Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!!!!


Seem to be tons of dolts like you who have nothing to be proud of about yourself, so you have to point back eight generations, at folks you never knew, and beat your chest as though it means anything.

Twice I've shown you to be both a liar and ignorant.

Now I've exposed you as pathetic.

Really, you should be quiet. There have been 27 arrests of white supremacists since a white supremacist killed 22 people in El Paso. That happen this month, not 8 generations ago.

And as you go back the same 8 generations talking about an ideal from people you did not know who made sure people looking like you were not allowed to be part of, you have exposed yourself as a fool.

"There have been 27 arrests of white supremacists ..."

1. Here you go, again, you walking miasma of swamp gas.....putting your hoof in your mouth.

2. Case in point:.....there is no such thing as a 'white supremacist'...
It is one of those terms, like 'boogey man' that is used to fuel other immature minds.

3. Let's prove it:
. There are no white supremacists. The term is a created 'term of art' to camouflage the real villains, the Democrats.

Neither being white, nor using the term 'white supremacists,' I looked up the term.

"a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races"

I really can't get too excited, nor see it as a pejorative, if any individual of any race sees his/her group as the very best, i.e., superior to any other group.
The proof that it is a made-up smear, a chimera....the usual strategy of the Left, is the secondary phrase in the definition..."and that white people should have control over people of other races"

Clearly this is totally bogus.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

See....another question you can't answer.

There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

4. The real reason the Democrat push this bogus view is that without the black vote, they would never win a national election.....and, if it causes division and violence...that Party couldn't care less.

What is that....three....four times in this thread alone I've asked simple questions that leave you speechless.

Gads, you're a moron.

I answered your question 4 times.

I have to laugh at your stupid asian ass. You are in a forum where the majority of whites believe white people are superior to other races, want America to be controlled by whites, with a president trying to get that done and your silly asian ass says there is no such thing as white supremacists.


"I answered your question 4 times."

See....I've forced you to lie again.

Thrice you were offered opportunities to support your fallacious boast: "I understand America."

Instead, you're on the batter's end of a no-hitter.

I asked you to provide examples of elected officials who "believe white people are superior to other races, want America to be controlled by whites, with a president trying to get that done"....

You couldn't.

Nor can you support your slander of Trump.

You're the one who might be able to answer this, as I have no experience in the area: how does it feel to be a life-long whiny loser?

But that's what you are. A life long whiny loser crying about liberals.
Projecting again
Really, you should be quiet. There have been 27 arrests of white supremacists since a white supremacist killed 22 people in El Paso. That happen this month, not 8 generations ago.

And as you go back the same 8 generations talking about an ideal from people you did not know who made sure people looking like you were not allowed to be part of, you have exposed yourself as a fool.

"There have been 27 arrests of white supremacists ..."

1. Here you go, again, you walking miasma of swamp gas.....putting your hoof in your mouth.

2. Case in point:.....there is no such thing as a 'white supremacist'...
It is one of those terms, like 'boogey man' that is used to fuel other immature minds.

3. Let's prove it:
. There are no white supremacists. The term is a created 'term of art' to camouflage the real villains, the Democrats.

Neither being white, nor using the term 'white supremacists,' I looked up the term.

"a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races"

I really can't get too excited, nor see it as a pejorative, if any individual of any race sees his/her group as the very best, i.e., superior to any other group.
The proof that it is a made-up smear, a chimera....the usual strategy of the Left, is the secondary phrase in the definition..."and that white people should have control over people of other races"

Clearly this is totally bogus.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

See....another question you can't answer.

There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

4. The real reason the Democrat push this bogus view is that without the black vote, they would never win a national election.....and, if it causes division and violence...that Party couldn't care less.

What is that....three....four times in this thread alone I've asked simple questions that leave you speechless.

Gads, you're a moron.

I answered your question 4 times.

I have to laugh at your stupid asian ass. You are in a forum where the majority of whites believe white people are superior to other races, want America to be controlled by whites, with a president trying to get that done and your silly asian ass says there is no such thing as white supremacists.


"I answered your question 4 times."

See....I've forced you to lie again.

Thrice you were offered opportunities to support your fallacious boast: "I understand America."

Instead, you're on the batter's end of a no-hitter.

I asked you to provide examples of elected officials who "believe white people are superior to other races, want America to be controlled by whites, with a president trying to get that done"....

You couldn't.

Nor can you support your slander of Trump.

You're the one who might be able to answer this, as I have no experience in the area: how does it feel to be a life-long whiny loser?

But that's what you are. A life long whiny loser crying about liberals.

Liberals who've done nothing to really help the black community. They still live in rat infested run down areas that Democrats have been in control of forever. It's the liberals, their beliefs and policies that have led to the destructive n of the black family and DEPENDANCE on government. It's time to embrace the positive opportunities that exist for education and jobs. It's time to rebuild the black family.
How do you explain the extreme poverty in Appalachia and Mississippi?
Republican leadership?
"I understand America."

Let's check.

What is the difference between the conservative's view of 'rights' and that of Progressives,Liberals, Democrats?

It's an open book test....take your time.

Just admit you know less than nothing so I don't have to keep embarrassing you.

Learn how America has operated instead of the conservative lie, you internalized racism afflicted idiot.

Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution

“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.”

You have embarrassed yourself. So when you can figure out that you are repeating right wing conservative propaganda, let me know.

You have embarrassed yourself. The total ignorance of American history is something the left is really good at. The product of our awesome educational system?

This was passed not to institutionalize racism, but to instead pave the way to get rid of slavery. The southern slave states had a higher population of slaves. If they would have allowed the one person rule instead the slave states would have garnered more representatives. The slaves in those states couldn't vote and the slave owners held the power. They would never have gotten rid of slavery had the three fifths been in the Article. The founders were smart.
again, it was done to punish the southern states for being in a civil war. why would winners immediately hand over the country legislatively after all the people died on both sides? that would have been insane. had nothing to do with slaves.
The 3/5 a person was part of the original constitution
That 3/5 was used to ensure votes to keep them as salves
Nope. It was done to ensure we had a country and so that the slave states didn't have all the power. It paved the way for future laws to end slavery. It was NOT because all the writers agreed with and wanted slavery.
It allocated representation for people who were given no more legal rights than livestock

That 3/5 of 4 million people did not represent the slaves. They did the exact opposite and voted to ensure they remain in slavery
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just to remind you that the founding fathers didn't think ALL men were created equal.... if they did, then they wouldn't have owned other humans.

They didn't think those xxxxxxx Racial slur removed. Do not use racial slurs. Flash from the Dark Continent were "men".

Not that much different than the Moon Bats of today not thinking that fetuses are human beings.


i don't bother with those who call themselves 'pro life' but are only pro birth. when you are willing to cough up the taxes needed to feed, clothe, educate, & keep funding the ongoing medical care for all them thar fetus'; from CONception thru post born 18 more years...

then you will be CONsidered worthy of a discussion, you rascist asswipe. until then -

just to remind you that the founding fathers didn't think ALL men were created equal.... if they did, then they wouldn't have owned other humans.

They didn't think those xxxxxxx Racial slur removed. Do not use racial slurs. Flash from the Dark Continent were "men".

Not that much different than the Moon Bats of today not thinking that fetuses are human beings.


i don't bother with those who call themselves 'pro life' but are only pro birth. when you are willing to cough up the taxes needed to feed, clothe, educate, & keep funding the ongoing medical care for all them thar fetus'; from CONception thru post born 18 more years...

then you will be CONsidered worthy of a discussion, you rascist asswipe. until then -

Reposting stupidity doesn't change it to wisdom.

I understand America. You are a child trying to figure it out.

"I understand America."

Let's check.

What is the difference between the conservative's view of 'rights' and that of Progressives,Liberals, Democrats?

It's an open book test....take your time.

Just admit you know less than nothing so I don't have to keep embarrassing you.

Learn how America has operated instead of the conservative lie, you internalized racism afflicted idiot.

Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution

“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.”

You have embarrassed yourself. So when you can figure out that you are repeating right wing conservative propaganda, let me know.

You have embarrassed yourself. The total ignorance of American history is something the left is really good at. The product of our awesome educational system?

This was passed not to institutionalize racism, but to instead pave the way to get rid of slavery. The southern slave states had a higher population of slaves. If they would have allowed the one person rule instead the slave states would have garnered more representatives. The slaves in those states couldn't vote and the slave owners held the power. They would never have gotten rid of slavery had the three fifths been in the Article. The founders were smart.

Nah, I haven't embarrassed myself. Slavery could have been made illegal instead of that compromise. Your defense amounts to a bullshit excuse.

Sure, all the southern states could have voted to make the slaves free and they didn't. So? It's called realism. The choice between no country and a country. Had there not been a compromise we wouldn't have gotten a country. No one is claiming it was a good compromise, bit it was the one available to get a country and to pave the way for a future removal of slavery. If they wouldn't have done that, slavery may have lasted even longer, because there would have been no way to enforce a ban.

Bullshit excuse.
just to remind you that the founding fathers didn't think ALL men were created equal.... if they did, then they wouldn't have owned other humans.

They didn't think those xxxxxxx Racial slur removed. Do not use racial slurs. Flash from the Dark Continent were "men".

Not that much different than the Moon Bats of today not thinking that fetuses are human beings.


i don't bother with those who call themselves 'pro life' but are only pro birth. when you are willing to cough up the taxes needed to feed, clothe, educate, & keep funding the ongoing medical care for all them thar fetus'; from CONception thru post born 18 more years...

then you will be CONsidered worthy of a discussion, you rascist asswipe. until then -


You are confused Moon Bat.

Saving a child's life from being murder doesn't mean you have to be responsible for their welfare the rest of their lives. It is the parents responsible for the welfare of the children they produce.

You Moon Bats don't much believe in responsibility, do you?
Learn how America has operated instead of the conservative lie, you internalized racism afflicted idiot.

Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution

“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.”

You have embarrassed yourself. So when you can figure out that you are repeating right wing conservative propaganda, let me know.

You have embarrassed yourself. The total ignorance of American history is something the left is really good at. The product of our awesome educational system?

This was passed not to institutionalize racism, but to instead pave the way to get rid of slavery. The southern slave states had a higher population of slaves. If they would have allowed the one person rule instead the slave states would have garnered more representatives. The slaves in those states couldn't vote and the slave owners held the power. They would never have gotten rid of slavery had the three fifths been in the Article. The founders were smart.

Nah, I haven't embarrassed myself. Slavery could have been made illegal instead of that compromise. Your defense amounts to a bullshit excuse.


Seem to be tons of dolts like you who have nothing to be proud of about yourself, so you have to point back eight generations, at folks you never knew, and beat your chest as though it means anything.

Twice I've shown you to be both a liar and ignorant.

Now I've exposed you as pathetic.

Really, you should be quiet. There have been 27 arrests of white supremacists since a white supremacist killed 22 people in El Paso. That happen this month, not 8 generations ago.

And as you go back the same 8 generations talking about an ideal from people you did not know who made sure people looking like you were not allowed to be part of, you have exposed yourself as a fool.

Did I say no racists exist? Please quote me the post of I did. But there is no more institutionalized racism. Laws now prevent that. Jim Crowe is gone. Slavery is gone. Opportunity is there. If you want to hate white supremacists go for it. But you can't blame those idiots for everything. They are a tiny minority. They can't prevent the black community that totally outnumbers them from good educations, good jobs and good opportunities. Most of us whites stand WITH you. We WANT you to succeed, because when you do all of us prosper. We WANT string black families. We WANT black doctors, teachers and police officers. Join us, don't fight against us by living in the past and blaming ills on those of us who have nothing to do with it.

SCOTUS says institutional racism is still a problem. People who were alive during Jim Crow are running the country today. I'm living very much in the present. Maybe you guys start living in the present and stop talking about a government the size of what the founders intended. Murder is committed by less than one percent of the population but you want it to stop. A study shows that 31 percent of white Americans have white supremacist views. Now. So the blame is being properly assessed on whom it belongs.
just to remind you that the founding fathers didn't think ALL men were created equal.... if they did, then they wouldn't have owned other humans.

They didn't think those xxxxxxx Racial slur removed. Do not use racial slurs. Flash from the Dark Continent were "men".

Not that much different than the Moon Bats of today not thinking that fetuses are human beings.


i don't bother with those who call themselves 'pro life' but are only pro birth. when you are willing to cough up the taxes needed to feed, clothe, educate, & keep funding the ongoing medical care for all them thar fetus'; from CONception thru post born 18 more years...

then you will be CONsidered worthy of a discussion, you rascist asswipe. until then -


You are confused Moon Bat.

Saving a child's life from being murder doesn't mean you have to be responsible for their welfare the rest of their lives. It is the parents responsible for the welfare of the children they produce.

You Moon Bats don't much believe in responsibility, do you?

He's not confused, but you are.
just to remind you that the founding fathers didn't think ALL men were created equal.... if they did, then they wouldn't have owned other humans.

They didn't think those xxxxxxx Racial slur removed. Do not use racial slurs. Flash from the Dark Continent were "men".

Not that much different than the Moon Bats of today not thinking that fetuses are human beings.


i don't bother with those who call themselves 'pro life' but are only pro birth. when you are willing to cough up the taxes needed to feed, clothe, educate, & keep funding the ongoing medical care for all them thar fetus'; from CONception thru post born 18 more years...

then you will be CONsidered worthy of a discussion, you rascist asswipe. until then -


You are confused Moon Bat.

Saving a child's life from being murder doesn't mean you have to be responsible for their welfare the rest of their lives. It is the parents responsible for the welfare of the children they produce.

You Moon Bats don't much believe in responsibility, do you?

^^^ typical compassionate CONservatism....



just to remind you that the founding fathers didn't think ALL men were created equal.... if they did, then they wouldn't have owned other humans.

They didn't think those xxxxxxx Racial slur removed. Do not use racial slurs. Flash from the Dark Continent were "men".

Not that much different than the Moon Bats of today not thinking that fetuses are human beings.


i don't bother with those who call themselves 'pro life' but are only pro birth. when you are willing to cough up the taxes needed to feed, clothe, educate, & keep funding the ongoing medical care for all them thar fetus'; from CONception thru post born 18 more years...

then you will be CONsidered worthy of a discussion, you rascist asswipe. until then -


You are confused Moon Bat.

Saving a child's life from being murder doesn't mean you have to be responsible for their welfare the rest of their lives. It is the parents responsible for the welfare of the children they produce.

You Moon Bats don't much believe in responsibility, do you?

oh ya - & one more:


just to remind you that the founding fathers didn't think ALL men were created equal.... if they did, then they wouldn't have owned other humans.

They didn't think those xxxxxxx Racial slur removed. Do not use racial slurs. Flash from the Dark Continent were "men".

Not that much different than the Moon Bats of today not thinking that fetuses are human beings.


i don't bother with those who call themselves 'pro life' but are only pro birth. when you are willing to cough up the taxes needed to feed, clothe, educate, & keep funding the ongoing medical care for all them thar fetus'; from CONception thru post born 18 more years...

then you will be CONsidered worthy of a discussion, you rascist asswipe. until then -


You are confused Moon Bat.

Saving a child's life from being murder doesn't mean you have to be responsible for their welfare the rest of their lives. It is the parents responsible for the welfare of the children they produce.

You Moon Bats don't much believe in responsibility, do you?

He's not confused, but you are.

just an FYI... i am female. :spinner:
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