Don't these preachy bible thumpers know they are pushing people away from religion?

Or, do they know it and that's why they preach and preach and preach?

Gismo is the worst but there are others here who seem to hate the god they say they worship and what they post seems to be aimed at making others hate him as well.

I'm atheist but I have great respect for those who actually walk what they talk. We don't see much of that here. The preachers know that and yet, they just keep up the same hate talk every day.
Don't these preachy bible thumpers know they are pushing people away from religion?

Or, do they know it and that's why they preach and preach and preach?

Gismo is the worst but there are others here who seem to hate the god they say they worship and what they post seems to be aimed at making others hate him as well.

I'm atheist but I have great respect for those who actually walk what they talk. We don't see much of that here. The preachers know that and yet, they just keep up the same hate talk every day.

WOW!!! I hear satan and demons crying,screaming, cursing as they hate to see GOD'S WORD posted here!! AND YOU??
GISMYS = GOD is my SOURCE=GISMYS!! And over 15 years of posting GOD'S Word on message boards has proved no one ignores Gismys!!! ptl.

Hi GISMYS: If nobody ignores you, I have a special petition for you to address.

A number of my Christian friends were trying to address JEHOVAH'S WITNESS

I am willing to start a new thread to focus on points where I would like your help

If you speak with God's authority, unequivocally -- where all eyes will see, all ears will hear,
all minds and hearts receive -- THAT IS WHAT WE NEED.

I will post 3 key points here that I found were CENTRAL to resolving long standing
grievances between JW and other Christian denominations and Constitutionalists.

If needed, can we start a separate thread to prepare whatever statement you would like to issue that you believe all ears will hear.

May God grant us wisdom to use all these gifts for his good purposes and divine will.
Request for help to restore Good Faith Relations in Christ Jesus
between Jehovah's Witnesses and other Christian denominations.
(See Matthew 18:15-20 and Colossians 1:16)

POINT 1: resolving conflict over TERMS of the "names of God"

A. JW reject the TERM "Trinity" in place of "the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"
However, the JW use the TERM "Active Force" in place of "Holy Spirit"
NEITHER "Trinity" NOR "Active Force" appear literally in the Bible,
so these are equally explanations or substitute terms and not the true Biblical "names."
Proposed Solution:
1. Can we agree that the terms "Trinity" and "Active Force" are of the same status
and not literally in the original Bible scriptures, but were interpreted this way later.
If we forgive one, then we forgive the other; if we do not forgive the terms other people use which we criticize, then we will not be forgiven for the terms we use they criticize.
Can we agree we are equal on this point?
2. Can we agree to use the terms "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" when communicating with each other; and not use either "Trinity" or "Active Force" if it causes division or argument.

B. JW reject the explanation of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as being three and one inseparable.
However, in JOHN 10:29 Jesus refers to the Father being greater than all (ie distinct from the Son) and also the Father and the Son being "one."
Proposed Solution: Can we agree that this passage shows that BOTH interpretations are true at the same time, both the Father is distinct/greater than the Son, AND both the Father and Son are "one in spirit and accord" or of "one will" so they are inseparable.
Can we agree that God the Father either created or coexisted with Jesus in Heaven,
but in no way did Jesus in Heaven create God the Father, so these are not the same.

POINT 2: Spiritual healing vs. demonic occult energy

A. JW reject spiritual healing in Christ Jesus as demonic, with the same interpretation used by Church of Christ followers that the spiritual healing went away after Jesus left and was only used to prove his standing as Messiah. True spiritual healing is based on FORGIVENESS which is scientifically shown to facilitate healing and health.

B. On the other hand, JW are very disciplined in teaching to avoid any witchcraft, occult, sorcery, voodoo, spells, or other "demonic spiritism" that is against God's will and energy.

Can we agree to prove the difference between the positive and negative energies,
so there is no conflict over natural spiritual healing and it promotes public knowledge of the dangerous and deadly effects of negative spiritual practices?

Proposed solution:
1. Can we agree on medical research studies to prove the impact of forgiveness on curing root causes of physical and mental disease, that this is scientific and part of God's natural laws on health and healing and is not negative manipulation?

2. Can we agree to use technology to prove the DIFFERENCE between positive natural energy and negative unnatural energy, and to prove the NEGATIVE health effects and dangers of "demonic spiritism" and occult practices (as in voodoo, witchcraft, spells, sorcery, divination and other manipulations that invoke or attract negative energy).

POINT 3: Civil obedience without compromising either church or state laws

JW reject the secular government and seek to govern their own flock by their own internal rules and elders. This is a good example of self-government but it has flaws and limitations. In cases of conflict, the Elders have more authority over regular members where conflicts can be suppressed or censored instead of resolving grievances where there is a 'CONFLICT OF INTEREST' with the JW Organization or Elders. So there is not perfect protection of "due process" but JW members can more easily continue to suffer from unresolved conflicts or grievances due to lower status than Elders.

This has led to lawsuits about covering up child abuse, similar to the corruption and abuse of authority within the Catholic Church.
Unresolved conflicts have led to the "splitting up" of families over the rules and denied equal religious freedom and association.
Where people within the same family or same community do not respect the same authority in the same order
(one putting the civil government over church elders or the other putting church authority or God above civil authority,
then imposing one way over the other "abridges denies or obstructs" the equal exercise of religious freedom of one side of the conflict;
so this violates the spirit of Constitutional or civil laws on equal protection from discrimination by creed.

Proposed Solution: Since JW believe in civil obedience to civil authority by the Bible,
can the JW and other religious organizations agree on Constitutional education for all members and Elders, especially on conflict resolution and due process, to follow an agreed standard that meets both the spirit of Constitutional law and Christian scriptures.

Resolving conflicts by Matthew 18:15-20 would prevent grievances from escalating to the point of going to courts and mixing secular authority with church principles and practices.
If all members were equally educated and assisted to follow civil due process of law, conflicts can be avoided.

The public would also benefit, since the same system of training members to respect due process of laws when resolving conflicts or grievances would help check all corporations and institutions, public or private, business or nonprofit, against abuse of collective authority to oppress individuals with unequal resources.

These are the 3 key critical points I found which have solutions that could benefit all others.

Are you interested in any one of these points, GISMYS?

Your insights and support are much appreciated on resolving these longstanding issues.

Thank you,
Yours truly,
Last edited:
GISMYS = GOD is my SOURCE=GISMYS!! And over 15 years of posting GOD'S Word on message boards has proved no one ignores Gismys!!! ptl.

Hi GISMYS: If nobody ignores you, I have a special petition for you to address.

A number of my Christian friends were trying to address JEHOVAH'S WITNESS

I am willing to start a new thread to focus on points where I would like your help

If you speak with God's authority, unequivocally -- where all eyes will see, all ears will hear,
all minds and hearts receive -- THAT IS WHAT WE NEED.

I will post 3 key points here that I found were CENTRAL to resolving long standing
grievances between JW and other Christian denominations and Constitutionalists.

If needed, can we start a separate thread to prepare whatever statement you would like to issue that you believe all ears will hear.

May God grant us wisdom to use all these gifts for his good purposes and divine will.
Request for help to restore Good Faith Relations in Christ Jesus
between Jehovah's Witnesses and other Christian denominations.
(See Matthew 18:15-20 and Colossians 1:16)

POINT 1: resolving conflict over TERMS of the "names of God"

A. JW reject the TERM "Trinity" in place of "the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"
However, the JW use the TERM "Active Force" in place of "Holy Spirit"
NEITHER "Trinity" NOR "Active Force" appear literally in the Bible,
so these are equally explanations or substitute terms and not the true Biblical "names."
Proposed Solution:
1. Can we agree that the terms "Trinity" and "Active Force" are of the same status
and not literally in the original Bible scriptures, but were interpreted this way later.
If we forgive one, then we forgive the other; if we do not forgive the terms other people use which we criticize, then we will not be forgiven for the terms we use they criticize.
Can we agree we are equal on this point?
2. Can we agree to use the terms "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" when communicating with each other; and not use either "Trinity" or "Active Force" if it causes division or argument.

B. JW reject the explanation of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as being three and one inseparable.
However, in JOHN 10:29 Jesus refers to the Father being greater than all (ie distinct from the Son) and also the Father and the Son being "one."
Proposed Solution: Can we agree that this passage shows that BOTH interpretations are true at the same time, both the Father is distinct/greater than the Son, AND both the Father and Son are "one in spirit and accord" or of "one will" so they are inseparable.
Can we agree that God the Father either created or coexisted with Jesus in Heaven,
but in no way did Jesus in Heaven create God the Father, so these are not the same.

POINT 2: Spiritual healing vs. demonic occult energy

A. JW reject spiritual healing in Christ Jesus as demonic, with the same interpretation used by Church of Christ followers that the spiritual healing went away after Jesus left and was only used to prove his standing as Messiah. True spiritual healing is based on FORGIVENESS which is scientifically shown to facilitate healing and health.

B. On the other hand, JW are very disciplined in teaching to avoid any witchcraft, occult, sorcery, voodoo, spells, or other "demonic spiritism" that is against God's will and energy.

Can we agree to prove the difference between the positive and negative energies,
so there is no conflict over natural spiritual healing and it promotes public knowledge of the dangerous and deadly effects of negative spiritual practices?

Proposed solution:
1. Can we agree on medical research studies to prove the impact of forgiveness on curing root causes of physical and mental disease, that this is scientific and part of God's natural laws on health and healing and is not negative manipulation?

2. Can we agree to use technology to prove the DIFFERENCE between positive natural energy and negative unnatural energy, and to prove the NEGATIVE health effects and dangers of "demonic spiritism" and occult practices (as in voodoo, witchcraft, spells, sorcery, divination and other manipulations that invoke or attract negative energy).

POINT 3: Civil obedience without compromising either church or state laws

JW reject the secular government and seek to govern their own flock by their own internal rules and elders. This is a good example of self-government but it has flaws and limitations. In cases of conflict, the Elders have more authority over regular members where conflicts can be suppressed or censored instead of resolving grievances where there is a 'CONFLICT OF INTEREST' with the JW Organization or Elders. So there is not perfect protection of "due process" but JW members can more easily continue to suffer from unresolved conflicts or grievances due to lower status than Elders.

This has led to lawsuits about covering up child abuse, similar to the corruption and abuse of authority within the Catholic Church.
Unresolved conflicts have led to the "splitting up" of families over the rules and denied equal religious freedom and association.
Where people within the same family or same community do not respect the same authority in the same order
(one putting the civil government over church elders or the other putting church authority or God above civil authority,
then imposing one way over the other "abridges denies or obstructs" the equal exercise of religious freedom of one side of the conflict;
so this violates the spirit of Constitutional or civil laws on equal protection from discrimination by creed.

Proposed Solution: Since JW believe in civil obedience to civil authority by the Bible,
can the JW and other religious organizations agree on Constitutional education for all members and Elders, especially on conflict resolution and due process, to follow an agreed standard that meets both the spirit of Constitutional law and Christian scriptures.

Resolving conflicts by Matthew 18:15-20 would prevent grievances from escalating to the point of going to courts and mixing secular authority with church principles and practices.
If all members were equally educated and assisted to follow civil due process of law, conflicts can be avoided.

The public would also benefit, since the same system of training members to respect due process of laws when resolving conflicts or grievances would help check all corporations and institutions, public or private, business or nonprofit, against abuse of collective authority to oppress individuals with unequal resources.

These are the 3 key critical points I found which have solutions that could benefit all others.

Are you interested in any one of these points, GISMYS?

Your insights and support are much appreciated on resolving these longstanding issues.

Thank you,
Yours truly,

Careful Emily. That is by far too many words for GISM to read all at once. If you squeeze his head too hard a foul and smelly pus is bound to come out.
Don't these preachy bible thumpers know they are pushing people away from religion?

Or, do they know it and that's why they preach and preach and preach?

Gismo is the worst but there are others here who seem to hate the god they say they worship and what they post seems to be aimed at making others hate him as well.

I'm atheist but I have great respect for those who actually walk what they talk. We don't see much of that here. The preachers know that and yet, they just keep up the same hate talk every day.

WOW!!! I hear satan and demons crying,screaming, cursing as they hate to see GOD'S WORD posted here!! AND YOU??


The only person I see here crying screaming and cursing is you who always posts in ALL CAPS whenever you almost have an inkling about how deranged you have become in your quest to make a spectacle out of yourself in the name of the Lord.
GISMYS = GOD is my SOURCE=GISMYS!! And over 15 years of posting GOD'S Word on message boards has proved no one ignores Gismys!!! ptl.

Hi GISMYS: If nobody ignores you, I have a special petition for you to address.

A number of my Christian friends were trying to address JEHOVAH'S WITNESS

I am willing to start a new thread to focus on points where I would like your help

If you speak with God's authority, unequivocally -- where all eyes will see, all ears will hear,
all minds and hearts receive -- THAT IS WHAT WE NEED.

I will post 3 key points here that I found were CENTRAL to resolving long standing
grievances between JW and other Christian denominations and Constitutionalists.

If needed, can we start a separate thread to prepare whatever statement you would like to issue that you believe all ears will hear.

May God grant us wisdom to use all these gifts for his good purposes and divine will.
Request for help to restore Good Faith Relations in Christ Jesus
between Jehovah's Witnesses and other Christian denominations.
(See Matthew 18:15-20 and Colossians 1:16)

POINT 1: resolving conflict over TERMS of the "names of God"

A. JW reject the TERM "Trinity" in place of "the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"
However, the JW use the TERM "Active Force" in place of "Holy Spirit"
NEITHER "Trinity" NOR "Active Force" appear literally in the Bible,
so these are equally explanations or substitute terms and not the true Biblical "names."
Proposed Solution:
1. Can we agree that the terms "Trinity" and "Active Force" are of the same status
and not literally in the original Bible scriptures, but were interpreted this way later.
If we forgive one, then we forgive the other; if we do not forgive the terms other people use which we criticize, then we will not be forgiven for the terms we use they criticize.
Can we agree we are equal on this point?
2. Can we agree to use the terms "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" when communicating with each other; and not use either "Trinity" or "Active Force" if it causes division or argument.

B. JW reject the explanation of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as being three and one inseparable.
However, in JOHN 10:29 Jesus refers to the Father being greater than all (ie distinct from the Son) and also the Father and the Son being "one."
Proposed Solution: Can we agree that this passage shows that BOTH interpretations are true at the same time, both the Father is distinct/greater than the Son, AND both the Father and Son are "one in spirit and accord" or of "one will" so they are inseparable.
Can we agree that God the Father either created or coexisted with Jesus in Heaven,
but in no way did Jesus in Heaven create God the Father, so these are not the same.

POINT 2: Spiritual healing vs. demonic occult energy

A. JW reject spiritual healing in Christ Jesus as demonic, with the same interpretation used by Church of Christ followers that the spiritual healing went away after Jesus left and was only used to prove his standing as Messiah. True spiritual healing is based on FORGIVENESS which is scientifically shown to facilitate healing and health.

B. On the other hand, JW are very disciplined in teaching to avoid any witchcraft, occult, sorcery, voodoo, spells, or other "demonic spiritism" that is against God's will and energy.

Can we agree to prove the difference between the positive and negative energies,
so there is no conflict over natural spiritual healing and it promotes public knowledge of the dangerous and deadly effects of negative spiritual practices?

Proposed solution:
1. Can we agree on medical research studies to prove the impact of forgiveness on curing root causes of physical and mental disease, that this is scientific and part of God's natural laws on health and healing and is not negative manipulation?

2. Can we agree to use technology to prove the DIFFERENCE between positive natural energy and negative unnatural energy, and to prove the NEGATIVE health effects and dangers of "demonic spiritism" and occult practices (as in voodoo, witchcraft, spells, sorcery, divination and other manipulations that invoke or attract negative energy).

POINT 3: Civil obedience without compromising either church or state laws

JW reject the secular government and seek to govern their own flock by their own internal rules and elders. This is a good example of self-government but it has flaws and limitations. In cases of conflict, the Elders have more authority over regular members where conflicts can be suppressed or censored instead of resolving grievances where there is a 'CONFLICT OF INTEREST' with the JW Organization or Elders. So there is not perfect protection of "due process" but JW members can more easily continue to suffer from unresolved conflicts or grievances due to lower status than Elders.

This has led to lawsuits about covering up child abuse, similar to the corruption and abuse of authority within the Catholic Church.
Unresolved conflicts have led to the "splitting up" of families over the rules and denied equal religious freedom and association.
Where people within the same family or same community do not respect the same authority in the same order
(one putting the civil government over church elders or the other putting church authority or God above civil authority,
then imposing one way over the other "abridges denies or obstructs" the equal exercise of religious freedom of one side of the conflict;
so this violates the spirit of Constitutional or civil laws on equal protection from discrimination by creed.

Proposed Solution: Since JW believe in civil obedience to civil authority by the Bible,
can the JW and other religious organizations agree on Constitutional education for all members and Elders, especially on conflict resolution and due process, to follow an agreed standard that meets both the spirit of Constitutional law and Christian scriptures.

Resolving conflicts by Matthew 18:15-20 would prevent grievances from escalating to the point of going to courts and mixing secular authority with church principles and practices.
If all members were equally educated and assisted to follow civil due process of law, conflicts can be avoided.

The public would also benefit, since the same system of training members to respect due process of laws when resolving conflicts or grievances would help check all corporations and institutions, public or private, business or nonprofit, against abuse of collective authority to oppress individuals with unequal resources.

These are the 3 key critical points I found which have solutions that could benefit all others.

Are you interested in any one of these points, GISMYS?

Your insights and support are much appreciated on resolving these longstanding issues.

Thank you,
Yours truly,

Careful Emily. That is by far too many words for GISM to read all at once. If you squeeze his head too hard a foul and smelly pus is bound to come out.

Satan SETS TRAPS FOR BELIEVERSbut there is no need to step into them!!!
PERSONAL ATTACKS!!! = A SIGN OF GUILT AND SHAME!!! and you??? JESUS SAYS TO BELIEVERS= If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.…John 15:18-19
PTL. NO WEAPON used against me shall prosper!!!!
Hi GISMYS: If nobody ignores you, I have a special petition for you to address.

A number of my Christian friends were trying to address JEHOVAH'S WITNESS

I am willing to start a new thread to focus on points where I would like your help

If you speak with God's authority, unequivocally -- where all eyes will see, all ears will hear,
all minds and hearts receive -- THAT IS WHAT WE NEED.

I will post 3 key points here that I found were CENTRAL to resolving long standing
grievances between JW and other Christian denominations and Constitutionalists.

If needed, can we start a separate thread to prepare whatever statement you would like to issue that you believe all ears will hear.

May God grant us wisdom to use all these gifts for his good purposes and divine will.
Request for help to restore Good Faith Relations in Christ Jesus
between Jehovah's Witnesses and other Christian denominations.
(See Matthew 18:15-20 and Colossians 1:16)

POINT 1: resolving conflict over TERMS of the "names of God"

A. JW reject the TERM "Trinity" in place of "the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"
However, the JW use the TERM "Active Force" in place of "Holy Spirit"
NEITHER "Trinity" NOR "Active Force" appear literally in the Bible,
so these are equally explanations or substitute terms and not the true Biblical "names."
Proposed Solution:
1. Can we agree that the terms "Trinity" and "Active Force" are of the same status
and not literally in the original Bible scriptures, but were interpreted this way later.
If we forgive one, then we forgive the other; if we do not forgive the terms other people use which we criticize, then we will not be forgiven for the terms we use they criticize.
Can we agree we are equal on this point?
2. Can we agree to use the terms "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" when communicating with each other; and not use either "Trinity" or "Active Force" if it causes division or argument.

B. JW reject the explanation of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as being three and one inseparable.
However, in JOHN 10:29 Jesus refers to the Father being greater than all (ie distinct from the Son) and also the Father and the Son being "one."
Proposed Solution: Can we agree that this passage shows that BOTH interpretations are true at the same time, both the Father is distinct/greater than the Son, AND both the Father and Son are "one in spirit and accord" or of "one will" so they are inseparable.
Can we agree that God the Father either created or coexisted with Jesus in Heaven,
but in no way did Jesus in Heaven create God the Father, so these are not the same.

POINT 2: Spiritual healing vs. demonic occult energy

A. JW reject spiritual healing in Christ Jesus as demonic, with the same interpretation used by Church of Christ followers that the spiritual healing went away after Jesus left and was only used to prove his standing as Messiah. True spiritual healing is based on FORGIVENESS which is scientifically shown to facilitate healing and health.

B. On the other hand, JW are very disciplined in teaching to avoid any witchcraft, occult, sorcery, voodoo, spells, or other "demonic spiritism" that is against God's will and energy.

Can we agree to prove the difference between the positive and negative energies,
so there is no conflict over natural spiritual healing and it promotes public knowledge of the dangerous and deadly effects of negative spiritual practices?

Proposed solution:
1. Can we agree on medical research studies to prove the impact of forgiveness on curing root causes of physical and mental disease, that this is scientific and part of God's natural laws on health and healing and is not negative manipulation?

2. Can we agree to use technology to prove the DIFFERENCE between positive natural energy and negative unnatural energy, and to prove the NEGATIVE health effects and dangers of "demonic spiritism" and occult practices (as in voodoo, witchcraft, spells, sorcery, divination and other manipulations that invoke or attract negative energy).

POINT 3: Civil obedience without compromising either church or state laws

JW reject the secular government and seek to govern their own flock by their own internal rules and elders. This is a good example of self-government but it has flaws and limitations. In cases of conflict, the Elders have more authority over regular members where conflicts can be suppressed or censored instead of resolving grievances where there is a 'CONFLICT OF INTEREST' with the JW Organization or Elders. So there is not perfect protection of "due process" but JW members can more easily continue to suffer from unresolved conflicts or grievances due to lower status than Elders.

This has led to lawsuits about covering up child abuse, similar to the corruption and abuse of authority within the Catholic Church.
Unresolved conflicts have led to the "splitting up" of families over the rules and denied equal religious freedom and association.
Where people within the same family or same community do not respect the same authority in the same order
(one putting the civil government over church elders or the other putting church authority or God above civil authority,
then imposing one way over the other "abridges denies or obstructs" the equal exercise of religious freedom of one side of the conflict;
so this violates the spirit of Constitutional or civil laws on equal protection from discrimination by creed.

Proposed Solution: Since JW believe in civil obedience to civil authority by the Bible,
can the JW and other religious organizations agree on Constitutional education for all members and Elders, especially on conflict resolution and due process, to follow an agreed standard that meets both the spirit of Constitutional law and Christian scriptures.

Resolving conflicts by Matthew 18:15-20 would prevent grievances from escalating to the point of going to courts and mixing secular authority with church principles and practices.
If all members were equally educated and assisted to follow civil due process of law, conflicts can be avoided.

The public would also benefit, since the same system of training members to respect due process of laws when resolving conflicts or grievances would help check all corporations and institutions, public or private, business or nonprofit, against abuse of collective authority to oppress individuals with unequal resources.

These are the 3 key critical points I found which have solutions that could benefit all others.

Are you interested in any one of these points, GISMYS?

Your insights and support are much appreciated on resolving these longstanding issues.

Thank you,
Yours truly,

Careful Emily. That is by far too many words for GISM to read all at once. If you squeeze his head too hard a foul and smelly pus is bound to come out.

Satan SETS TRAPS FOR BELIEVERSbut there is no need to step into them!!!

You know that "Caps Lock" button?

Don't touch it
PERSONAL ATTACKS!!! = A SIGN OF GUILT AND SHAME!!! and you??? JESUS SAYS TO BELIEVERS= If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.…John 15:18-19
PTL. NO WEAPON used against me shall prosper!!!!

Not even scripture?
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Paul says that SHOULD describe you if you have the Holy Spirit.
Do you think anyone on here would describe you in those terms?
I have asked this of you repeatedly but you always ignore it.
What are you afraid of?
Confronting that you are doing this all wrong, according to the scripture you pretend to hold in high regard?
Aren't all of your posts attacks and accusations?
Will you ignore this again?
PERSONAL ATTACKS!!! = A SIGN OF GUILT AND SHAME!!! and you??? JESUS SAYS TO BELIEVERS= If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.…John 15:18-19
PTL. NO WEAPON used against me shall prosper!!!!

Not even scripture?
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Paul says that SHOULD describe you if you have the Holy Spirit.
Do you think anyone on here would describe you in those terms?
I have asked this of you repeatedly but you always ignore it.
What are you afraid of?
Confronting that you are doing this all wrong, according to the scripture you pretend to hold in high regard?
Aren't all of your posts attacks and accusations?
Will you ignore this again?

YES!!! SATAN AND DEMONS don't like my posting style,they hate to see me post GOD'S WORD HERE!!!AND YOU???
Hi GISMYS: If nobody ignores you, I have a special petition for you to address.

A number of my Christian friends were trying to address JEHOVAH'S WITNESS

I am willing to start a new thread to focus on points where I would like your help

If you speak with God's authority, unequivocally -- where all eyes will see, all ears will hear,
all minds and hearts receive -- THAT IS WHAT WE NEED.

I will post 3 key points here that I found were CENTRAL to resolving long standing
grievances between JW and other Christian denominations and Constitutionalists.

If needed, can we start a separate thread to prepare whatever statement you would like to issue that you believe all ears will hear.

May God grant us wisdom to use all these gifts for his good purposes and divine will.
Request for help to restore Good Faith Relations in Christ Jesus
between Jehovah's Witnesses and other Christian denominations.
(See Matthew 18:15-20 and Colossians 1:16)

POINT 1: resolving conflict over TERMS of the "names of God"

A. JW reject the TERM "Trinity" in place of "the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"
However, the JW use the TERM "Active Force" in place of "Holy Spirit"
NEITHER "Trinity" NOR "Active Force" appear literally in the Bible,
so these are equally explanations or substitute terms and not the true Biblical "names."
Proposed Solution:
1. Can we agree that the terms "Trinity" and "Active Force" are of the same status
and not literally in the original Bible scriptures, but were interpreted this way later.
If we forgive one, then we forgive the other; if we do not forgive the terms other people use which we criticize, then we will not be forgiven for the terms we use they criticize.
Can we agree we are equal on this point?
2. Can we agree to use the terms "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" when communicating with each other; and not use either "Trinity" or "Active Force" if it causes division or argument.

B. JW reject the explanation of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as being three and one inseparable.
However, in JOHN 10:29 Jesus refers to the Father being greater than all (ie distinct from the Son) and also the Father and the Son being "one."
Proposed Solution: Can we agree that this passage shows that BOTH interpretations are true at the same time, both the Father is distinct/greater than the Son, AND both the Father and Son are "one in spirit and accord" or of "one will" so they are inseparable.
Can we agree that God the Father either created or coexisted with Jesus in Heaven,
but in no way did Jesus in Heaven create God the Father, so these are not the same.

POINT 2: Spiritual healing vs. demonic occult energy

A. JW reject spiritual healing in Christ Jesus as demonic, with the same interpretation used by Church of Christ followers that the spiritual healing went away after Jesus left and was only used to prove his standing as Messiah. True spiritual healing is based on FORGIVENESS which is scientifically shown to facilitate healing and health.

B. On the other hand, JW are very disciplined in teaching to avoid any witchcraft, occult, sorcery, voodoo, spells, or other "demonic spiritism" that is against God's will and energy.

Can we agree to prove the difference between the positive and negative energies,
so there is no conflict over natural spiritual healing and it promotes public knowledge of the dangerous and deadly effects of negative spiritual practices?

Proposed solution:
1. Can we agree on medical research studies to prove the impact of forgiveness on curing root causes of physical and mental disease, that this is scientific and part of God's natural laws on health and healing and is not negative manipulation?

2. Can we agree to use technology to prove the DIFFERENCE between positive natural energy and negative unnatural energy, and to prove the NEGATIVE health effects and dangers of "demonic spiritism" and occult practices (as in voodoo, witchcraft, spells, sorcery, divination and other manipulations that invoke or attract negative energy).

POINT 3: Civil obedience without compromising either church or state laws

JW reject the secular government and seek to govern their own flock by their own internal rules and elders. This is a good example of self-government but it has flaws and limitations. In cases of conflict, the Elders have more authority over regular members where conflicts can be suppressed or censored instead of resolving grievances where there is a 'CONFLICT OF INTEREST' with the JW Organization or Elders. So there is not perfect protection of "due process" but JW members can more easily continue to suffer from unresolved conflicts or grievances due to lower status than Elders.

This has led to lawsuits about covering up child abuse, similar to the corruption and abuse of authority within the Catholic Church.
Unresolved conflicts have led to the "splitting up" of families over the rules and denied equal religious freedom and association.
Where people within the same family or same community do not respect the same authority in the same order
(one putting the civil government over church elders or the other putting church authority or God above civil authority,
then imposing one way over the other "abridges denies or obstructs" the equal exercise of religious freedom of one side of the conflict;
so this violates the spirit of Constitutional or civil laws on equal protection from discrimination by creed.

Proposed Solution: Since JW believe in civil obedience to civil authority by the Bible,
can the JW and other religious organizations agree on Constitutional education for all members and Elders, especially on conflict resolution and due process, to follow an agreed standard that meets both the spirit of Constitutional law and Christian scriptures.

Resolving conflicts by Matthew 18:15-20 would prevent grievances from escalating to the point of going to courts and mixing secular authority with church principles and practices.
If all members were equally educated and assisted to follow civil due process of law, conflicts can be avoided.

The public would also benefit, since the same system of training members to respect due process of laws when resolving conflicts or grievances would help check all corporations and institutions, public or private, business or nonprofit, against abuse of collective authority to oppress individuals with unequal resources.

These are the 3 key critical points I found which have solutions that could benefit all others.

Are you interested in any one of these points, GISMYS?

Your insights and support are much appreciated on resolving these longstanding issues.

Thank you,
Yours truly,

Careful Emily. That is by far too many words for GISM to read all at once. If you squeeze his head too hard a foul and smelly pus is bound to come out.

Satan SETS TRAPS FOR BELIEVERSbut there is no need to step into them!!!

This is about unspringing and disengaging the traps so NOBODY ELSE CAN STEP in them.

If you are interested in addressing the "corrupt pharisees who abuse the Law for their own will and benefit"

WHICH Pharisees would you care most to correct?

I propose to address the JW Elders
on these issues
by Matthew 18:15-20

Isn't it better to resolve issues and agree on the law
so that more people are brought together in truth?

NOTE: if you care more about the homosexuality issue, we can focus on
resolving the arguments over
(a) validity of cases of healing homosexuality by healing sexual abuse that caused it
(b) cases of UNNATURAL homosexuality caused by generational issues or karma
that CAN be healed
(c) cases of other physical or mental conditions that can be cured and healed
by generational therapy, forgiveness prayer, and spiritual healing in conjunction with
science and medicine

Are you interested in any of these approaches to resolve the misunderstandings
about why people believe homosexuality is unnatural and which cases can be changed?
PERSONAL ATTACKS!!! = A SIGN OF GUILT AND SHAME!!! and you??? JESUS SAYS TO BELIEVERS= If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.…John 15:18-19
PTL. NO WEAPON used against me shall prosper!!!!

Not even scripture?
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Paul says that SHOULD describe you if you have the Holy Spirit.
Do you think anyone on here would describe you in those terms?
I have asked this of you repeatedly but you always ignore it.
What are you afraid of?
Confronting that you are doing this all wrong, according to the scripture you pretend to hold in high regard?
Aren't all of your posts attacks and accusations?
Will you ignore this again?

YES!!! SATAN AND DEMONS don't like my posting style,they hate to see me post GOD'S WORD HERE!!!AND YOU???

Be careful of these, too, Gismys:
* not be as a "clanging cymbal"
* not to provoke your neighbor to wrath, anger or unforgiveness which does not help
* not to present the Gospel truth to someone in other than the "original" form they first received it; so if they understand the Gospel truth explained in a different way,
they may reject YOUR way of explaining it "as even angels would be accursed"
but instead remembering to
* to speak the truth with love

As Luddly pointed out, he has problems listening to anything I say because of the way I say it.

Just because I understand what I am saying, doesn't mean someone else can.

Not asking you to change God's truth because that is impossible!

But we can be more mindful how we say things
so we can explain in ways that make sense to others
and don't cause rejection because of failure to communicate.

We can all improve on that level, don't you agree?
PERSONAL ATTACKS!!! = A SIGN OF GUILT AND SHAME!!! and you??? JESUS SAYS TO BELIEVERS= If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.…John 15:18-19
PTL. NO WEAPON used against me shall prosper!!!!

Not even scripture?
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Paul says that SHOULD describe you if you have the Holy Spirit.
Do you think anyone on here would describe you in those terms?
I have asked this of you repeatedly but you always ignore it.
What are you afraid of?
Confronting that you are doing this all wrong, according to the scripture you pretend to hold in high regard?
Aren't all of your posts attacks and accusations?
Will you ignore this again?

YES!!! SATAN AND DEMONS don't like my posting style,they hate to see me post GOD'S WORD HERE!!!AND YOU???

So you will ignore scripture to defend your style?
Why do you hate Paul?
Why has the Holy Spirit turned His back on you?
You scream ATTACKS and then proudly state your posts are attacks and accusations.
You are a very, very poor witness.

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