“give a man enough rope and he will hang himself.’

Substance-wise, we're already getting right back to where we were before the debate.

Romney's campaign manager Fernstrom was just on CNN and for the thousandth time refused to name a single loophole that would be closed to pay for Romney's massive tax cut for the Rich.
I wonder how the Rich, who have hundreds of millions invested in Romney explicitly to get his tax cuts,

feel about hearing Romney say they won't be getting any.

1. They're furious

2. They're pleased he's such a good liar.
Ya...i'm sure Obama thought to himself "I'll let romney win this one...just to get his hopes up!" Lol!

Well, he better worry about the next one too...it's on Foreign policy! Obama's going to have to explain what happened in Egypt at the embassy. He's not going to be able to lie like he has been!

Did you know there's proof now that the WH had information that there had been 13 terrorist threats before the attack? How's he going to explain why he didn't put more security in place? How is he going to explain how he blamed it on a video? You're guy is TOAST!

He actually REDUCED security in the last 6 months.
What Obama did last night before 53 million people was ingenious and he had a difficult time holding back and let Romney hang himself and he did. My first impression about Obama was WTF is he doing? This man is at his best with a microphone? He was born with a microphone in his hand? Then it hit me. He gave Romney the rope and he hung himself.

More than 53 million people watch the debate last night and more watch the re-run. Mitt played a full hand last night in front of 53 million people and Obama was ingenious to let him play that hand. We all know that Obama with a microphone can sell a bridge to nowhere. This was a calculated plan by Obama and it was ingenious. He gave him enough rope to hang himself and he did that. We thought he was unprepared but he was. I know Romney for the liar, dishonest salesman is really is. I thought first that how can Obama be so incredible incompetent? He woud have to work hard to be that incompetent unless it was deliberately. After last night we know Romney is a master flip flopper when it fits his agenda at the time. Obama took the spot light off him and let it shine on Romney. Obama did not have to do anything but give Romney the rope.

Today people are taking about how much a liar and Romney is and how incompetent he is. I am watching Obama today in Wisconsin and he is rocking the boat as usual.

“Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself.”

You are completely Delusional my Friend. Seriously Seek help.
I wonder how the Rich, who have hundreds of millions invested in Romney explicitly to get his tax cuts,

feel about hearing Romney say they won't be getting any.

1. They're furious

2. They're pleased he's such a good liar.

Romney did not say anything he had not said before. He just re-enforced it. Now we all know the idiot he is.

Apparently, 67% of the people who watched it (and were polled) thought he won.

So Obama must be the bigger idiot.

And you are the top moron.
I wonder how the Rich, who have hundreds of millions invested in Romney explicitly to get his tax cuts,

feel about hearing Romney say they won't be getting any.

1. They're furious

2. They're pleased he's such a good liar.

They are Investing in Romney so Obama can't raise their taxes, not so Romney will lower them.

You libs will just never get it.

Your tired, Dishonest attacks only work in a format where the accused can not respond. :)
Of course they don't get it. They're innately dishonest, hysterical, stupid, and committed to the erosion of liberty.
I wonder how the Rich, who have hundreds of millions invested in Romney explicitly to get his tax cuts,

feel about hearing Romney say they won't be getting any.

1. They're furious

2. They're pleased he's such a good liar.

They are Investing in Romney so Obama can't raise their taxes, not so Romney will lower them.

You libs will just never get it.

Your tired, Dishonest attacks only work in a format where the accused can not respond. :)

And Obama has the ripped and bleeding sphincter today to prove it!

He gave Romney enough rope to hang the whole White House...

I did not hear anything new except that he wants to Big Bird. The same old flip flopping fish out of water. And he has to have a split personality. He is for is before he was against it or against it before he was for it. No one knows exactly where he is. Obama alway carry a "can of whoop ass" with him and he was wise not to use it last night.

“Wise men are not always silent, but they know when to be”

OK, so Romney flip flops, but obama's positions "evolve". OK gotcha.
What Obama did last night before 53 million people was ingenious and he had a difficult time holding back and let Romney hang himself and he did. My first impression about Obama was WTF is he doing? This man is at his best with a microphone? He was born with a microphone in his hand? Then it hit me. He gave Romney the rope and he hung himself.

More than 53 million people watch the debate last night and more watch the re-run. Mitt played a full hand last night in front of 53 million people and Obama was ingenious to let him play that hand. We all know that Obama with a microphone can sell a bridge to nowhere. This was a calculated plan by Obama and it was ingenious. He gave him enough rope to hang himself and he did that. We thought he was unprepared but he was. I know Romney for the liar, dishonest salesman is really is. I thought first that how can Obama be so incredible incompetent? He woud have to work hard to be that incompetent unless it was deliberately. After last night we know Romney is a master flip flopper when it fits his agenda at the time. Obama took the spot light off him and let it shine on Romney. Obama did not have to do anything but give Romney the rope.

Today people are taking about how much a liar and Romney is and how incompetent he is. I am watching Obama today in Wisconsin and he is rocking the boat as usual.

“Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself.”

The only dope he roped was himself. He's not debating weakling John McAmnesty this time.


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Interesting, all this backslapping and celebrating. Yet it still remains;

President Obama 269 Governor Romney 181

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

President Obama 332 Governor Romney 206

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Yes, Romney won on style and delivery. But lost on content as people consider what he really said concerning the additional 5 trillion his tax cut would add to the deficit. And he would sacrifice education, healthcare, and public broadcasting for another two trillion for the military-industrial complex.

I seriously doubt that many minds were changed by this debate.

General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Gallup Tracking

Obama 49, Romney 45

Obama +4

General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Rasmussen Tracking

Obama 49, Romney 47

Obama +2

RealClearPolitics - Latest Election Polls
Interesting, all this backslapping and celebrating. Yet it still remains;

President Obama 269 Governor Romney 181

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

President Obama 332 Governor Romney 206

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Yes, Romney won on style and delivery. But lost on content as people consider what he really said concerning the additional 5 trillion his tax cut would add to the deficit. And he would sacrifice education, healthcare, and public broadcasting for another two trillion for the military-industrial complex.

I seriously doubt that many minds were changed by this debate.

General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Gallup Tracking

Obama 49, Romney 45

Obama +4

General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Rasmussen Tracking

Obama 49, Romney 47

Obama +2

RealClearPolitics - Latest Election Polls

Give it a few days sweet heart.

about 20 Million of the 50 Million that watched last night, they were getting their first impression of Romney from something other than an Obama attack ad, or Liberal Press out let.
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If conservatives had any pride they would be upset that his performance reflected much more what they have been calling socialism the last 4 years than any of the dark fantasy called American conservatism.

Shucks, we just don't have enough of you left wingers around to keep us on the track to utopia. But, you have to keep your stories straight, if you want to be our guide to the good life of government dependency.

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