Girls claim tranny is harassing them in school bathroom

rw's are so scared they might actually see a peepee -

The funny part is that this is happening everywhere and there's not a thing you can do about it.

Pee pee? how old are you two? Only mens room have open urinals so men don't care what they see appearently. Women's rooms have only stalls so nobody should be seeing anyones urethra.

Yes there is a thing we can do about it, we can demand that tranny's use single stall, unisex bathrooms. As you have been so good to point out this is happening everywhere. How long until Pedo's or pervs figure out they can pass in ladies room if dressed as a woman and nobody can say shit about it because of PC? You want to take that chance with your sister,mother,wife or daughter? Rape already has occurred in the bathroom area's of stores so why not just make it easier right?
If it is the right of a trannie, or a claimed trannie to use the girls bathroom, it should be permanent and that trannie never permitted to use the boys bathroom.

No way..... didn't you know that in LA -LA -LIB -LAND .... they should be permitted to use both, girls and boys toilettes... and they should be permitted to harass both too, for as long as they want and as many times as they feel like.

That's their sacred right and no one is going to stop them, damn! :cuckoo:

I know! It's clear that this BOY isn't a transsexual. He's a BOY using the protective rule as a gateway to harass girls and they can't do anything about it. Then he trots off to brag to the boys about what he gets away with.

No doubt more boys will find this a capital idea and do it themselves. If harassing girls is the goal, and they are protected while doing so, it's a great idea that will spread like wildfire.

only until the girls figure out they can throw their used tampons and Kotex at the little pervs. That should send the boys running for the security of the boys room . lol

Simple. Just set up a UNISEX bathroom that he and others agree to use.

If it's really bad, I would go to another school.

Any school that cannot set up mediation to resolve a conflict this basic
shouldn't be in charge of such a diverse population.

The students should be taught the Golden Rule.
That if you want people to respect their privacy, limits and rights and beliefs
you have to respect theirs also. And mediate to resolve any differences.

The students could set up fundraising activities to pay costs to add a unisex bathroom
if they want to take full responsibility for accommodating their diverse choices.
that would be a great thing to teach kids, and maybe adults might learn from them!

Simple. Just set up a UNISEX bathroom that he and others agree to use.

If it's really bad, I would go to another school.

Any school that cannot set up mediation to resolve a conflict this basic
shouldn't be in charge of such a diverse population.

The students should be taught the Golden Rule.
That if you want people to respect their privacy, limits and rights and beliefs
you have to respect theirs also. And mediate to resolve any differences.

The students could set up fundraising activities to pay costs to add a unisex bathroom
if they want to take full responsibility for accommodating their diverse choices.
that would be a great thing to teach kids, and maybe adults might learn from them!

the only thing this is teaching kids is ..... the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
OMG, the hell with Unisex anything. The freaks shouldn't be allowed to use a public restroom, especially in a school They should be locked up until someone can find a way to treat their disgusting mental illness.
OMG, the hell with Unisex anything. The freaks shouldn't be allowed to use a public restroom, especially in a school They should be locked up until someone can find a way to treat their disgusting mental illness.

Of course they should be able to use a public restroom.

Restrooms should be labeled to fit anatomy.... not "gender" or what "gender" you want to be.
OMG, the hell with Unisex anything. The freaks shouldn't be allowed to use a public restroom, especially in a school They should be locked up until someone can find a way to treat their disgusting mental illness.

Of course they should be able to use a public restroom.

Restrooms should be labeled to fit anatomy.... not "gender" or what "gender" you want to be.

I'm sorry, no disrespect, but I'm just not down with that.

If I ever go into bathroom and there is some freak with tits and a penis then I might lose control and act in a hostile, uncivilized manner.
Of course all the conservative men here believed the story. After all, they cross-dress all the time and use the ladies room. For a Republican male, that's just a normal Saturday night.
To me if there are any girls out there who are in this type of situation, they should kick the guy where it hurts and tell the authorities something that they obviously do not know: "The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing."

God bless you and them girls always!!!

Comment from the school:

VENDETTI: Nothing has actually been verified with us. This is one parent basically bringing their viewpoint about this situation to the media because they weren't getting the responses that they hoped they would get from the district, from parents of students at the high school, or from the board and myself. So I think it's just an attempt to elevate the situation to a point where maybe some more attention can be drawn to that in the hope of having a different outcome. But to our knowledge and based on our investigation, none of those things have actually happened. We do have a transgender student at the high school and she has been using the women's restroom. There has not been a situation.
Of course all the conservative men here believed the story. After all, they cross-dress all the time and use the ladies room. For a Republican male, that's just a normal Saturday night.

Dude, please stop. There are plenty of forums where sharing your fetish is appropriate, but this isn't one of them!
Comment from the school:

VENDETTI: Nothing has actually been verified with us. This is one parent basically bringing their viewpoint about this situation to the media because they weren't getting the responses that they hoped they would get from the district, from parents of students at the high school, or from the board and myself. So I think it's just an attempt to elevate the situation to a point where maybe some more attention can be drawn to that in the hope of having a different outcome. But to our knowledge and based on our investigation, none of those things have actually happened. We do have a transgender student at the high school and she has been using the women's restroom. There has not been a situation.

Comment from the lawyers.

In sum, there is a transgender male student who has been using women’s restrooms at the school. Allegations of sexual harassment have been both made and disputed, and each side has factual disagreements regarding the case. The Pacific Justice Institute stands by its accusations, including that its clients’ privacy rights have been violated, that its clients were directed to forgo access to many locker rooms and restrooms at the school in order to protect their privacy rights, and that its clients have been threatened with retaliation and possible hate-crime charges if they speak out.
Matthew McReynolds, staff attorney for the Pacific Justice Institute, told me that “the core issue is that this school is giving this transgender youth full access to both boys’ and girls’ facilities, and they are showing little if any regard for the privacy rights of other students. . . . We have received additional reports of specific, inappropriate statements made by this student, and we are working to corroborate those reports.”
“We’re standing by our allegations that our student clients have been threatened with retaliation by school officials for talking about this, including [the threat of] being kicked off athletic teams,” he said. ”[School officials] have also thrown around the notion that hate crimes could be charged against students just for talking about this.”

Updating the Story on the Transgender Student in Colorado | National Review Online
The school threatened the girls if they speak out. Then the school claims that no one spoke out!

The school is run by dimwitcrats.

You sound a lot like Queen Elizabeth, she once refused to sign a law that made sex between two people of the same sex illegal because she didn't believe women would do that.

Strangely enough, she didn't have a problem when Parliament sent her a new version of the law making sex between two men illegal.

By the way, thanks for giving me the perfect opportunity to show how bigoted and close minded it is possible to be in defense of absurd positions.
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Comment from the school:

VENDETTI: Nothing has actually been verified with us. This is one parent basically bringing their viewpoint about this situation to the media because they weren't getting the responses that they hoped they would get from the district, from parents of students at the high school, or from the board and myself. So I think it's just an attempt to elevate the situation to a point where maybe some more attention can be drawn to that in the hope of having a different outcome. But to our knowledge and based on our investigation, none of those things have actually happened. We do have a transgender student at the high school and she has been using the women's restroom. There has not been a situation.

Comment from the lawyers.

In sum, there is a transgender male student who has been using women’s restrooms at the school. Allegations of sexual harassment have been both made and disputed, and each side has factual disagreements regarding the case. The Pacific Justice Institute stands by its accusations, including that its clients’ privacy rights have been violated, that its clients were directed to forgo access to many locker rooms and restrooms at the school in order to protect their privacy rights, and that its clients have been threatened with retaliation and possible hate-crime charges if they speak out.
Matthew McReynolds, staff attorney for the Pacific Justice Institute, told me that “the core issue is that this school is giving this transgender youth full access to both boys’ and girls’ facilities, and they are showing little if any regard for the privacy rights of other students. . . . We have received additional reports of specific, inappropriate statements made by this student, and we are working to corroborate those reports.”
“We’re standing by our allegations that our student clients have been threatened with retaliation by school officials for talking about this, including [the threat of] being kicked off athletic teams,” he said. ”[School officials] have also thrown around the notion that hate crimes could be charged against students just for talking about this.”

Updating the Story on the Transgender Student in Colorado | National Review Online

So basically we are in the hyperbole stage for both sides, and eventually (hopefully) the truth will come out.

So the original story may not be 100% kosher, but the retorts that this is "made" up are not 100% kosher either.
Of course all the conservative men here believed the story. After all, they cross-dress all the time and use the ladies room. For a Republican male, that's just a normal Saturday night.

Projecting much libbo?

Even if it were true at least republicans wouldn't expect others to pay for their HIV meds because they couldn't be bothered to use a condom.

You sound a lot like Queen Elizabeth, she once refused to sign a law that made sex between two people of the same sex illegal because she didn't believe women would do that.

Strangely enough, she didn't have a problem when Parliament sent her a new version of the law making sex between two men illegal.

By the way, thanks for giving me the perfect opportunity to show how bigoted and close minded it is possible to be in defense of absurd positions.

That was Queen Victoria.
Looks like it was made up.

You sound a lot like Queen Elizabeth, she once refused to sign a law that made sex between two people of the same sex illegal because she didn't believe women would do that.

Strangely enough, she didn't have a problem when Parliament sent her a new version of the law making sex between two men illegal.

By the way, thanks for giving me the perfect opportunity to show how bigoted and close minded it is possible to be in defense of absurd positions.

That was Queen Victoria.

At least I got the queen part right.

Not quite so.

There is a boy who sometimes claims to be transgendered and uses the girls bathroom to harass the girls. The same boy, sometimes claims NOT to be transgendered at all and uses the boys bathroom.

He must be one of the gender fluids we hear about.

I don't give a crap about fluid. Only what it comes out of. If you got a dick you use that bathroom.

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