Giuliani: We Could All End Up In Prison

You are very good at babbling, yes? $11.99 for bacon? "Thank you democrats"? "Tump has no need for China"? You talk about corruption? You are looking in the wrong place for corruption, lamb chop.
Tump can afford the most expensive stuff, so he has no need for China, although he got a Chinese
company to donate millions for his start-up "twitter" nonsense. China was an economic adversary
before tump, and now they have trade agreements with our allies, due to trump's failed trade wars and "locked and loaded" foreign policy. I think that you are the stupid one, eh?
My loyalty supports good, honorable people to govern me, be they lawyers or piano tuners, and not some crooked, phony grifter and his offspring, who hate the working class, by the way and who manipulates you consistently.
And don't respond that Biden isn't honorable, because that would be more indicative of your ignorance.
$11.99 a pound for bacon, thank you democrats.
You call that honorable?

You call the democrats making millions of dollars being a politician honorable?

You believe dismantling our factories and shipping all the machinery to China a good trade policy?

You think transferring nuclear technology to China is right?

You think Westinghouse should be building nuclear plants for China?

You are either a fool or stupid.
Tump, with his huge ego, never considered any of those things. All he saw was the huge amount of wealth that was at his fingertips and the power he would have.
Wealth, Trump was filthy rich and powerful before he became president.

Yet, somehow you are so naive you believe that democrats are super human and not tempted by the money and power when in fact the top democrats are making millions selling us out.

Obama $70 million
Clinton $200 million or more
Biden and his family, millions.

Trump does not make a dime and you cry, ignoring the elephant in the room
Wealth, Trump was filthy rich and powerful before he became president.

Yet, somehow you are so naive you believe that democrats are super human and not tempted by the money and power when in fact the top democrats are making millions selling us out.

Obama $70 million
Clinton $200 million or more
Biden and his family, millions.

Trump does not make a dime and you cry, ignoring the elephant in the room
You can't be that ignorant, can you? Trump worships the money god and everything he does is geared toward lining his pockets, or punishing anyone who disagrees with him.
$11.99 a pound for bacon, thank you democrats.
You call that honorable?

You call the democrats making millions of dollars being a politician honorable?

You believe dismantling our factories and shipping all the machinery to China a good trade policy?

You think transferring nuclear technology to China is right?

You think Westinghouse should be building nuclear plants for China?

You are either a fool or stupid.the fool is you and these things occurred under tump.

All of this either occurred under tump or were the result of his policies. Factories don't move overnight. Years of analysis occur before any move is made. Do something about your education, because you are severely lacking in the knowledge of how the world turns. Learn about tump's history
and you will see that he is not on your side.
$11.99 a pound for bacon, thank you democrats.
You call that honorable?

You call the democrats making millions of dollars being a politician honorable?

You believe dismantling our factories and shipping all the machinery to China a good trade policy?

You think transferring nuclear technology to China is right?

You think Westinghouse should be building nuclear plants for China?

You are either a fool or stupid.
I find that the price of bacon is not the fault of dems, repubs, or tumpeciles.
You can't be that ignorant, can you? Trump worships the money god and everything he does is geared toward lining his pockets, or punishing anyone who disagrees with him.
yet, you are that stupid, you support politicians that use their office to become millionaires, and when they tell you to hate a businessmen that is exposing their corruption, you believe
All of this either occurred under tump or were the result of his policies. Factories don't move overnight. Years of analysis occur before any move is made. Do something about your education, because you are severely lacking in the knowledge of how the world turns. Learn about tump's history
and you will see that he is not on your side.
Factories moving to China occurred years before Trump took office. Long before Trump took office, the factories that made craftsman tools was took apart and moved to China.

Westinghouse nuclear technology, transferred to China, before Trump took office. Ground was broke on American designed Nuclear Reactors being built in China before Trump took office.

Education? You lack common sense. Democrats sold you out long before Trump took office.
All of this either occurred under tump or were the result of his policies. Factories don't move overnight. Years of analysis occur before any move is made. Do something about your education, because you are severely lacking in the knowledge of how the world turns. Learn about tump's history
and you will see that he is not on your side.
If you believe what you just posted it should be illegal for you to use the Internet.


  • bacon.jpg
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$7.21. It DROPPED in January dunce

You are doing a Google search to try to prove me wrong when I am posting a pic I took while shopping?

Google is the supreme court of truth?

What do you even care? Why do you love democrats so much it is your mission not to let anyone denigrate your image of them when the truth is what we are living.

You are literally calling me a liar when I am living these expenses.

There is no place in the world for democrats, they not only double the priced of food but the must destroy the person who dares to state the truth, the obvious, the price doubled.

The world will never be free while democrats rule
Knock on my door and you get a bullet in the brain.
And oh yea...don't shoot the Amazon guy, dickhead...

I'll give that round to the poster Lesh.
That's how I roll. :thup:


A billionaire, becomes president and risks his reputation, his brand, his freedom, his wealth by telling petty lies?
You know, poster 'elektra' I have never understood that either. Hell, at least one 'fact checker' organizations (Glenn Kessler's group) tallied up over 30,000 'untruths' (they were always careful not to call 'em "lies", explaining they could not know what was in his heart when he said what he said. So they were conent to call 'em untruths, falsehoods, misstatements, and such.
Why would a guy with some success and a business with his name on it, with a family carrying his name.....well, why would he do that? My own speculation, is seldom kind to him on that issue. So let's just say it has always been a puzzler for me.

$11.99 for bacon, thank you democrats. I went to my local market to buy a case of water, the shelf is bare, thank you democrats. I went down the baking aisle, no cooking oil! There are real shortages of food..... And you are happy with the Democrats?

Well, for me too, it is surprising to see some of the shortages at the market. Stuff I've never seen short before. Fuel prices higher. Migrants clamoring at our border.

But, if the Democrats are to be blamed for it over in the States.....well, then the Brits gotta blame 'em too. As they are facing the same merde' over there.
And the French too! And the Italians!
Hell, even in Mexico and South America that kind of stuff is going on.
Inflation, and supply chain snafus, shortages.....seems to be a worldwide thingy.

So, if that is the Democrats.....well, I gotta say---WOW!!!
Those suckers got influence all around the world that I never dreamed of.


I'll give that round to the poster Lesh.
That's how I roll. :thup:


You know, poster 'elektra' I have never understood that either. Hell, at least one 'fact checker' organizations (Glenn Kessler's group) tallied up over 30,000 'untruths' (they were always careful not to call 'em "lies", explaining they could not know what was in his heart when he said what he said. So they were conent to call 'em untruths, falsehoods, misstatements, and such.
Why would a guy with some success and a business with his name on it, with a family carrying his name.....well, why would he do that? My own speculation, is seldom kind to him on that issue. So let's just say it has always been a puzzler for me.

Well, for me too, it is surprising to see some of the shortages at the market. Stuff I've never seen short before. Fuel prices higher. Migrants clamoring at our border.

But, if the Democrats are to be blamed for it over in the States.....well, then the Brits gotta blame 'em too. As they are facing the same merde' over there.
And the French too! And the Italians!

Hell, even in Mexico and South America that kind of stuff is going on.
Inflation, and supply chain snafus, shortages.....seems to be a worldwide thingy.

So, if that is the Democrats.....well, I gotta say---WOW!!!
Those suckers got influence all around the world that I never dreamed of.
Fact checkers found 30,000 lies, yet democrats are unable to demonstrate one? Democrats are u able to prosecute such a blatantly crooked man? Hell, even some old you can see the crooked man? But yet you can't, you need a Google search and a link? Color me blind to the truth that is google.

Democrats, they don't have influence around the world yet they get paid $100"s of millions of dollars simply to give speeches all around the world. That seems very odd indeed!

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