Give me your opinion. Explain to me.

I am just preplexed as to how there are people out there in society that still support this muslim in our white house. After all he has done against the american people and their livelyhoods, how can they still support him? It really puzzles me.
What do you think causes them to still support him. Do they honestly like the way obama is trying to transform our country and our lives?
Are they so controlled by the democrat party they believe what is fed to them. I just don't understand anyone wanting our rights and freedoms taken from us, and our finances a well. Can anyone explain it.

What puzzles me is how stupid some people are, that they actually think we're going to listen to someone calling the president a Muslim!!! :lol::lol::lol:
Easy. Take Mississippi - the most dependent of all.

They have 3X the national average of black population.

Are there any other burning questions I may answer for you?

I am here to help!

They still vote Republican on the national level.

No, the blacks who skew the dependency numbers you said you hate in Mississippi do not vote Republican in national elections.

Try again.

When was the last time the people of Mississippi voted Democrat in a national election? Did you ever ask yourself why black poverty in Mississippi is so high? The facts go way deeper than that. Go back to Trent Lott earmarking building aircraft carriers built there, that the Navy didn't want, nor could they staff. Your constant scapegoating of African-Americans is bullshit, and shows you as a pathetic excuse for a human being.

It is all about the free gubmint stuff.

hate to inform you there isn't any thing that's for free in the GUBMENT ... even people on welfare are taxed

So you're telling me that the monies received by welfare recipients is taxed?
So where did this money come from in the first place?
I feel stupider for reading your post......:cuckoo:
They still vote Republican on the national level.

No, the blacks who skew the dependency numbers you said you hate in Mississippi do not vote Republican in national elections.

Try again.

When was the last time the people of Mississippi voted Democrat in a national election?

You do understand that you are attempting to obfuscate?

Anyone who has the slightest understanding of statistical analysis knows what I present here is truth.

Give up.

It is all about the free gubmint stuff.

Exactly WHAT "free gubmint stuff"?

Name ONE thing that is "free" from our "gubmint"?

You've said this before but never explained WTF you mean. By chance, are you saying that you believe the poor don't pay taxes? No, you can't possibly believe something as DUMB as that.

So, WHAT is "free gubmint stuff"

It is all about the free gubmint stuff.

hate to inform you there isn't any thing that's for free in the GUBMENT ... even people on welfare are taxed

So you're telling me that the monies received by welfare recipients is taxed?
So where did this money come from in the first place?
I feel stupider for reading your post......:cuckoo:

Yes it is. Buy tires, a 40, or pay your telephone bill. It's taxed on the federal level. Did you really not know this?
'The reasons for the uncertainty in Mississippi are both clichéd and nuanced. The state has a larger percentage of African Americans than any other; at 37 percent ..... Obama won their votes as no candidate of any race has done before, with 95 percent of all black voters voting Democratic. '

How Mississippi Voted | Print View
No, the blacks who skew the dependency numbers you said you hate in Mississippi do not vote Republican in national elections.

Try again.

When was the last time the people of Mississippi voted Democrat in a national election?

You do understand that you are attempting to obfuscate?

Anyone who has the slightest understanding of statistical analysis knows what I present here is truth.

Give up.

The fact remains that the biggest tit suckers are in red states, and those who get back the least of what they pay are in blue states. But go ahead, and blame African-Americans for your cognitive dissonance. Excuses is all you've got.
I will await Robert's reply. He seems like a responsible person that truly tries to see the big picture.

There has always been an ultra rich portion of society, nothing new only a new emphasis to take the pressure off the real issue........overspending.

Education is key, but if you look back at some of the biggest accomplishments in the still young country of ours, you will see that self education and the thirst for knowledge is what drove us to being the country many want to live in. Government education has been dumbing down our students for generations, more free government education isn't going to help anyone. The brightest and the best will always find a way, not everyone is capable of being the next Thomas Edison. If we are thinking public education is the only way to acquire those future "Edisons" we certainly are doomed.

Our standard of living is a direct result of how we apply our personal experience and knowledge. Knowledge that is not always attributed to a text book or lecture hall. ;)

oh yes, an illiterate society is your final solution? years ago many Americans could not read or write, education is the basis for a greater society, govt. funded schooling is not the best, but neither is private education.

Oh please. Everyone should be taught to read and write. Years ago parents couldn't read and write to teach their children. As things evolve we (as in Americans) have a tendency to over simplify for the "good of all". Government funded schooling has dumbed down our society to the extent that everyone should advance at the same pace. Not everyone is capable of receiving a college degree yet we are now saying it's necessary to get one. So we dumb down the HS graduation requirements then scream further education is necessary and should be paid for by taxpayers.
Yeah.....we've forgotten all-about those good, ol' fashioned concepts like hard-work....


.....for those who can't afford.....
(....Or, shouldn't be entitled-to.....)

I am just preplexed as to how there are people out there in society that still support this muslim in our white house. After all he has done against the american people and their livelyhoods, how can they still support him? It really puzzles me.
What do you think causes them to still support him. Do they honestly like the way obama is trying to transform our country and our lives?
Are they so controlled by the democrat party they believe what is fed to them. I just don't understand anyone wanting our rights and freedoms taken from us, and our finances a well. Can anyone explain it.

What is so difficult to explain is how any American can be this clueless, this utterly stupid.

BTW, I'm just curious how widespread the rw stupidity is - Do you also believe there are "free gubmint stuff"?
'The reasons for the uncertainty in Mississippi are both clichéd and nuanced. The state has a larger percentage of African Americans than any other; at 37 percent ..... Obama won their votes as no candidate of any race has done before, with 95 percent of all black voters voting Democratic. '

How Mississippi Voted | Print View

Obama still lost in that state. Does that also mean that white Mississippians are knuckle dragging mouth breathers? Or does it mean that Mississippi still has a racist legacy of coming up with ways to keep blacks from voting?
But your both gay..and wrong about Mississippi.


Is it your contention, then, that the majority of blacks in Mississippi vote Republican?


The Majority of the people of Mississippi vote Republican.

But the hugely disproportional population of blacks in Mississippi - a whopping 37% - overwhelmingly voted for Obama.

And as we all know, blacks are hugely disproportional in their government dependency.

Ergo, the 'tit suckers' skewing these 'Red State' numbers are primarily Liberals.

You fail again.
Yes, I do take issue with that.



Explain why the greatest government tit suckers live in red states, and why those who contribute the most and get back the least live in blue states. Could it be because conservatives are dumber than shit phonies?

So many things wrong with your statements it's hard to say where to begin.
I'll start with the tax rates in your blue states...why are they so high?
'The reasons for the uncertainty in Mississippi are both clichéd and nuanced. The state has a larger percentage of African Americans than any other; at 37 percent ..... Obama won their votes as no candidate of any race has done before, with 95 percent of all black voters voting Democratic. '

How Mississippi Voted | Print View

Obama still lost in that state.

Does not change the facts I have presented.

You just can't handle the truth, can you?

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