the Iran deal. However you may feel about the deal, I saw nothing that said Obama acted improperly or for personal gain. I'd guess he felt, and I agree, that it was in the interests of the US to get a deal so some costs were worth while.

Unless you have some evidence that Obama profited by that deal, or if he believed it was NOT in the best interests of the country, you can only disagree with his policies, you can't accuse him of any crime.

You see nothing improper about a President authorizing an all cash billion dollar shipment to a Terrorist State? I'm sure you would fee the same way if Donald Trump sent a billion dollar cash shipment to Russia, correct?
" it was in the interests of the US to get a deal so some costs were worth while."

Gads, you're an imbecile.

He awarded nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.....and you fail to recognize that as not in the interests of either this country, or of the world????

Now.....exactly what are those 'US interests' he earned, you fool?????
You can repeat this lie as often as you want but it is still a lie. Iran was determined to become a nuclear power decades before Obama. The Israelis bombed them and Obama attacked them with a virus but this only delayed them, it didn't deter them. The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years. That is what is in our interest.

First of all, you imbecile.....answer the question:

what is the benefit that the United States and/or the world got from Hussein Obama awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism???????????????
Obama didn't 'award' nuclear weapons to anyone. Is Iran really the "worst state sponsor of terrorism"? They are certainly not the only ones. Our good buddies in the Gulf seem to be competitors for that title.

But I already answered your loaded question, 'The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years'.
" it was in the interests of the US to get a deal so some costs were worth while."

Gads, you're an imbecile.

He awarded nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.....and you fail to recognize that as not in the interests of either this country, or of the world????

Now.....exactly what are those 'US interests' he earned, you fool?????
You can repeat this lie as often as you want but it is still a lie. Iran was determined to become a nuclear power decades before Obama. The Israelis bombed them and Obama attacked them with a virus but this only delayed them, it didn't deter them. The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years. That is what is in our interest.

First of all, you imbecile.....answer the question:

what is the benefit that the United States and/or the world got from Hussein Obama awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism???????????????
Obama didn't 'award' nuclear weapons to anyone. Is Iran really the "worst state sponsor of terrorism"? They are certainly not the only ones. Our good buddies in the Gulf seem to be competitors for that title.

But I already answered your loaded question, 'The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years'.

First of all, you imbecile.....answer the question:

what is the benefit that the United States and/or the world got from Hussein Obama awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism???????????????
The first Republican President famously said
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

And that is the summary of the Mueller Fiasco.

Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

2. Did he do it? Did Trump, or officials with his knowledge, collude with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to hack the emails of John Podesta and the DNC, and leak the contents to damage Hillary Clinton and elect Donald Trump?

3. … a rival explanation for what is going down here: That, from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

4. …first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

5. Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence” – the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

6. Who talked Comey into softening the language to look less than criminal? One man was FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whose wife, Jill, a Virginia state senate candidate, received a munificent PAC contribution of $474,000 from Clinton family friend and big bundler Terry McAuliffe.

7. Also urging Comey to soften the fatal phrase “gross negligence” was key FBI agent Peter Strzok. In text messages to his FBI lover Lisa Page, Strzok repeatedly vented his detestation of the “idiot” Trump.

8. After one meeting with “Andy” (McCabe), Strzok told Page an “insurance policy” was needed to keep Trump out of the White House.

9. Also, it appears Comey began drafting his exoneration statement of Hillary before the FBI had even interviewed her. And when the FBI did, Hillary was permitted to have her lawyers present.

10. One need not be a conspiracy nut to conclude the fix was in, ….Comey, McCabe, Strzok were not going to recommend an indictment that would blow Hillary out of the water

Have you noticed that the chorus of 'You just wait….Mueller will indict Trump….has become less a loud chorus, and more a susurrant murmuring from the lying low-lives???
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?

Because he wasn't. They're loons

Brilliant legal analysis from the trailer park fatty...

So Nazi Jill, is it normal for so called "law enforcement" to take out "insurance policies" in case the opposition party wins elections?

Oh well, Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada instantly arrested Strzok.

Oh wait, no he didn't. In fact the traitor wasn't even fired from the FBI, he was moved to Human Resources so the he can hire more traitors like himself who hold party above the law or the country.
The demarcation is clear and indisputable:

On one side are the Bolsheviks, Leftists, Democrats, Liberals establishment Republicans, and the Never-Trumpers.

On the other side....the American people.
You mean the 'American people' who voted for Trump. More Americans voted against him than voted for him. Since they are mutually exclusive groups I'd say the unAmerican people voted for Trump and the Bolsheviks, Leftists, Democrats, Liberals, establishment Republicans, and the Never-Trumpers are the real Americans.

First of all, you imbecile.....answer the question:

what is the benefit that the United States and/or the world got from Hussein Obama awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism???????????????
" it was in the interests of the US to get a deal so some costs were worth while."

Gads, you're an imbecile.

He awarded nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.....and you fail to recognize that as not in the interests of either this country, or of the world????

Now.....exactly what are those 'US interests' he earned, you fool?????
You can repeat this lie as often as you want but it is still a lie. Iran was determined to become a nuclear power decades before Obama. The Israelis bombed them and Obama attacked them with a virus but this only delayed them, it didn't deter them. The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years. That is what is in our interest.
Anyone who believes that Obama's 'deal' with Iran "put the brakes on their nuclear bomb making program" is fucking delusional.
NO nuclear watch-dogs have EVER been allowed into Iran's military bases. EVER!!!!
What the fuck do people think the Iranians are doing on these bases?
GOLD STAR! They are busy developing nuclear warheads/ICBMs
You see nothing improper about a President authorizing an all cash billion dollar shipment to a Terrorist State? I'm sure you would fee the same way if Donald Trump sent a billion dollar cash shipment to Russia, correct?
No since it depends on who the money it rightfully belongs to?
So Comey was worried about going to jail so he did the absolute dumbest thing possible, jeopardizing the chances that Hillery would be elected and in place to cover for him? Really??? Your hatred has blinded you.

How was it dumb?

The emails had been found and booked into evidence, the press already had the information. While the leftist press would squash the story, eventually Fox and the rest of the honest press would get hold of the evidence release it. While the corrupt Obama justice department would protect his crimes, the GOP had congress.

Comey managed the information. He brought it out in a very public way to thwart the appearance of obstructing justice. Then turned around and obstructed the investigation.
You mean the 'American people' who voted for Trump. More Americans voted against him than voted for him. Since they are mutually exclusive groups I'd say the unAmerican people voted for Trump and the Bolsheviks, Leftists, Democrats, Liberals, establishment Republicans, and the Never-Trumpers are the real Americans.

I have only two things to say to this.....



The first Republican President famously said
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

And that is the summary of the Mueller Fiasco.

Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

2. Did he do it? Did Trump, or officials with his knowledge, collude with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to hack the emails of John Podesta and the DNC, and leak the contents to damage Hillary Clinton and elect Donald Trump?

3. … a rival explanation for what is going down here: That, from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

4. …first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

5. Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence” – the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

6. Who talked Comey into softening the language to look less than criminal? One man was FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whose wife, Jill, a Virginia state senate candidate, received a munificent PAC contribution of $474,000 from Clinton family friend and big bundler Terry McAuliffe.

7. Also urging Comey to soften the fatal phrase “gross negligence” was key FBI agent Peter Strzok. In text messages to his FBI lover Lisa Page, Strzok repeatedly vented his detestation of the “idiot” Trump.

8. After one meeting with “Andy” (McCabe), Strzok told Page an “insurance policy” was needed to keep Trump out of the White House.

9. Also, it appears Comey began drafting his exoneration statement of Hillary before the FBI had even interviewed her. And when the FBI did, Hillary was permitted to have her lawyers present.

10. One need not be a conspiracy nut to conclude the fix was in, ….Comey, McCabe, Strzok were not going to recommend an indictment that would blow Hillary out of the water

Have you noticed that the chorus of 'You just wait….Mueller will indict Trump….has become less a loud chorus, and more a susurrant murmuring from the lying low-lives???

Notice that the Press is totally uninterested in the Clinton/Obama crimes
Let's put this imbecile away

1. "US: Iran Still Top State Terror Sponsor"

2. And now.....not how long it would take Iran, unaided by the crypto-Islamist, Hussein Obama, to attain nuclear state status....

IF they would EVER get nuclear weapons.

And the correct answer is no.....they would not, unaided by the crypto-Islamist, Hussein Obama

The sanctions were strangling them.

This from the Left-leaning Brookings Institute...

"....the sanctions against Iran — and the context for them internationally and within Iran — have changed dramatically.

Since 2010, the sanctions’ impact on Iran has been severe: its oil exports and revenues plummeted; the value of its currency eroded; trade disruptions shuttered businesses and exacerbated inflation.

Quietly, a backlash emerged among Iran’s political elites against the country’s creeping isolation, and the June 2013 presidential election ushered in a moderate new president and the beginnings of a diplomatic breakthrough on the nuclear crisis — achievements that most observers attribute to the impact of sanctions."
Why “Iran Style” Sanctions Worked Against Tehran (And Why They Might Not Succeed with Moscow)

So...a. yes, Iran is the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism
b. no....they would not have achieved nuclear weapons sans the terrorist-aiding drug dealing Obama had not bequeathed same to the 7th century savages.

Last edited:
" it was in the interests of the US to get a deal so some costs were worth while."

Gads, you're an imbecile.

He awarded nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.....and you fail to recognize that as not in the interests of either this country, or of the world????

Now.....exactly what are those 'US interests' he earned, you fool?????
You can repeat this lie as often as you want but it is still a lie. Iran was determined to become a nuclear power decades before Obama. The Israelis bombed them and Obama attacked them with a virus but this only delayed them, it didn't deter them. The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years. That is what is in our interest.

First of all, you imbecile.....answer the question:

what is the benefit that the United States and/or the world got from Hussein Obama awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism???????????????
Obama didn't 'award' nuclear weapons to anyone. Is Iran really the "worst state sponsor of terrorism"? They are certainly not the only ones. Our good buddies in the Gulf seem to be competitors for that title.

But I already answered your loaded question, 'The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years'.
" it was in the interests of the US to get a deal so some costs were worth while."

Gads, you're an imbecile.

He awarded nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.....and you fail to recognize that as not in the interests of either this country, or of the world????

Now.....exactly what are those 'US interests' he earned, you fool?????
You can repeat this lie as often as you want but it is still a lie. Iran was determined to become a nuclear power decades before Obama. The Israelis bombed them and Obama attacked them with a virus but this only delayed them, it didn't deter them. The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years. That is what is in our interest.

First of all, you imbecile.....answer the question:

what is the benefit that the United States and/or the world got from Hussein Obama awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism???????????????
Obama didn't 'award' nuclear weapons to anyone. Is Iran really the "worst state sponsor of terrorism"? They are certainly not the only ones. Our good buddies in the Gulf seem to be competitors for that title.

But I already answered your loaded question, 'The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years'.

First of all, you imbecile.....answer the question:

what is the benefit that the United States and/or the world got from Hussein Obama awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism???????????????
I'm sorry you don't like my answer. FYI, Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.
The first Republican President famously said
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

And that is the summary of the Mueller Fiasco.

Did the FBI conspire to stop Trump?

2. Did he do it? Did Trump, or officials with his knowledge, collude with Vladimir Putin’s Russia to hack the emails of John Podesta and the DNC, and leak the contents to damage Hillary Clinton and elect Donald Trump?

3. … a rival explanation for what is going down here: That, from the outset, Director James Comey and an FBI camarilla were determined to stop Trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Having failed, they conspired to break Trump’s presidency, overturn his mandate and bring him down.

4. …first to block any indictment of Hillary for transmitting national security secrets over her private email server. That first objective was achieved 18 months ago. Why is this suspicious?
First, whether or not to indict was a decision that belonged to the Department of Justice, not Jim Comey or the FBI. His preemption of Justice Department authority was astonishing.

5. Second, while Comey said in his statement that Hillary had been “extremely careless” with security secrets, in his first draft, Clinton was declared guilty of “gross negligence” – the precise language in the statute to justify indictment.

6. Who talked Comey into softening the language to look less than criminal? One man was FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whose wife, Jill, a Virginia state senate candidate, received a munificent PAC contribution of $474,000 from Clinton family friend and big bundler Terry McAuliffe.

7. Also urging Comey to soften the fatal phrase “gross negligence” was key FBI agent Peter Strzok. In text messages to his FBI lover Lisa Page, Strzok repeatedly vented his detestation of the “idiot” Trump.

8. After one meeting with “Andy” (McCabe), Strzok told Page an “insurance policy” was needed to keep Trump out of the White House.

9. Also, it appears Comey began drafting his exoneration statement of Hillary before the FBI had even interviewed her. And when the FBI did, Hillary was permitted to have her lawyers present.

10. One need not be a conspiracy nut to conclude the fix was in, ….Comey, McCabe, Strzok were not going to recommend an indictment that would blow Hillary out of the water

Have you noticed that the chorus of 'You just wait….Mueller will indict Trump….has become less a loud chorus, and more a susurrant murmuring from the lying low-lives???
If Comey was pro-Clinton, why did he announce the reopening of the email investigation just before the election while he kept the investigation into Trump's Russia connection a secret?

Because he wasn't. They're loons

Isn't it dangerous to use your entire vocabulary in one post????
" it was in the interests of the US to get a deal so some costs were worth while."

Gads, you're an imbecile.

He awarded nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.....and you fail to recognize that as not in the interests of either this country, or of the world????

Now.....exactly what are those 'US interests' he earned, you fool?????
You can repeat this lie as often as you want but it is still a lie. Iran was determined to become a nuclear power decades before Obama. The Israelis bombed them and Obama attacked them with a virus but this only delayed them, it didn't deter them. The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years. That is what is in our interest.

First of all, you imbecile.....answer the question:

what is the benefit that the United States and/or the world got from Hussein Obama awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism???????????????
Obama didn't 'award' nuclear weapons to anyone. Is Iran really the "worst state sponsor of terrorism"? They are certainly not the only ones. Our good buddies in the Gulf seem to be competitors for that title.

But I already answered your loaded question, 'The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years'.
" it was in the interests of the US to get a deal so some costs were worth while."

Gads, you're an imbecile.

He awarded nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.....and you fail to recognize that as not in the interests of either this country, or of the world????

Now.....exactly what are those 'US interests' he earned, you fool?????
You can repeat this lie as often as you want but it is still a lie. Iran was determined to become a nuclear power decades before Obama. The Israelis bombed them and Obama attacked them with a virus but this only delayed them, it didn't deter them. The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years. That is what is in our interest.

First of all, you imbecile.....answer the question:

what is the benefit that the United States and/or the world got from Hussein Obama awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism???????????????
Obama didn't 'award' nuclear weapons to anyone. Is Iran really the "worst state sponsor of terrorism"? They are certainly not the only ones. Our good buddies in the Gulf seem to be competitors for that title.

But I already answered your loaded question, 'The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years'.

First of all, you imbecile.....answer the question:

what is the benefit that the United States and/or the world got from Hussein Obama awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism???????????????
I'm sorry you don't like my answer. FYI, Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.

I eviscerated your attempt at a response.
It reeked of ignorance and dishonesty.
As you do.
" it was in the interests of the US to get a deal so some costs were worth while."

Gads, you're an imbecile.

He awarded nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.....and you fail to recognize that as not in the interests of either this country, or of the world????

Now.....exactly what are those 'US interests' he earned, you fool?????
You can repeat this lie as often as you want but it is still a lie. Iran was determined to become a nuclear power decades before Obama. The Israelis bombed them and Obama attacked them with a virus but this only delayed them, it didn't deter them. The Iran deal put the brakes on their program for years. That is what is in our interest.
Anyone who believes that Obama's 'deal' with Iran "put the brakes on their nuclear bomb making program" is fucking delusional.
NO nuclear watch-dogs have EVER been allowed into Iran's military bases. EVER!!!!
What the fuck do people think the Iranians are doing on these bases?
GOLD STAR! They are busy developing nuclear warheads/ICBMs
Inspectors with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations organization tasked with monitoring Iran’s nuclear facilities, have not requested access to military sites since the agreement went into effect, according to experts monitoring the process.

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