Give me ONE good reason we should take in hundreds of thousands of uneducated& poor "migrants"

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
We have an underclass in this nation living on the streets, under bridges, in cars and homeless shelters.
Taking in up to millions more like them will not help them. You lefties "claim" to want to help America's poor yet you support flooding the nation with more. More who will......
Eat up social services designed to help AMERICAN poor.
Take low skilled jobs that are designed for AMERICAN poor.
Flood an already broken public education system in the poorest neighborhoods.
Increase crime rates.
Wind up in our already over crowded jail system.
Decrease labor values for menial jobs.

The list of the negatives goes on and on. So what do we get in return to offset that cost to the AMERICAN tax payer?

Good feelings?
A hope for a new voting block when they are granted citizenship by the next leftist administration?
Your house painted or lawn mowed cheap?

Where is the upside???

And I DARE you to stay on topic without going personal....

Note to the mods: This IS political so please don't relegate it to an obscure forum that wont see the discussion the topic deserves.
It is VERY MUCH the biggest political football of this year.
Even the Democrats won't stand up and OWN it. They use the issue to snipe at President Trump. He is the only President to finally confront the real problem, confront Mexico for their complicity, and confront the Media for their complete MISREPRESENTATION of the problem to the American people.
There is no good reason. I would think differently if these immigrants came over legally, waiting their turn. Those are the immigrants who would work hard, adding resources to our country instead of just using our resources.
Give me ONE good reason we should take in hundreds of thousands of uneducated& poor "migrants"

Answer me this, why is the left ignoring 10's of millions of far poorer even less educated migrants in other far worse off countries? Where is the left's compassion and generosity for those people?
The immigration problems will get fixed when Trump wins a second term and democrats lose the house.

Voters are starting to understand how democrats have been using immigration and blacks to appear sympathetic and caring when their real goal is to gain power.
The immigration problems will get fixed when Trump wins a second term and democrats lose the house.

Voters are starting to understand how democrats have been using immigration and blacks to appear sympathetic and caring when their real goal is to gain power.
I hope you are correct
One reason? The Democrats need the voters. Without them they would only have the Negroes, Queers, Moon Bats and Environmental Wackos.
so you're for low wages? then why are you all pushing 15 dollars an hour minimum wage? aS always, you walk around as a pretzel all bent out of shape.

At least 15 bucks an hour even for those hard working immigrants that piss you people off so much.
so you're for low wages? then why are you all pushing 15 dollars an hour minimum wage? aS always, you walk around as a pretzel all bent out of shape.

At least 15 bucks an hour even for those hard working immigrants that piss you people off so much.

Fuck that. 15 bucks an hour to do a job that requires no skills?
The immigration problems will get fixed when Trump wins a second term and democrats lose the house.

Voters are starting to understand how democrats have been using immigration and blacks to appear sympathetic and caring when their real goal is to gain power.
I hope you are correct
Don’t think people aren’t seeing what democrats are doing. It’s been more obvious since Trump won the election.

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