Glenn Beck and Ron Paul - Traitors?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
“I think I have just read about the man for which I have waited,” tweeted conservative commentator Glenn Beck after reading the original Guardian report.

Former Republican Rep. Ron Paul, an outspoken tea partier and former presidential candidate, too, applauded Snowden, saying, “We should be thankful for individuals” like him “who speak out, despite the risk.”

"On the other hand, lawmakers across both parties — from red-meat conservative Republicans to reliably left-leaning Democrats — have assailed the deed as a possible act of treason."

House Speaker John Boehner called Snowden “a traitor” on Tuesday during an appearance on “Good Morning America.”

"I don't look at this as being a whistle-blower. I think it's an act of treason," said Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat.
Edward Snowden, hero or traitor? NSA leaker divides political world in sometimes-unpredictable ways - NY Daily News
When both the left and the right are against you en mass on such a position and agree with each other, you can be sure you're in the ethically and morally sound camp.

No, they are not traitors, and exposing government in committing crimes is not treason. That's logic on its head. Only a Statist could think such nonsense up and run with it.
If disclosing classified materials is criminal or even treasonous, and you support the one who did it you may not be guilty of the same crime but you're guilty of something. I wonder though if it's more about supporting anyone and anything done against the current administration moreso than if against a different one.
If disclosing classified materials is criminal or even treasonous, and you support the one who did it you may not be guilty of the same crime but you're guilty of something. I wonder though if it's more about supporting anyone and anything done against the current administration moreso than if against a different one.

But we're talking about simply stating OPINIONS.

If I say, I think O.J. is innocent (I don't by the way) does that mean I'm guilty of anything. Even if I said "I can understand why he killed her" or even "yeah, he shoulda killed her" I may be guilty of extremely poor taste and even ignorance, but that's not a crime in the U.S.
Folks are entitled to their opinion. That doesn't make them traitors.

It would have been more credible if they added...

"I don't appreciate the way he spoke out. He could have been more discrete and not announced it for our enemies to see....but it is comforting to know that people are willing to take risks to stand up for that they believe in" least that is how I feel about the situation.
Yes, and so is Fux News, Rush Limpballs and the GOP.

So why do we feel the need to refer to each other as traitors? Are we so paranoid of each other that we can't see each other as fellow Americans?

The republicans stated goal is to make Obama a failure. That's as anti-American as it gets.

The declared intention of candidate Obama was to "fundamentally transfer America".

That's about as anti-American as it gets.

And trying to stop it is not only NOT treasonous, but PATRIOTIC.
Yes, and so is Fux News, Rush Limpballs and the GOP.

So why do we feel the need to refer to each other as traitors? Are we so paranoid of each other that we can't see each other as fellow Americans?

The republicans stated goal is to make Obama a failure. That's as anti-American as it gets.

Just so you have a better feel about the GOP.....a more accurate understanding.....

It is not that they want him to fail. It is not that they want his policies to fail. It is that they believe, as I do, that his policies WILL fail and by the time they prove to be failures, it may be too late to retract them.

Like the ACA. Once people are deeply engrossed in it, even if it proves to be a failure, it will be nearly impossible to kill it.
If disclosing classified materials is criminal or even treasonous, and you support the one who did it you may not be guilty of the same crime but you're guilty of something. I wonder though if it's more about supporting anyone and anything done against the current administration moreso than if against a different one.

If the government is breaking the law, exposing them is in the public interest and a question of constitutionality. Government worker allegience is to the law of the land, not the men who wield it's powers. We are a nation of laws, not a nation of rules by men. If government is breaking the law, and the chain of command in place allows for exposure to be concealed, then going public is the option.
So why do we feel the need to refer to each other as traitors? Are we so paranoid of each other that we can't see each other as fellow Americans?

The republicans stated goal is to make Obama a failure. That's as anti-American as it gets.

The declared intention of candidate Obama was to "fundamentally transfer America".

That's about as anti-American as it gets.

And trying to stop it is not only NOT treasonous, but PATRIOTIC.

Ironically, that was not what he said when he was campaigning.....although most, including the media seem to recall it that way.

But if you recall...his "platform" was to "Change the way we do things in Washington"...referring to eliminating lobbyists from the WH and pushing bi partisanship.

It wasn't until his inauguration speech when he said "fundamentally change America"
Folks are entitled to their opinion. That doesn't make them traitors.

It would have been more credible if they added...

"I don't appreciate the way he spoke out. He could have been more discrete and not announced it for our enemies to see....but it is comforting to know that people are willing to take risks to stand up for that they believe in" least that is how I feel about the situation.

He did hand our enemies a stick to knock us around with ...

If the British had gotten their hands on Thomas Jefferson, they would have hanged him as a traitor. Maybe sometimes being a traitor can be the right thing to do ???? I don't know.

I have a hard time with Snowden - he obviously didn't think things through very carefully. Heck he had no exit strategy. And it's not like these programs were completely unknown. But he did focus a lot of attention on them and as it turns out, a whole lot of folks weren't paying attention until he did. So there is some value in his actions imho. But I lean to thinking the downsides of his actions outweigh the good. If he had handled it differently, maybe he could have flipped that in my opinion.
Folks are entitled to their opinion. That doesn't make them traitors.

It would have been more credible if they added...

"I don't appreciate the way he spoke out. He could have been more discrete and not announced it for our enemies to see....but it is comforting to know that people are willing to take risks to stand up for that they believe in" least that is how I feel about the situation.

He did hand our enemies a stick to knock us around with ...

If the British had gotten their hands on Thomas Jefferson, they would have hanged him as a traitor. Maybe sometimes being a traitor can be the right thing to do ???? I don't know.

I have a hard time with Snowden - he obviously didn't think things through very carefully. Heck he had no exit strategy. And it's not like these programs were completely unknown. But he did focus a lot of attention on them and as it turns out, a whole lot of folks weren't paying attention until he did. So there is some value in his actions imho. But I lean to thinking the downsides of his actions outweigh the good. If he had handled it differently, maybe he could have flipped that in my opinion.

In bold....Exactly.

The way he did it?

Seems he traded Americas security for his 15 minutes of fame.
It would have been more credible if they added...

"I don't appreciate the way he spoke out. He could have been more discrete and not announced it for our enemies to see....but it is comforting to know that people are willing to take risks to stand up for that they believe in" least that is how I feel about the situation.

He did hand our enemies a stick to knock us around with ...

If the British had gotten their hands on Thomas Jefferson, they would have hanged him as a traitor. Maybe sometimes being a traitor can be the right thing to do ???? I don't know.

I have a hard time with Snowden - he obviously didn't think things through very carefully. Heck he had no exit strategy. And it's not like these programs were completely unknown. But he did focus a lot of attention on them and as it turns out, a whole lot of folks weren't paying attention until he did. So there is some value in his actions imho. But I lean to thinking the downsides of his actions outweigh the good. If he had handled it differently, maybe he could have flipped that in my opinion.

In bold....Exactly.

The way he did it?

Seems he traded Americas security for his 15 minutes of fame.

Sure looks that way doesn't it?
If disclosing classified materials is criminal or even treasonous, and you support the one who did it you may not be guilty of the same crime but you're guilty of something. I wonder though if it's more about supporting anyone and anything done against the current administration moreso than if against a different one.

Under Bush "classified" information that just so happened to be collected on a massively unconstitutional scale would have only been possible if Bush was an evil dictator whose only intent was to keep himself in power well passed the end of his term. Under Obama, leaking that the Government is illegally spying on any citizen (tens of millions of us, maybe even you at some point) is a horrible conceded act of an publicity hungry traitor!

Now Ron Paul is a traitor for agreeing with exposing Obama, and you want to see him tried as a traitor and put to death. Leave it to a progressive to push killing people for saying something they don't agree with... Words. yes...
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Two things first Snowden needs to come back here and defend his actions in a court room and let that determine his guilt or innocence second stating your opinion about Snowden either for or against him does not make one a traitor.
Yes, and so is Fux News, Rush Limpballs and the GOP.

So why do we feel the need to refer to each other as traitors? Are we so paranoid of each other that we can't see each other as fellow Americans?

The republicans stated goal is to make Obama a failure. That's as anti-American as it gets.

Do you want the government to control everything?
Complete Government Control is Anti-American.
America is about freedom from Government.

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